216 research outputs found

    Existence of multiple positive solutions of higher order multi-point nonhomogeneous boundary value problem

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    In this paper, by using the Avery and Peterson fixed point theorem, we establish the existence of multiple positive solutions for the following higher order multi-point nonhomogeneous boundary value problem u(n)(t)+f(t,u(t),u′(t),…,u(n−2)(t))=0,t∈(0,1) u^{(n)}(t) + f(t,u(t),u'(t),\ldots,u^{(n-2)}(t)) = 0, t\in (0,1), u(0)=u′(0)=⋯=u(n−3)(0)=u(n−2)(0)=0,u(n−2)(1)−∑i=1maiu(n−2)(ξi)=λ u(0)= u'(0)=\cdots=u^{(n-3)}(0)=u^{(n-2)}(0)=0, u^{(n-2)}(1)-\sum_{i=1}^{m} a_i u^{(n-2)}(\xi_i)=\lambda, where n≥3n\ge3 and m≥1m\ge1 are integers, 0000 for 1≤i≤m1\le i\le m and ∑i=1maiξi<1\sum_{i=1}^{m} a_i\xi_i<1, f(t,u,u′,⋯ ,u(n−2))∈C([0,1]×[0,∞)n−1,[0,∞))f(t,u,u',\cdots,u^{(n-2)})\in C([0,1]\times[0,\infty)^{n-1}, [0,\infty)). We give an example to illustrate our result

    Bayesian Sparse Gaussian Mixture Model in High Dimensions

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    We study the sparse high-dimensional Gaussian mixture model when the number of clusters is allowed to grow with the sample size. A minimax lower bound for parameter estimation is established, and we show that a constrained maximum likelihood estimator achieves the minimax lower bound. However, this optimization-based estimator is computationally intractable because the objective function is highly nonconvex and the feasible set involves discrete structures. To address the computational challenge, we propose a Bayesian approach to estimate high-dimensional Gaussian mixtures whose cluster centers exhibit sparsity using a continuous spike-and-slab prior. Posterior inference can be efficiently computed using an easy-to-implement Gibbs sampler. We further prove that the posterior contraction rate of the proposed Bayesian method is minimax optimal. The mis-clustering rate is obtained as a by-product using tools from matrix perturbation theory. The proposed Bayesian sparse Gaussian mixture model does not require pre-specifying the number of clusters, which can be adaptively estimated via the Gibbs sampler. The validity and usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated through simulation studies and the analysis of a real-world single-cell RNA sequencing dataset

    Triple positive solutions for second-order four-point boundary value problem with sign changing nonlinearities

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    In this paper, we study the existence of triple positive solutions for second-order four-point boundary value problem with sign changing nonlinearities. We first study the associated Green's function and obtain some useful properties. Our main tool is the fixed point theorem due to Avery and Peterson. The results of this paper are new and extent previously known results

    Green's function and positive solutions of a singular nth-order three-point boundary value problem on time scales

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    In this paper, we investigate the existence of positive solutions for a class of singular nnth-order three-point boundary value problem. The associated Green's function for the boundary value problem is given at first, and some useful properties of the Green's function are obtained. The main tool is fixed-point index theory. The results obtained in this paper essentially improve and generalize some well-known results

    Existence of positive solutions for nth-order boundary value problem with sign changing nonlinearity

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    In this paper, we investigate the existence of positive solutions for singular nnth-order boundary value problem u(n)(t)+a(t)f(t,u(t))=0,0≤t≤1,u^{(n)}(t)+a(t)f(t,u(t))=0,\quad 0\le t\le1, u(i)(0)=u(n−2)(1)=0,0≤i≤n−2,u^{(i)}(0)=u^{(n-2)}(1)=0,\quad 0\le i\le n-2, where n≥2n\ge2, a∈C((0,1),[0,+∞))a\in C((0,1),[0,+\infty)) may be singular at t=0t=0 and (or) t=1t=1 and the nonlinear term ff is continuous and is allowed to change sign. Our proofs are based on the method of lower solution and topology degree theorem

    Positive solutions for nonlinear semipositone nth-order boundary value problems

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    In this paper, we investigate the existence of positive solutions for a class of nonlinear semipositone nnth-order boundary value problems. Our approach relies on the Krasnosel'skii fixed point theorem. The result of this paper complement and extend previously known result

    Semantic Adversarial Network with Multi-scale Pyramid Attention for Video Classification

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    Two-stream architecture have shown strong performance in video classification task. The key idea is to learn spatio-temporal features by fusing convolutional networks spatially and temporally. However, there are some problems within such architecture. First, it relies on optical flow to model temporal information, which are often expensive to compute and store. Second, it has limited ability to capture details and local context information for video data. Third, it lacks explicit semantic guidance that greatly decrease the classification performance. In this paper, we proposed a new two-stream based deep framework for video classification to discover spatial and temporal information only from RGB frames, moreover, the multi-scale pyramid attention (MPA) layer and the semantic adversarial learning (SAL) module is introduced and integrated in our framework. The MPA enables the network capturing global and local feature to generate a comprehensive representation for video, and the SAL can make this representation gradually approximate to the real video semantics in an adversarial manner. Experimental results on two public benchmarks demonstrate our proposed methods achieves state-of-the-art results on standard video datasets

    Cluster Analysis Based on Bipartite Network

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    Clustering data has a wide range of applications and has attracted considerable attention in data mining and artificial intelligence. However it is difficult to find a set of clusters that best fits natural partitions without any class information. In this paper, a method for detecting the optimal cluster number is proposed. The optimal cluster number can be obtained by the proposal, while partitioning the data into clusters by FCM (Fuzzy c-means) algorithm. It overcomes the drawback of FCM algorithm which needs to define the cluster number c in advance. The method works by converting the fuzzy cluster result into a weighted bipartite network and then the optimal cluster number can be detected by the improved bipartite modularity. The experimental results on artificial and real data sets show the validity of the proposed method
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