2,134 research outputs found

    How did the explosion of Galaxy Note 7 affect Samsung and its competitors?

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    This dissertation aims to shed light on how the market responds to product crisis, in order to assist management levels in making strategy for potential loss. The product crisis of Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 is used as an example to understand how it affected Samsung and its competitors, Apple and LG. Applying event study as methodology, the “explosion” and “voluntary recall” had no impact on Samsung’s stock but “involuntary recall and ban” as well as “termination” had negative impact. Stockholders also suffered more loss in “termination” than “involuntary recall and ban”, but less in “voluntary recall”. Considering direct cost, stockholders suffered more loss than expected, which indicates the existence of indirect cost, such as reputation and litigation. The competitors, LG and Apple, do not perform significant abnormal return by Galaxy Note 7´s event, thus they neither suffer nor benefit from the crisis. Regarding the aggregate effect, the market performs pessimistically toward the future profitability when authorities concerned announce “involuntary recall and ban".Esta dissertação visa esclarecer como o mercado responde à crise de um produto, a fim de auxiliar a Gestão na escolha de uma estratégia para evitar possíveis perdas com o sucedido. Em particular, estuda-se a crise do Samsung Galaxy Note 7 como evento específico, para compreender como este afetou a Samsung e os respetivos concorrentes, Apple e LG. Aplicando o estudo deste evento como metodologia, verificou-se que a explosão e a retirada voluntária não tiveram impacto sobre as ações da Samsung. No entanto, a retirada involuntária e a proibição, assim como a rescisão, tiveram impacto negativo nas mesmas. Além disso, os acionistas sofreram mais perdas com a rescisão do que com o anúncio de autoridade, mas menos com a retirada voluntária. Considerando os custos diretos, os acionistas sofreram mais perdas do que o esperado, o que indica a existência de custos indiretos, como reputação e litígios. Em relação aos concorrentes, a Apple e a LG não realizaram retornos significativos com a crise do Samsung Galaxy Note 7, não sofrendo nem tirando proveitos com o sucedido. Em relação ao efeito agregado, o mercado mostra-se pessimista em relação aos lucros futuros quando a autoridade em questão anuncia a retirada involuntária e a proibição de produtos

    Theoretical basis, application, reliability, and sample size estimates of a Meridian Energy Analysis Device for Traditional Chinese Medicine Research

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    OBJECTIVES: The Meridian Energy Analysis Device is currently a popular tool in the scientific research of meridian electrophysiology. In this field, it is generally believed that measuring the electrical conductivity of meridians provides information about the balance of bioenergy or Qi-blood in the body. METHODS AND RESULTS: PubMed database based on some original articles from 1956 to 2014 and the authoŕs clinical experience. In this short communication, we provide clinical examples of Meridian Energy Analysis Device application, especially in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, discuss the reliability of the measurements, and put the values obtained into context by considering items of considerable variability and by estimating sample size. CONCLUSION: The Meridian Energy Analysis Device is making a valuable contribution to the diagnosis of Qi-blood dysfunction. It can be assessed from short-term and long-term meridian bioenergy recordings. It is one of the few methods that allow outpatient traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis, monitoring the progress, therapeutic effect and evaluation of patient prognosis. The holistic approaches underlying the practice of traditional Chinese medicine and new trends in modern medicine toward the use of objective instruments require in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms of meridian energy, and the Meridian Energy Analysis Device can feasibly be used for understanding and interpreting traditional Chinese medicine theory, especially in view of its expansion in Western countries


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    Purpose of the study—Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world. Just like an enterprise today, sustainability is the long-term objective pursued by tourism industry. However, little effort has been made to systematically provide sufficient information to academicians and practitioners who have great research interests in sustainable tourism. Therefore, this paper aims to figure out the knowledge mapping of sustainable tourism and to indicate its research hot spots and trends for future research. Methodology—This paper surveys the development trajectory of sustainable tourism using a literature review and classification of articles retrieved from 5 online databases with solo keyword “sustainable tourism” from 1900 to 2016. Main findings—Based on the scope of 641 articles, this study reveals that the number of publication on sustainable tourism has significantly increased since 2006. In addition, these articles are scattered across 125 journals and mostly published in 23 academic journals. The majority of targeted countries/regions for sustainable tourism focus on Asia, Europe and America. Limitation—Restricted to limited knowledge, we make a brief literature survey on sustainable tourism from 1990-2016 to explore how sustainable tourism and its applications have developed in this period. Originality/value—In fact, sustainable tourism is a belief and an overall concept in every tourism activities. Though this research has done lots, it still has rooms to make more complete. Finally, we present a conceptual framework integrating 13 classifications criteria derived from our analysis with 3247 keywords. Most interestingly, we further present a conceptual framework with a visual effect to operationalize the coverage of sustainable tourism. Based on our analysis, any researcher can easily find the popular and right journal to get into it, if he/she is in need, he/she also can roughly know its applications so far and completely get a whole picture of sustainable tourism quickly

    Impact of the intraseasonal variability of large-scale circulation over the Western North Pacific on the characteristics of tropical cyclone track

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    The life cycle of the Southeast Asian–western North Pacific monsoon circulation is established by the northward migrations of the monsoon trough and the western Pacific subtropical anticyclone, and is reflected by the intraseasonal variations of mo nsoon westerlies and trad e easterlies in the form of an east–west seesaw oscillation. In this paper, an effort is made to disclose the influence of this monsoon circulation on tropical cyclone tracks during its different ph ases using composite charts of large-scale circulation for certain types of tracks. A majority of straight-moving (recurving) tropical cyclones appear during weak (strong) monsoon west- erlies and strong (weak) trade easterlies. The monsoon conditions associated with straight-moving tropical cyclones are linked to the intensified subtropical anticyclone, while that associated with recurving tropical cyclones is coupled with the deepened monsoon trough. The relationship between genesis locations and track characteristics is evolved from the intraseasonal variation of the monsoon circulation reflected by the east– west oscillation of monsoon westerlies and trade easterlies. Composite circulation differences between the flows associated with the two types of tropical cyclone tracks show a vertically uniform short wave train along the North Pacific rim, as portrayed by the Pacific–Japan oscillation. During the extreme phases of the monsoon life cycle, the anomalous circulation pattern east of Taiwan resembles this anomalous short wave train. A vorticity budget analysis of the strong monsoon condition reveals a vorticity tendency dipole with a positive zone to the north and a negative zone to the south of the deepened monsoon trough. This meridional juxtaposition of vorticity tendency propagates the monsoon trough northward. The interaction of a tropical cyclone with the monsoon trough intensifies the north–south juxtaposition of the vorticity tendency and deflects the tropical cyclone northward. In contrast, during weak monsoon conditions, the interaction be- tween a tropical cyclone and the subtropical high results in a northwestward motion steered by the intensified trade easterlies. The accurate prediction of the monsoon trough and the subtropical anticyclone variations coupled with the monsoon life cycle may help to improve the forecasting of tropical cyclone tracks
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