730 research outputs found

    Hyper-elliptic Nambu flow associated with integrable maps

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    We study hyper-elliptic Nambu flows associated with some nn dimensional maps and show that discrete integrable systems can be reproduced as flows of this class.Comment: 13 page

    Focal Myasthenia Gravis in Two Dogs

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    Two dogs were presented with history of regurgitation. Both dogs were diagnosed with focal myasthenia gravis (FMG). Thoracic radiography was consisted with megaesophagus. Acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) antibody titer was positive. Both dogs were treated with pyridostigmine bromide as sole treatment. One case rapidly resolved with the recovery of the esophagus, while the other case even the AChRs antibody titer was normalized after 60 days but the clinical remission was occurred after long time. This report suggested that clinical signs of FMG were resolved, but we can’t predict the time required, additionally, pyridostigmine bromide might be effective for palliation of symptoms

    CSN5/Jab1 controls multiple events in the mammalian cell cycle

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    AbstractThe COP9 signalosome (CSN) complex is critical for mammalian cell proliferation and survival, but it is not known how the CSN affects the cell cycle. In this study, MEFs lacking CSN5/Jab1 were generated using a CRE-flox system. MEFs ceased to proliferate upon elimination of CSN5/Jab1. Rescue experiments indicated that the JAMM domain of CSN5/Jab1 was essential. CSN5/Jab1-elimination enhanced the neddylation of cullins 1 and 4 and altered the expression of many factors including cyclin E and p53. CSN5/Jab1-elimination inhibited progression of the cell cycle at multiple points, seemed to initiate p53-independent senescence and increased the ploidy of cells. Thus, CSN5/Jab1 controls different events of the cell cycle, preventing senescence and endocycle as well as the proper progression of the somatic cell cycle.Structured summaryMINT-8046253: Csn1 (uniprotkb:Q99LD4) physically interacts (MI:0914) with Csn5 (uniprotkb:O35864), Csn8 (uniprotkb:Q8VBV7), Csn3 (uniprotkb:O88543), Csn7b (uniprotkb:Q8BV13) and Csn6 (uniprotkb:O88545) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006

    ポスター ビジュツカン ノ タンジョウ ゲンダイ フランス ノ ポスター ジュヨウ ト ブンカ セイサク

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    フランスでは1978年に、産業先進国で最初のポスター美術館(Musee de 1’Affiche)がパリに誕生し、その後1982年には広告美術館(Musee de la Publicite)へと改称した。本稿はこのポスター美術館設立の経緯を中心にして、ポスターをめぐる概念と制度について考察することにより、フランスにおけるポスター受容の特殊性を検証する試みである。 本稿では、ポスター美術館を傘下に収める装飾芸術中央連合(Union Centrale des ArtsD6coratifs)の議事録に基づき、まず、美術館開館に至るまでの一連の経過を明らかにする。次いで、この過程で示された芸術性を重視するポスター観が、美術館開館後、広告産業の実情に即していかに変化していったのかを分析する。最後に、1981年に成立した社会党政権による文化政策が、1982年の広告美術館への改称にいかに関与したのかを、文化省(Ministere de la Culture)発行の官報と文化相ジャック・ラング(Jack Lang:1939年~)の演説資料から検討する。 ポスター美術館の誕生は、19世紀末に形成された、自国のポスターの“高い芸術性”を強調する“アフィショマニ(ポスター・マニア)”のポスター観が、フランスにおけるボスター受容の中核であり続けるという、価値観の継承を促した。その広告美術館への改編は、芸術性の有無という評価の最優先基準が、1970年代後半における国内広告産業の成長と広告自体のマルチメディア化に伴って相対化する経過を反映していた。1980年代の政府主導の文化政策は、文化と芸術の概念を“副次的”分野にまで拡大しながらここに介入し、広告業振興の意図を持って、産業クリエーションとしての広告を優遇した。こうして、19世紀末から受け継がれたフランス特有のポスター評価は、広告というより大きな範疇に取り込まれながらも、美術館の設立と政府の文化政策を通して公に認知され、言わば制度化されたと考えられるのである。The Poster Museum in France was opened in 1978 as the first among those in the industrially advanced countries and was renamed the Publicity Museum in 1982. Focusing on the history of this museum, this paper deals with the concepts and the institutional systcms related「to posters in France to explain the special condition for evaluating this medium.   At the end of the 19th century,“the highly artistic quality”of French posters had been deeply appreciated in the heat of the“affichomanie(poster mania)”. The creation of the Poster Museum affiliated to the Central Union of the Decorative Arts signi丘cantly helped. the contemporary Frcnch society succeed to such a way of vicwing posters, The change of appellation to the Publicity Museum reflected a relative decline of this“primary”value of posters in parallel with the growth of domestic multimedia-publicity industries in the second half of the 1970s. A new cultural policy led from 1981 by Jack Lang, Minister fbr Cultural Affairs of the French socialst Government, also in且uenced this reorganisation of the Poster Museum:he supported the Publicity Museum with the intention of promoting not onlアindustrial creations, but also cultural and artistic fields judged“minor”till then.   This article shows that, evcn though posters were intcgrated into the general category of publicity, the f()undation of the Poster Museum and subsequently the cultural policy of the Government of丘cially institutionalized the traditional evaluation of posters in France from an artistic point ofview

    What impact does postgraduate clinical training have on empathy among Japanese trainee dentists?

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    Background Enhancing empathy in healthcare education is a critical component in the development of a relationship between healthcare professionals and patients that would ensure better patient care; improved patient satisfaction, adherence to treatment, patients’ medication self-efficacy, improved treatment outcomes, and reduced patient anxiety. Unfortunately, however, the decline of empathy among students has been frequently reported. It is especially common when the curriculum transitions to a clinical setting. However, some studies have questioned the significance and frequency of this decline. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the impact of postgraduate clinical training on dental trainees’ empathy from cognitive, behavioral, and patients’ perspective. Methods This study included 64 trainee dentists at Okayama University Hospital and 13 simulated patients (SPs). The trainee dentists carried out initial medical interviews with SPs twice, at the beginning and the end of their clinical training. The trainees completed the Japanese version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy for health professionals just before each medical interview. The SPs evaluated the trainees’ communication using an assessment questionnaire immediately after the medical interviews. The videotaped dialogue from the medical interviews was analyzed using the Roter Interaction Analysis System. Results No significant difference was found in the self-reported empathy score of trainees at the beginning and the end of the clinical training (107.73 [range, 85–134] vs. 108.34 [range, 69–138]; p = 0.643). Considering the results according to gender, male scored 104.06 (range, 88–118) vs. 101.06 (range, 71–122; p = 0.283) and female 109.17 (range, 85–134) vs. 111.20 (range, 69–138; p = 0.170). Similarly, there was no difference in the SPs’ evaluation of trainees’ communication (10.73 vs. 10.38, p = 0.434). Communication behavior in the emotional responsiveness category for trainees in the beginning was significantly higher than that at the end (2.47 vs. 1.14, p = 0.000). Conclusions Overall, a one-year postgraduate dental training program neither reduced nor increased trainee dentists’ empathy levels. Providing regular education support in this area may help trainees foster their empathy

    Usefulness of pro-gastrin-releasing peptide as a predictor of the incidence of brain metastasis and effect of prophylactic cranial irradiation in patients with limited-stage small-cell lung cancer

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    Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) is recommended for patients with limited-stage small-cell lung cancer (LS-SCLC) who respond well to initial treatment. However, PCI is often omitted because of its potential neurotoxicity in the era of modern diagnostic imaging devices. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the risk factors for brain metastasis (BM) in patients eligible for PCI and who may benefit more from it. Patients with LS-SCLC who responded well to definitive thoracic chemoradiotherapy were included in the present study. Competing risk regression was used to identify factors associated with BM, and the Kaplan–Meier method was used to assess overall survival (OS). Between 2004 and 2017, 62 patients were eligible for PCI and were analyzed. Of these, 38 (61.3%) underwent PCI. Overall, 17 patients (27.4%) developed BM, with a 2-year cumulative incidence of 22.8%. Multivariate analysis (MVA) revealed that pretreatment elevated pro-gastrin-releasing peptide (ProGRP) levels were associated with an increased risk for BM (HR, 7.96, P = 0.0091). PCI tended to reduce the risk of BM (HR, 0.33; P = 0.051). The use of PCI was associated with improved OS in patients with ProGRP levels > 410 pg/mL (P = 0.008), but not in those with ProGRP ≤ 410 pg/mL (P = 0.9). Pretreatment ProGRP levels may be useful in predicting the development of BM in patients with LS-SCLC who achieved a good response to initial therapy and to determine which patients should undergo PCI