72 research outputs found

    Analisis Peran Moderasi Locus Of Control pada Pengaruh Tekanan Kerja dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Komitmen Organisasional

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    The organizational commitment have become serious problem, therefore require to investigating what factors becoming its cause so that can be solved effectively. The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the influence of the job stress and job satisfaction on organizational commitment with the locus of control moderation. The populations of the research were auditors working at public accountant firms in Jakarta. This research use purposive sampling method to collect data. A sample of 58 auditors was employed to investigate the influence of the job satisfaction and job stress on organizational commitment with the locus of control moderation. The result of this research indicates that there is a positive effect of the job satisfaction and job stress on organizational commitment

    Analisis Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Behavioural Intention

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    This research aimed to analyze the influenced factors towards behavioural intention. Sample size was 400 respondent, taken with purposive sampling method, through survey. In this research, analyzing technique will be conducted by using multiple linear regression analysis. The result of this research find out several points, namely; for first hypothesis; e-service quality has significantly impact toward behavioural intention,, accepted. It's proven by the significance level of motivation at 0.000. And for the result of secondary hypothesis; consumer satisfaction has significantly impact toward behavioural intention, accepted. It's proven by the significance level of consumer satisfaction at 0.000. Meantime for third hypothesis; attitude toward the website has significantly impact toward behavioural intention, accepted, because it had significance level at 0.048

    Jejaring Advokasi Masyarakat Sipil Di Asia Tenggara: Studi Kasus Task Force on ASEAN Migrant Workers (2007-2010)

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    Artikel ini membahas mengenai advokasi Satuan Tugas Buruh Migran ASEAN (TF-AMW) terhadap ASEAN dalam perlindungan hak-hak buruh migran periode 2007-2010. TF-AMW merupakan suatu jejaring masyarakat sipil yang berupaya menekan ASEAN sebagai organisasi regional guna mengadopsi instrumen yang dibuatnya agar seluruh negara di Asia Tenggara meratifikasi standar Internasional dalam perlindungan dan pemajuan hak-hak buruh migran. Dengan metode kualitatif, penelitian ini berupaya menganalisis bagaimana jejaring TF-AMW terbentuk, bagaimana strategi advokasi yang diterapkan untuk mengadvokasi ASEAN, dan bagaimana hasil dari advokasi tersebut. Penelitian ini menarik kesimpulan bahwa belum berhasilnya advokasi TF-AMW dipicu oleh terbatasnya ruang politik dari ASEAN kepada kelompok masyarakat sipil, dominannya norma-norma ASEAN Way yang sebenarnya mencerminkan bagaimana organisasi ini memandang hak-hak buruh migran sebagai isu HAM, dan tidak adanya momentum politik

    Analisis Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Behavioural Intention

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    This research aimed to analyze the influenced factors towards behavioural intention. Sample size was 400 respondent, taken with purposive sampling method, through survey. In this research, analyzing technique will be conducted by using multiple linear regression analysis. The result of this research find out several points, namely; for first hypothesis; e-service quality has significantly impact toward behavioural intention,, accepted. It\u27s proven by the significance level of motivation at 0.000. And for the result of secondary hypothesis; consumer satisfaction has significantly impact toward behavioural intention, accepted. It\u27s proven by the significance level of consumer satisfaction at 0.000. Meantime for third hypothesis; attitude toward the website has significantly impact toward behavioural intention, accepted, because it had significance level at 0.048

    Serum Level Changes of Neurotrophin-3 After Performing Diabetic Foot Exercise in Diabetic Neuropathy

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    The research aimed to determine the pattern of changes in serum levels of NT-3 in the improvement of diabetic neuropathy, after doing diabetic foot exercise. A true experimental study with randomaized pre – post test control trial. A total of 36 subjects meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the exercise group or the control one with age matched systematic random sampling method. Exercise group had a significant improvement on the score of ABI (p.0.002), systolic blood pressure (p.0.014), diastolic blood pressure (p.0.055), DNS (p.0.01), DNE (p.0.001) and increased of serum level of NT-3 (p.0.049). Control group had result respectively on ABI (p.0.131), systolic blood pressure (p.0.668), diastolic blood pressure (p.0.216), DNS (p.1.00), DNE (p.0.543), and increase of NT-3 (p.0.264). The comparation results of the two groups had a significant different on the score of ABI (p.0.01), systolic blood pressure (p.0.01), diastolic blood pressure (p.0.01), DNS (p.0.01), DNE (p.0.01), and increased of NT-3 (p.0.01). Diabetic foot exercise had a peripheral affect on a clinically significant improvement based on ABI scores, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, DNS and DNE, and increase of serum level of NT-3

    Conceptual Framework Of Bidding Strategy In Order To Improve Construction Project Performance

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    Globalization makes the competition of construction is increasingly tight. The competitors faced not only in the regional district/city, province, but increasingly widespread, even cross the country worldwide. Bidding strategy is an important factor that improves competitiveness. It defines as a management skills of using all available resources both physical and financial, in order to offer a comprehensive and competitive bidding. The bidders usually consider various aspects, including internal, external and environment, with aim to win the bidding competition, and provide maximum project performance.The literature review method is used to create ideas, and synthesize the related researches which have been done previously. This paper aims to develop a framework that can be used for evaluation in the early stages of project selection, based on theriview of various literature related to bidding strategies and project performance. The result from the literature review concerning are presented, and a conceptual framework of bidding strategy model is developed

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Untuk Menentukan Jalur Terpendek Rumah Sakit Di Purbalingga Dengan Metode Algoritma Dijkstra

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    Application of Dijkstra's algorithm is an application made to determine the shortest path of hospital in Purbalingga where the starting point comes from a single point, namely the town square of Purbalingga. The system is made with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005.There are two types of hospitals in Purbalingga, such us public hospital and maternal hospital. On the main page, user can specify the type of hospital first before determining the choice of destination hospital. After that, user can know the shortest way to go. There is also a digital map in order to facilitate user into the hospital and information obtained is more informative. On the admin page is used to add data path information, hospital data and map data. Besides, the data path and hospital data can be changed if an error occurs. To determine the shortest path from each hospital, administrator must enter data into the system calculated to form and then saved to the database, which will be used as a user's information can be obtained after choosing the destinationhospita

    How Are English Derivational Bound Morphemes Translated? (a Case Study on the Translation of Dan Brown\u27s Deception Point Into Indonesian)

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    Morphemes as the smallest meaningful unit of a word has significant role in determining the meaning of the words. The translators must be able to translate the meaning of the morphemes accurate in order to keep the message faithful with the source text. The problems of this research are as follows: 1) what are the morphemic shifts occurred in the translation of English Derivational morphemes into Indonesian in Dan Brown\u27s Deception Point? 2)What are the techniquesemployed in the translation?And, 3) what is the most dominant rank category?The aims of the study are as follows: 1) to find out the morphemic shifts occurred in Dan Brown\u27s Deception Point,2) To find out the techniquesemployed by the translators, and 3)To find the most dominant rank category.The method employed in this research is descriptive-analytical method. The data of this study were collected from the words which contained English derivational bound morphemes in the novel Deception Point which is written by Dan Brown and its Indonesian translation entitled TitikMuslihat. The result of the research shows that 1) there are two kinds of morphemic shifts found.They are: shifts from morphemes to words and shifts from morphemes to phrases. 2) The translation techniques which are employed by the translatorsare literal translation,calque,unit shift,and distribution change. 3) The most dominant rank category found is morphemes which is translated into words category with 71% or 141 data
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