1,016 research outputs found

    Grain processes in massive star formation

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    Observational evidence suggests that stars greater than 100 M(solar) exist in the Galaxy and Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), however classical star formation theory predicts stellar mass limits of only approx. 60 M(solar). A protostellar accretion flow consists of inflowing gas and dust. Grains are destroyed as they are near the central protostar creating a dust shell or cocoon. Radiation pressure acting on the grain can halt the inflow of material thereby limiting the amount of mass accumulated by the protostar. We first consider rather general constraints on the initial grain to gas ratio and mass accretion rates that permit inflow. We further constrain these results by constructing a numerical model. Radiative deceleration of grains and grain destruction processes are explicitly accounted for in an iterative solution of the radiation-hydrodynamic equations. Findings seem to suggest that star formation by spherical accretion requires rather extreme preconditioning of the grain and gas environment

    The chemistry of fluorine-bearing molecules in diffuse and dense interstellar gas clouds

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    We present a theoretical investigation of the chemistry of fluorine-bearing molecules in diffuse and dense interstellar gas clouds. The chemistry of interstellar fluorine is qualitatively different from that of any other element, because - unlike the neutral atoms of any other element found in diffuse or dense molecular clouds - atomic fluorine undergoes an exothermic reaction with molecular hydrogen. Over a wide range of conditions attained within interstellar gas clouds, the product of that reaction - hydrogen fluoride - is predicted to be the dominant gas-phase reservoir of interstellar fluorine nuclei. Our model predicts HF column densities ~ 1.E+13 cm-2 in dark clouds and column densities as large as 1.E-11 cm-2 in diffuse interstellar gas clouds with total visual extinctions as small as 0.1 mag. Such diffuse clouds will be detectable by means of absorption line spectroscopy of the J = 1 - 0 transition at 243.2 micron using the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) and the Herschel Space Observatory (HSO). The CF+ ion is predicted to be the second most abundant fluorine-bearing molecule, with typical column densities a factor ~ 100 below those of HF; with its lowest two rotational transitions in the millimeter-wave spectral region, CF+ may be detectable from ground-based observatories. HF absorption in quasar spectra is a potential probe of molecular gas at high redshift, providing a possible bridge between the UV/optical observations capable of probing H2 in low column density systems and the radio/millimeter-wavelength observations that probe intervening molecular clouds of high extinction and large molecular fraction; at redshifts beyond ~ 0.3, HF is potentially detectable from ground-based submillimeter observatories in several atmospheric transmission windows.Comment: 34 pages, including 11 figures (10 color), accepted for publication in Ap

    Dust in regions of massive star formation

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    It is suggested that protostars increase mass by accreting the surrounding gas and dust. Grains are destroyed as they near the central protostar creating a dust shell or cocoon. Radiation pressure acting on the grains can halt the inflow of material thereby limiting the amount of mass accumulated by the protostar. General constraints were considered on the initial dust-to-gas ratio and mass accretion rates that permit inflow. These results were constrained further by constructing a numerical model, including radiative deceleration on grains and grain destruction processes. Also the constraints on dust properties were investigated which allow the formation of massive stars. The obtained results seem to suggest that massive star formation requires rather extreme preconditioning of the grain and gas environment

    The Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey (EBHIS)

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    The Effelsberg-Bonn HI survey (EBHIS) comprises an all-sky survey north of Dec = -5 degrees of the Milky Way and the local volume out to a red-shift of z ~ 0.07. Using state of the art Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) spectrometers it is feasible to cover the 100 MHz bandwidth with 16.384 spectral channels. High speed storage of HI spectra allows us to minimize the degradation by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) signals. Regular EBHIS survey observations started during the winter season 2008/2009 after extensive system evaluation and verification tests. Until today, we surveyed about 8000 square degrees, focusing during the first all-sky coverage of the Sloan-Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) area and the northern extension of the Magellanic stream. The first whole sky coverage will be finished in 2011. Already this first coverage will reach the same sensitivity level as the Parkes Milky Way (GASS) and extragalactic surveys (HIPASS). EBHIS data will be calibrated, stray-radiation corrected and freely accessible for the scientific community via a web-interface. In this paper we demonstrate the scientific data quality and explore the expected harvest of this new all-sky survey.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomical Note

    The Chemistry of Interstellar OH+, H2O+, and H3O+: Inferring the Cosmic Ray Ionization Rates from Observations of Molecular Ions

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    We model the production of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ in interstellar clouds, using a steady state photodissociation region code that treats the freeze-out of gas species, grain surface chemistry, and desorption of ices from grains. The code includes PAHs, which have important effects on the chemistry. All three ions generally have two peaks in abundance as a function of depth into the cloud, one at A_V<~1 and one at A_V~3-8, the exact values depending on the ratio of incident ultraviolet flux to gas density. For relatively low values of the incident far ultraviolet flux on the cloud ({\chi}<~ 1000; {\chi}= 1= local interstellar value), the columns of OH+ and H2O+ scale roughly as the cosmic ray primary ionization rate {\zeta}(crp) divided by the hydrogen nucleus density n. The H3O+ column is dominated by the second peak, and we show that if PAHs are present, N(H3O+) ~ 4x10^{13} cm^{-2} independent of {\zeta}(crp) or n. If there are no PAHs or very small grains at the second peak, N(H3O+) can attain such columns only if low ionization potential metals are heavily depleted. We also model diffuse and translucent clouds in the interstellar medium, and show how observations of N(OH+)/N(H) and N(OH+)/N(H2O+) can be used to estimate {\zeta}(crp)/n, {\chi}/n and A_V in them. We compare our models to Herschel observations of these two ions, and estimate {\zeta}(crp) ~ 4-6 x 10^-16 (n/100 cm^-3) s^-1 and \chi/n = 0.03 cm^3 for diffuse foreground clouds towards W49N

    Infrared emission from ultracompact H II regions

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    Models of circumstellar dust shells around ultracompact (UC) H II regions were constructed that accurately fit the observed IR flux distributions. The models assume spherically symmetric dust shells illuminated by stars whose bolometric luminosity is inferred from the integrated FIR flux densities. Assuming ionization by a single zero age main sequence (ZAMS) star, the relations of Panagia were used to infer the stellar radius and effective temperature for a given luminosity. The grain mixture in the dust shell consists of bare graphite and silicate grains with the optical properties of Draine and Lee and the size distribution of Mathis et al. The computer code of Wolfire et al was used to solve the radiative transfer equations through a spherical dust shell. The model provides monochromatic luminosities, dust temperatures, and opacities through the shell. Aside from the stellar and dust properties, the only other input parameters to the model are the distance to the shell, the form of its density distribution, and its outer radius. Predictions of the model are compared with observations of a typical UC H II region and the run of dust temperature with radius and the optical depth with frequency are discussed