51 research outputs found

    Autoimmune neurological conditions associated with Zika virus infection

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) is an emerging flavivirus rapidly spreading throughout the tropical Americas. mosquitoes is the principal way of transmission of the virus to humans. ZIKV can be spread by transplacental, perinatal, and body fluids. ZIKV infection is often asymptomatic and those with symptoms present minor illness after 3 to 12 days of incubation, characterized by a mild and self-limiting disease with low-grade fever, conjunctivitis, widespread pruritic maculopapular rash, arthralgia and myalgia. ZIKV has been linked to a number of central and peripheral nervous system injuries such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), transverse myelitis (TM), meningoencephalitis, ophthalmological manifestations, and other neurological complications. Nevertheless, mechanisms of host-pathogen neuro-immune interactions remain incompletely elucidated. This review provides a critical discussion about the possible mechanisms underlying the development of autoimmune neurological conditions associated with Zika virus infection


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    This research article is based on the thesis work entitled "Impact Of The Investment Of The Las Bambas Mining Canon On The Economic and Social Development Of The District Of Challhuahuacho, Province Of Cotabambas - Apurimac Region, Period 2016 - 2018", which was developed with the aim of explaining the impacts of public investment projects executed with trust funds and mining canon funds; as well as the fulfilment of the commitment of the 7 numerals of Annex K (Pro Inversión, 2004), which was initially assumed by the company Glencore PLC and later by the companyMinerals and Metals Group (MMG)

    Cytokines and Inflammatory Mediators in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterised by a breakdown in immune tolerance that induces an attack on normal tissues by the immune system. The dysfunction within both the innate and adaptive immune systems increases cytokine production, B lymphocytic overproduction of autoantibodies, and T lymphocyte activity. Cytokines and inflammatory mediators have been associated with several clinical endpoints, including the activity of disease and outcomes. In fact, some of them have been associated with different clinical subphenotypes (e.g., lupus nephritis), suggesting their role as biomarkers, and, in some cases, therapeutic targets. Thus, knowledge of the pathophysiological processes associated with the development of SLE could aid in setting up better diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to reduce the high burden of disease, and thus improve quality of life and outcomes. Herein, the authors have compiled a concise review of the clinically relevant cytokines and inflammatory mediators associated with SLE and its manifestations

    Cytokine and autoantibody clusters interaction in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Background: Evidence supports the existence of different subphenotypes in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and the pivotal role of cytokines and autoantibodies, which interact in a highly complex network. Thus, understanding how these complex nonlinear processes are connected and observed in real-life settings is a major challenge. Cluster approaches may assist in the identification of these subphenotypes, which represent such a phenomenon, and may contribute to the development of personalized medicine. Therefore, the relationship between autoantibody and cytokine clusters in SLE was analyzed. Methods: This was an exploratory study in which 67 consecutive women with established SLE were assessed. Clinical characteristics including disease activity, a 14-autoantibody profile, and a panel of 15 serum cytokines were measured simultaneously. Mixed-cluster methodology and bivariate analyses were used to define autoantibody and cytokine clusters and to identify associations between them and related variables. Results: First, three clusters of autoantibodies were defined: (1) neutral, (2) antiphospholipid antibodies (APLA)-dominant, and (3) anti-dsDNA/ENA-dominant. Second, eight cytokines showed levels above the threshold thus making possible to find 4 clusters: (1) neutral, (2) chemotactic, (3) G-CSF dominant, and (4) IFN?/Pro-inflammatory. Furthermore, the disease activity was associated with cytokine clusters, which, in turn, were associated with autoantibody clusters. Finally, when all biomarkers were included, three clusters were found: (1) neutral, (2) chemotactic/APLA, and (3) IFN/dsDNA, which were also associated with disease activity. Conclusion: These results support the existence of three SLE cytokine-autoantibody driven subphenotypes. They encourage the practice of personalized medicine, and support proof-of-concept studies. © 2017 The Author(s)

    La práctica pedagógica para el desarrollo de competencias científicas de los docentes del área de ciencias naturales con énfasis en biología, en los niveles de educación básica y media de la institución educativa colegio Julio Pérez Ferrero de Cúcuta. (Archivo Electrónico)

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    Hoy en día la educación en ciencias, demanda procesos de formación integral que promueve el desarrollo de competencias, para enfrentar el mundo cambiante y globalizado. A través del trabajo de investigación “La práctica pedagógica para el desarrollo de competencias científicas de los docentes del área de ciencias naturales con énfasis en biología, en los niveles de educación básica de la institución educativa colegio julio Pérez Ferrero ” desde un enfoque empiropositivista y constructivista, en la dimensión de un estudio con docentes, y alumnos en los diferentes niveles de enseñanza del municipio de Cúcuta del departamento de norte de Santander, se enmarcó en la necesidad de identificar las concepciones de los docentes acerca de la naturaleza de ciencias, su enseñanza y aprendizaje; como también caracterizar los referentes conceptuales, metodológicos y didácticos que guían las acciones de los docentes, en torno al desarrollo de competencias científicas y las posibilidades de sus transformaciones en el aula.MaestríaMagíster en Práctica Pedagógic

    Environmental Factors which Trigger Silent Diseases

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    Una investigación del Centro de Estudio de Enfermedades Autoinmunes de la Universidad del Rosario (Crea) demostró que el entorno en que vivimos y la exposición ambiental ocasionan alteraciones en el sistema inmune desencadenando enfermedades como lupus, artritis reumatoide, diabetes mellitus tipo 1 o esclerosis múltiple, entre otras.A research project by the Center for the Study of Autoimmune Diseases of the Universidad de Rosario (CREA) showed that the surroundings in which we live and exposure to environmental factors cause alterations in the immune system and trigger diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes mellitus or multiple sclerosis, among others

    Effective interventions to prevent corrosion of surgical instruments

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    Trabajo AcadémicoOBJETIVO: Sistematizar las evidencias sobre las intervenciones efectivas para evitar la corrosión del instrumental quirúrgico. MATERIAL Y METODO: Las Revisiones Sistemáticas son un diseño de investigación observacional y retrospectivo, que sintetiza los resultados de múltiples investigaciones primarias. RESULTADOS: del total de 10 artículos revisados sistemáticamente el 100% (10/10) demuestran que las intervenciones efectivas en el cuidado previenen la corrosión del instrumental quirúrgico; el 50% (5/10) se debe principalmente al cuidado del instrumental en los procedimientos de limpieza y desinfección. Así mismo el otro 50 % (5/10) de los artículos revisados, consideran que los aceros inoxidables más resistentes a la corrosión por su composición, son los acero inoxidable martensítico con recubrimiento mono y multicapa y el acero austenítico. CONCLUSIONES: De los 10 artículos revisados, 5 evidencian que realizar intervenciones efectivas en los procedimiento de limpieza y desinfección del instrumental quirúrgico previenen la corrosión, así mismo 5 de 10 artículos refieren que el acero austenítico y martinsítico utilizados en la fabricación de instrumental quirúrgico son resistentes a la corrosión


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    Introduccion: Las enfermedades autoinmunes sistémicas se caracterizan por la producción de diferentes autoanticuerpos contra antígenos intracelulares. En lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) los autoanticuerpos son principalmente contra antígenos nucleares, los más frecuentes son los anti-ADN de doble cadena (anti-dsDNA) seguido de los antígenos nucleares extractables (ENAs) los cuales son componentes citoplasmáticos y nucleares solubles con más de 100 antígenos. Los ENAs están presentes también en el síndrome de Sjögren (SS) siendo más frecuentes los anti-Ro y anti-La. Contar con métodos fiables de detección de autoanticuerpos es necesario para el diagnóstico de estas enfermedades. Objetivo: Evaluar la concordancia de tres métodos de detección de anticuerpos antinucleares. Métodos: El primer método consistió en una ELISA indirecta (Inova) para la medición de anticuerpos anti-dsDNA, anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-RNP y anti-Sm. El segundo y tercer método fueron dos inmunoblot de diferentes casas comerciales: IMTEC-ANA-LIA Maxx (Human Diagnostic) y ANA-Profile 23 (Euroimmune); El inmunoblot es una técnica costo-efectiva y rápida que permite la detección simultánea de hasta 23 autoanticuerpos en una membrana de nitrocelulosa. Resultados: Aunque el nivel de concordancia entre los diferentes métodos fue en algunos casos bueno (considerable/ casi-perfecto), en general, la discordancia entre los métodos fue alta. En resumen, la mejor concordancia se encontró entre los métodos de ELISA y ANA-LIA Maxx (Tabla 1). Conclusión: Nuestros datos revelan una enorme discordancia entre estos métodos de detección y resaltan la necesidad de estandarizar técnicas novedosas que generen resultados similares entre ellas

    Mayaro: an emerging viral threat?

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    Abstract Mayaro virus (MAYV), an enveloped RNA virus, belongs to the Togaviridae family and Alphavirus genus. This arthropod-borne virus (Arbovirus) is similar to Chikungunya (CHIKV), Dengue (DENV), and Zika virus (ZIKV). The term “ChikDenMaZika syndrome” has been coined for clinically suspected arboviruses, which have arisen as a consequence of the high viral burden, viral co-infection, and co-circulation in South America. In most cases, MAYV disease is nonspecific, mild, and self-limited. Fever, arthralgia, and maculopapular rash are among the most common symptoms described, being largely indistinguishable from those caused by other arboviruses. However, severe manifestations of the infection have been reported, such as chronic polyarthritis, neurological complications, hemorrhage, myocarditis, and even death. Currently, there are no specific commercial tools for the diagnosis of MAYV, and the use of serological methods can be affected by cross-reactivity and the window period. A diagnosis based on clinical and epidemiological data alone is still premature. Therefore, new entomological research is warranted, and new highly specific molecular diagnostic methods should be developed. This comprehensive review is intended to encourage public health authorities and scientific communities to actively work on diagnosing, preventing, and treating MAYV infection