264 research outputs found

    Investigation on Aerodynamics of Super–Effective Car for Drag Reduction.

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    This paper focuses on shape optimization of a car body to be used in Shell Eco Marathon race. The work consists of the review of aerodynamic performance for currently used shapes, definition of the design constraints for the vehicle and recommendations for the final shape to be used in the oncoming Shell Eco Marathon editions. The designs are inspired by winning models, but adjusted to Iron Warriors technology and scaled accordingly to the driver’s space requirements. A range of velocities from 20 km/h to 45 km/h with 5 km/h interval is tested, giving idea about the full model performance. Results are then compared and the best solutions, concerning the coefficient and parameter taking into account the frontal area influence are recommended

    Romuald Hube wobec prac ustawodawczych nad narodowym prawem cywilnym w Królestwie Polskim (1828–1830)

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    The paper deals with Romuald Hube’s views on the legislation works conducted in the years 1828–1830 on book II (property law) of the Napoleon’s Code. Romuald Hube was one of the leading Polish lawyers of the 19th century. He believed that the Napoleon’s Code should have been removed and replaced with a national legal document. The same view was represented by a special Legal Boty while the Government Legal Committee wanted to keep the Napoleon’s Code. R. Hube showed weaknesses of the Code in Polish reality and was for the national law based on Polish tradition and Polish judicial rulings. His views are presented on a wider background of the adoption of foreign laws and the importance of the Frenchlaw in Europe in the 19th century.Brak abstraktu w języku polski

    Jerzy Reder 1927-2011

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    Z Sankt Petersburga dla czytelnika zachodnioeuropejskiego – Aleksander This o prawie Rzeczypospolitej szlacheckiej

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    Aleksander This (1803–1864), an outstanding Polish lawyer, arrived in Petersburg after the outbreak of the November Uprising. There he got involved in scientific work and in 1838 he published his article entitled Notice sur la coordination des lois provincionales de L’Empire de Russie in a French juridical magazine “Reuve étrangère et française de legislation”. The text presents the problem of codification of provincial laws on the Polish territories taken over by Russia during the annexations by the end of the 18th century. It includes the description and the assessment of the legislation of the Polish law in the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania. The author elaborates not only on the systems of laws that were in force and their classifications but also on the attempts to codify the law between the 14th and 18th centuries. He gives a detailed description of ordinary law, particular laws and auxiliary laws that functioned in former Poland. This critically evaluated lack of the codification of law, especially the failure of the codification in 1532, the so-called Rectification of Laws and The Collection of Juridical Laws by Andrzej Zamoyski from the years between 1776 and 1780. The advantage of the publication is the introduction of the Western European readers to the problems of the former Polish law.Aleksander This (1803–1864), wybitny polski prawnik czasów Królestwa Polskiego, po wybuchu powstania listopadowego znalazł się w Petersburgu. Tam zajmował się pracą naukową i w 1838 r. opublikował we francuskim czasopiśmie prawniczym „Revue etrangére et française de legislation” artykuł pt. Notice sur la coordination des lois provinciales de l’Empire de Russie. W tekście tym omówił problem kodyfikacji praw prowincjonalnych na zabranych przez Rosję ziemiach polskich podczas zaborów w końcu XVIII w. This zamieścił w nim opis i ocenę ustawodawstwa prawa polskiego w Rzeczypospolitej szlacheckiej. Omówił też systemy praw obowiązujących i ich klasyfikacje oraz próby kodyfikowania prawa od XIV do XVIII w. Ponadto szczegółowo przedstawił prawo powszechne, prawa szczególne oraz pomocnicze, jakie funkcjonowały w dawnej Polsce. Krytycznie ocenił brak skodyfikowania prawa, a zwłaszcza niedojście do skutku kodyfikacji z 1532 r. tzw. Korektury Praw i tzw. Zbioru Praw Sądowych Andrzeja Zamoyskiego z lat 1776–1780. Walorem jego publikacji było przedstawienie czytelnikom zachodnioeuropejskim problematyki dawnego prawa polskiego

    Profesor Artur Korobowicz (1938-2017)

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