329 research outputs found

    Effektive Kooperation im multiprofessionellen Team und in der schulischen Elternarbeit. Zwei interdependente Qualitätsmerkmale inklusiver Schulen

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    Die Autorin beleuchtet die Kooperation von Eltern und multiprofessionellen Teams in inklusiven Schulen, die basierend auf ihrer theoretisch-analytischen Ausarbeitung als zwei „interdependente Qualitätsmerkmale“ inklusiver Schulen fungieren und im Kontext inklusiver Schulentwicklung weiterhin auszubauen sind. (DIPF/Orig.

    Assessing Engagement in Chinese Upper Secondary School Students Using the Chinese Version of the Schoolwork Engagement Inventory : Energy, Dedication, and Absorption (CEDA)

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    The schoolwork engagement inventory: Energy, Dedication, and Absorption (EDA) is a measure of students' engagement in schoolwork and has been demonstrated valid in Western student populations. In this study, we adapted this inventory to and tested its psychometric appropriates in Chinese upper secondary school students (CEDA). Participants were 1,527 general high school students and 850 vocational high school students. The mean age of the total sample was 16.21 years (54.4% females, age span: 15–19 years). The results of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) showed that a modified one-factor model fitted the data best. The results of the multigroup CFA showed that the factor structure was metrically invariant across school tracks (i.e., general or vocational high school) and scalarly invariant across gender and school types (i.e., ordinary or key school). Moreover, schoolwork engagement was negatively related to emotional exhaustion and positively related to self-efficacy, perseverance of effort, teacher–student relationships, and life satisfaction. Overall, the CEDA can be regarded as a valid measure for the assessment of student engagement in the Chinese upper secondary school context.Peer reviewe

    Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents' Academic and Psychological Development : A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis

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    The important role of parenting is widely acknowledged, but as most studies have understood and examined it as a stable attribute (e.g., parenting style), the stability of and changes in parenting are less well understood. Using longitudinal person-oriented approaches (i.e., latent profile analyses and latent transition analyses), this study aimed to examine the stability of and changes in autonomy-related parenting profiles and their effects on adolescents' academic and psychological development. Four autonomy-related dimensions (i.e., autonomy support, warmth, psychological control, conditional regard) were chosen to identify parenting profiles on the basis of Self-Determination Theory. Using five-year longitudinal data from 789 German secondary school students (50.06% female, M-age at T1 = 10.82 years, age span = 10-17), four autonomy-related parenting profiles were found: Supportive (similar to 17%), Controlling (similar to 31%), Unsupportive-Uncontrolling (similar to 17%), and Limited Supportive (similar to 35%). The results suggest that the Supportive profile contributes to adolescents' positive academic and psychological development, whereas the Controlling profile, which thwarts autonomy development, exacerbates the development of psychopathology, and impairs academic achievement. More importantly, the Limited Supportive profile is as maladaptive as the Unsupportive-Uncontrolling profile. Regarding parenting profiles' stability and changes, the results showed that about half of each profile stayed in the same group. Overall, it could be observed that parents became more supportive and less controlling over time. However, the findings also indicate that parenting profiles are less stable than expected and can still change during early-to-mid adolescence.Peer reviewe

    Autonomy-related Parenting Profiles and their Effects on Adolescents' Academic and Psychological Development : A Longitudinal Person-oriented Analysis

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    The important role of parenting is widely acknowledged, but as most studies have understood and examined it as a stable attribute (e.g., parenting style), the stability of and changes in parenting are less well understood. Using longitudinal person-oriented approaches (i.e., latent profile analyses and latent transition analyses), this study aimed to examine the stability of and changes in autonomy-related parenting profiles and their effects on adolescents' academic and psychological development. Four autonomy-related dimensions (i.e., autonomy support, warmth, psychological control, conditional regard) were chosen to identify parenting profiles on the basis of Self-Determination Theory. Using five-year longitudinal data from 789 German secondary school students (50.06% female, M-age at T1 = 10.82 years, age span = 10-17), four autonomy-related parenting profiles were found: Supportive (similar to 17%), Controlling (similar to 31%), Unsupportive-Uncontrolling (similar to 17%), and Limited Supportive (similar to 35%). The results suggest that the Supportive profile contributes to adolescents' positive academic and psychological development, whereas the Controlling profile, which thwarts autonomy development, exacerbates the development of psychopathology, and impairs academic achievement. More importantly, the Limited Supportive profile is as maladaptive as the Unsupportive-Uncontrolling profile. Regarding parenting profiles' stability and changes, the results showed that about half of each profile stayed in the same group. Overall, it could be observed that parents became more supportive and less controlling over time. However, the findings also indicate that parenting profiles are less stable than expected and can still change during early-to-mid adolescence.Peer reviewe

    Diversity-Kompetenz (?) – Rekonstruktion von Handlungsorientierungen in der MINT-Lehre

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    Angesichts der Vielfalt der Studierendenschaft und daran anknüpfender (bildungs-) politischer Zielsetzungen sind Diversity-Kompetenzen in der Lehre unerlässlich. Diese Studie untersucht mittels einer rekonstruktiven Analyse qualitativer Interviews, welche Handlungsorientierungen dem Umgang mit Diversität in der MINT-Lehre zugrunde liegen und inwieweit Mitarbeiter*innen in Studium & Lehre den Umgang mit Diversität(en) in ihr berufliches Selbstverständnis integriert haben. So werden Strukturen diversitätsorientierter Professionalisierungsbemühungen in den Blick genommen, die auf das berufliche Selbstverständnis der Mitarbeiter*innen wirken

    What if parental love is conditional …? Children’s self-esteem profiles and their relationship with parental conditional regard and self-kindness

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    peer reviewedBackground: Numerous studies have demonstrated that low, unstable, or contingent self-esteem negatively affects youth development and is linked to adolescent psychopathology. However, most previous studies have applied variable-oriented approaches, and less is known about the natural combination of self-esteem facets in school-aged adolescents, how parental conditional regard affects self-esteem profiles, and how these profiles relate to self-kindness, self-judgement, and life satisfaction. Methods: By employing a longitudinal person-oriented approach (i.e., latent profile analysis and latent transition analysis) on two-wave longitudinal data from 587 German secondary school students (52.3% female, M age=13.52 years), this study aims to (1) identify adolescents’ self-esteem profiles based on the level, stability, and contingency of self-esteem; (2) examine the impact of parental conditional regard on the self-esteem profiles explained using self-determination theory; and (3) examine these profiles’ relationship with self-kindness, self-judgement, and life satisfaction. Results: Four self-esteem profiles were derived: optimal-secure (~ 8%), good (~ 18%), average (~ 36%), and low-insecure (~ 38%). The results reveal a concerningly high proportion as well as a high stability of low-insecure self-esteem (~ 98%) and indicate the strong negative influence of parental conditional regard on the development of optimal-secure self-esteem. Furthermore, the results demonstrate strong correlations between optimal-secure self-esteem, highly developed self-kindness, and high life satisfaction. Conclusions: Using a longitudinal person-oriented approach, it was possible to identify a group with highly vulnerable self-esteem, characterised by particularly low self-kindness, strong self-judgment, and lower life satisfaction. The findings of this study support the need for prevention and intervention targeting adolescents with low-insecure self-esteem

    Bielefeld longitudinal study on learning in inclusive and exclusive forms of special needs education (BiLieF). Key findings

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    In der Bielefelder Längsschnittstudie zum Lernen in inklusiven und exklusiven Förderarrangements (BiLieF) wurden die psychosoziale und die Leistungsentwicklung bei Kindern mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf im Förderschwerpunkt "Lernen" von der 3. bis zur 5. Klasse in unterschiedlichen Fördersettings untersucht. Die Ergebnisse quantitativer und qualitativer Zugänge zeigen, dass vor allem proximale Faktoren auf der Ebene der Einzelschule - weniger die Form der Beschulung - für die Entwicklung der Kinder relevant sind. (DIPF/Orig.)The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study on Learning in Inclusive and Exclusive Forms of Special Needs Education (BiLieF) compared the psychosocial development and the performance growth of children with special educational needs in the field of learning, starting in third grade through fifth grade. Results from quantitative and qualitative methods showed that proximal factors affect children\u27s development, whereas educational setting is less influential. (DIPF/Orig.

    Pädagogisch-psychologische und fachdidaktische Beratungskompetenz

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    In diesem Artikel wird ein Seminarkonzept vorgestellt, welches im Rahmen des QLB geförderten Projekts „Biprofessional“ an der Universität Bielefeld konzipiert sowie in mehreren Durchläufen erprobt und evaluiert wurde. Das Seminar zielt darauf ab, Lehramtsstudierende im Bereich der mathematischen Grundbildung auf eine professionelle Abklärung von Rechenschwächen, damit zusammenhänge Beratung und ggfs. notwendige Förderung vorzubereiten. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden zentrale didaktische Überlegungen herausgestellt, die ausgehend von den konkreten Lehr-Lernzielen die implementierten Methoden und eingesetzten Materialien begründen

    Woran kann man guten inklusiven Unterricht erkennen?

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    Im Zentrum des Beitrags steht die Erstellung eines Rasters zur Beobachtung und Beurteilung inklusiven Unterrichts. Die Erarbeitung und Erprobung des Rasters sind als didaktischer Baustein in ein bildungswissenschaftliches Seminar eingebettet. Im Seminar werden pädagogisch-psychologische, schulpädagogische, inklusionspädagogische und sonderpädagogische Perspektiven auf guten inklusiven Unterricht vermittelt und durch die Erarbeitung des Rasters miteinander verknüpft. Das zu erprobende Raster wird bei der Beobachtung inklusiven Unterrichts im Rahmen von Videoanalysen eingesetzt. Dabei steht vor allem eine vertiefte Auseinandersetzung mit den umschriebenen theoretischen Konzepten im Fokus. Auf diese Weise erfahren die Studierenden, wie die theoretischen Perspektiven in der Praxis bei der Planung, Analyse und Reflexion inklusiven Unterrichts wirksam werden können

    Professionalization for teaching in inclusive classrooms within interdisciplinary video-based seminars

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    Der Beitrag stellt ein videobasiertes Lehrkonzept vor, das in interdisziplinärer Kooperation entwickelt und durchgeführt worden ist. Mit der Lehrveranstaltung wird das Ziel verfolgt, die auf inklusiven Unterricht bezogene professionelle Wahrnehmung von Studierenden zu fördern. Um dies zu erreichen, arbeiten die Studierenden zunächst ihre Subjektiven Theorien über guten inklusiven Unterricht heraus, die potenziell im Widerspruch zu bildungswissenschaftlichem Wissen stehen. Da es nicht nur eine mögliche Perspektive auf guten inklusiven Unterricht gibt, werden im Seminar die Perspektiven der Pädagogischen Psychologie, der Schulpädagogik und der Sonderpädagogik integrativ vermittelt. Die Teilnehmer*innen operationalisieren die Befunde und überführen sie in ein Raster zur Beobachtung von inklusivem Unterricht. Das Raster kommt schließlich bei Videoanalysen und Unterrichtshospitationen zum Einsatz. Das Seminar wurde hinsichtlich verschiedener Variablen wie inklusionsbezogenen Einstellungen und bildungswissenschaftlichem Wissen positiv evaluiert.This article presents the conceptualization of an interdisciplinary video-based seminar implemented in teacher education at university. The seminar aims at promoting students’ professional vision of teaching in inclusive classrooms. As a first step towards this goal, students map out and reflect on their subjective theories about what they consider high quality teaching in inclusive classrooms, which may contradict findings from educational and psychological research. To highlight different disciplinary perspective on high quality teaching in inclusive classrooms, the seminar explicitly integrates perspectives from school pedagogy, special education, and psychology. Next, these perspectives are used to develop a grid helping students to systematically observe teaching in inclusive classrooms. Finally, the grid is used in video analyses and real-life observations of inclusive classrooms. The evaluation of the seminar showed positive changes with regard to several variables such as attitudes towards inclusive education and educational knowledge
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