141 research outputs found

    Платформи онлайн-освіти як ефективні канали комунікації

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    У статті розглянуто появу, формування та розвиток онлайн-освіти у світі та в Україні; розкрито походження найбільших студій онлайн-освіти (massive open online courses studios), еволюціювання онлайн-курсів, та різновиди онлайн-курсів станом на сьогодні. Також розглянуто специфіку діяльності студій онлайн-освіти в Україні та їх відмінності порівняно із західним зразком. Темп упровадження e-learning у українських закладах вищої освіти, разом зі супроводжуючими легітимними та мотиваційними факторами, також розглянуто. Окрім цього, у статті розкрито суть медіа-комерціалізації, тобто діяльності пов’язаної з отриманням прибутку завдяки впливу на медіа-аудиторії; досліджено доцільність замовлення та розміщення онлайн-курсів на інтерактивних освітніх платформах з метою отримання вигоди для бізнесу. Також у даній статті розглянуто поняття аутентичності реклами, досліджено потребу перетворення суто рекламного матеріалу у корисний та життєвий; зазначено переваги нативної реклами, втіленої в освітніх онлайн-курсах. Для обґрунтування необхідності комерціалізації сучасних інформаційних медіа-ресурсів (зокрема, студій онлайн-освіти), у статті було розглянуто українську організацію “EdEra”. Дана організація з’явилася у національній сфері онлайн-освіти однією з перших і встигла здобути визнання у декількох сотень тисяч українських освітян станом на 2019 рік. Наразі “EdEra” випускає освітні онлайн-курси під замовлення і розглядає можливість випуску авторських курсів (тобто власних). Щоб розкрити суть медіа-комерціалізаці, у статті наведено аргументи на користь перенесення рекламного матеріалу у контент освітніх онлайн-курсів, зокрема студії онлайн-освіти “EdEra”; також доведено застарілість сучасних способів Інтернет-реклами. Крім того, було розкрито суть аутентичної реклами та запропоновано варіанти введення подібної реклами задля комерціалізації освітніх онлайн -курсів. Також у статті розглянуто динаміку використання Інтернету в Україні та світі і наведено аргументи на користь зміни рекламного підходу у зв’язку з розвитком технологій блокування Інтернет-оголошень. Поєднавши сучасні тренди розвитку реклами та темпи зростання популярності нетрадиційної (тобто цифрової) освіти, у статті доводиться доцільність комерціалізації освітніх курсів для студій онлайн-освіти світу та, зокрема, організації “EdEra”.The article examines the emergence, formation and development of online education in the world and in Ukraine; research also reveals the origin of the largest massive open online course (MOOC) studios, the evolution of online courses and the variety of online courses at present. In addition, the article is also focused on specifics of Ukrainian MOOC studios in comparison with western MOOC studios. The pace of implementing e-learning into Ukrainian higher education institutions is also revealed, so as the corresponding legislative and motivational components of the process. In addition, the article reveals the essence of media commercialization – activities aimed at receiving profits due to the influence upon media audiences; the article also examines the expediency of ordering and placing online courses at interactive education platforms with a view of receiving advantages by businesses; advertising’s necessity of authenticity, so as the benefits of native advertising embodied in online courses are examined as well. In order to justify the need for commercialization of modern informational media resources (in particular, online education studios), “EdEra” organization was taken as the example. This organization appeared in Ukraine as one of the first online education studios and managed to earn the recognition of several hundred thousand Ukrainian educators as of 2019. Currently “EdEra” produces online educational courses upon the order but it considers creating its own courses (meaning they belong to “EdEra” and no one else). In order to reveal the essence of media-commercialization, the article provides arguments in favor of promotional materials’ shift to the content of educational online courses, particularly EdEra’s; it also revises modern Internet advertising methods that prove to be obsolete and non-effective. In addition, the essence of authentic advertising was disclosed and proposed for the commercialization of educational online courses. Also, the article discusses the dynamics of the Internet usage in Ukraine and worldwide, and promotes changing of the advertising approach in regard to the development of Internet ad blocking technologies. Taking into account modern trends of the advertising development and growing popularity of the non-traditional (digital) education, the article suggests the expediency of commercializing educational courses for the online education studios worldwide and for “EdEra” organization in particular

    Research of Influence of Potassium-rich Diets on the Physical Performance of Students

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    The aim of the work is the scientific substantiation and experimental support of the expedience and use of potassium-cationic water for improving the bread quality and the study of the influence of potassium-rich diets on the physical performance of students. There was studied the influence of potassium cations on the activity of proteolytic enzymes of wheat flour. It was established, that at using potassium-cationic water, the output of wet gluten (35,1 %) essentially increases, at that the output of dry one (8,4 %) decreases to the same extent that is a positive factor in the bakery technology. It was proved that enriching the vital medium of bakery yeast by potassium cations essentially activates their ability to hydrolysis of maltose that favors activation of the process of gassing (Maltase activity – 35,1 min). The process of gassing influences the speed of dough-conduction and ready bread quality, especially volume (357,7, 100 g/ml), porosity (79,1 %) and crumb ability to compression (33,5 c.u.). It was established, that consumption of bread, produced on potassium-cationic water, favors the strengthening of the heart muscle tone, improvement of the general condition of the organism, especially, physical endurance and performance

    “Musil’s Discourse”: Some Aspects of a Linguistic Experiment

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    The article is devoted to the role of experiment in the process of discourse formation as a linguistic phenomenon. The object of the study is the discourse initiated by the largest Austrian writer of the twentieth century, Robert Musil. The aim of the study is a discursive analysis of the philological and literary-critical interpretations of the novel “A Man Without Qualities”, which is a central fragment of the “Musil’s Discourse”. It is noted that the Musil’s discourse unfolding during the century, is formed by numerous participants representing various groups of subjects: literary scholars, writers, cultural experts, psychologists and literary critics. Particular attention is paid to the bipolar structure of the Musil’s discourse as its main characteristic. It is shown that the leading German critic Marcel Reich- Ranicki set a new direction for the development of Musil’s discourse. The results of the analysis of Musil’s discourse at the level of its content, as well as at the levels of strategies and means of implementation are presented. The main strategies of the studied fragment of the discourse are identified - the deconstruction strategy and the conservation strategy, implemented in the tactics of invective, tactics of positive presentation and tactics of support. It is proved that the idea of the experiment laid down by Musil in the basis of the novel “A Man Without Qualities” is transposed to the Musil’s discourse as a whole and turns it into an object of experiment

    The Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Risk Analysis in Insurance and Reinsurance

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    The article is aimed at further development of theoretical and methodological approaches to risk reinsurance in order to provide financial sustainability of an insurance company. An approach to risk analysis in insurance and reinsurance is proposed. The introduction of the concepts of complete and partial uncertainty and their relationship with the concept of risk made it possible to closer define the concept of risk and formulate it in the form of a financial and economic category. The term «risk» is proposed to be understood as a subjective estimation of an objective uncertainty, which describes the multiplicity of changes in the equilibrium stability of a socioeconomic system and is expressed in the form of a function of a random event. A somewhat closer defined concept of insurance risk is also proposed, which means a significant risk in its consequences for citizens and business entities, which can be assessed from the standpoint of the probability of occurrence of an insured event, quantitative amounts of possible damage and has signs of frequency and limitation in space and time. It is noted that clarification of the criteria of insurance risk in the general classification system of risks of an insurance organization allows assessing the need for reinsurance depending on the types of risk distribution. Analysis of features and dynamics of insurance risk, computation of insurance tariffs allows to substantiating the need for reinsurance for each type of insurance risk. It is proposed, to develop a model for analyzing the insurer’s reinsurance activity on the basis of the theory of decision-making under conditions of complete and partial uncertainty, to use the criteria of game theory: Wald criterion, Swidge criterion, Hurwitz criterion. To analyze the real financial sustainability, it is proposed to introduce adjustments to the existing methodological approaches, adding the objects transferred to reinsurance and the risk ratios present in the insurer’s activities; it is further proposed to take into account the impact of forms and types of reinsurance contracts on the financial sustainability of the company. The proposed theoretical and methodological provisions and conclusions can be used when accepting risks on the responsibility of the insurer and their subsequent redistribution

    Russian and foreign students’ involvement in the educational process in the context of the digital distance educational technologies use in the Russian universities

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    In the context of global changes in the world socio-economic system, the formation of an international educational research space, in the technological platform of the education system, the widespread use of distance learning technologies it is extremely relevant to conduct a comparative analysis of the involvement of Russian and foreign students in the educational process in Russian universities. The article provides the results of an electronic questionnaire survey of 760 foreign and 2,280 Russian students at universities located in 38 regions of the Russian Federation in all federal districts. Russian and foreign students assessed their level of involvement in the educational process in distance and face-to-face learning according to the parameters of four types of involvement: emotional (affective), behavioral, cognitive and academic. Involvement in the educational process during the distance learning decreases among all students, while for foreign students it is to a greater extent than for Russian students, which is due to the linguistic, cultural, mental characteristics of this category of students. Organizational, technical, psychological and emotional barriers were identified as problems that reduce the involvement in the educational process in the distance learning format of Russian and foreign students

    Return Migration From Russia to Kyrgyzstan: Dynamics, Causes, and Structure

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    Received 9 April 2023. Accepted 25 July 2023. Published online 6 October 2023.The study’s significance lies in the need for comprehensive information on return labor migration from Russia to Kyrgyzstan and the profiles of return migrants, which would allow us to anticipate spatial mobility in the future. This is particularly relevant due to Russia’s interest in new migrants as essential labor force to address the demographic crisis. The Kyrgyzstani government also requires these data to prevent unemployment among return migrants. This paper aims to assess return migration dynamics and its structure, uncover the causes, goals, and reasons for recurrent migration to Russia, and examine the expectations of Russia’s social and migration policy during the special military operation. The empirical analytical base comprises the results of a questionnaire survey of 515 return migrants and focused in-depth interviews with 37 return migrants in Kyrgyzstan in October–November 2022, as well as a questionnaire survey of 425 labor migrants and focused interviews with 52 labor migrants in November–December 2022 in Moscow. The findings indicate that return migration is voluntary and spontaneous. The official estimate of the scope of return migration, as well as the prospects of labor migration to Russia after February 24th, 2022 and the imposition of anti-Russian sanctions, remains unclear. The structure of return migration aligns with the structure of labor migration in Russia in terms of gender, age, and employment sectors. The motivation behind the decision to return has a cumulative effect. However, most respondents cited personal and family issues as the main reasons for return migration. Approximately 30% of respondents, regardless of gender, attributed the special military operation and the worsening economic situation in Russia as reasons for returning to their home country. About 22% of respondents envision recurrent migration to Russia in the near future, while around 30% have not yet decided. Labor migrants seek institutional support from Russia, including assistance in preparing registration documents, social insurance provision, removal of administrative obstacles for employment, and the creation of favorable conditions for adaptation


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    The analysis of various forms of protest activity in the virtual space becomes especially relevant in the era of digital technologies development in all spheres of public life. But until now, there has not been a comprehensive work devoted to the trends that cause, accompany and organize digital protest activity in the world. The purpose of this paper is to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of the socio-political analysis of digital protest activity in modern societies. The study solved the problems of analyzing the values of provincial Russian societies, institutional matrices, network political management and specific forms of virtual communication in the network space. The authors reveal the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of digital protest activity in the world: features of social temporality, public values, specifics of trust, types of social connections in urban space; digitalization, virtualization and mediativization, information inequality, digital elitism; institutional matrices and institutional traps of electronic communication, trends in digital management. The theoretical grounds provided are the basis of digital simulation of the protest activity in Megacities and provincial towns

    Mechanisms for attracting an international contingent of students to Russian universities in relation to the university, regional and federal levels

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    Increasing the export potential of the higher education system is a strategic goal of many developed and developing countries, including Russia. At the same time, attracting foreign students to domestic universities makes it possible to attract foreign intellectual resources, develop international cooperation and diplomacy. During the study, a model of a system for managing the competitiveness of higher education in Russia has been developed, which contributes to attracting an international contingent of students to Russian universities. This system takes into account the influence of global environmental factors and state macro-environment factors. The subject of management in this system is represented by the federal, regional and university levels. For each subject level, methods have been developed to attract an international contingent of students to Russian universities. The object of management in the developed system is the level of competitiveness of higher education in Russia

    Domestic practices of increasing the international competitiveness of the Russian higher education institutions in the context of global challenges and threats

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    The Russian universities have to be demand among potential foreign applicants in the context of tightening competition in the global higher education market for resources, personnel and students. The possibility of attraction talented young people from other countries appears through the implementation of the education export in the context of the knowledge economy and global competition. In addition, interaction with foreign students contributes to the academic development of universities, knowledge diplomacy and international cooperation. The experience of the National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics and the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia in the field of increasing and applying indicators for assessing international competitiveness has been analysed. The correlation and regression analysis of the dependence of the number of foreign students studying in Russia on the number of Russian universities in the world university rankings has been carried out. The assessment of changes in the work of universities to attract foreign students during the COVID-19 pandemic has been performed