63 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Sport Massase Untuk Mahasiswa Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesehatan FIK-UM

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan multimedia interaktif sport massase agar pembelajaran efektif untuk mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani dan kesehatan FIK-UM. Metode penelitian menggunakan Lee & Owen dengan tahap: (1) analisis, (2) desain, (3) pengembangan, validasi, dan revisi, (4) implementasi/uji coba, (5) evaluasi. Hasil uji ahli diperoleh: (1) ahli sport massase 88,88%, (2) ahli media 90,62%. Uji coba kelompok kecil dengan 7 mahasiswa diperoleh 80,56%, dan kelompok besar dengan 30 mahasiswa diperoleh 85,46%. Dapat disimpulkan pembelajaran multimedia interaktif mendorong mahasiswa belajar dengan media baru dengan memanfaatkan teknologi sehingga dapat memfasilitasi dan mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran sport massase menggunakan multimedia interaktif

    Students’ interest in physical education learning: Analysis of internal and external factors

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    In physical education, learning interests are required so that the intentions of this meant learning are well accomplished. This research is aimed to find out the descriptions of students’ interest factors when attending physical education learning at State Senior High School 2 Malang. This study employed a quantitative descriptive research design through survey methods. In order to obtain the research data, a questionnaire was employed as the research instrument with 329 students as the research subjects. After the data were collected, they were analyzed by using a type of descriptive statistical analysis. The results of this research indicated that students’ interest in learning physical education of X class students in State Senior High School 2 Malang both of internal and external factors were classified as high categories. Internal factors influenced students’ interests more during physical education learning compared to external factors. Overall, the activity factor and feeling of pleasure are the most influential factors for their involvement in physical education learning. Understanding that, students and teachers are suggested to look at intervening toward each above factors as an effort to improve their interest in learning

    Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Lawang Kabupaten Malang

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat kebugaran jasmani pada siswa putra dan putri tingkat umur 16-19 tahun Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Lawang. Jenis dari penelitian ini adalah survei dengan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengambilan  sampel  pada  penelitian  ini menggunakan probability sampling dengan metode simple random sampling. Sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 100 siswa putra dan putri, selanjutnya dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok sampel yaitu 35 sampel putra dan 65 sampel putri. Pengambilan data dilakukan selaras dengan Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Indonesia (TKJI) tahun 2010 tingkat umur 16-19 tahun. Hasil analisis data sebagai berikut: siswa putra tidak ada yang menunjukkan hasil klasifikasi baik sekali, baik, dan sedang, yang menunjukkan klasifikasi kurang 14 siswa atau 40% dan klasifikasi kurang sekali 21 siswa atau 60%. Untuk siswa putri tidak ada yang menunjukkan hasil klasifikasi baik sekali dan baik, yang menunjukkan klasifikasi sedang 3 siswa atau 5%, klasifikasi kurang 58 siswa atau 89 dan klasifikasi kurang sekali 4 siswa atau 6%. Kesimpulannya adalah tingkat kebugaran jasmani putra dan putri tingkat umur 16-19 tahun SMA Negeri 1 Lawang Kabupaten Malang mayoritas memiliki tingkat kebugaran pada klasifikasi kurang


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    Abstract Based on preliminary observations conducted on teachers and students of SMP Negeri in Malang Regency: (1) students can not and do not like the material gymnastics floor, and tend to like the material of big ball game (92%); (2) students state that educators have never done teaching with media in the form of interactive multimedia, 100%; and (3) students agree when done an development of interactive multimedia media for learning basic technique of gymnastic floor 100%. The purpose of this research and development is to develop an effective model of basic techniques of floor gymnastics for junior high school students using interactive multimedia. In this study is using development research methods from Borg and Gall (1983: 775), and researchers did not use the whole but only using 7 steps. The 7 steps chosen by the researchers are as follows: (1) collecting information, (2) initial product design, (3) expert evaluation, (4) trial in phase I , (5) product revision (6) trials in phase II, (7) revisions and final products. Based on the result of data analysis of the evaluation of the learning expert is very valid, the evaluation of expert gymnastics is very valid, the evaluation of media expert is very valid. From the data analysis result of small group trial is valid enough (73,1% ), while large group trial is very valid (85,75%), thus it can be concluded that the development of interactive multimedia-based floor gymnastic basic technique for junior high school student can be used. Keywords: development, learning, gymnastics floor, interactive multimedi


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    Based on preliminary observations conducted on teachers and students of SMP Negeri in Malang Regency: (1) students can not and do not like the material gymnastics floor, and tend to like the material of big ball game (92%); (2) students state that educators have never done teaching with media in the form of interactive multimedia, 100%; and (3) students agree when done an development of interactive multimedia media for learning basic technique of gymnastic floor 100%. The purpose of this research and development is to develop an effective model of basic techniques of floor gymnastics for junior high school students using interactive multimedia. In this study is using development research methods from Borg and Gall (1983: 775), and researchers did not use the whole but only using 7 steps. The 7 steps chosen by the researchers are as follows: (1) collecting information, (2) initial product design, (3) expert evaluation, (4) trial in phase I , (5) product revision (6) trials in phase II, (7) revisions and final products. Based on the result of data analysis of the evaluation of the learning expert is very valid, the evaluation of expert gymnastics is very valid, the evaluation of media expert is very valid. From the data analysis result of small group trial is valid enough (73,1% ), while large group trial is very valid (85,75%), thus it can be concluded that the development of interactive multimedia-based floor gymnastic basic technique for junior high school student can be used.. Keywords: Development, learning, gymnastics floor, interactive multimedi

    Pengembangan Media Kebugaran Jasmani Unsur Kekuatan Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif

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    Abstract: Physical Education is an educational process using the learning experience of physical activity, sports, and games. Physical fitness is very important for health, each person's own physical fitness will be different because it is influenced by several factors such as the type of work and lifestyle of each. Strength is a movement or force produced by a muscle or a group of muscles that works optimally and is trained repeatedly. This research and development aims to develop a new teaching material for teachers. At SMP Negeri 4 Malang, PJOK learning still uses books. By using interactive multimedia, it is also hoped that it will make it easier for students to understand the material presented by the teacher. Abstrak: Pendidikan Jasmani merupakan suatu proses mendidik menggunakan pengalaman belajar aktivitas fisik, olahraga, dan permainan. Kebugaran jasmani itu sangat penting untuk kesehatan, kebugaran jasmani sendiri setiap orang akan berbeda karena dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti jenis pekerjaan dan pola hidup masing-masing. Kekuatan merupakan suatu gerakan atau gaya yang dihasilkan oleh otot atau sekumpulan otot yang bekerja maksimal dan dilatih secara berulang-ulang. Penelitian dan Pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu bahan ajar baru untuk guru. Di SMP Negeri 4 Malang dalam pembelajaran PJOK masih menggunakan buku. Dengan menggunakan multimedia interaktif, diharapkan juga agar mempermudah siswa untuk memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh guru


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan VCD pencak silat seni dengan iringan musik. Pengembangan ini menggunakan model pengembangan yang dikemukakan oleh Sadiman (2003:40). Sedangkan, teknik analisis data yaitu persentase diadopsi dari Sudjana (1990). Hasil pengembangan media audio-visual pencak silat seni dengan musik  ini memenuhi kriteria cukup valid untuk ahli media memperoleh 74,50%, memenuhi kriteria valid untuk ahli/pelatih pencak silat memperoleh 91,17 %, memenuhi kriteria valid untuk ahli musik memperoleh 96,25% memenuhi kriteria cukup valid untuk kelompok ujicoba tahap I memperoleh 73,83%, dan memenuhi kriteria valid untuk kelompok ujicoba tahap II memperoleh 88,58%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu,  pengembangan media audio-visual pencak silat seni dengan musik ini bisa digunakan dan diterapkan dalam proses melestarikan olahraga bangsaIndonesia.                                           Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, Pencak silat seni, Media audio visual, Musi

    Hubungan antara Dukungan Informasi Keluarga dengan Depresi pada Pasien Pasca Stroke di PUSKESMAS Remaja Samarinda

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    INTISARI Latar belakang: Stroke merupakan penyakit tidak menular yang prevalansinya terus mengalami peningkatan di dunia, Di indonesia angka kejadian stroke sebanyak 3 juta orang pertahun jumlah tersebut diperkirakan akan meningkat. Di beberapa negara berkembang terjadinya depresi pascastroke dipengaruhi peran serta dukungan emosional keluarga. Tujuan penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan informasi keluarga dengan depresi pada pasien pascastroke iskemik di Puskesmas Remaja Samarinda tahun 2019. Metode penelitian: Desain dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Cross Sectional dengan responden berjumlah 33 pasien pascastroke di Puskesmas Remaja. Variabel yang diteliti adalah dukuangan informasi keluarga dan depresi dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan data ini diproses menggunakan uji statistic Sperman Rank. Hasil penelitian: Hasil analisis hubungan menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman rank didapatkan hasil dengan nilai peluang (0,008) lebih kecil dari nilai signifikan (0,05) yang artinya dapat dikatakan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan informasi keluarga dengan depresi pada pasien pascastroke iskemik di Puskesmas Remaja Samarinda tahun 2019. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan dukungan informasi keluarga dengan depresi pada pasien pascastroke ikemik di Puskesmas Remaja Samarinda tahun 2019

    Development of basic movement learning models of the concept of play and games modification elementary school level

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    The limited facilities for physical education (PE) teachers cause learning less varied patterns, so it impacts the development of students' basic movements. This study aims to develop a learning model using the play and games modification concept to facilitate the needs of basic movement at the elementary school level. This research is development research with five stages, namely; (1) need assessment, (2) product design selection, (3) product development, (4) implementation, and (5) product evaluation. This research produces a product and investigates the efficiency of that product to facilitate elementary school students’ basic movement fulfillment. The subjects in this study are the physical education teachers from Malang regency, Lumajang Regency, Malang City, Lamongan Regency, Blitar City, and Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia. From the six regions, 10 schools are involved as subjects, each of which included 25 teachers.The research results suggest that this learning model with play and games modification concept can be used and facilitate the attainment of elementary school students’ basic movement. Thus, the learning model can be categorized as feasible and can promote the fulfillment of the basic movement needs at the elementary school level. The results have significance for elementary school students. The findings can assist teachers in providing facilities for the basic movement needs of children at the elementary school level