43 research outputs found

    Effects of spacing and post-planting treatments on survival and growth of Fraxinus angustifolia seedlings

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    This study was conducted at a bottomland hardwood site with heavy textured soil in Akyazi, Turkey to determine the effect of initial spacing (3.0 x 3.0, 3.0 x 2.0, 2.5 x 1.6 and 2.5 x 1.2 m) and post-planting treatments (untreated check, moving, hoeing, disking, and hoeing plus disking) on early survival and growth,of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. One-year old bare-root seedlings (70 +/- 5 cm in height) were hand-planted in December 2004. Through three years survival was perfect with a rate of 98% in all treatments. Spacing and the interaction between spacing and post-planting treatment did not significantly affect seedling growth through three years. However, height and diameter growth increased overtime and differed significantly among post-planting treatments. The hoeing and hoeing plus disking treatments gave the highest growth, and resulted in about 31% increase in diameter and height increment, and in total diameter and height about 20%. These results suggest that post-planting treatments on bottomland sites with heavy textured soil give promising results

    Effects of land-use regime on soil erodibility indices and soil properties in Unye, Turkey

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    We evaluated the effects of land-use regime on soil erodibility indices and several soil properties in forested, deforested, and cultivated areas in the village of Unye, Turkey. Twelve sample plots (spaced 150 m apart) with northern aspects were established in each land-use regime, and samples were taken at soil depths of 0–20, 20–50, and 50– 80 cm. Soil organic matter (SOM), soil reaction (pH), total lime (CaCO3), texture (sand, silt, and clay), dispersion ratio (DR), erosion ratio (ER), colloid-moisture equivalent ratio (C-MER), structural stability index (SSI), field capacity (FC), wilting point (WP), and available water capacity (AWC) were analyzed. The average (of the three soil depths) AWC, FC, and WP values were not affected by the site, although site, soil depth, or both significantly affected other analyzed soil variables. Deforestation and subsequent tillage practices resulted in an almost 20% decrease in clay content, a 33% decrease in SOM, a 15% decrease in AWC, a 51% decrease in total CaCO3, a 24% decrease in SSI, a 60% increase in DR, and a 98% increase in ER relative to undisturbed forest soil. At cultivated and forested sites, the ER and DR increased with increasing soil depth. At deforested sites, ER and DR were lowest at 50–80 cm. SOM was the highest at 0–20 cm in the forested sites. Decreasing SOM, clay content, and SSI, as well as increasing DR and ER were outcomes of deforestation. These results indicate that the conversion of forest into cropland deteriorates some soil properties, especially SOM and SSI, and alters the stability of soil aggregates, thus increasing the susceptibility of deforested sites to erosion

    Chondrostoma smyrnae, a new nase from the Tahtali reservoir drainage in the Aegean Sea basin (Teleostei, Leuciscidae)

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    Chondrostoma smyrnae, a new species, from the Tahtali reservoir drainage is distinguished by having a slightly arched lower jaw with a well-developed keratinised edge, a deep and cylindric body, a complete lateral line with 47-52+1 total scales, 8-9 scale rows between the lateral line and the dorsal-fin origin, 4 scale rows between the lateral line and the pelvic fin-origin, and 19-23 gill rakers on the first gill arch. Moreover, molecular analyses using full cyt b (1141 bp) and partial coI (652 bp) sequences of the mitochondrial genome from specimens of the new species, C. smyrnae and specimens belonging to other Chondrostoma species from central and western Anatolia demonstrated that the C. smyrnae is easily differentiated by their high pairwise genetic distances of cyt b and coI data set (>2.20 and 1.03%, respectively) and by their position in the phylogenetic trees obtained through Maximum Likelihood (ML) methodology

    Two new host records for pomphorhynchus laevis (Müller, 1776) (Acanthocephala) recorded from Antalya, Turkey: Small bleak (Alburnus baliki Bogutskaya, Küçük & Ünlü, 2000) and Antalya barb (Capoeta antalyensis Battalgil, 1944)

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    Acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis specimens are reported in Alburnus baliki and Capoeta antalyensis caught between May and July of 2009 in streams discharging into Antalya Bay. The total prevalence rate for P. laevis was 78.5% and 60% in A. baliki and C. antalyensis, respectively. A total of 28 A. baliki were caught, and 74 P. laevis were recorded in 22 of the 28 fish examined. As for the occurrence of P. laevis in C. antalyensis, a total of 15 fish were caught, and a total of 25 individuals were found in 9 of the 15 fish examined. This finding constitutes the first record of this helminth parasite in either fish species, and the host fishes represent 2 new host records for P. laevis

    Single-port laparoscopic left colectomy for colo-colonic intussusception caused by giant lipoma

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    Laparoscopic surgery for colorectal disease has beenshown to improve postoperative healing compared withopen surgery. Specifically, studies suggest that laparoscopictechniques can reduce postoperative pain andrecovery time, reduce the need for postoperative analgesia,and allow a more rapid return to normal activitiescompared with open surgery. A series of cases have beenreported in the literature concerning the success rate ofsingle-incision laparoscopic colectomy used in the treatmentof benign or malign colorectal disease. A 38-year-oldfemale patient having chronic cramping abdominal pain,who’s descending colon included a giant lipoma causingintussusceptions. Lipoma was detected by colonoscopy,the histological examination revealed lipoma and thenwas operated with single port laparoscopic left colectomyin elective conditions. No intraoperative and postoperativecomplications occurred. The operation time was 105minutes. The wound size was 2.5 cm. The patient wasdischarged uneventfully on postoperative day four.Key words: Lipoma, colo-colonic intussusceptions, singleincisio

    Implementation of strip-reinforced reinforced earth wall systems

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    Tez, yazarı tarafından 01.02.2021 tarihine kadar erişime kısıtlanmıştır.Toprakarme sistemin esası, sıkıştırılmış dolgu malzemesi ile donatının birlikte kullanımına dayanmaktadır. Dolgu ile özel aderanslı çelik donatının birlikte yerleştirilmesi, bu malzeme arasında temas yüzeyinde bir sürtünme meydana getirmektedir. Dolgu kütlesinin içinde oluşan gerilmeler özel galvanizli çelik şerit donatılar tarafından karşılanır. Bu gerilmeler şeritlere sürtünme vasıtasıyla transfer edilir. Böylece bu iki malzeme, tek ve kompozit bir inşaat malzemesi oluşturmaktadır. Bartın Üniversitesi Kutlubeyyazıcılar Kampüsü girişinin Bartın-Ankara karayolu bağlantısında köprülü kavşak yapılmıştır. Bu proje kapsamında köprü yaklaşım rampası olarak 3.7 m dolgu yüksekliğinde ve 12 m genişliğinde şerit donatılı toprakarme duvarı yapılması öngörülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, yapılması düşünülen bu yapının iCad Toprakarme yazılımıyla iç ve dış stabilite analizlerini yapılarak donatı şerit boylarının ve döşeme aralıklarının belirlemesi amaçlanmaktadır. Ayrıca şerit donatılı toprakarme yapı sistemi, yapısal elemanları ve yapı sisteminin uygulama aşamaları genel hatlarıyla açıklanmıştır. Tez kapsamında şerit donatılı toprakarme duvarda kullanılacak malzemelerin şartnamelerce belirtilen kriterlere uygunluğu da yapılan deneylerle incelenmiştir.The basis of reinforced earth system is using the compacted backfill and reinforcement together. The placement of the backfill and special adherent steel reinforcements creates a friction between the backfill and contact surface. The stresses developing in the backfill mass are encountered by special galvanized steel strip reinforcements. These stresses are transferred to the strips by friction. Thus, these two materials form a single and composite construction material. Bartın University The entrance of Kutlubey Yazıcılar Campus is a bridge junction at Bartın-Ankara highway connection. In this project, as a bridge approach ramp, it is envisaged to construct a tile-reinforced earthen wall with a fill height of 3.7 m and a width of 12 m. In this study, it is aimed to determine the strip lengths and intervals by analyzing internal and external stability with iCad Toprakarme software. In addition, the stripreinforced earthed structural system, structural elements, and application steps of the structural system are roughly explanined. In the study, the sufficiency of the materials to be used in the reinforced earth wall was investigated with the experiments made

    Investigation of the effect of mechanical characteristics of production parameters on wood h20 beams

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    Bu çalışmada farklı tipte kompozit ahşap I-kiriş dizayn edilmiştir. Odun plastik kompozit (OPK), HDF ve yönlendirilmiş yonga levhası (OSB) gibi malzemelerden tasarlanan I-kiriş numunelerinin fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri belirlenmiş ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Fiziksel özellikleri incelemesinde; ham malzeme olan OPK (1.560 g/cm3), HDF (0.663 g/cm3), OSB (0.586 g/cm3) ve sarıçamın (0.514 g/cm3) yoğunluk değerleri bulunmuştur. OPK, HDF ve OSB'den tasarlanan üç farklı kirişin birleşimlerinde poliüretan (PU) tutkal kullanılmıştır. Bu tasarlanan kirişlerde eğilme direnci, eğilmede elastikiyet modülü, eğilmede kayma miktarı ve basınç dirençleri araştırılmıştır. Kirişlerde kullanılan yapıştırıcı tipinin eğilme direnci, elastikiyet modülü, eğilmede kayma miktarı ve basınç direnci üzerindeki etkisini araştırmak için, PU tutkalı ve polivinil asetat (PVA) tutkalı kullanılarak OPK’dan tasarlanan kirişler karşılaştırılmıştır. OPK (7.030 N/mm2) ile OSB (6.886 N/mm2)’den tasarlanan kirişlerde eğilme direnci değerleri birbirine yakın, HDF’den (8.770 N/mm2) tasarlanan kirişin ise eğilme direncinin daha yüksek olduğu belirlendi. Tutkal tipinin etkisi incelemesine göre, PU tutkalın eğilme direncini %78 arttırdığı görülmüştür. Elastikiyet modülü hesabına göre PU tutkal ile birleştirilen ve gövde elemanı olarak HDF’den tasarlanan kompozit I kirişlerin ortalama eğilmede elastikiyet modülü (339.061 N/mm2) en düşük olduğu belirlendi. PVA tutkal kullanılarak dizayn edilen kompozit I kirişin elastikiyet modülü (505.598 N/mm2 ) ise en yüksek değer olarak bulunmuştur. Eğilmede kayma direnci miktarlarına bakıldığında OPK (1.025 N/mm2) ve OSB (1.015 N/mm2)’nin kullanıldığı kompozit I kirişlerin kayma direnci miktarları birbirine yakın çıkmıştır. HDF’den (1.307 N/mm2) tasarlanan kompozit I kirişin ise diğerlerine göre eğilmede kayma direnci daha yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. PU tutkal, PVA tutkal ile karşılaştırıldığında, eğilmede kayma direnç değerini %50 arttırdığı saptanmıştır. Basınç direnci karşılaştırmasında en yüksek değer OPK (10.157 N/mm2)’dan tasarlanan kirişlerde çıkmıştır. PU tutkal ve PVA tutkalın basınç direncine etkisi karşılaştırıldığında, birleşimlerde PU tutkal kullanmanın basınç direncine azda olsa etki ettiği görülmüştür.In this study, different types of composite wood I-beams were designed. Physical and mechanical properties of I-beam specimens designed from materials such as wood plastic composite (OPK), HDF and oriented particle board (OSB) have been determined and compared. According to the examination of physical properties; density values of OPK (1.560 g/cm3), HDF (0.663 g/cm3), OSB (0.586 g/cm3) and seats pine (0.514 g/cm3) were found. Polyurethane (PU) glue has been used in combination of three different beams designed from OPK, HDF and OSB. In these designed beams, bending resistance, bending elasticity modulus, bending shear rate and pressure resistance were investigated. In order to investigate the bending strength, modulus of elasticity, shear rate and shear strength of the adhesive used in the beams, beams designed from OPK were compared using PU grafted and polyvinyl acetate (PVA) grafts. It was determined that the beams with an OPK (7.030 N/mm2) and an OSB (6.886 N/mm2) beams had similar bending resistance values, while those with a contoured beam (8.770 N/mm2) had a higher bending strength. According to the effect of the glue type, it was found that the PU glue increased the bending resistance by 78%. The average flexural modulus (339.061 N/mm2) of the composite I beams joined with PU glue according to the elastic modulus calculation and contoured as trunk element was determined to be the lowest. The modulus (505.598 N/mm2) of the composite I beam, which is designed using PVA adhesive, was found to be the highest value. The shear resistance values of composite I beams using OPK (1.025 N mm2) and OSB (1.015 N/mm2) were close to each other when the shear resistance values were evaluated. Composite I beams designed with a contour line (1.307 N/mm2) were found to have higher slip resistance than the others. PU glue was found to increase the slip resistance value by 50% when compared to PVA glue. The highest value in pressure resistance comparison was found in beams designed from OPK (10.157 N/mm2). When the effect of PU glue and PVA glue on the pressure resistance was compared, it was found that using PU glue in the joints had less effect on the pressure resistance

    Effect of piezoelectric technique on auditory function on postoperative day one in septorhinoplasty surgery

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    WOS: 000467707800009PubMed ID: 29927822Aim: To examine the effect of the piezoelectric application used increasingly for osteotomy and correction of nasal dorsum in septorhinoplasty surgeries on early auditory functions. Methods: Our study was conducted after the decision of 10840098604.01.01- E. 9057 taken from Istanbul Medipol University Clinical Research Local Ethics Committee. This study was designed to be prospective, randomized and controlled. Twenty patients between 18 and 50 years of age that piezoelectric technique was used in the study group and 10 patients in the same age range who underwent nasal surgery (endoscopic sinus surgery, septoplasty, lower concha radiofrequency and nasal valve surgery) for any reason in the control group were included in the study. Audiologic functions of the patients in both the groups were assessed by pure audio audiometry, tympanometry and distortion product otoacoustic emission test before the surgery and 24 hours after the surgery. The data obtained were statistically compared using the SPSS 22.0 program and P0.05) at 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000, and 8000Hz. The results of distortion product otoacoustic emission results (signal/noise ratio) obtained postoperativelywere not statistically significant (P>0.05) with the results obtained preoperatively. Conclusion: The results of the study show that the piezoelectric technique used in septorhinoplasty does not cause a negative effect on auditory functions. This study is the first comparative study to investigate the effect of piezoelectric technique used in septorhinoplasty surgery on auditory functions. After further clinical studies performed with well- selected and large patient population, the piezoelectric techniques can be a preferred technique during septorhinoplasty operations