42 research outputs found

    Estimating complementarity among vertical restraints: Evidence from manufacturing firms

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    This paper uses a bivariate probit model to analyze firms' decisions to impose regimes of exclusive dealing and/or exclusive territories with their distributors. We employ a panel data set of manufacturing firms (from 1990 to 2005) that contains information about such vertical restraints. Firms report whether they impose vertical restraints on their distributors (retailers or wholesalers) and the type: resale price maintenance, full line forcing, exclusive dealing, and/or exclusive territories. Our results show that the likelihood of imposing exclusive dealing and/or exclusive territories varies widely by industry and that small size greatly reduces the likelihood of imposing exclusive dealing (but not exclusive territories). The results also show the existence of complementarities between exclusive territories and exclusive dealing but not with other types of restraint.vertical restraints, exclusive dealing, exclusive territories, manufacturing industry

    I+D e importación de tecnología: un análisis comparado entre la industria manufacturera Uruguaya y Española

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es doble, por una parte, realizar un estudio comparativo de los patrones de innovación en las empresas manufactureras uruguayas y españolas, con el propósito de detectar las similitudes y diferencias entre ambos países, caracterizados por diferentes niveles en el desarrollo industrial. Por otra parte, evaluar la incidencia de la importación de tecnología sobre la decisión de las empresas de realizar actividades de I+D propias. Se adopta un enfoque microeconómico que permite descomponer el efecto total en el efecto sobre la probabilidad de realizar actividades de I+D y el efecto sobre la intensidad con la que se realizan. Los resultados señalan la existencia de una relación de complementariedad entre las actividades de importación y generación de tecnología en ambos países y para los dos años analizados, siendo más intenso el efecto en las empresas uruguayas de menor tamaño.

    Importación y generación de tecnología en la industria manufacturera española.

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es doble: por una parte, cuantificar la importancia de las actividades de I+D eimportación de tecnología en las empresas manufactureras españolas; por otra, analizar la decisión de las empresas de importar tecnología y su relación con la generación de tecnología propia. La Metodología empleadapermito diferenciar entre la probabilidad de realizaruna actividad tecnológica determinada y el esfuerzo tecnológico efectuado en aquellas empresas que realzan dicha actividad.This study has the dual purpose of, on the one hand, assessing the importance of R&D activities and technology import in the Spanish manufacturingindustrias and, on the other, of analysing the decision of companies to import technology and its relationship with the generation of own technology. The methodology used enables us to differentiate between the probabiiity of carrying on a given technological activity and the technological effort rnade in those companies that perform this activity.I+D; R&D; Importación de tecnología; Manufacturas; Technology import; Manufactures;

    Performance pay, firm size and export market participation: Evidence from matched employer–employee data

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGThe objective of this paper is to provide new evidence on the link between firm level characteristics (size and export) and the adoption of performance pay as part of worker remuneration. Our study exploits an employer–employee database with information on more than 200,000 workers at 26,055 Spanish firms. We find that the incidence of performance pay usually increases with firm size (at decreasing rates) and export status. However, we detect a wide variation among occupations, both in the prevalence of the two types of performance pay analysed and their relationship with size and export.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-099403-B-I0

    Importación y generación de tecnología en la industria manufacturera española

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es doble: por una parte, cuantificar la importancia de las actividades de I+D eimportación de tecnología en las empresas manufactureras españolas; por otra, analizar la decisión de las empresas de importar tecnología y su relación con la generación de tecnología propia. La Metodología empleadapermito diferenciar entre la probabilidad de realizaruna actividad tecnológica determinada y el esfuerzo tecnológico efectuado en aquellas empresas que realzan dicha actividad.This study has the dual purpose of, on the one hand, assessing the importance of R&D activities and technology import in the Spanish manufacturingindustrias and, on the other, of analysing the decision of companies to import technology and its relationship with the generation of own technology. The methodology used enables us to differentiate between the probabiiity of carrying on a given technological activity and the technological effort rnade in those companies that perform this activity.Publicad

    La transición de la universidad al trabajo: una aproximación empírica

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolNeste traballo caracterizámo-la transición dos licenciados desde a Universidade ata o mercado de traballo. En particular, estúdiase o tempo medio que os titulados tardan en atopa-lo seu primeiro emprego unha vez que finalizan os seus estudios universitarios. Para iso utilízase unha mostra de licenciados en carreiras técnicas e non-técnicas da Universidade de Vigo. Entre outros resultados atopamos que o cincuenta por cento dos licenciados consegue o seu primeiro traballo antes dos cinco meses de ter iniciado o seu proceso de busca. Ademais, constátase que as condicións do primeiro emprego son significativamente favorables para os licenciados de carreiras técnicasIn this paper we characterize the transition from University to the labour market. Bascally, we study the transition between the end of University studies and the first job, based on University of Vigo students. Our findings suggests that fifty percent of the students found their job before five monthes of finishig their careers. In addition, labour conditions of the first job favour those who studied technichal careersS

    Employment and productivity of the work: a descriptive analysis for the galician and spanish industry

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolNeste traballo estúdiase o emprego da industria galega mediante a Encuesta Industrial de Empresas, desde dúas vertentes: por unha parte, desde unha perspectiva comparada coa industria española e, por outra, desde unha perspectiva de evolución temporal durante o período 1993 a 1999. Preséntase evidencia do crecemento experimentado no emprego durante este período expansivo, aínda que se detectan algunhas diferencias entre a industria galega e a española. Mentres que na primeira foron as grandes empresas as que xeraron máis emprego, na segunda foron as empresas de menor tamaño. Tamén se mostra que os custos laborais e a productividade do traballo (medida en termos de valor engadido por traballador ou por hora) están correlacionados de maneira positiva co tamaño da empresa e co nivel tecnolóxico do sector no que operanThis paper analyses the growth of employment of Galician industry between 1993 and 1999 using data from the Encuesta Industrial de Empresas. This analysis has been done from two points of view: from a comparative perspective of the Spanish industry and from a temporary perspective during the period. The results show that there are differences between the Galician and Spanish industry in terms of the employment growth experimented during the period. While the increase of employment in Galicia is mainly due to big companies, the small firms have been the main source of employment growth in Spain. We also show that the labor costs and the work productivity (either in terms of value added by worker or by hour) are positively correlated with the size of the company and the technological level of the sector in which they operateEn este trabajo se estudia el empleo de la industria gallega mediante la Encuesta Industrial de Empresas, desde dos vertientes: por una parte, desde una perspectiva comparada con la industria española y, por otra, desde una perspectiva de evolución temporal durante el período 1993 a 1999. Se presenta evidencia del crecimiento experimentado en el empleo durante este período expansivo, aunque se detectan algunas diferencias entre la industria gallega y la española. Mientras que en la primera han sido las grandes empresas las que han generado más empleo, en la segunda han sido las empresas de menor tamaño. También se muestra que los costes laborales y la productividad del trabajo (medida en términos de valor añadido por trabajador o por hora) están correlacionados de manera positiva con el tamaño de la empresa y con el nivel tecnológico del sector en el que operanS

    Some empirical regularities on vertical restraints

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    Vertical restraints most often arise when an upstream firm wants to restrict the choices of a downstream distributor in order to increase profits. The aim of this paper is to analyze some empirical regularities in the motivations for vertical restraints. Firstly a simple theoretical framework is developed in which an upstream monopoly decides on the intermediate price and an effort level which increase consumer demand, while the distributor decides on the final price. Two externalities arises: the double marginalization and a positive vertical externality due to the effort. The main result of the model indicates that the incentives to vertical coordination are higher when upstream firm make sales effort. Secondly, we test this theoretical prediction with a sample of more than 2000 Spanish manufacturing firms that report detailed information on firms¿ distribution system and the type of vertical restraints that they impose to their distributors. The main results indicate that the greater the effort put in the upstream firm, the higher the probability of imposing vertical restraints. Furthermore, there is an important heterogeneity by industry and size in the probability to impose vertical restraints

    Some empirical regularities on vertical restraints

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    Vertical restraints most often arise when an upstream firm wants to restrict the choices of a downstream distributor in order to increase profits. The aim of this paper is to analyze some empirical regularities in the motivations for vertical restraints. Firstly a simple theoretical framework is developed in which an upstream monopoly decides on the intermediate price and an effort level which increase consumer demand, while the distributor decides on the final price. Two externalities arises: the double marginalization and a positive vertical externality due to the effort. The main result of the model indicates that the incentives to vertical coordination are higher when upstream firm make sales effort. Secondly, we test this theoretical prediction with a sample of more than 2000 Spanish manufacturing firms that report detailed information on firms¿ distribution system and the type of vertical restraints that they impose to their distributors. The main results indicate that the greater the effort put in the upstream firm, the higher the probability of imposing vertical restraints. Furthermore, there is an important heterogeneity by industry and size in the probability to impose vertical restraints