14 research outputs found

    Improvement of the risk management in an organization hierarchized in the context of sustainability

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    Purpose: The goal of the research is to identify the critical variables for improvement of the risk management in an hierarchized organization in the context of the implementation of the sustainability concept. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was conducted in 100 organizations organized and represented by the Prison Service in the area of expertise of the District Inspectorate of the Prison Service in Warsaw. The study was attended by officers of different levels of command and decision-making, who were serving or still are serving in prisons and pre-trial detention centers. The methods used are: document research method, diagnostic survey method, observation method, and CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews). Findings: As a result of the study it was specified that the main condition for improving risk management is to concentrate the organization on realizing economic, social and environmental goals and striving to increase efficiency in these three areas. Results of the study showed that the maturity level of the researched organizations in the area of risk management is insufficient, however has a growing tendency. It has been noted that the awareness level in the area of risk management and analysis is low even though the researched institutions are endangered by inside and outside threats. Practical Implications: Identified critical variables for improving risk management in the Penitentiary Service in the context of implementing the concept of sustainable development will contribute to improving internal security in penitentiary units. Identification of internal and external threats and the right approach to risk management is a key determinant of improving organization security. Originality/Value: Risk management is still an actual and important trend in research, because it contributes to improvement of effectiveness and realizing goals of the organization, increasing awareness in need of action, identification and proceeding with risk, identification of chances and threats in the organization, fulfilling legal requirements and improvement of voluntary reports. It is especially important to analyze this matter in the Penitentiary Service as an institution endangered by a whole variety of inside and outside threatspeer-reviewe

    Proces wdrażania i funkcjonowania systemu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem żywności według normy ISO 22000 w zakładzie przetwórstwa mięsnego

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    The paper presents the process of implementation and operation of the food safety management system according to the ISO 22000 standard in the meat processing plant. Despite the fact that ISO 22000 is a relatively new standard, and European law does not require certification of food safety management systems, it is gaining increasing popularity worldwide. By the end of 2008, 4 761 certificates have been implemented in 45 countries in Europe, that makes 76% of the total number of certificates in the world. The popularity of ISO 22000 shows that many companies recognize the standards as an appropriate tool for food safety managementCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie procesu wdrażania systemu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem żywności według wymagań normy ISO 22000 w zakładzie przetwórstwa mięsnego. Artykuł stanowi studium przypadku wdrażania i analizę funkcjonowania systemu HACCP w przedsiębiorstwie. Pomimo faktu, że ISO 22000 jest stosunkowo nowym standardem, a europejskie prawo nie wymaga certyfikacji systemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem żywności zyskuje on coraz większą popularność. Do końca 2008 r. wdrożono 4761 certyfikatów w 45 krajach, zaś ilość przedsiębiorstw certyfikowanych w Europie stanowi 58,76% ogólnej liczby certyfikatów na świecie. Popularność we wdrażaniu systemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem żywności zgodnie z ISO 22000 wynika z faktu, iż wiele firm uznaje normy za odpowiednie narzędzie zarządzani

    The process orientation. The roots and scale of use in the world

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    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję orientacji procesowej oraz jej popularność i zastosowanie w różnych regionach świata. Materiał do opracowania stanowią źródła literaturowe, szczególnie te przygotowywane w ośrodkach naukowych, które zajmują się badaniami nad rozwojem orientacji procesowej, takich jak: Aalborg University, Graz University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Queensland University of Technology, University of Potsdam , University of Innsbruck, Institute of Databases and Information Systems, Ulm University, Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, oraz raporty takich firm, jak: Capgemini, Gartner, BPM&O Akademie, BPtrends. Studia literaturowe zostały wzbogacone przez analizy wykonane przy wykorzystaniu narzędzia analitycznego Google Trends.The following paper provides an overview of the concept of the process orientation and its popularity and use in the different regions of the world. The main methods to collect the information was desk research of scientific papers, reports or research data an results from scientific institutions around the world, particularly those that do research on the process orientation, such as: Aalborg University, Graz University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Queensland University of Technology, University of Potsdam, University of Innsbruck, Institute of Databases and Information Systems, Ulm University, Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology and companies such as Capgemini, Gartner, BPM & O Academy, BPtrends. Literature studies have been enriched by the analysis made using analytic tools Google Trends

    Sustainable development as a determinant of Poland's economic, social and environmental security

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to provide a concise description of the objectives, targets and degree of implementation of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development adopted in 2015, whose implementation contributes to improving national security. The specific objectives included the quantitative and qualitative analysis of selected sustainable development indicators assigned to individual goals of Agenda 2030, as well as the examination of the degree of their implementation in Poland in the 2010-2020 period.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: To achieve the set objectives, the research process used the 2019 UN Report, Poland on the way to SDGs. Report 2020 as well as data obtained from official statistics in the form of indicators for national priorities.FINDINGS: As a result of the conducted research, it was proved that the assumptions of the sustainable development concept influence the state and level of national security.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Government entities as well as the industry sector are recommended to continuously and widely educate the public on the necessity of implementing the principles of sustainable development. National priorities also need to be supplemented with additional indicators to provide a complete picture of the implementation of certain objectives.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Security in every dimension should be the primary concern of the state, businesses and consumers. An effective way to achieve this is through the implementation of the concept of sustainable development, of which Agenda 2030 is the current indicator.peer-reviewe

    Ewolucja standaryzacji i zarządzania jakością w sektorze gospodarki żywnościowej na świecie a proces globalizacji

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    The paper gathers and organizes the key events of the evolution of standardization and quality management systems in the global food sector with the special focus on the dairy industry. The quality is one of more important elements of modern business strategies - quality of products and services, but also the quality of administration, organization, work and environment. Współcześnie w działalności gospodarczej na świecie zauważalny jest wzrost zainteresowania problematyką jakości. Zarządzanie przez jakość zaczyna być działaniem powszednim w polskich przedsiębiorstwach oraz perspektywą przetrwania w XXI wieku. Systemy zarządzania jakością oraz zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego żywności są jednym z aspektów nowoczesnego zarządzania i coraz szerzej są wdrażane w przemyśle spożywczym. Od połowy XX wieku mamy do czynienia z postępującą globalizacją gospodarki. Międzynarodowa wymiana dóbr jest coraz powszechniejsza i szybsza dzięki nowym możliwościom technicznym. Przepływ towarów i usług napotyka wciąż jednak szereg barier. Należą do nich bariery techniczne, z których znaczna część wynika z odmienności norm technicznych stosowanych w poszczególnych krajach. Niezbędne staje się więc ujednolicanie tych norm na szczeblu ponadnarodowym. Cel ten realizują międzynarodowe i regionalne organizacje normalizacyjne zrzeszające krajowe jednostki normalizacyjne z poszczególnych państw.

    The Concept of Safety and Security Education in the Context of Sustainability

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    The emergence of safety and security risks is a huge threat to the implementation of sustainability; therefore, safety and security education allows one to detect the symptoms of emerging crises, helps in the appropriate response to that and helps in a quick return to the path of sustainability after crisis conditions would disappear. The development of the concept of safety and security education in the context of sustainability is very important from both a scientific and practical point of view due to the fact that schools play a key role in society constituting the basic source of education for future generations of citizens, shaping awareness, competence and skills of future generations and thus creating a society that is able to analyse the opportunities and threats arising from the changing economic, social, environmental, technological, political and legal environment. The aim of the paper is to indicate the key factors for improving the security and safety education in the context of sustainability and to prepare the recommendations for preparing the security and safety courses. To complete that objective studies, Computer-Assisted Web Interview either with students or with security and safety experts were used in the study. The survey was conducted among two representative samples of high school students in Poland—one sample 418 high school students from regular high schools, and 100 from solitaire classes. The results from the CAWI were discussed with 20 security and safety experts to indicate the learning methods and tools to improve safety and security education. The main finding from the study was that safety and security education must be improved because respondents saw gaps in their knowledge on several issues in the area of safety and security. Modern training methods should be included in safety education, e.g., e-learning platforms, Serious games, social media, virtual worlds, simulators, integrated systems using e.g., kinect, VR goggles, accessories, mobile technologies

    Determinants of Improving the Strategy of Sustainable Energy Management of Building Sustainable Value for Stakeholders—Experience of Organizations in Poland

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    The purpose of the research was to identify the factors determining the improvement of the sustainable energy management strategy in the process of building lasting value for stakeholders, identifying key activities supporting the process of improving the sustainable energy management strategy, and analyzing the degree of use of environmental indicators by organizations in Poland. In the research process, to achieve the assumed research goals, it was decided to use the following research methods: The “Delphic Method” and the CAWI method (Computer-Assisted Web Interview). The research was carried out on a sample of 102 organizations in Poland. The study identifies goals for the sustainable development of the organization, activities supporting the process of sustainable energy management, and indicators in the field of energy management. The key factors for the improvement of energy management strategies have been identified, including implementation of modern technologies, reduction of energy consumption, development of procedures, increase of employee awareness, and clearly defined goals in the field of energy management. The strategy of the organization’s future actions towards achieving sustainable development determines the process of creating value for stakeholders. Dialogue with stakeholders is one of the basic conditions for proper planning and implementation of the organization’s strategy and taking actions in the field of sustainable energy management. Effective energy management becomes a necessity. Organizations must take a number of steps to achieve maximum resource efficiency. This can only be achieved through a holistic approach to the process of formulating the goals of the organization, which is necessary in decision-making processes and in the approach to energy management. The Polish economy has been built on coal and other fossil fuels. So far, the majority of polish organizations have not cared about the natural environment and energy management, which is why the research on redefining their strategies is a novelty

    The process orientation. The roots and scale of use in the world

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    The following paper provides an overview of the concept of the process orientation and its popularity and use in the different regions of the world. The main methods to collect the information was desk research of scientific papers, reports or research data an results from scientific institutions around the world, particularly those that do research on the process orientation, such as: Aalborg University, Graz University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Queensland University of Technology, University of Potsdam, University of Innsbruck, Institute of Databases and Information Systems, Ulm University, Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology and companies such as Capgemini, Gartner, BPM & O Academy, BPtrends. Literature studies have been enriched by the analysis made using analytic tools Google TrendsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    CARVER+Shock and Business Process Management in Improving Food Safety of Primary Production

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    Context: Food safety is essential for every human. It determines public health, nutrition, elimination of hunger, and the promotion of sustainable agriculture. It is crucial for sustainable production, consumption, and international food trade. Ensuring food safety is the fundamental challenge of the 21st century. Food safety is often related to food defense and includes protection against intentional contamination with various chemical, biological, or other harmful substances. By introducing food protection tools and methods, any company reduces risk and creates an opportunity to generate more significant and reliable profits and improved production for society. One such method could be the CARVER+Shock. The method is an offensive targeting prioritization tool that has been adapted for use in the food sector. Objective: The article aims to present the experience of the first implementation of CARVER+Shock in a Polish primary production company, to improve the approach to food safety and food defense. Methods: The article is a case study. Descriptive analysis was performed to analyze legal acts and safety management standards in food defense. The authors used the CARVER+Shock expert method to estimate companies’ vulnerability. CARVER is an acronym for Criticality, Accessibility, Recoverability, Vulnerability, Effect, Recognizability. The visualization and risk analysis were made using business process management and business process modeling (VACD diagram) Results and conclusions: Primary production enterprise dealing with the cultivation and confectioning of the pre-treatment and sale of peeled onions for further processing purposes was examined. Five essential stages of the production process were assessed, and risks were assigned. Recognizability and criticality turned out to be the most crucial attribute of CARVER+Shock. Overall, the study showed that the company was not fully prepared for the threat posed by food terrorism. The organization did not have any procedures describing how to proceed during deliberate attacks. In addition, workers had low awareness of food defense throughout the food chain. Based on these conclusions, several detailed improvement actions were formulated. The results obtained from the pioneering application of the CARVER+Shock method for a Polish primary production company may constitute a benchmark for other sectors of the food industry, both domestically and abroad. Significance: The article describes the results of the first Polish attempts to use CARVER+Shock and business process management to improve the approach to food safety in a primary production enterprise

    The Potential of Ecological Distributed Energy Generation Systems, Situation, and Perspective for Poland

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    Poland needs to fulfill its climate goals and become “climate neutral” by 2050. The plan is intricate for the Polish Government because coal-powered power plants generate about 80 percent of electricity in the country. Although policymakers are making an effort to redesign the energy sector, a lot still remains to be done. The viral trend in that transformation involves installing photovoltaic (PV) panels by private, corporate, and self-government investors. For example, the “My energy” support program of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has helped finance 220,000 micro-PV installations. The achievement is significant but constitutes only partial success. PV powerplants will not simply replace coal powerplants. That is why the research on the ecological distributed energy generation systems has to be executed. The article presents the research results on ecological distributed energy generation systems, making the transformation of the Polish energy sector possible. The study’s primary objectives were to review the energy situation with particular attention paid to the technologies that could be used as the ecological distributed energy generation systems and draw the scenarios for the sector development. The authors used Desk research, the Delphi method supported with the Computer Assisted-Web Interview (CAWI) technique, and the Weighted SWOT analysis to fulfill the objectives. The findings showed that photovoltaic (PV) systems would be the fastest-growing energy sector even in the perspective of doubling the energy consumption by 2050. Private investors investing in ecological distributed energy generation systems, especially the PV systems mentioned above, and biomass or biogas systems, would significantly help policymakers, including those in Poland, fulfill the climate goals