15 research outputs found

    Bimbingan Teknis Pembuatan Kolam Terpal Untuk Budidaya Ikan Di Desa Margajaya Kecamatan Metro Kibang Kabupaten Lampung Timur

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    Margajaya Village is one of the villages in Metro Kibang District, East Lampung province. One of the activities that has prospects to develop in Margajaya village is fishery activities, hatchery, Aquaculture and fish processing activities. Knowledge about fisheries, especially fish culture is still quite low, coupled with the use of production equipment that is still very conventional and dependence on nature is a problem of the fish cultivator group. The lack of knowledge about the use of technology in cultivation, especially in anticipating the scarcity of water resources as a cultivation medium is so lacking that it causes its production activities to not run continuously. Therefore, community service activities need to be done to provide solutions for the application of technology to overcome these problems. Based on the activities that have been carried out, it is known that fish farming activities using tarpaulin ponds as a cultivation container can be one solution. Methods of community education, consultation and mentoring are the three most effective methods for solving problems in the village. The benefits of the activities that have been carried out are to provide new knowledge and skills regarding the manufacture of tarpaulin ponds as a medium for fish cultivation

    Penambahan Ramuan Tradisional dalam Pakan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Lele Dumbo (Clarias gariepinus)

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    This research aimed to know the effect of addition different dose of traditional ingredient in feed of African catfish on the growth, survival rate and food conversion ratio. The experiment used completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatment and triplicates, the treatment wear dose of traditional ingredient which were 0 cc, 5 cc, 10 cc and 15 cc each kg food. The research was conducted in Laboratorium of Fisheries Research, Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University. The experiment using twelve 50 x 50 x 50 cm3of fiberglass tank with 40 cm water depth for 70 days. Total length and weight of African catfish used in this research ranged 11-13 cm and 10-12 respectively. Stocking density which used in the experiment was 100 fish/m2or 25 fish each fiberglass tank. Traditional ingredient was mixed in food at the time of feeding. The African catfish were fed add-satiation. Parameter measured were: growth, survival rate, food conversion ratio and size variation of harvest. The result of the experiment showed that the addition of traditional ingredient did not influenced significantly on lenght, weight, specific growth, survival rate and food convertion ratio. The proportional of food conversion ratio value got smaller when the addition of traditional ingredient going up. Key words: African catfish, growth, and traditional ingredient

    Pengaruh Jarak Waktu Pemberian Kejutan Dingin Pada Pembentukan Individu Triploid Ikan Patin (Pangasius SP)

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    The aim of this study was to know the effect of temperature shock gift time distance from fertilization on the triploidy individual process, persentage of hatching rate and survival rate of larva patin catfish. Temperature shock gift time distance treatment from fertilization process is given each 120 second, 180 second, 240 second and 300 second in temperature 40C during 90 second. Each treatment is done as much as 3 times. Hatch and larva maintenance is done in aquarium and hapa for fingerling activity. The result shows that temperature shock gift time distance treatment from fertilization process gives real result on the triploidy individual procces in patin catfish (p<0,05). Highest percentage triploidy individual is got in temperature shock gift time distance from fertilization process 180 second as big as 83,33 %. The growth level patin catfish day 28 show enhanced in line with individual percentage enhanced triploidy from each treatment. The highest growth rate is got from temperature shock gift time distance treatment from fertilization process as big as 11,13 %


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    Budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) memiliki prospek sangat bagus untuk dikembangkan. Ketersedian juvenil (benih) udang vaname yang berkualitas sangat diperlukan untuk kegiatan pembesaran. Pendederan udang vanname memiliki beberapa kendala karena dalam proses pelaksanaannya menggunkaan padat tebar tinggi dan jumlah pakan yang dibutuhkan semakin tinggi. Kondisi penggunaan pakan yang tinggi tersebut dapat berdampak terhadap kualitas air budidaya. Hasil limbah dari metabolisme dan sisa pakan yang tidak termakan dapat menjadi toksik bagi udang. Teknologi yang dapat mengurangi resiko terhadap limbah yang bersifat toksik pada udang salah satunya adalah teknologi bioflok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan Survival Rate (SR) pendederan udang vaname menggunakan teknologi Bioflok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu membandingkan secara langsung dengan analisis secara desnkriptif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan wadah bak permanen yang dilapisi terpal dengan ukuran 3m x 5m x 1,2m sebanyak 2 buah. Tiap bak diisi air laut dengan salinitas 30 ppt sebanyak 12.000 liter dilengkapi dengan 24 titik aerasi dan sebuah mikro bubble. Benih udang vaname yang digunakan berukuran PL 10 dengan bobot rerata 0.01 g/ekor dengan padat tebar 1.500 ekor/m3 (18.000 ekor/bak) dan 2000 ekor/m3 (24.000 ekor/bak). Lama waktu pemeliharaan selama 28 hari. Selama pemeliharaan diberi pakan komersil dengan dosis 5%-10% dari total bobot biomassa perhari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan panjang dan bobot akhir rata rata yang terbaik didapat pada perlakuan A (1500 ekor/m3) yaitu sebesar 5.15 cm dan 2.32 gram/ekor dengan nilai survial rate (SR) sebesar 89,7%.Budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) memiliki prospek sangat bagus untuk dikembangkan. Ketersedian juvenil (benih) udang vaname yang berkualitas sangat diperlukan untuk kegiatan pembesaran. Pendederan udang vanname memiliki beberapa kendala karena dalam proses pelaksanaannya menggunkaan padat tebar tinggi dan jumlah pakan yang dibutuhkan semakin tinggi. Kondisi penggunaan pakan yang tinggi tersebut dapat berdampak terhadap kualitas air budidaya. Hasil limbah dari metabolisme dan sisa pakan yang tidak termakan dapat menjadi toksik bagi udang. Teknologi yang dapat mengurangi resiko terhadap limbah yang bersifat toksik pada udang salah satunya adalah teknologi bioflok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan Survival Rate (SR) pendederan udang vaname menggunakan teknologi Bioflok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu membandingkan secara langsung dengan analisis secara desnkriptif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan wadah bak permanen yang dilapisi terpal dengan ukuran 3m x 5m x 1,2m sebanyak 2 buah. Tiap bak diisi air laut dengan salinitas 30 ppt sebanyak 12.000 liter dilengkapi dengan 24 titik aerasi dan sebuah mikro bubble. Benih udang vaname yang digunakan berukuran PL 10 dengan bobot rerata 0.01 g/ekor dengan padat tebar 1.500 ekor/m3 (18.000 ekor/bak) dan 2000 ekor/m3 (24.000 ekor/bak). Lama waktu pemeliharaan selama 28 hari. Selama pemeliharaan diberi pakan komersil dengan dosis 5%-10% dari total bobot biomassa perhari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan panjang dan bobot akhir rata rata yang terbaik didapat pada perlakuan A (1500 ekor/m3) yaitu sebesar 5.15 cm dan 2.32 gram/ekor dengan nilai survial rate (SR) sebesar 89,7%


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    The content of organic matter can affect the growth of silk worms (Tubifex sp.). In addition, media porosity can also have an effect. This study aims to determine the effect of porosity on the cultivation of silk worm by using media of mud and sandy mud. The analysis used a complete randomized design method with three replications. The silk worm population in mud and sandy mud is 521 and 984, with ABW (Average Body Weight) growth of 0.3 mg and 0.1 mg. These results prove that porosity affects the population, whereas organic matter affects the weight of silk worms. So it can be concluded that the use of sandy mud media produces a higher population, but has lower ABW than the mud media

    Pengaruh Jarak Waktu Pemberian Kejutan Dingin pada Pembentukan Individu Triploid Ikan Patin (Pangasius Sp)

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    The aim of this study was to know the effect of temperature shock gift time distance from fertilization on the triploidy individual process, persentage of hatching rate and survival rate of larva patin catfish. Temperature shock gift time distance treatment from fertilization process is given each 120 second, 180 second, 240 second and 300 second in temperature 40C during 90 second. Each treatment is done as much as 3 times. Hatch and larva maintenance is done in aquarium and hapa for fingerling activity. The result shows that temperature shock gift time distance treatment from fertilization process gives real result on the triploidy individual procces in patin catfish (p&lt;0,05). Highest percentage triploidy individual is got in temperature shock gift time distance from fertilization process 180 second as big as 83,33 %. The growth level patin catfish day 28 show enhanced in line with individual percentage enhanced triploidy from each treatment. The highest growth rate is got from temperature shock gift time distance treatment from fertilization process as big as 11,13 %. Keywords: catfish, triploidy, time distance, temperature shoc

    Pendederan Ikan Nila dengan Sistem Mina Padi di Desa Tribudi Sukur Kecamatan Kebun Tebu Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    Tribudi Sukur Village is one of the villages in the Kebun Tebu District, West Lampung. Community fishing activities in Tribudi Syukur Village are accommodated in several Fish Cultivator Groups. Utilizing the potential of the region that is very supportive with the existence of existing water sources continuously throughout the year can be one of the important inputs in tilapia hatchery activities. The use of limited ponds makes the production of seeds produced still unable to meet market demand both from the quality, quantity and continuity of production. The potential that can be exploited from this situation by looking at the condition of natural resources in Tribudi Sukur village, where there are many rice fields with available water sources throughout the year, is to use the rice fields as a medium in the nursery of fish larva. Therefore, community service activities need to be done to provide solutions. The application of integrated technology between rice cultivation in rice fields and fisheries is by applying the Mina Padi cultivation system can be one solution. Methods of community education, consultation and mentoring are the three most effective methods for solving problems in the village. The benefits of the activities that have been carried out are to provide new knowledge and skills regarding the tilapia fish breeding with the Mina Padi syste

    Kelayakan dan Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Patin di CV Mika Distrindo

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    The development of larva production of Patin catfish has great potential to meet market demand. CV Mika Distrindo is the one of company that need a development strategy to increase production to meet demand of Patin catfish larva. The aims of this study were: (1) to obtain information on the production process of breeding; (2) to know the feasibility of breeding; and (3) to carry out the strategy of seeding to obtain maximum profit. Method of analysis was done with (1) a descriptive analysis of the production process for a portrait Patin catfish hatchery; (2) Analysis of the feasibility using NPV, IRR, Net B/C Ratio, Gross B/C Ratio, PBP, and BEP; (3) Analysis of internal and external matrix are using IFE and EFE matrix, and in combination in a matrix of IE; 4) SWOT matrix analysis to formulate strategic alternatives; and 5) Analysis QSPM for alternative decision priorities. The study results shows that CV Mika Distrindo is feasible because the business get the financial benefit. Indications in terms of financial feasibility are known from Rp516.660.510 of NPV; 21.42% of IRR; 5.57 of Gross B/C Ratio; 4.05 of Nett B/C Ratio; 10 months and 5 days of PBP and 2.698.006 of larva production or Rp539.601.139,60 of the value of sales. IFE score is 2.511 and EFE score is 2.565 (medium position). The Company core strategy is Growth/Stability Strategy. The SWOT analysis obtains formulation of strategies including the use of advances in technology, expansion of marketing network, strengthening capital, increasing sales volume, doing partnerships, taking advantage of investors, increase customer loyalty, maintain larva quality, improved system management and collaboration with stakeholders.Key words: Patin catfish hatchery, feasibility analysis and business development strateg

    Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Budidaya Udang Vanname (Litopenaeus vannamei) di Keramba Jaring Apung Laut

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    Pacific white shrimp is one of the primadona of fishery commodities. The development of Pacific white shrimp can be done by using floating net cage (FNC). Shrimp culture in sea floating net cage is the one of alternative aquaculture of environmentally friendly shrimp cultivation and potentially become applicative technology of shrimp farming in the future. The aims of this study were to know the feasibility of white shrimp culture in sea floating net cage. The study was conducted by using descriptive and analytic method with 18 pieces of cage. Analysis of the feasibility using net present Value (NPV),Internal Rate of return (IRR), Net Benefit-Cost Ratio, Gross Benefit-Cost Ratio, Payback Period (PBP), and Break Even Point (BEP). The study result show that the NPV is IDR 43,315,360.00; IRR is 21.47%; net B/C ratio is 5.11, gross B/C ratio is 3.71; PBP is 6 months and 9 days and BEP is 1,837.82 kg of shrimp biomass or IDR 147,025,891.18 of the value of sales. The final result of feasibility analysis of shrimp culture in sea floating net cage is feasible to run

    Aplikasi Kejutan Suhu Terhadap Pembentukan Ikan Patin (Pangasius hypopthalmus) Tetraploid

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    This research aims to produce super brood of catfish who has a chromosome structure 4N (tetraploid) which will be used as a basis to generate triploid catfish. The specific objective of research was to determine the proper method to produce tetraploid individual catfish, knowing the character of the growth of catfish tetraploid, and knowing the character of morphometric and meristik catfish tetraploid. The study was conducted in Fisheries Laboratory of Lampung State Polytechnic and planned to be carried through three stages: Formation of catfish tetraploid by applying the method of temperature shock, fish ploidy analysis of treatment outcome, and the tetraploid selection. Special Purpose study is to get the population of catfish that have to be tetraploid or 4N ploidy and produce brood catfish putatively tetraploid. Target outcomes study the third year that the main candidates tetraploid. The results of research conducted showed tetraploid individuals found in all treatments given temperature shock to the level of an individual percentage of catfish tetralploid between 5-30%. The determination of ploidy levels in catfish is done using a calculation of the number nucleolus. Individual catfish nucleolus tetraploid have maximum 5-6 pieces.Keyword: catfish, tetraploid, engineered chromosome, genetic