172 research outputs found

    On the Matthew effect on Individual Investments into Skills in Arts, Sports and Science

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    The paper describes the process of capital accumulation subject to the following characteristics: (i) convex returns to (human) capital; (ii) the need to self _nance the investment. This set up is applicable to explain some peculiarities in arts, sports and science, inter alia, the \Matthew effect" coined in Merton (1968) to explain why prominent researchers get disproportional credit for their work. The potential young artist's (or sportsman's or even scientist's) optimal strategies include quitting, or continuing and even expanding one's human capital in a profession. Both outcomes are separated by a threshold level in human capital. In addition, it can be optimal to stay in business although consumption falls and stays at the subsistence level (we call this outcome a \Sisyphus point")

    Endogenous Growth of Population and Income Depending on Resource and Knowledge

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    We consider a three sector demoeconomic model and its interdependence with the accumulation of human capital and resources. The primary sector harvests a renewable resource (fish, corn or wood) which constitutes the input into industrial production, the secondary sector of our economy. Both sectors are always affected by the stock of knowledge. The tertiary sector (schooling, teaching, training, research) is responsible for the accumulation of this stock that represents a public good for all three sectors. Labor is divided up between the three sectors under the assumption of competitive labor markets. A crucial feature of this economy is the importance of public goods--stock of knowledge and the common--which requires collective actions. Absence of collective actions describes the limiting case of hunters and gatherers. The central focus of this study is whether and what kind of interactions between the economy, the population and the environment foster sustainability and, if possible, continuous growth

    On the matthew effect on individual investments in skills in arts, sports and science

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    This paper describes the process of capital accumulation subject to the following characteristics: (i) convex returns to (human) capital and (ii) the need to self-finance investments. Our setup is applicable to some peculiarities in the arts, sports and science, inter alia, coined the Matthew effect in Merton (1968) and explains, e.g., why prominent researchers get disproportional credit for their work. The potential young artist’s (athlete’s or scientist’s) optimal strategies include quitting, or continuing and even expanding one’s human capital in the respective profession. Both outcomes are separated by a threshold level in human capital. In addition, we find that it can be optimal to stay in business although consumption falls and stays at the subsistence level forever (we call this outcome a Sisyphus point). This possibility is also interesting from a theoretical point-of-view, as the optimal control problem may turn abnormal, i.e., the objective does not enter the Hamiltonian

    On the Interplay between Resource Extraction and Polluting Emissions in Oligopoly

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    This paper offers an overview of the literature discussing oligopoly games in which polluti ng emissions are generated by the supply of goods requiring a natural resource as an input. An analytical summary of the main features of the interplay between pollution and resource extraction is then given using a differential game based on the Cournot oligopoly model, in which (i) the bearings on resource preservation of Pigouvian tax rate tailored on emissions are singled out and (ii) the issue of the optimal number of firms in the commons is also addressed

    Modifying the Rebound: It depends! Explaining Mobility Behaviour on the Basis of the German Socio-Economic Panel

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    We address the empirical question to which extent higher fuel efficiency of cars affects additional travel and how this behavioural aspect is modified by additional variables. The data set used to estimate a theoretical model of the rebound effect covers two panel waves, 1998 and 2003, taken from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). To take full advantage of the information in the data available, and to avoid problems due to possible selection effects, we estimated an unbalanced two-wave random effects panel model. Our results suggest that in line with the rebound hypothesis, there is a negative effect of car efficiency on the kilometers driven. That is, the lower the fuel consumption, the larger the driven distance. However, contrasting recent empirical literature about the rebound effect in the transportation sector, this seems to be true only for cars with a consumption of more than roughly eight liters per hundred kilometers. In addition, we find a positive diesel effect, which implies that owning a diesel engined car, has a positive effect on the driven distance. Both effects can be interpreted as support for the rebound hypothesis, although not in a simple linear way. Moreover, it can be shown that some "soft" variables such as certain attitudes towards the environment tend to amplify this non-linear rebound effect. Our results support the general direction of the rebound effect on households travel activities. But because of the remaining political relevance of the rebound effect, they also highlight the importance of accounting for additional behavioural variables which tend to influence individual mobility behaviour. Hence, the classical interpretation of the rebound as a linear effect of advances in fuel economy on individual travel has to be questioned

    Green, Brown, and Now White Certificates: Are Three One Too Many? A Micromodel of Market Interaction

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    Our paper deals with modeling the effects of introducing a market-based tool for improving end-users' efficiency in an energy market which is already regulated through a cap-and-trade system for green house gas emissions and a quota system meant to improve competitiveness of energy produced using renewable resources. Our results show that the regulation of energy demand achieves its underlying objects of energy savings and energy efficiency solely at the expense of other goals such as the environmental efficiency of energy production. In our model, the implementation of a market for White Certificates (WCTS) causes energy producers' investment in abatement to decrease along with the price for Brown Certificates and the amount of renewable energy demanded. Once we turn to the currently more empirically relevant case of integrating end-users only partially into WCTS, the unregulated group compensates in parts for the decrease in demand of the regulated group, due to an indirect price effect. As both supply and demand side of the market are regulated, this special set of regulations applied can, therefore, be compared to the grip of pincers embracing the entire market, leaving some of it virtually scarred. Consequently, we intended to search for alternative policy measures, which are able to achieve an increase in end-users' energy efficiency without the negative side-effects witnessed in case of a WCTS. In our model a subsidized reduction in the price for households' investment in energy efficiency renders just slightly more favorable results than an implementation of WCTS. However, the most effective way to accomplish all goals of environmental policy alike is to reduce the cap on emissions
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