489 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Latar belakang yang mendorong penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik kelas 3A SDN Wonotingal. Nilai hasil belajar tema 7 kelas 3A  masih banyak peserta didik tidak memenuhi KKM, yaitu sebanyak 60% dari 15 peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Model Listening Team Dengan Media Audiovisual Kelas 3A Tema 8 SDN Wonotingal Seamarang Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Prosedur penelitian menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang meliputi 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas 3A SDN Wonotingal. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 siklus yang masing-masing siklus 2 pertemuan. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah melalui model pembelajaran Listening Team dengan media Audiovisual dapat meningkatan hasil belajar Tema 8 pada belajar peserta didik kelas 3A SDN Wonotingal. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah melalui model Listening Team dengan media Audiovisual ini semoga dapat memeberikan kontribusi yang lebih baik dalam perbaikan pembelajaran.Kata Kunci : Listening Team, Media Audiovisual


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    Decision Support System (DSS) is a computer-based interactive application that combines data and mathematical models to assist the decision-making process in dealing with a problem.[1] At the Faculty of Engineering, Informatics Study Program, Nurul Jadid University, there are several stages in the process of preparing a thesis that students need to do, namely submission of thesis titles, submission of thesis proposals, proposal seminars, research and thesis guidance. After writing is considered ready and finished, students present the results of their thesis at the lecturer examines the thesis exam, but students whose thesis exam results pass with revisions, carry out the revision process in accordance with the examiner's input. The problem that is often experienced by students at the Faculty of Engineering Informatics Study Program is the process of submitting thesis titles, where students have difficulty determining the topic of thesis title. Then a Decision Support System for Thesis Title Topic Recommendations was created using the Naive Bayes Classifier Method at the Faculty of Engineering, Informatics Study Program, Nurul Jadid University, which aims to help facilitate lecturers and students in the management process of determining the recommendation criteria for thesis title topics, the process of managing thesis title recommendations and thesis title submissions, the method used is prototyping with the PHP programming language, MySQL database and the Naive Bayes Classifier method, for system design using Flowcharts, DFD, and ERD. Based on the results of the Naive Bayes Classifier method, it produces test results with very good Likert scale calculations with a high accuracy value of 96.6%


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    Arsip merupakan kumpulan dokumen yang disimpan secara sistematis karena mempunyai kegunaan agar setiap kali diperlukan dapat dengan cepat ditemukan kembali. Sistem kearsipan pada LSP Universitas Nurul Jadid selama ini masih menggunakan pengarsipan secara manual yaitu dengan menyimpan dokumen seperti, dokumen pengurus, asesor, asesi dan dokumen Tempat Uji Kompetensi (TUK) disebuah lemari penyimpan atau filling cabinet, map, rak dan lainnya sehingga dalam pencarian dokumen akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Selain itu sistem kearsipan pada LSP Universitas Nurul Jadid (LSP UNUJA) juga masih menggunakan pengarsipan yang mengandalkan sebuah komputer yang berperan sebagai server yang hanya dapat diakses pada saat terhubung kedalam satu jaringan lokal sehingga pengurus tidak mampu mengakses data dari luar dan harus ke kantor LSP. LSP UNUJA adalah salah satu lembaga yang berperan melakukan sertifikasi profesi mahasiswa Universitas Nurul Jadid. LSP UNUJA saat ini sedang berkembang sehingga data semakin kompleks seperti data asesor, asesi dan data TUK. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang telah diuraikan tersebut maka sangat penting adanya sebuah sistem kearsipan yang mampu menjawab segala kendala dan masalah pada LSP UNUJA. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk pengumpulan data serta metode research and development (R&D) digunakan untuk pengembangan sistem. Penelitian ini menghasilkan Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Kearsipan Dokumen Elektronik Berbasis Web di LSP UNUJA yang dapat mempermudah proses dokumentasi dokumen LSP UNUJA

    Tabot sebagai City Branding Kota Bengkulu

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    This research is titled "Tabot As City Branding Of Bengkulu City". The problem of research is the process of forming tabot as a city branding of Bengkulu City. This research uses cultural studies approach by Stuart Hall. This research is a qualitative research with ethnographic research startegy. The analysis unit in this research is an organization, namely the Tourism and Culture Office of Bengkulu City. Data collection was obtained through in-depth interviews on 13 informants, observations of nonparticipant and documentation. The results of this study showed that tabot as the city branding of Bengkulu city was formed through the process of representation of tabot tradition into a tabot festival conducted by the Bengkulu city government. Bengkulu City Government makes tabot as a characteristic of Bengkulu City through a regulatory reproduction process to form tabot as the identity of Bengkulu City. The Government of Bengkulu wants to present Bengkulu as a religious city, has creativity, and a vibrant city that is depicted from the celebration of tabot festival, as well as as a reference for one of the cultural tourism cities

    A Closer Look at Cardioprotective Function of HDL: Revise the HDL – Cholesterol Hypothesis?

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    BACKGROUND: The strong inverse association of plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol with coronary heart disease (CHD) found in human epidemiological studies led to the development of the ‘HDL cholesterol hypothesis’, which posits that intervention to raise HDL cholesterol will result in reduced risk of CHD. A number of recent developments have brought the potential protective role of HDL into question. Several clinical trials of agents that substantially raise HDL-C have been demonstrated to not reduce CHD event rates.CONTENT: For decades, HDL and HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) levels were viewed as synonymous, and modulation of HDL-C levels by drug therapy held great promise for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Nevertheless, recent failures of drugs that raise HDL-C to reduce cardiovascular risk and the now greater understanding of the complexity of HDL composition and biology have prompted researchers in the field to redefine HDL. As such, the focus of HDL has now started to shift away from a cholesterol-centric view toward HDL particle number, subclasses, and other alternative metrics of HDL. Many of the recently discovered functions of HDL are, in fact, not strictly conferred by its ability to promote cholesterol flux but by the other molecules it transports, including a diverse set of proteins, small RNAs, hormones, carotenoids, vitamins, and bioactive lipids. Based on HDL’s ability to interact with almost all cells and deliver fat-soluble cargo, HDL has the remarkable capacity to affect a wide variety of endocrine-like systems.SUMMARY: There is a significant need to redefine HDL and its benefit. HDL transports a diverse set of functional proteins, including many binding proteins. HDL transports and deliver vitamins, carotenoids, and other small molecules. Moreover, HDL transports hormones, steroids and bile acids, and can modulate multiple endocrine pathways. HDLs also transport and deliver microRNAs to recipient cells and control gene expression. Likewise, HDLs carry bioactive lipids and can activate signaling cascades and receptors that control endothelial apoptosis, migration, survival and activation. Many of HDL’s alternative noncholesterol cargo likely confer many of HDL’s alternative functions.KEYWORDS: HDL, ApoA1, RCT, ABCA1, ABCG1, miRNA, HDL lipidome, HDL proteom

    Hypertrophic Obesity and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Dysfunction

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    BACKGROUND: Over the past 50 years, scientists have recognized that not all adipose tissue is alike, and that health risk is associated with the location as well as the amount of body fat. Different depots are sufficiently distinct with respect to fatty-acid storage and release as to probably play unique roles in human physiology. Whether fat redistribution causes metabolic disease or whether it is a marker of underlying processes that are primarily responsible is an open question. CONTENT: The limited expandability of the subcutaneous adipose tissue leads to inappropriate adipose cell expansion (hypertrophic obesity) with local inflammation and a dysregulated and insulin-resistant adipose tissue. The inability to store excess fat in the subcutaneous adipose tissue is a likely key mechanism for promoting ectopic fat accumulation in tissues and areas where fat can be stored, including the intra-abdominal and visceral areas, in the liver, epi/pericardial area, around vessels, in the myocardium, and in the skeletal muscles. Many studies have implicated ectopic fat accumulation and the associated lipotoxicity as the major determinant of the metabolic complications of obesity driving systemic insulin resistance, inflammation, hepatic glucose production, and dyslipidemia. SUMMARY: In summary, hypertrophic obesity is due to an impaired ability to recruit and differentiate available adipose precursor cells in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Thus, the subcutaneous adipose tissue may be particular in its limited ability in certain individuals to undergo adipogenesis during weight increase. Inability to promote subcutaneous adipogenesis under periods of affluence would favor lipid overlow and ectopic fat accumulation with negative metabolic consequences. KEYWORDS: obesity, adipogenesis, subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral adipose tissue, adipocyte dysfunction

    Metaflammation, NLRP3 Inflammasome Obesity and Metabolic Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing prevalence of obesity gives rise to many problems associated with multiple morbidities, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, sleep apnea and cancer. The mechanism of obesity is very complex, thus its link to various disease is poorly understood. This review highlights important concepts in our understanding of the pathogenesis of obesity and related complications.CONTENT: Many studies have tried to explore the exciting and puzzling links between metabolic homeostasis and inflammatory responses. A form of subclinical, low-grade systemic inflammation is known to be associated with both obesity and chronic disease. This, later called as "metaflammation", refers to metabolically triggered inflammation. The nutrient-sensing pathway and the immune response coordination are facilitated by these molecular sites in order to maintain homeostasis under diverse metabolic and immune conditions. Recent studies have found that the NLRP3 inflammasome during metabolic stress forms a tie linking TXNIP, oxidative stress, and IL-1β production. This provides new opportunities for research and therapy for the disease often described as the next global pandemic: type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).SUMMARY: The crucial role of metaflammation in many complications of obesity shown by the unexpected overlap between inflammatory and metabolic sensors and their downstream tissue responses. Then great interest arose to explore the pathways that integrate nutrient and pathogen sensing, give more understanding in the mechanisms of insulin resistance type 2 diabetes, and other chronic metabolic pathologies. A family of intracellular sensors called NLR family is a critical component of the innate immune system. They can form multiprotein complexes, called inflammasome which is capable of responding to a wide range of stimuli including both microbial and self molecules by activating the cysteine protease caspase-1, leading to processing and secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-18, which play crucial roles in host defense. Inflammasome dysregulation has been linked to some autoinflammatory and metabolic diseases. These provide opportunities to continue to improve our understanding of the nature of metaflammation in the hope of modifying it to prevent and treat diseasese.KEYWORDS: Inflammation, metaflammation, inflammasome, metabolic disease, obesit

    Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Aging

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    BACKGROUND: The average lifespan of humans is increasing, and with it the percentage of people entering the 65 and older age group is growing rapidly and will continue to do so in the next 20 years. Within this age group, cardiovascular disease will remain the leading cause of death, and the cost associated with treatment will continue to increase. Aging is an inevitable part of life and unfortunately poses the largest risk factor for cardiovascular disease.CONTENT: We provide an overview of some of the molecular mechanisms involved in regulating lifespan and health, including mitochondria, telomeres, stem cells, sirtuins, Adenosine Monophosphate-activated Protein Kinase, Mammalian Target of Rapamycin and Insulin-like Growth Factor 1. We also provide future perspectives of lifespan and health, which are intimately linked fields.SUMMARY: Aging remains the biggest non-modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The biological, structural and mechanical changes in senescent cardiovascular system are thought to contribute in increasing incidence of cardiovascular disease in aging. Understanding the mechanisms contributing to such changes is therefore crucial for both prevention and development of treatment for cardiovascular diseases.KEYWORDS: cardiovascular aging, mitochondria, telomeres, sirtuin, stem cell


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    Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang industri harus memenuhi unsur keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Dalam kegiatan proses awal produksi hingga akhir produksi kecelakaan tidak hanya dikarenakan mesin tetapi juga bahan baku ataupun cairan kimia yang berbahaya. Kecelakaan kerja bisa terjadi dikarenakan kelalaian karyawan atau yang sering disebut human error. Kecelakaan kerja berpotensi mengurangi produktivitas, sehingga membuat kualitas kerja menurun dari sebelumnya. Kesehatan kerja merupakan spesialisasi dalam Ilmu Kesehatan atau Kedokteran beserta prakteknya yang bertujuan agar para pekerja atau masyarakat pekerja memperoleh derajat kesehatan setingi-tingginya, baik fisik, mental, maupun sosial, dengan usaha-usaha preventif dan kuratif terhadap penyakit- penyakit/gangguangangguan kesehatan yang diakibatkan oleh faktor-faktor pekerjaan dan lingkungan kerja, serta terhadap penyakit-penyakit umum (Mangkunegara, 2002). Menurut Mangkunegara, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja adalah suatu pemikiran dan upaya untuk menjamin keutuhan dan kesempurnaan baik jasmaniah maupun rohaniah tenaga kerja pada khususnya, dan manusia pada umunya. Di PT. Prima Cahaya Indobeverage ini masih terdapat kekurangan mengenai keselamatan kerja dikarenakan minimnya kesadaran karyawan terhadap keselamatan ataupun kurangnya informasi dari perusahaan tentang bahaya pekerjaan yang sedang dilaksanakan. Dari data diatas, diharapkan PT. Prima Cahaya Indobeverage dapat mengurangi atau memperkecil terjadinya kecelakaan maka dari itu dilakukan analisis untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang menjadi penyebabnya kecelakaan tersebut. Adapun urutan pengolahan data pada tugas akhir ini yaitu: Identifikasi bahaya, Uji Validitas, Uji Realibilitas, Metode Hirarc. Dari hasil pengolahan data pada Bab IV diperoleh bahwa dari uji validitas dan uji reabilitas dari 15 sampel menggunakan software spss data tersebut valid dan reable. Dan karyawan sebanyak 25 responden. Lalu menentukan bahaya dari aktivitas pekerjaan. Lalu menentukan penilaian risiko, penilaian risiko diperoleh dari perkalian rata-rata kekerapan dengan rata-rata keparahan. Dari hasil penilaian risiko diperoleh bahwa terdapat terdapat 3 variabel yang memiliki tingkat risiko high, 5 variabel yang memiliki tingkat risiko medium, dan 7 varibel yang memiliki tingkat risiko low. iv Pengendalian risiko merupakan tahap akhir metode HIRARC dimana pada proses pengendalian ini yang dilakukan yaitu mempertimbangkan dari segi sumber bahaya penyebab risiko bahaya yang telah diidentifikasi sebelumnya. Pengendalian risiko dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu pengendalian risiko untuk tingkat risiko high, tingkat risisko medium dan tingkat risiko low
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