53 research outputs found


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    Javanese personal names in the north coastal region of Java have undergone various developments in form, meaning, and function along with the developments that have taken place during different eras of human civilization. Various cultural phenomena that have occurred from one era to another have been recorded and preserved in the personal names used in this community. This research is important not only as a linguistic study but also to provide a unique flavour to the fields of historical, sociological, and cultural research. The method used is a qualitative research method which aims to discover and gain an in-depth and detailed understanding a number of different social, historical, and cultural phenomena in order to obtain comprehensive and holistic research results. This paper also provides an interesting illustration of the developments in Javanese society, in particular in the north coastal region of Java

    The Influence of Javanese Culture on the Education Curriculum in Indonesia

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    Javanese culture has a strong influence on the entire education curriculum in Indonesia, especially on the implementation of the four main strengths of Javanese culture, namely mythos, logos, ethos, and pathos. These four pillars form the spirit of Javanese culture as self-cultivation for every human being in Indonesia. This paper aims to describe several main ideas surrounding the influence of Javanese culture on the education system and curriculum in Indonesia, in particular the aforesaid four pillars of Javanese culture. In addition, it will also explain the role of culture as an initiator, dynamist, and inspiration for the development of education in Indonesia. Keywords: pillar, culture, Java, curriculum, Indonesi

    Petangan Tradition In Javanese Personal Naming Practice: An Ethnoliguistic Study

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    This study investigates petangan, a form of tradition which belongs to the Javanese cultural heritage. Petangan (a study of calculation) plays an important role in Javanese culture. The petangan tradition first appeared centuries ago, at which time it has been developed and recorded in both written and oral traditions. The scope of this research focuses on a study of the petangan tradition in relation to personal naming practices. This study applied a qualitative research method - elaborated in order to identify various ways in which the Javanese give meaning to, evaluate, and predict the character of the name given to their children using the petangan tradition. This tradition is very popular in Java. However, in its development, it has started to become less prevalent among the Javanese community since it must compete with many forms of counter culture which are more modern, rational and instant. Data are collected from the sources of data obtained from documents and observation. The data analysis technique employed in this research is interactive analysis technique which involved three simultaneous activities: data reduction, data presentation, and verification. To obtain the validity of data, data verification was done through data triangulation by comparing the data presented to previous researches and petangan books. The finding of the research shows that petangan has important role in Javanese naming tradition in terms of its form, use, and social function in Javanese society. This study also discovers the development of personal naming practice, ideas, cultural taste, and various other changes which are taking place in the Javanese society from one era to another

    Development of non-arbitrary to the arbitrary iconic words in Javanese language

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    Onomatopoeic words in Javanese language are an evidence of the uniqueness of both the lingual aspects and the described facts. This study discussed the phenomenon of phonological and morphological language processing. It examined the derivation of the onomatopoeic root words of Javanese language into some form of the word as iconic formation. The data source covers the source language of local print media and another complementary source which was obtained from informants living in the regions of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. This study revealed the Ullman’s onomatopoeic classification of primary and secondary onomatopoeias. The primary onomatopoeic is sound imitations of referents, i.e. crowing, roaring, barking sounds, etc. The secondary onomatopoeia is the sound which arises beyond the occurring acoustic experience; they are sounds produced by movements and physical, and mental quality of an object. i.e. the word bruk (voice of falling heavy objects), prang (sound of a broken plate). The development of sound imitation icon as an icon causes a shift in the status of a root word form or onomatopoeic sound imitator to other states. Words like thuthuk [ṭuṭU?] ‘'beater', kethuk kempyang [kəәṭU? kəәmpjaŋ] 'typical instrument used in Gamelan', pethuk [pəәṭU?] 'coming across' and bathuk [baṭU?] 'forehead' were the derivative words which originated from the root word thuk [ṭuk] with the additional formative process, repetition on the root word, compounding, and reduplication. In the Javanese language, onomatopoeic words often have the same family with other words

    Semantic Relation in the Traditional Rituals of Dayak Maanyan Community in East Barito

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    The Dayak Maanyan community recognizes two types of languages. The language used daily and the language used in traditional rituals. The language used in the ritual is arranged in the form of paired clauses with similar meanings. This article will examine the meaning relation between words in the paired clauses. The research was conducted in the East Barito district, Central Kalimantan province. This study's data collection area is the East Hamlet District in Jaar Village. Documentation of data in ritual leader utterances is done by transcribing recorded speeches during the ritual and recordings during direct interviews with ritual leaders to obtain the entire content of the ritual speech. Based on the results of data analysis from 840 pairs of transcribed clauses, The researcher found that the relation of synonymous meaning dominated the relation of meaning between the two clauses. The researcher also found the meaning relationship between class inclusion and meronymy and case relation. The pattern of meaning relations formed from the words in the paired clauses is that a is equal to b, b is a type of a, a is a component of b, a is a member of b, place b is part of the area of a, b is made of a, a has b, a is related to b, a is b, a does b, a becomes b, does a is accepted by b, does a uses b, does a aims to b

    Memahami Makna Seni dalam Pencak Silat

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    ABSTRACTThe martial art or pencak silat is a combating method that philosophically teaches both spiritual and physical education helping the enthusiasts to live with the noble moral values in their society. The material object of this study is pencak silat and the formal object is the philosophy of arts or aesthetics of the pencak silat. This study aims to examine (1) norms or manners of pencak silat, (2) pencak silat style, (3)  pencak silat categories and pencak silat equipments. This research employs factual-historical method by means of description, analysis, and synthesis. The results are (1) norms of pencak silat are conceptually found in the attitude of performance, steps (gerak langkah), attack (serangan), and defense (belaan), (2) martial arts style consists of the mental-spiritual aspects, martial arts, arts, and sport, (3) arts in martial arts are subdivided into wiraga, wirama, and wirasa, and the martial arts equipments include specific use of costumes, weapons, and traditional music acompaniments. Keywords: martial arts style, pencak silat, philosophical values, wiraga-wirama-wirasa ABSTRAK Seni bela diri pencak silat sebagai metode bertarung secara filosofis mengajarkan pendidikan spiritual dan fisik untuk membantu para peminatnya dalam menghayati nilai-nilai moral yang luhur di dalamnya. Objek material dari penelitian ini adalah pencak silat dan objek formal adalah filsafat seni atau estetika dari pencak silat tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji (1) norma atau perilaku pencak silat, (2) gaya pencak silat, (3) kategori pencak silat dan peralatannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode faktual-historis melalui deskripsi, analisis, dan sintesis. Hasilnya adalah (1) norma pencak silat yang secara konseptual ditemukan dalam sikap kinerja, gerak langkah, serangan, dan pertahanan (belaan), (2) gaya seni bela diri (aliran gaya) yang terdiri dari aspek mental-spiritual, bela diri, seni, dan olahraga, (3) seni dalam seni bela diri dibagi menjadi wiraga, wirama, dan wirasa serta peralatan seni bela diri termasuk penggunaan kostum, senjata khusus, dan pengiring musik tradisional.Kata kunci: gaya seni bela diri, pencak silat, nilai filosofis, wiraga-wirama-wiras

    Perpustakaan: Strategi merungkai belenggu minda

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    Peri pentingnya modal insan dalam menentukan kemakmuran sesebuah negara terserlah dalam peribahasa Cina yang menyatakan bahawa "If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want one hundred years of prosperity, grow people". Dalam usaha untuk membina insan ini, kita memerlukan pelbagai ramuan ilmu pengetahuan agar insan yang dihasilkan memenuhi aspirasi pendidikan negara seperti yang terserlah dalam Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan (t. t.): Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah suatu usaha berterusan ke arah lebih memperkembangkan potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk melahirkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi, dan jasmani berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada tuhan. Usaha ini adalah bertujuan untuk melahirkan warganegara Malaysia yang berilmu pengetahuan, berketrampilan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggungjawab dan berkeupayaan mencapai kesejahteraan diri serta memberikan sumbangan terhadap keharmonian dan kemakmuran keluarga, masyarakat dan negara. Begitu juga dalam Falsafah Pendidikan Indonesia: Usaha untuk melahirkan 'insan yang seimbang' dan 'berilmu pengetahuan' ini mempunyai kaitan yang rapat dengan budaya membaca dan pemanfaatan perpustakaan. Justeru, dengan niat untuk menggalakkan rakyat Malaysia malah rakyat di seluruh Nusantara untuk menjadikan membaca sebagai budaya hidup dan perpustakaan menjadi aset penting yang menyangga pembangunan insan, makalah ini akan sekilas meninjau minda yang terbelenggu, menyerlahkan manfaat membaca dan kepentingan perpustakaan dalam konteks merungkai belenggu minda yang akan mencacatkan imej kita. Seterusnya dikemukakan beberapa strategi untuk difikirkan dan diusahakan bersama demi kelangsungan generasi waja yang akan menjadi pewaris.Dalam makalah ini kata 'membaca' merangkumi pelbagai bahan bercetak dan elektronik. Perpustakaan pula merangkumi pusat sumber, perpustakaan akademik, perpustakaan awam (statik dan bergerak), dan perpustakaan di sekolah. Sudut bacaan di dalam kelas, rumah, pejabat dan di tempat awam juga turut memberi sumbangan dalam mewujudkan budaya membaca dan mencari ilmu pengetahuan

    Intertextual Study of Main Characters on the Novel "Atheis" by Achdiat Karta Mihardja and "Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk" by Ahmad Tohari

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    Haryo Seto Saktiono. Intertextual Study of Main Characters on the Novel "Atheis" by Achdiat Karta Mihardja and "Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk" by Ahmad Tohari. Thesis, Surakarta: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Postgraduate Program, February 2021. The purpose of this study is to explain: (1) To find the intrinsic element (character) in the novel "Atheis" by Achdiat Karta Mihardja; (2) Finding the intrinsic element (character) in the novel "Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk" by Ahmad Tohari; (3) Finding intertextual intrinsic elements (characters) from the novel "Atheis" by Achdiat Karta Mihardja and the novel "Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk" by Ahmad Tohari. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method and uses an intertextual approach. Researchers obtained data from the Atheis novel by Achdiat Karta Mihardja and the novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk by Ahmad Tohari, data in the form of direct analysis, interviews, and worksheets from teachers and students of SMA N 1 Gemolong. The technique used for sampling was done by purposive sampling. The data validity was obtained through source triangulation, while the data analysis technique used interactive analysis techniques. The conclusions of this study are (1) This study succeeded in finding the intrinsic element (character) of the novel "Atheis" by Achdiat Karta Mihardja. (2) This study succeeded in finding the intrinsic element (character) of the novel "Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk" by Ahmad Tohari. (3) This study succeeded in finding the intertextual intrinsic elements (characters) of the novel "Atheis" by Achdiat Karta Mihardja and the novel "Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk" by Ahmad Tohari

    Javanese Philosophy in Novel Jadilah Purnamaku Ning by Khilma Anis

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    Javanese society has an interesting life philosophy, all their behaviours are regulated based on ideas and principles that are formed to achieve a harmonious life, both physically and mentally calm. Another interesting thing is when the Javanese philosophy is loaded through novels. This study aims to describe the form of culture in the form of ideas in the novel Be Purnamaku Ning by Khilma Anis. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, the data is in the form of Javanese cultural ideas. The data source is a document in the form of the novel “Jadilah Purnamaku Ning”. Data analysis techniques used in this study is content analysis. The data validity technique used in this study is theoretical triangulation. The data analysis technique used an interactive model. The results of the study found fourteen forms of culture in the form of ideas. It covers the principles of Javanese life, proverbs, Javanese proverbs, Javanese philosophy and rituals that are believed by Javanese people. The existence of ideas found in the “Jadilah Purnamaku Ning” novel can be used as a reference to increase knowledge and a reminder for Javanese people to maintain Javanese philosophy in their life

    Local Colors in Adipati Waringin Legends in Cirebon Regency

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    This study aims to reveal the local colors in the Adipati Waringin Legend in the Cirebon Regency. This research was a descriptive qualitative study with an ethnographic approach. In obtaining data, researchers used interview, observation, and documentation as techniques. These data were processed and tested using triangulation. Then the data is analyzed using the interactive analysis technique model of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the traditional ceremony of Ngunjung or Sedekah Bumi, Karangreja Village in Cirebon Regency is a form of local color associated with the Adipati Waringin Legend
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