486 research outputs found

    Import substitution and the growth of manufacturing in Iran, 1955-72

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to know the influence of the officer competence and the implementation of performance budgeting, on performance accountability of governmental institution. Survey the sum of 76 responders covering all head on duty, secretary on duty, lead on the area at 19 on agency of Bone South Celebes Province. Data have been collected by questioner. The tool of statistic analysis using path analysis. The result of this study indicates that the officer competence and the implementation of performance budgeting, have been significant influence, on performance accountability of governmental institution. It means that properly of performance accountability of governmental institution on agency of Bone South Celebes Province influenced by equal to 67,3%, and by equal to 33,7% influenced by other factors are not included into this study model. Kata Kunci: Kompetensi; Penganggaran; Akuntabilita

    Peradaban Islam Pada Masa Nabi Muhammad Saw

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    Islam yang di wahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw telah membawak bangsa arab yang semula terbelakang, bodoh, tidak beradap dan tidak terkenal,dan di abaikan oleh bangsa lain, menjadi bangsa yang maju, ia dengan cepat bergerak mengembangkan dunia,membina suatu ke budayaan dan peradaban yang sangat penting artinya dalam sejarah manusia hingga sekarang. Peristiwa penting yang memperlihatkan kebijaksanaan Muhammad terjadi pada usia 35 tahun, Waktu itu bangunan Ka\u27bah rusak berat. Perbaikan ka\u27bah di lakukan secara gotong royong, para penduduk Mekkah membantu perkerjaan itu dengan sukarela. Tetapi pada saat terahir.ketika perkerjaan tinggal mengangkat dan meletakkan hajarul aswad di tembat semula, timbul perselisihan karena setiap suku merasa berhak melakukan tugas terahir dan terhormat.perselisihan semangkin memuncak maka pemimpin qurais sepakat bahwa orang yang pertama masuk ke ka\u27bah melalui pintu shafa, akan di jadikan hakim untuk memutuskan perkara. Ternya orang pertama masuk itu adalh nabi Muhammad Saw.Ia pun di percaya menjadi hakim, Ia lantas membentangkan kain dan meletakkan hajar aswad di tengah-tengah, lalu meminta seluruh pemimpin suku memengang tepi kain dan mengangkatnya secara bersama-sama.setelah sampai pada ketinggian tertentu, Muhammad meletakkan batu itu pada tempatnya semula. Dengan demikian, perselisihan dapat di selesaikan dengan bijaksana, dan semua kepala suku merasa puas dengan cara penyelesaian seperti itu. Nabi Muhammad segera kembali ke Madina. Beliau mengatur organisasi masyarakat kabila yang telah memeluk agama islam. Petugas keagamaan dan para dai dikirim ke berbagai daerah dan kabila mengajarkan ajaran-ajaran islam, mengatur peradilan, dan memungut zakat. Dua bulan setelah itu, Nabi menderita sakt demam. Tenaganya dengan cepat berkurang. Pada hari senin 12 Rabi\u27ul Awal 11 H/8 Juni 632 M., Nabi Muhammad Saw wafat di rumah isterinya aisyah. Dari perjalan sejarah Nabi ini, dapat di simpulkan bahwa Nabi Muhammad Saw, di samping sebagai pemimpin agama, juga seorang negarawan, pemimpin politik dan administrasi yang cakap. Hanya dalam waktu sebelas tahun menjadi pemimpin politik, beliau berhasil menundukkan jazirah Arab ke dalam kekuasaannya

    Investigating Brain Functional Networks in a Riemannian Framework

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    The brain is a complex system of several interconnected components which can be categorized at different Spatio-temporal levels, evaluate the physical connections and the corresponding functionalities. To study brain connectivity at the macroscale, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique in all the different modalities has been exemplified to be an important tool. In particular, functional MRI (fMRI) enables to record the brain activity either at rest or in different conditions of cognitive task and assist in mapping the functional connectivity of the brain. The information of brain functional connectivity extracted from fMRI images can be defined using a graph representation, i.e. a mathematical object consisting of nodes, the brain regions, and edges, the link between regions. With this representation, novel insights have emerged about understanding brain connectivity and providing evidence that the brain networks are not randomly linked. Indeed, the brain network represents a small-world structure, with several different properties of segregation and integration that are accountable for specific functions and mental conditions. Moreover, network analysis enables to recognize and analyze patterns of brain functional connectivity characterizing a group of subjects. In recent decades, many developments have been made to understand the functioning of the human brain and many issues, related to the biological and the methodological perspective, are still need to be addressed. For example, sub-modular brain organization is still under debate, since it is necessary to understand how the brain is functionally organized. At the same time a comprehensive organization of functional connectivity is mostly unknown and also the dynamical reorganization of functional connectivity is appearing as a new frontier for analyzing brain dynamics. Moreover, the recognition of functional connectivity patterns in patients affected by mental disorders is still a challenging task, making plausible the development of new tools to solve them. Indeed, in this dissertation, we proposed novel methodological approaches to answer some of these biological and neuroscientific questions. We have investigated methods for analyzing and detecting heritability in twin's task-induced functional connectivity profiles. in this approach we are proposing a geodesic metric-based method for the estimation of similarity between functional connectivity, taking into account the manifold related properties of symmetric and positive definite matrices. Moreover, we also proposed a computational framework for classification and discrimination of brain connectivity graphs between healthy and pathological subjects affected by mental disorder, using geodesic metric-based clustering of brain graphs on manifold space. Within the same framework, we also propose an approach based on the dictionary learning method to encode the high dimensional connectivity data into a vectorial representation which is useful for classification and determining regions of brain graphs responsible for this segregation. We also propose an effective way to analyze the dynamical functional connectivity, building a similarity representation of fMRI dynamic functional connectivity states, exploiting modular properties of graph laplacians, geodesic clustering, and manifold learning


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    Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Bawang Merah Varietas Lembah Palu di Kabupaten Sigi Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru sebagai pusat produksi komoditi bawang merah varietas Lembah palu. Penentuan sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan metode snow ball sampling. Teknik analisa data menganalisis marjin pemasaran yaitu perbedaan harga ditingkat konsumen (Pr) dengan harga yang diterima produsen (Pf), M = Pr – Pf, dan analisis farmar’s share untuk mengukur efisiensi pemasaran yaitu tingkat harga jual petani sebagai dasar (Pf) dibandingkan dengan harga beli pedagang pada konsumen akhir (Pr) dikali dengan 100 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukan saluran pemasaran 1 memperoleh sebesar marjin 1.978 % dengan farmar’s share 76.96 %. Saluran 2 marjin 0 %, farmar’s share 77.03 %. Menunjukan saluran pemasaran 2 lebih efisien, apabila petani menjual langsung ke tempat pengolahan industri bawang goreng
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