1,628 research outputs found

    Determining Parameters of Cool Giant Stars by Modeling Spectrophotometric and Interferometric Observations Using the SAtlas Program

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    Context: Optical interferometry is a powerful tool for observing the intensity structure and angular diameter of stars. When combined with spectroscopy and/or spectrophotometry, interferometry provides a powerful constraint for model stellar atmospheres. Aims: The purpose of this work is to test the robustness of the spherically symmetric version of the Atlas stellar atmosphere program, SAtlas, using interferometric and spectrophotometric observations. Methods: Cubes (three dimensional grids) of model stellar atmospheres, with dimensions of luminosity, mass, and radius, are computed to fit observations for three evolved giant stars, \psi Phoenicis, \gamma Sagittae, and \alpha Ceti. The best-fit parameters are compared with previous results. Results: The best-fit angular diameters and values of \chi^2 are consistent with predictions using Phoenix and plane-parallel Atlas models. The predicted effective temperatures, using SAtlas, are about 100 to 200 K lower, and the predicted luminosities are also lower due to the differences in effective temperatures. Conclusions: It is shown that the SAtlas program is a robust tool for computing models of extended stellar atmospheres that are consistent with observations. The best-fit parameters are consistent with predictions using Phoenix models, and the fit to the interferometric data for \psi Phe differs slightly, although both agree within the uncertainty of the interferometric observations.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A as a Research Not

    Using limb darkening to measure fundamental parameters of stars

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    Context. Limb darkening is an important tool for understanding stellar atmospheres, but most observations measuring limb darkening assume various parameterizations that yield no significant information about the structure of stellar atmospheres. Aims. We use a specific limb-darkening relation to study how the best-fit coefficients relate to fundamental stellar parameters from spherically symmetric model stellar atmospheres. Methods. Using a grid of spherically symmetric Atlas model atmospheres, we compute limb-darkening coefficients, and develop a novel method to predict fundamental stellar parameters. Results. We find our proposed method predicts the mass of stellar atmosphere models given only the radius and limb-darkening coefficients, suggesting that microlensing, interferometric, transit and eclipse observations can constrain stellar masses. Conclusions. This novel method demonstrates that limb-darkening parameterizations contain important information about the structure of stellar atmospheres, with the potential to be a valuable tool for measuring stellar masses.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, A&A accepte

    VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry of the late-type supergiants V766 Cen (=HR 5171 A), sigma Oph, BM Sco, and HD 206859

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    We add four warmer late-type supergiants to our previous spectro-interferometric studies of red giants and supergiants. V766 Cen (=HR 5171 A) is found to be a high-luminosity log(L/L_sun)=5.8+-0.4 source of Teff 4290+-760 K and radius 1490+-540 Rsun located close to both the Hayashi and Eddington limits; this source is consistent with a 40 Msun evolutionary track without rotation and current mass 27-36 Msun. It exhibits NaI in emission arising from a shell of radius 1.5 Rphot and a photocenter displacement of about 0.1 Rphot. V766 Cen shows strong extended molecular (CO) layers and a dusty circumstellar background component. This suggest an optically thick pseudo-photosphere at about 1.5 Rphot at the onset of the wind. V766 Cen is a red supergiant located close to the Hayashi limit instead of a yellow hypergiant already evolving back toward warmer Teff as previously discussed. The stars sigma Oph, BM Sco, and HD 206859 are found to have lower luminosities of about log(L/Lsun)=3.4-3.5 and Teff of 3900-5300 K, corresponding to 5-9 Msun tracks. They do not show extended molecular layers as observed for higher luminosity red supergiants of our sample. BM Sco shows an unusually strong contribution by an over-resolved circumstellar dust component. These stars are more likely high-mass red giants instead of red supergiants. This leaves us with an unsampled locus in the HR diagram corresponding to luminosities log(L/Lsun)~3.8-4.8 or masses 10-13 Msun, possibly corresponding to the mass region where stars explode as type II-P supernovae during the RSG stage. Our previously found relation of increasing strength of extended molecular layers with increasing luminosities is now confirmed to extend to double our previous luminosities and up to the Eddington limit. This might further point to steadily increasing radiative winds with increasing luminosity. [Abridged]Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A

    Fundamental properties and atmospheric structure of the red supergiant VY CMa based on VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry

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    We investigate the atmospheric structure and fundamental properties of the red supergiant VY CMa. We obtained near-infrared spectro-interferometric observations of VY CMa with spectral resolutions of 35 and 1500 using the AMBER instrument at the VLTI. The visibility data indicate the presence of molecular layers of water vapor and CO in the extended atmosphere with an asymmetric morphology. The uniform disk diameter in the water band around 2.0 mu is increased by \sim20% compared to the near-continuum bandpass at 2.20-2.25 mu and in the CO band at 2.3-2.5 mu it is increased by up to \sim50%. The closure phases indicate relatively small deviations from point symmetry close to the photospheric layer, and stronger deviations in the extended H2O and CO layers. Making use of the high spatial and spectral resolution, a near-continuum bandpass can be isolated from contamination by molecular and dusty layers, and the Rosseland-mean photospheric angular diameter is estimated to 11.3 +/- 0.3 mas based on a PHOENIX atmosphere model. Together with recent high-precision estimates of the distance and spectro-photometry, this estimate corresponds to a radius of 1420 +/- 120 Rsun and an effective temperature of 3490 +/- 90 K. VY CMa exhibits asymmetric, possibly clumpy, atmospheric layers of H2O and CO, which are not co-spatial, within a larger elongated dusty envelope. Our revised fundamental parameters put VY CMa close to the Hayashi limit of recent evolutionary tracks of initial mass 25 Msun with rotation or 32 Msun without rotation, shortly before evolving blueward in the HR-diagram.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) as a Lette

    557 GHz Observations of Water Vapor Outflows from VY CMa and W Hydrae

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    We report the first detection of thermal water vapor emission in the 557 GHz, 1101011_{10} - 1_{01} ground state transition of ortho-H2_2O toward VY Canis Majoris. In observations obtained with the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS), we measured a flux of 450\sim 450 Jy, in a spectrally resolved line centered on a velocity vLSR=25v_{LSR} = 25 km s1^{-1} with a full width half maximum of 35\sim 35 km s1^{-1}, somewhat dependent on the assumed line shape. We analyze the line shape in the context of three different radial outflow models for which we provide analytical expressions. We also detected a weaker 557 GHz emission line from W Hydrae. We find that these and other H2_2O emission line strengths scale as suggested by Zubko and Elitzur (2000).Comment: Astrophysical Journal Letters, accepte

    Movement disorders and syndromic autism: a systematic review

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    Movement disorders are reported in idiopathic autism but the extent to which comparable movement disorders are found in syndromic/co-morbid autism is unknown. A systematic search of Medline, Embase, PsychINFO and CINAHL on the prevalence of specific movement disorder in syndromic autism associated with specific genetic syndromes identified 16 papers, all relating to Angelman syndrome or Rett syndrome. Prevalence rates of 72.7–100% and 25.0–27.3% were reported for ataxia and tremor, respectively, in Angelman syndrome. In Rett syndrome, prevalence rates of 43.6–50% were reported for ataxia and 27.3–48.3% for tremor with additional reports of dystonia, rigidity and pyramidal signs. However, reliable assessment measures were rarely used and recruitment was often not described in sufficient detail

    Tests of stellar model atmospheres by optical interferometry III: NPOI and VINCI interferometry of the M0 giant gamma Sge covering 0.5 - 2.2 microns

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    Aims: We present a comparison of the visual and NIR intensity profile of the M0 giant gamma Sagittae to plane-parallel ATLAS 9 as well as to plane-parallel & spherical PHOENIX model atmospheres. Methods: We use previously described visual interferometric data obtained with the NPOI in July 2000. We apply the recently developed technique of coherent integration, and thereby obtain visibility data of more spectral channels and with higher precision than before. In addition, we employ new measurements of the K-band diameter of gamma Sagittae obtained with the instrument VINCI at the VLTI in 2002. Results: The spherical PHOENIX model leads to a precise definition of the Rosseland angular diameter and a consistent high-precision diameter value for our NPOI and VLTI/VINCI data sets of Theta_Ross=6.06 pm 0.02 mas, with the Hipparcos parallax corresponding to R_Ross=55 pm 4 R_sun, and with the bolometric flux corresponding to an effective temperature T_eff=3805 pm 55 K. Our visual visibility data close to the first minimum and in the second lobe constrain the limb-darkening effect and are generally consistent with the model atmosphere predictions. The visual closure phases exhibit a smooth transition between 0 and pi. Conclusions: The agreement between the NPOI and VINCI diameter values increases the confidence in the model atmosphere predictions from optical to NIR wavelengths as well as in the calibration and accuracy of both interferometric facilities. The consistent night-by-night diameter values of VINCI give additional confidence in the given uncertainties. The closure phases suggest a slight deviation from circular symmetry, which may be due to surface features, an asymmetric extended layer, or a faint unknown companion.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted by A&A. Also available from http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/forth/aa5853_06.pd

    Elastic properties of thin h-BN films investigated by Brillouin light scattering

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    Hexagonal BN films have been deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering with simultaneous ion plating. The elastic properties of the films grown on silicon substrates under identical coating conditions have been de-termined by Brillouin light scattering from thermally excited surface phonons. Four of the five independent elastic constants of the deposited material are found to be c11 = 65 GPa, c13 = 7 GPa, c33 = 92 GPa and c44 = 53 GPa exhibiting an elastic anisotropy c11/c33 of 0.7. The Young's modulus determined with load indenta-tion is distinctly larger than the corresponding value taken from Brillouin light scattering. This discrepancy is attributed to the specific morphology of the material with nanocrystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix

    What causes the large extensions of red-supergiant atmospheres? Comparisons of interferometric observations with 1-D hydrostatic, 3-D convection, and 1-D pulsating model atmospheres

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    We present the atmospheric structure and the fundamental parameters of three red supergiants, increasing the sample of RSGs observed by near-infrared spectro-interferometry. Additionally, we test possible mechanisms that may explain the large observed atmospheric extensions of RSGs. We carried out spectro-interferometric observations of 3 RSGs in the near-infrared K-band with the VLTI/AMBER instrument at medium spectral resolution. To comprehend the extended atmospheres, we compared our observational results to predictions by available hydrostatic PHOENIX, available 3-D convection, and new 1-D self-excited pulsation models of RSGs. Our near-infrared flux spectra are well reproduced by the PHOENIX model atmospheres. The continuum visibility values are consistent with a limb-darkened disk as predicted by the PHOENIX models, allowing us to determine the angular diameter and the fundamental parameters of our sources. Nonetheless, in the case of V602 Car and HD 95686, the PHOENIX model visibilities do not predict the large observed extensions of molecular layers, most remarkably in the CO bands. Likewise, the 3-D convection models and the 1-D pulsation models with typical parameters of RSGs lead to compact atmospheric structures as well, which are similar to the structure of the hydrostatic PHOENIX models. They can also not explain the observed decreases in the visibilities and thus the large atmospheric molecular extensions. The full sample of our RSGs indicates increasing observed atmospheric extensions with increasing luminosity and decreasing surface gravity, and no correlation with effective temperature or variability amplitude, which supports a scenario of radiative acceleration on Doppler-shifted molecular lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&