331 research outputs found

    Liderazgo para sostener procesos de innovación en la escuela

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    En este artículo examinamos los hallazgos de una investigación sobre las bases institucionales que permitieron desarrollar procesos sostenidos de cambio en centros escolares desde la perspectiva del liderazgo. En concreto observamos que algunos centros que habían configurado una dinámica sostenida de cambios desplegaban también patrones de liderazgo ampliamente distribuido. En este artículo se analizan dos casos en los que identificamos dichas dinámicas institucionales, al tiempo que se confrontan con un tercer caso que fracasó en su intento de llevar adelante un proyecto de cambio de gran envergadura y en donde el liderazgo adoptaba un patrón claramente focalizado. Los detalles de dichos procesos se analizan y se discuten a la luz de la literatura sobre liderazgo .We exam in this paper the findings of an inquiry on the institutional basis that let to develop sustainable change processes in schools from the perspective of leadership. In particular, we observed that some schools that presented a sustained dynamics of changes, deployed patterns of widely distributed leadership as well. In the paper, two cases in which such institutional dynamics were identified will be analyzed and confronted with a third case that failed in the attempt to carry out an important change project. In this case leadership adopted a clearly focalized pattern. The details of such processes are analyzed and discussed taking into account the literature about distributed leadership

    Leadership to sustain innovation processes in school

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    En este artículo examinamos los hallazgos de una investigación sobre las bases institucionales que permitieron desarrollar procesos sostenidos de cambio en centros escolares desde la perspectiva del liderazgo. En concreto observamos que algunos centros que habían configurado una dinámica sostenida de cambios desplegaban también patrones de liderazgo ampliamente distribuido. En este artículo se analizan dos casos en los que identificamos dichas dinámicas institucionales, al tiempo que se confrontan con un tercer caso que fracasó en su intento de llevar adelante un proyecto de cambio de gran envergadura y en donde el liderazgo adoptaba un patrón claramente focalizado. Los detalles de dichos procesos se analizan y se discuten a la luz de la literatura sobre liderazgo.We exam in this paper the findings of an inquiry on the institutional basis that let to develop sustainable change processes in schools from the perspective of leadership. In particular, we observed that some schools that presented a sustained dynamics of changes, deployed patterns of widely distributed leadership as well. In the paper, two cases in which such institutional dynamics were identified will be analyzed and confronted with a third case that failed in the attempt to carry out an important change project. In this case leadership adopted a clearly focalized pattern. The details of such processes are analyzed and discussed taking into account the literature about distributed leadership.Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    Population Genomic Structure and Genome-Wide Linkage Disequilibrium in Farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Using Dense SNP Genotypes

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    Chilean Farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations were established with individuals of both European and North American origins. These populations are expected to be highly genetically differentiated due to evolutionary history and poor gene flow between ancestral populations from different continents. The extent and decay of linkage disequilibrium (LD) among single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) impacts the implementation of genome-wide association studies and genomic selection and provides relevant information about demographic processes of fish populations. We assessed the population structure and characterized the extent and decay of LD in three Chilean commercial populations of Atlantic salmon with North American (NAM), Scottish (SCO), and Norwegian (NOR) origin. A total of 123 animals were genotyped using a 159 K SNP Axiom® myDesignTM Genotyping Array. A total of 32 K SNP markers, representing the common SNPs along the three populations after quality control were used. The principal component analysis explained 78.9% of the genetic diversity between populations, clearly discriminating between populations of North American and European origin, and also between European populations. NAM had the lowest effective population size, followed by SCO and NOR. Large differences in the LD decay were observed between populations of North American and European origin. An r2 threshold of 0.2 was estimated for marker pairs separated by 7,800, 64, and 50 kb in the NAM, SCO, and NOR populations, respectively. In this study we show that this SNP panel can be used to detect association between markers and traits of interests and also to capture high-resolution information for genome-enabled predictions. Also, we suggest the feasibility to achieve similar prediction accuracies using a smaller SNP data set for the NAM population, compared with samples with European origin which would need a higher density SNP array

    In silico drug prescription for targeting cancer patient heterogeneity and prediction of clinical outcome

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    In silico drug prescription tools for precision cancer medicine can match molecular alterations with tailored candidate treatments. These methodologies require large and well-annotated datasets to systematically evaluate their performance, but this is currently constrained by the lack of complete patient clinicopathological data. Moreover, in silico drug prescription performance could be improved by integrating additional tumour information layers like intra-tumour heterogeneity (ITH) which has been related to drug response and tumour progression. PanDrugs is an in silico drug prescription method which prioritizes anticancer drugs combining both biological and clinical evidence. We have systematically evaluated PanDrugs in the Genomic Data Commons repository (GDC). Our results showed that PanDrugs is able to establish an a priori stratification of cancer patients treated with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) inhibitors. Patients labelled as responders according to PanDrugs predictions showed a significantly increased overall survival (OS) compared to non-responders. PanDrugs was also able to suggest alternative tailored treatments for non-responder patients. Additionally, PanDrugs usefulness was assessed considering spatial and temporal ITH in cancer patients and showed that ITH can be approached therapeutically proposing drugs or combinations potentially capable of targeting the clonal diversity. In summary, this study is a proof of concept where PanDrugs predictions have been correlated to OS and can be useful to manage ITH in patients while increasing therapeutic options and demonstrating its clinical utilityThis work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Marie-Curie Career Integration Grant (CIG334361); and Paradifference Foundatio