15 research outputs found

    Strukturalistische Regeln zur Rechtsfindung

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    „Zasady prawa" w perspektywie teorii prawa oraz szczegółowych nauk prawnych

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    Les auteurs donnent le catalogue de diverses significations du terme „principe du droit" dans lesquelles ce terme est employé par les juristes. Les théoriciens du droit en Pologne donnent la dénomination „principe du droit" à des régies juridiques ayant le caractère particulièrement important d'un tel ou autre point de vue. Il faut remarquer, qu'on emploie ceterme pour dénoter les règles ordonannt un tel ou tel comportement aux sujets soumis à un système juridique donné, aussi bien que pour dénoter les règles concernant la construction d'un système juridique (règles concernant les compétences législatives, règles d'interprétation des dispositions légales, etc.). Les représentants des sciences juridiques particulières emploient le terme „principe du droit" pour dénoter les règles juridiques ayant une importance particulière, aussi bien que pour dénoter les différents paradigmes de la construction d'une telle ou telle institution juridique, les fondements politiques ou les fondements juridiques d'une certaine institution, les régularités observées dans la construction de divers systèmes juridiques, les idées générales sur lesquelles est basée une telle ou telle institution, et, au surplus, les directives sociotechniques, etc. Les auteurs accentuent la nécessité de distinguer l e s n o t i o n s tout à fait diverses exprimées à l'aide d'un terme „principe du droit" pour éviter les malentendus et les logomachies.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201


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    The paper offers a synchronic characteristics of the amendments to Polish legislation made over the last twenty years (1989-2009). It accounts for the changes that have taken place in legislative institutions, the law-making rules and procedures, the regulations determining the content of the law, and the political and social environment of the legislation process. Two theses have been formulated: a) there has been a fundamental change in the legislation model, moving from paternalistic to legalistic, manifested, inter alia, by individual’s rights determining the borders which the legislative power must not go beyond, transparency of the law-making rules, and the existence of institutions overseeing the constitutionality o f laws b) the new procedures are still unsatisfactory and fail to fully guarantee elimination o f the dangers of passing defective laws while the legalisation of new provisions continues to receive inadequate social support. The paper ends with a conclusion that political transformations in Poland coincided with the difficult process o f adjusting Polish law to the requirements of the new Constitution and harmonising its provisions with Community law. Although a huge legislative work has been accomplished, modern law making structures guaranteeing stability and functionality of a legal system are still missing

    Legislative technique

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    Legislative technique is nowadays of basic importance for securing the adequate level of legal systems. The article analyses the notion and tasks of legislative technique, characterizes the directives of legislative technique from a formal point of view (i.e. as sui generis technical direction), and from a substantive point of view, points to the deficiencies of contemporary legislative technique and analyses the problems of statutory regulation of legislative technique

    Kilka tez o instrumentalizacji prawa i ochronie przed nią

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     SOME THESES CONCERNING THE INSTRUMENTALISATION OF LAW AND PROTECTION AGAINST ITUsing the concept of instrumentalisation of law developed in Polish jurisprudence, the author of the article:— points out that the instrumentalisation of law can be attributed to various entities: the legis­lator, those interpreting the provisions of law, those applying the legal norms as well as the authors of the legal doctrine;— distinguishes forms of instrumentalisation by each of these entities;— points to dysfunctional acts of instrumentalisation;— demonstrates some mechanisms counteracting the instrumentalisation of law, mechanisms that are to be found in the very concept of law as developed in Western culture. SOME THESES CONCERNING THE INSTRUMENTALISATION OF LAW AND PROTECTION AGAINST ITUsing the concept of instrumentalisation of law developed in Polish jurisprudence, the author of the article:— points out that the instrumentalisation of law can be attributed to various entities: the legis­lator, those interpreting the provisions of law, those applying the legal norms as well as the authors of the legal doctrine;— distinguishes forms of instrumentalisation by each of these entities;— points to dysfunctional acts of instrumentalisation;— demonstrates some mechanisms counteracting the instrumentalisation of law, mechanisms that are to be found in the very concept of law as developed in Western culture

    O swoistości wykładni konstytucji. Uwagi kolejne

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    The article puts forward a thesis that the peculiarity of the interpretation of the constitution is determined by two different factors: the properties of the constitutional text and expectations towards the constitution. The most difficult task of the interpreter is to recreate the norm of legislative competence from the constitutional text. This task consists in reconstructing all the instruments necessary to make a specific legislative decision and to perform an act of its control. These decisions, on the other hand, are acts of applying the law made with the use of mentioned instruments, and are not interpretive acts

    Legislative technique

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    Legislative technique is nowadays of basic importance for securing the adequate level of legal systems. The article analyses the notion and tasks of legislative technique, characterizes the directives of legislative technique from a formal point of view (i.e. as sui generis technical direction), and from a substantive point of view, points to the deficiencies of contemporary legislative technique and analyses the problems of statutory regulation of legislative technique

    Some reflections on the functionality and dysfunctionality of constitution

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    The paper focuses on a number of theses for the discussion on the functionality and dysfunctionality of constitution as the superior legal act in the State. Particular attention has been drawn to various aspects of dysfunctionality of the fundamental bill, and namely: the inadequacy of the organisational structures it provides, its lack of respect for social facts and reference it makes to axiological justification of values which are contested by a large proportion of population.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201


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    Wspomnienie o Profesorze Leszku Nowaku (Sławomira W r o n k o w s k a, Maciej Z i e l i ń s k i), s. 225-226; Profesor Krzysztof Skubiszewski (1926-2010) (Jan S a n d o r s k i), s. 227-23