1,616 research outputs found

    Predominant Coaching Leadership Behaviors of High School Head Basketball Coaches: A Pilot Study

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    Coaching leadership in sport was important because the coach-athlete relationship was considered as a crucial factor in the sport setting. Though leadership theories have been developed for a few decades, research topics related to leadership behaviors in high school settings are understudied. The purpose of the study was to examine the coaching leadership behaviors of high school head basketball coaches in Hong Kong utilizing the Leadership Scale for Sports. One hundred and twelve basketball coaches were invited to participate in the study: 56 coaches from the winning teams and another 56 coaches from the losing teams. Mixed-design 2 × 5 ANOVA indicated there was significant (p \u3c .001) main effect for the coaching behaviors. Both the top-ranking and low-ranking head basketball coaches exhibited significantly (p \u3c .001) higher level of Teaching and Instruction as well as Positive Feedback than Social Support, Democratic Behavior, and Autocratic Behavior. The mean scores as determined by the five dimensions of the LSS were in the following descending order: Positive Feedback, Training and Instruction, Social Support, Democratic Behavior, and Autocratic Behavior. The importance and application of these five coaching behaviors were discussed in detail

    Differentiating Axonal from Demyelinating Neuropathies using Multiparametric Quantitative MRI of Peripheral Nerves

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    Objectives: To develop a multiparametric quantitative MRI (qMRI) method to track pathological changes in the peripheral neuropathies. Background: Irrespective of the causes or types of polyneuropathies, peripheral nerves are mainly afflicted by two kinds of pathologies – axonal loss and demyelination. It is critical to differentiate between the two as treatments are different for the two conditions. While nerve conduction studies (NCS) have been used to differentiate the two pathologies in the distal nerves, there are no tools to probe the pathologies in the proximal peripheral nerves. This is particularly needed when distal nerves become non-responsive in NCS. Methods: We have developed a qMRI method that quantifies the sciatic and tibial nerves with 10 parameters that are sensitive to different aspects of myelin and axonal pathologies: magnetization transfer ratio (MTR), magnetization transfer saturation index (MTsat), longitudinal relaxation time (T1), proton density (PD), effective transverse relaxation time (T2*), fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD), and nerve fascicular volume (fVol). In this pilot study, we studied 4 patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth type-1A (CMT1A), 2 patients with CMT type-2S (CMT2S), and 17 healthy controls. Results: Compared with the healthy controls, patients with CMT2S (axonal type) had a comparable MTR, MTsat, T1, PD and fVol, but a reduced T2*. While patients with CMT1A (demyelinating type) had a reduced MTR and MTsat, increased fVol, T1 and PD, and comparable T2*. All 6 patients with CMT shared a change in reduced FA, which was driven by a reduced AD and an increased RD. Conclusions: The data show different qMRI patterns between axonal and demyelinating neuropathies. The differential changes will be further verified in a larger cohort of patients with peripheral neuropathies

    APOE Gene Associated with Dementia-Related Traits, Depression, and Anxiety in the Hispanic Population

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    Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), a main cause of dementia, is commonly seen in aging populations with a strong genetic component. AD is one of the most common neurodegenerative disorders; it is a genetically and clinically heterogeneous disease. Specific demographic factors and genetic variants have been identified in non-Hispanic populations; however, limited studies have observed the Hispanic population. Therefore, we focused on investigating a known gene, APOE, associated with AD-related phenotypes and two psychiatric diseases (depression and anxiety) within the U.S. Hispanic population in our current study. A total of 1382 subjects were studied based on data collected from the Texas Alzheimer\u27s Research and Care Consortium (TARCC, N = 1320) and the Initial Study of Longevity and Dementia from the Rio Grande Valley (ISLD-RGV, N = 62). Questionnaires regarding demographics, medical history, and blood/saliva samples were collected. We genotyped the APOE gene. The current findings indicated that APOE-ε4 was associated with not only AD (p \u3c 0.0001) but also with anxiety (p \u3c 0.0001) and depression (p = 0.0004). However, APOE-ε3 was associated with depression (p = 0.002) in the Hispanic population. We provide additional evidence in which APOE-ε4 increased the risk for AD in Hispanics. For the first time, APOE alleles show increased risks for anxiety and depression in Hispanics. Further research is warranted to confirm the current findings

    In Ovo Monitoring of Smooth Muscle Fiber Development in the Chick Embryo: Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Histologic Correlation

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    , and to determine the correlation between histologically-derived muscle fiber fraction, day of incubation and diffusion tensor imaging fractional anisotropy values and length of tracked fibers.From a set of 82 normally developing fertile chicken eggs, 5 eggs were randomly chosen each day from incubation days 5 to 18 and cooled using a dual-cooling technique prior to and during magnetic resonance imaging at 3.0 Tesla. Smooth muscle fibers of the gizzard were tracked using region of interests placed over the gizzard. Following imaging, the egg was cracked and the embryo was fixated and sectioned, and a micrograph most closely corresponding to the acquired magnetic resonance image was made. Smooth muscle fiber fraction was determined using an automated computer algorithm. development of smooth muscle tissue

    PolyMaX: General Dense Prediction with Mask Transformer

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    Dense prediction tasks, such as semantic segmentation, depth estimation, and surface normal prediction, can be easily formulated as per-pixel classification (discrete outputs) or regression (continuous outputs). This per-pixel prediction paradigm has remained popular due to the prevalence of fully convolutional networks. However, on the recent frontier of segmentation task, the community has been witnessing a shift of paradigm from per-pixel prediction to cluster-prediction with the emergence of transformer architectures, particularly the mask transformers, which directly predicts a label for a mask instead of a pixel. Despite this shift, methods based on the per-pixel prediction paradigm still dominate the benchmarks on the other dense prediction tasks that require continuous outputs, such as depth estimation and surface normal prediction. Motivated by the success of DORN and AdaBins in depth estimation, achieved by discretizing the continuous output space, we propose to generalize the cluster-prediction based method to general dense prediction tasks. This allows us to unify dense prediction tasks with the mask transformer framework. Remarkably, the resulting model PolyMaX demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on three benchmarks of NYUD-v2 dataset. We hope our simple yet effective design can inspire more research on exploiting mask transformers for more dense prediction tasks. Code and model will be made available.Comment: WACV 202

    Estimating the economic impact of canine rabies to Viet Nam 2005–2014

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    The global economic impact of canine rabies has been estimated by several studies. Asia bears a disproportionate burden of this zoonosis due to high levels of human deaths and rates of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), but low investment in preventative dog vaccination. The same factors that cause rabies to burden much of Asia are also present in Viet Nam. This study estimated the economic burden of canine rabies in a societal perspective including direct and indirect cost of rabies in dogs, livestock, and humans. Using data collected from personal interviews, published literature, published and supplementary reports, and primary data collection, we estimated the economic impact of canine rabies in Viet Nam over a ten year period (2005–2014). We incorporated the direct and indirect costs for PEP, dog vaccination efforts, livestock losses, and disability adjusted life years (DALYs) into the analysis. General findings from this analysis indicated that over the 10 year study period, the total economic impact of canine rabies was over 719millionUSD.Thelargestportionofimpacts(92719 million USD. The largest portion of impacts (92%) were made up of PEP-related costs. Canine rabies created between 36,560 and 45,700 DALYs, measured in years of life lost (YLL). A total of 914 human deaths were reported over the study period. Deaths/100,000 people were 0.11, which is lower than the reported level for Asian countries. The cost per dog vaccinated was 1.75 USD. Our results indicate that canine rabies impacts in Viet Nam are consistent with the burden elsewhere reported in Asia, with large expenditures on PEP and very small investments in dog vaccination

    A Systematic Review of Reproductive Counseling in Cases of Parental Constitutional Reciprocal Translocation (9;22) Mimicking BCR-ABL1

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    We aim to determine the spectrum of cytogenetic abnormalities and outcomes in unbalanced offspring of asymptomatic constitutional balanced t(9;22) carriers through a systematic literature review. We also include a case of a constitutional balanced t(9;22) carrier from our institution. Among the 16 balanced t(9;22) carriers in our review, 13 were maternal and 3 were paternal. Of the 15 unbalanced translocation cases identified, 13 were live births, one was a missed abortion, and one resulted in pregnancy termination. The spectrum of established syndromes reported among the live births was the following: trisomy 9p syndrome (6/13), dual trisomy 9p and DiGeorge syndrome (3/13), dual 9q subtelomere deletion syndrome and DiGeorge syndrome (1/13), 9q subtelomere deletion syndrome (1/13), and DiGeorge syndrome (1/13). One unbalanced case did not have a reported syndrome. The phenotype of the unbalanced cases included cardiac abnormalities (5/13), neurological findings (7/13), intellectual disability (6/10), urogenital anomalies (3/13), respiratory or immune dysfunction (3/13), and facial or skeletal dysmorphias (13/13). Any constitutional balanced reciprocal t(9;22) carrier should be counseled regarding the increased risk of having a child with an unbalanced translocation, the spectrum of possible cytogenetic abnormalities, and predicted clinical phenotype for the unbalanced derivative

    Pichia pastoris versus Saccharomyces cerevisiae:a case study on the recombinant production of human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor

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    BACKGROUND: Recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF) is a glycoprotein that has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of neutropenia and leukemia in combination with chemotherapies. Recombinant hGM-CSF is produced industrially using the baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, by large-scale fermentation. The methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris, has emerged as an alternative host cell system due to its shorter and less immunogenic glycosylation pattern together with higher cell density growth and higher secreted protein yield than S. cerevisiae. In this study, we compared the pipeline from gene to recombinant protein in these two yeasts. RESULTS: Codon optimization in silico for both yeast species showed no difference in frequent codon usage. However, rhGM-CSF expressed from S. cerevisiae BY4742 showed a significant discrepancy in molecular weight from those of P. pastoris X33. Analysis showed purified rhGM-CSF species with molecular weights ranging from 30 to more than 60 kDa. Fed-batch fermentation over 72 h showed that rhGM-CSF was more highly secreted from P. pastoris than S. cerevisiae (285 and 64 mg total secreted protein/L, respectively). Ion exchange chromatography gave higher purity and recovery than hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Purified rhGM-CSF from P. pastoris was 327 times more potent than rhGM-CSF from S. cerevisiae in terms of proliferative stimulating capacity on the hGM-CSF-dependent cell line, TF-1. CONCLUSION: Our data support a view that the methylotrophic yeast P. pastoris is an effective recombinant host for heterologous rhGM-CSF production

    Improved Siderotic Nodule Detection in Cirrhosis with Susceptibility-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Prospective Study

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatic cirrhosis is a common pathway of progressive liver destruction from multiple causes. Iron uptake can occur within the hepatic parenchyma or within the various nodules that form in a cirrhotic liver, termed siderotic nodules. Siderotic nodule formation has been shown to correlate with inflammatory activity, and while the relationship between siderotic nodule formation and malignancy remains unclear, iron distribution within hepatic nodules has known implications for the detection of hepatocellular carcinoma. We aimed to evaluate the role of abdominal susceptibility-weighted imaging in the detection of siderotic nodules in cirrhotic patients. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Forty-six (46) cirrhotic patients with at least one siderotic nodule detected on previous imaging underwent both computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (T1-, T2-, T2*-, and susceptibility-weighted imaging) at 3.0 Tesla. Imaging data was independently analyzed by two radiologists. Siderotic nodule count was determined for each modality and imaging sequence. For each magnetic resonance imaging technique, siderotic nodule conspicuity was assessed on a 3 point scale (1 = weak, 2 = moderate, 3 = strong). More nodules were detected by susceptibility weighted imaging (n = 2935) than any other technique, and significantly more than by T2* weighted imaging (n = 1696, p<0.0001). Lesion conspicuity was also highest with susceptibility-weighted imaging, with all nodules found to be moderate (n = 6) or strong (n = 40); a statistically significant difference (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Susceptibility-weighted imaging had the greatest lesion conspicuity and detected the highest number of siderotic nodules suggesting it is the most sensitive imaging technique to detect siderotic nodules in cirrhotic patients
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