17 research outputs found

    Pattern of lethal trauma among swimmers colliding with a personal watercraft

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    Personal watercrafts (otherwise known as Jet Skis or wave runners) possess powerful propelling engines that enable them to reach high velocities. In overcrowded sea shores, especially due to a diversity of human errors (inexperience, underage operator, alcohol-related errors and lack of training), these vessels might cause severe damage to the operator himself, to swimmers in the whereabouts but to the environment as well. We present three fatal victims that were struck and overrun by personal watercrafts used for recreational purposes. One of them had a deep skull trauma resulting from being hit by the hull of the vessel. The other two cases had an impressive and particular pattern of tissue trauma, with deep parallel cutting wounds due to the contact with the propeller helix. All cases were treated as accidental drowning, because even when rescue operations were immediate, the loss of conscience following the severe blunt trauma inside the water left few chances, if any, to survival


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    This paper will discuss and evaluate the alternative explanations of a sudden death due to the vagal inhibition caused from the application of a mild pressure to the neck. The death – not as a phenomenon, but as an „event“ caused by and related to several factors and circumstances – has a legal, medical and even social interest, whether its cause was natural or unnatural. The more unpredictably and faster a death occurs the more difficult the identification of its cause appears, especially in cases of trauma and of any present known or unknown, or even hidden, pathology.In this paper we will discuss a casus of a 27 year old male who died almost immediately after a pressure was applied to the neck. Necropsy examination showed some irregular light blue-red colored bruises on the neck region, which were caused by the fist. After the incision of the neck’s region, the bruises revealed a tissue crush and infiltrating hemorrhages involving all layers of the skin and the tissue

    Age-related trends in the trabecular micro-architecture of the medial clavicle: is it of use in forensic science?

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    The mechanical and structural properties of bone are known to change significantly with age. Within forensic and archaeological investigations, the medial end of the clavicle is typically used for estimating the age-at-death of an unknown individual. Although, this region of the skeleton is of interest to forensic and clinical domains, alterations beyond the macro-scale have not been fully explored. For this study, non-destructive micro-computed tomography (µ-CT) was employed to characterize structural alterations to the cancellous bone of the medial clavicle. Fresh human cadaveric specimens (12-59 years) obtained at autopsy were utilized for this study, and were scanned with a voxel size of ∼83µm. Morphometric properties were quantified and indicated that the bone volume, connectivity density, mineral density, and number of trabeculae decreased with age, while the spacing between the trabeculae increased with age. In contrast to other sub-regions of the skeleton, trabecular thickness, and degree of anisotropy did not correlate with age. Collectively, this could suggest that the network is becoming increasingly perforated with age rather than exhibiting trabecular thinning. These results are used in the context of deriving a potential protocol for forensic investigations by using this particular and largely unexplored region of the skeleton, and provide inspiration for future experiments concerning micro-architectural and small scale changes in other regions of the human skeleton

    Bone histomorphometry of the clavicle in a forensic sample from Albania

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    Forensic assessment of skeletal material includes age estimation of unknown individuals. When dealing with extremely fragmented human remains that lack macro-features used in age estimation, histological assessment of the skeletal elements can be employed. Historically, microscopic methods for age assessment used by forensic anthropologists have been available since 1965. Several skeletal elements have been used for this purpose. Among them, the clavicle has garnered very little attention. The purpose of this study is to explore the validity of clavicular histomorphometry as an age marker in a modern Balkan sample. This study examined a modern clavicular autopsy sample from Albania. The sample consisted of 33 individuals of known age and cause of death. Data were collected for micro-anatomical features including osteon population density (OPD) and cortical area. Intra- and inter-observer errors were assessed through technical error of measurement (TEM) and R coefficient. A validation study was performed in order to test the accuracy of existing histological formulae. Regression analysis was run to developed age prediction models with the best models tested through cross-validation and the comparison between OPD for the Albanian sample and a European-American sample examined. Intra- and inter-observer error TEM results demonstrated values falling within the limits of acceptance. The existing histological methods did not perform accurately on the sample under study. Regression equations for Albanians produced age estimations deviating 8 and 11 years from known age. Cross-validation on the most accurate regression formula which includes OPD as a single variable demonstrated similar mean errors. Statistically significant differences were observed between the Albanian and the European-American population when the two samples were compared. The research presented is the fifth article published and the fifth population explored on clavicular microstructure. The potential of histology to estimate age on the Albanian population is shown here; however, population effect, diet and health status might be considered. Further inclusion of individuals will corroborate our preliminary findings

    Age related changes of rib cortical bone matrix and the application to forensic age-at-death estimation

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    Forensic anthropology includes, amongst other applications, the positive identification of unknown human skeletal remains. The first step in this process is an assessment of the biological profile, that is: sex, age, stature and ancestry. In forensic contexts, age estimation is one of the main challenges in the process of identification. Recently established admissibility criteria are driving researchers towards standardisation of methodological procedures. Despite these changes, experience still plays a central role in anthropological examinations. In order to avoid this issue, age estimation procedures (i) must be presented to the scientific community and published in peer reviewed journals, (ii) accurately explained in terms of procedure and (iii) present clear information about the accuracy of the estimation and possible error rates. In order to fulfil all these requirements, a number of methods based on physiological processes which result in biochemical changes in various tissue structures at the molecular level, such as modifications in DNA-methylation and telomere shortening, racemization of proteins and stable isotopes analysis, have been developed. The current work proposes a new systematic approach in age estimation based on tracing physicochemical and mechanical degeneration of the rib cortical bone matrix. This study used autopsy material from 113 rib specimens. A set of 33 parameters were measured by standard bio-mechanical (nanoindentation and microindentation), physical (TGA/DSC, XRD and FTIR) and histomorphometry (porosity-ImageJ) methods. Stepwise regressions were used to create equations that would produce the best ‘estimates of age at death’ vs real age of the cadavers. Five equations were produced; in the best of cases an equation counting 7 parameters had an R2 = 0.863 and mean absolute error of 4.64 years. The present method meets all the admissibility criteria previously described. Furthermore, the method is experience-independent and as such can be performed without previous expert knowledge of forensic anthropology and human anatomy

    Rib biomechanical properties exhibit diagnostic potential for accurate ageing in forensic investigations

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    Age estimation remains one of the most challenging tasks in forensic practice when establishing a biological profile of unknown skeletonised remains. Morphological methods based on developmental markers of bones can provide accurate age estimates at a young age, but become highly unreliable for ages over 35 when all developmental markers disappear. This study explores the changes in the biomechanical properties of bone tissue and matrix, which continue to change with age even after skeletal maturity, and their potential value for age estimation. As a proof of concept we investigated the relationship of 28 variables at the macroscopic and microscopic level in rib autopsy samples from 24 individuals. Stepwise regression analysis produced a number of equations one of which with seven variables showed an R2=0.949; a mean residual error of 2.13 yrs ±0.4 (SD) and a maximum residual error value of 2.88 yrs. For forensic purposes, by using only bench top machines in tests which can be carried out within 36 hrs, a set of just 3 variables produced an equation with an R2=0.902 a mean residual error of 3.38 yrs ±2.6 (SD) and a maximum observed residual error 9.26yrs. This method outstrips all existing age-at-death methods based on ribs, thus providing a novel lab based accurate tool in the forensic investigation of human remains. The present application is optimised for fresh (uncompromised by taphonomic conditions) remains, but the potential of the principle and method is vast once the trends of the biomechanical variables are established for other environmental conditions and circumstances

    The traditional use of medical plants in the areas of Zhupa, Opoja and Gora in Prizren

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    The areas of Opoja, Gora and Zupa in the district of Prizren are populated by the Albanian, Bosnian and Goran communities. These areas are distinguished for their rich flora and fauna. Continuing our reasearch work in the field of Ethnopharmacognosy, we started this study with the purpose of evidencing and scientific documenting these medical plants and their preparation, which are aplied in the traditional medicine in the areas of Prizren, in order to save and enrich our knowledge of ethnobotany, as a first step in scientific evaluation of medical plants. Data was collected using interviews conducted with residents of these areas during different time periods 2016 - 2019. A total of 90 residents belonging to the Albanian, Bosnian, Goran, Turkey and Roma communities were interviewed. Voucher plant specimens were deposited in the herbarium. The collected data have been compared with the existing Ethnobotanic and Phytotherapeutic in Kosovo and around Kosovo. A total of 82 species of plantas belonging to different botanical families were collected. The most abundand ones were; Rosaceae family (14 species), Asteraceae (5 species), and Gentianaceae (4 species). The plants were raported to be used in the treatment of various diseases, mainly those of the respiratory system (asthma,bronchitis), gastrointestinal disordes and wound healing. Chamomile results to be the most udes medical plants by alla the communities that participated in the study. Other plants used the most by the Albanian and Bosnian community are; Elder and Saint John’s wort, for the Goran community: Saint John’s wort and Yarrow, for the Roma community: Common mettle and Linden whereas for the Turkish community are: Saint John’s wort and Bitter melon. This study identified the most commonly plants and formulations used commonly by the abovementioned communities. Investigating phytochemical and pharmacological properites through further studies of this vegetation represent not only scientific interest but they will also contribute to the overall development of these areas

    Assessing bone maturity: compositional and mechanical properties of rib cortical bone at different ages

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    Understanding what maturity entails for bone, when it arrives, and its pre- and post-maturity traits and properties are very important for understanding its evolution and physiology. There is a clear but fine distinction between the chronological age of bone (the age of its donor) and the tissue age of the bone packets it comprises at the microscopic level. Whole bone fragility changes with age due to mass and architecture effects, but so do the properties of bone at the tissue level. Tissue age and tissue-level properties are therefore increasingly attracting a great deal of attention recently. The present study investigated compositional and material changes in the hydroxyapatite crystals, the collagenous phase, changes in bone matrix composition and its nanoindentation properties and their decline with chronological age in later life. The aim was to track the age threshold at which cortical bone arrives at maturity and what happens following that threshold. To do so FTIR, DSC/TGA, XRD, nanoindentation and microindentation were used to investigate rib cortical bone material across a cohort of 86 individuals from one ethnic group with age spanning between 17 and 82 years. Results of this cross-sectional study showed a clear increase in mineral content relative to the organic and water contents across all ages. Furthermore, an increase in crystal size and consequent decrease in strain (coherence length) was detected associated with secondary mineralisation and an increase in carbonate substitution. Overall, we observe a number of modifications which contribute to a typical functional behaviour of bone showing an increase in both indentation modulus and hardness until the age of about 35 after which both of these properties decline gradually and concomitantly to other physicochemical changes and seemingly until the end of one's life

    Plot of real age vs. predicted age for E1-E6.

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    <p>(Regression line with the 95% prediction interval for the data).</p

    Detail of cortical bone matrix showing micro- and nano-indentations in an interstitial bone area.

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    <p>Detail of cortical bone matrix showing micro- and nano-indentations in an interstitial bone area.</p