25 research outputs found

    Green Homes Need Green Homeowners: Investigating the Predictive Power of Environmental Concern through the Lens of Theory of Planned Behaviour

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    This study attempts to examine the intention of homebuyers to purchase green homes in Sabah. The extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) served as a framework for identifying the drivers of green purchasing behavior and their relative importance. Specifically, the objective of this study is to examine the effect of attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control on intention to purchase green house. In addition to that, environmental concern and perceived self-identity are incorporated into the model as the antecedents, influencing not only one’s attitude towards a green home, but also directly towards intention to purchase green homes. Data were collected from potential homebuyers in Sabah, and analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling. The findings suggested that all claimed hypotheses were supported except for social norms predictor. Implication and contribution of the study were discussed to justify the significance of this research

    Value Co-Creation Dimensions: Their Effect On Satisfaction Of Cooperative Members

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    Value co-creation is a crucial component in the service industry and pivotal to the growth and survival of organizations. The rationale is based on the belief that value is created by both the organizations and the customers. Notwithstanding its magnitude, little is done to delve into the subject matter in cooperatives in the context of developing markets. The present study attempts to investigate the relationship between value co-creation dimensions and satisfaction of cooperative members in Sarawak. A quantitative approach using self-administered survey was adopted. A total of 300 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to cooperative members in Sarawak and 274 usable copies were subsequently collected. Multiple regressions analysis was conducted to assess the effect of value co-creation dimensions on members’ satisfaction. The findings indicate that relating, ethical, developmental and concerted joint actions have positive effect on members’ satisfaction, where developmental joint actions is found to be the strongest influence dimension. The study thus highlights the practical importance of learning culture among service providers and cooperative members, and lays the foundation for future studies

    Contemporary Performance Measurement Systems, Organizational Commitment and Managerial Performance of Top 100 Cooperatives in Malaysia

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the impact of contemporary performance measurement systems (PMS) on managerial performance in the cooperative sector. In addition, it investigates the mediating effect of organizational commitment between contemporary performance measurement system and managerial performance.   Theoretical Framework: The Resource Based Theory used to explain the relationship between contemporary performance measurement, managerial commitment and managerial performance.   Design / Methodology / Approach: The survey was carried out to investigate the research framework in the empirical field. The population investigation is composed of cooperative management in the top 100 cooperatives in Malaysia. Utilizing a quantitative approach, 395 valid cooperatives’ managements were taken as the sample of this study   Findings: The results of the study found that there is a positive relationship between contemporary performance measurement systems, organizational commitment, and managerial performance. Moreover, organizational commitment mediates the relationship between contemporary performance measurement systems and managerial performance.   Research /, Practical & Social Implications: Practically, the model in this study can act as an important management tool for cooperatives to gain a sustainable competitive advantage that can affect managerial performance. Managerial performance is an essential element in a successful organization.   Originality/ Value: The value of the study is to highlight the important of managerial commitment as mediating factor between contemporary performance measurement system and managerial performance. Furthermore, contemporary performance measurement system must apply three components: comprehensive, strategic and dynamic.Este estudio intenta examinar el impacto de los sistemas de medición de desempeño contemporáneos (PMS) en el desempeño gerencial en el sector cooperativo. Además, investiga el efecto mediador del compromiso organizacional. Se realizó una encuesta para indagar el marco de investigación en el campo empírico. La investigación de la población se compone de la gestión cooperativa en las 100 principales cooperativas de Malasia. Utilizando un enfoque cuantitativo, se tomaron como muestra de este estudio 395 gerencias cooperativas válidas. Los hallazgos del estudio encontraron que existe una relación positiva entre los sistemas contemporáneos de medición del desempeño, el compromiso organizacional y el desempeño gerencial. Además, el compromiso organizacional media la relación entre los sistemas contemporáneos de medición del desempeño y el desempeño gerencial. En la práctica, el modelo de este estudio puede actuar como una importante herramienta de gestión para que las cooperativas obtengan una ventaja competitiva sostenible que puede afectar el desempeño de la gestión. El desempeño gerencial es un elemento esencial en una organización exitosa

    Sustainable Management: A Bibliometric Review of Current Trend and Development

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    With environmental issues such as global change, pollution and depletion of natural resources impacting human dailylife, businesses need to learn how to mitigate, reuse and recycle to conserve our environment whilst caring abouthuman beings andoptimising benefits. Sustainable management looks above short-term quarterly profits and focuseson long-term advantages by incorporating sustainability issues into management decisions. Therefore, trends in globalresearch on this topicisbeen analyzed and studiedusinga bibliometric review on current trend and development of‘sustainable management’ over28years (1992-2020) on topics related to business, economics and accountingandEconomics, Econometrics and Finance.By adopting bibliometric analysis, we derived data from Scopus onlinedatabase as of December 13, 2020. Based on the ‘keywords’ search results, our study finalised 1,065valid documentsfor further assessments. We utilised Harzing’s Publish and Perish to analyse basic evaluations before proceeding withVOSviewer for data visualisation purposes. The findings highlight the trend of literature on ‘sustainable management’since its inception in 1992until today. The number of publications achieved 100 publications since 2018and keptincreasing each year. Most previous publications were in English, with more than 164authors from more than117different countries. Using specific keywords of ‘sustainable management’, the results were derived based on the titlesand keywords of the documents. Thus, the results of the search query for other fields such as abstracts, and differentkeywords are excluded. This paper offers an overview and better understanding of the current trends and developmentof the topic since its inception over28years, and also serve as a valuable reference for future research

    Religiosity, financial knowledge, and financial behavior influence on personal financial distress among millennial generation

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    This study attempts to examine the personal financial distress among Malaysians millennial generation by scrutinizing religiosity, financial knowledge, and financial behavior as the influencing antecedents. The study adopted social learning theory (SLT) to underpin and explain the conceptual framework. The data were collected from millennial generations in Malaysia and analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling. The findings suggest that all claimed hypotheses were partially supported. Implication and contribution of the study were later discussed to justify the significance of this research. The findings revealed that behavioral traits to have a stronger impact on the incidence of personal financial distress than religiosity or financial knowledge. The results suggested the government should implement policy that could be oriented towards improving the financial habits and mitigating the impact of behavioral characteristics on personal finances

    The dynamic of macroeconomics elements in Malaysia: further insight into causality analysis / Dayang Hummida Abang Abdul Rahman … [et al.]

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    This paper intends to explore the causality effect between Growth Domestic Product (GDP), population and unemployment in Malaysia. Based on the observation of Malaysia’s historical data, there is a distinct movement in each of these individual macroeconomics components over the years. Past literature within the same area has illustrated various patterns on the possibility of a causal relationship that each variable has on one another. Several stages of analysis are conducted to verify the presence of causality effect from Malaysian economic perspective, which includes unit root test that employs the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF), Phillips-Perron (PP) and Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) procedures, followed by Johansen and Juselius test of cointegration and Granger-causality test based on Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) using E-views software. Each procedure is conducted using Malaysia’s time series data for each of the three elements from 1980 to 2013 obtained from Malaysia’s Department of Statistics. Our findings revealed that there is one cointegration detected for the tested variables; whereas the results indicate that population can Granger cause unemployment in the short run. Furthermore, it is found that unemployment solely bears the effect from short run adjustment to bring about the long run equilibrium within the tested framework. This study is important for the policy maker to understand the reason behind the causality effect that could jeopardize the rate of unemployment in Malaysia. As the attention is given specifically to three variables particularly GDP, population and unemployment, this study is aimed at broadening the prospect for further investigation within the same area of macroeconomics

    Revisiting Attitude towards Advertising, its Antecedent and Outcome: A Two-Stage Approach using PLS-SEM

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    Attitude towards advertising, its antecedent and outcome are well documented in advertising literature. Moreover, the theory of reasoned action is often used to support the relationships between belief, attitude and intention towards advertising, especially in the western context. However, little is done to attest the dimensionality of belief factors in explaining attitude and intention towards advertising in the developing markets. Consequently, misspecification of model and omission of measures due to deficiencies in analysis may likely lead to irrelevant conclusion to knowledge and practices. Hence, the present study is aimed to revisit the belief-attitude-intention model in advertising research using two-stage approach in PLS-SEM. Belief factors are constructed as formative measurement to form personal and societal belief factors in higher order component model. Questionnaire-based survey was administered at universities in Malaysia and 347 respondents were subsequently sampled. The findings show that attitude of Malaysian young consumers towards advertising is formed by both positive and negative beliefs. In particular, personal belief factors are found to have greater impact on their attitude and intention than societal belief factors

    Does work-life balance have a relationship with work performance?

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    Attaining work-life balance is challenging. Juggling work and personal affairs can be a highly demanding effort and the inability to attend to everything can leave one frustrated and exhausted. Increased level of stress, turnover and absenteeism rate are some of the negative repercussions of this. This study therefore, aims to further examine the relationship between work-life balance and work performance among non-executive level staff at Sarawak State Civil service. There were 44 acceptable self-administered questionnaires collected and analysed out of 64 questionnaires that were distributed for this exploratory stage of study. The result disclosed a significant but weak relationship between work-life balance and job performance. As the result, the study proposes to outline a work-life balance practices or programs such as job design that helps in employee productivity, employee assistance programs, health programs, aerobic sessions, family day and encouragement for employees to participate in seminars on stress and time management. Genuine concern and extensive involvement of the company in achieving the work-life balance will yield positive outcome from the employees

    Integrating Technology by Malaysian Polytechnic Students in Utilizing Institutional Repositories: A Continuous Study Employing the UTAUT Framework

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    This paper is to report the progress of the research which aims to determine the acceptance of Malaysian polytechnic students towards Institutional Repository for learning. User acceptance of a new technology or innovation is carried out to assess the level of user acceptance and response and has been adopted user acceptance theories such as Unified Theory and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and added attitudes as an external variables. This study hold significant important for the visibility and sustainability of the Institutional Repository platform for the long term. However, the study of technology acceptance at the Institutional Repository in Malaysian polytechnics seems to still lack research data related to user acceptance for the Institutional Repository platform to ensure that this service is implemented effectively to assist library users. Objective of this study is to examine user acceptance towards Institutional Repository platform for facilitating the learning process among Malaysian polytechnics students. This quantitative empirical study will conducted at four Malaysia polytechnic in Malaysia which is used propulsive sampling technique which is Politeknik Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah, Politeknik Kuching Sarawak, Politeknik Seberang Perai and Politeknik Kota Bharu. The three constructs of the UTAUT model are used as direct determinants of behavior intention and added with attitudes as external variables as moderators. Data analysis will use SPSS for descriptive and Smart PLS SEM for structural equation modelling. Next, there are needs of the user’s acceptance study towards Institutional Repository platform since it has never implemented. The benefits of technology adoption will reflect students' perceptions of its adoption and the stakeholders who should be responsible for planning, managing and promoting digital libraries for the benefit of student

    Intention to Use Islamic Banking Products and Its Determinants

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    As there is an increasing trend of Muslims and non-Muslims accepting Islamic banking, it is crucial to reconnoitre customers' intention to use Islamic banking products. Such rationale is based on theoretical foundation and empirical evidence that customers' perception towards a particular product would lead to their intention to choose that product. The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of intention to use Islamic banking products in an emerging and vibrant market. 200 copies of questionnaires were distributed, 131 usable copies were subsequently collected. The data were then analysed using PLS-SEM. The findings show that attitude, government support, and social influence possess explanatory and predictive capacity to envisage customers' intention to use Islamic banking products. As banking service is localized to better serve the customers, this study extends the literature by providing insights into the subject matter in emerging markets. Keywords: Islamic bank; intention; attitude; social influence; government support; product pricing; religious obligation; PLS-SEM JEL Classifications: G2, Z