102 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of crude oil and natural gas processing

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    This training manual includes term project methodical guide on the course "Fundamentals of crude oil and natural gas processing" in English. The main purpose of the training manual is to provide students the theoretical and methodological assistance at performance the term project on the course "Fundamentals of crude oil and natural gas processing". The manual contains the initial data and reference material needed to perform the calculations. The manual is intended for the students of speciality 6.050304 "Oil and gas production" in English


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    Доценко О.Ю. Механізм інноваційного розвитку регіону / Економічний вісник НГУ № 3 Дніпропетровськ. 2012. – С.Розглянута структура механізму інноваційного розвитку регіону. Проаналізований сучасний стан фінансування інновацій в Україні та регіону. Уточнена класифікація джерел фінансування інноваційного розвитку регіон

    The new method of liquor production with the addition of stevia

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    Стаття висвітлює розробку нового способу виробництва лимонного лікеру, який полягає у додаванні стевії до традиційної рецептури виробництва лимонного лікеру. В наш час актуальним є виготовлення харчових продуктів з натуральної сировини, а саме стевії. Під час створення нового виду продукту було застосовано метод комп’ютерного моделювання рецептурних композицій. В основі використовували таку рецептуру, де замінювали традиційний цукор на цукрозамінник. Найбільш перспективним є моделювання за принципом методів лінійного програмування. Метою роботи була оптимізація рецептур лікеру з новим видом сировини із використанням методу математичного моделювання. За допомогою математичного моделювання було розроблено рецептуру лимонного лікеру з додаванням стевії в оптимальній кількості 5 г. При додаванні даної кількості додаткової сировини смак, запах та колір був збалансований між собою, зберігалася правильна консистенція. Це дозволяє поліпшити якість лимонного лікеру, а також оновити його асортимент. Додавання стевії в лікер підвищує в ньому вміст білків на 0,10 %, неорганічних речовин - на 0,20%, натрію на 2%, калію на 4%, кальцію на 1,94%, магнію на 1%, фосфору4%, цинку 0,37%, міді на 0,030%, вітаміну С на 8,66%, вітаміну Е на 23%, вміст цукру в новому лікері зменшився на 7,1%. Встановлено, що додавання стевії до складу лимонного лікеру позитивно впливає на хімічний склад продукту, а це означає, що в кінцевому результаті ми отримуємо якісний продукт функціонального призначення, який буде мати лікувально-профілактичну дію. Лікер з додаванням стевії має менш солодкуватий присмак, але він не впливає негативно на смак лікеру. По іншим органолептичним та фізико-хімічними показникам лікер відповідає нормам. Такий лимонний лікер з нетрадиційною сировиною може легко конкурувати на вітчизняному та закордонному ринку.The article is devoted to the development of a new method of production of lemon liquor, which consists of adding stevia to the traditional formulation. Nowadays the production of food products from natural raw materials, namely stevia is actual. When creating a new type of product, the method of computer modeling of prescription compositions was applied. In the basis of such a recipe the traditional sugar was replaced on the sugar substitute. The most promising is simulation based on the principle of linear programming methods. The aim of the work was to optimize the formulations of liquor with a new type of raw material using the method of mathematical modeling. Using mathematical modeling, a recipe of lemon liqueur with addition of stevia in an optimal amount of 5 grams was developed. Ataddition of this amount of additional raw material taste, smell and color, wasbalanced, correct consistency waskept. This helps to improve the quality of lemon liquor, as well as update its assortment. Adding stevia to liquor increases its protein content by 0.10%, inorganic substances by 0.20%, sodium by 2%, potassium by 4%, calcium by 1.94%, magnesium by 1%, phosphorus 4% zinc 0.37%, copper by 0.030%, vitamin C by 8.66%, vitamin E by 23%, sugar content in the new liquor decreased by 7.1%. It has been established that the addition of stevia to lemon liquor positively affects the chemical composition of the product, which means that in the final result we obtain a qualitative functional product that has not only a new product but also a product that will have a therapeutic and preventive effect. Liqueur with addition of stevia has a less sweet taste, but it does not adversely affect the taste of liquor. According to other organoleptic parameters and physico-chemical indicators, the liquor meets the standards. Such lemon liqueur with non-traditional raw materials can easily compete in the domestic and foreign markets

    Biomass spectra in benthic fish assemblages in the Benguela system.

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    6 páginas, 1 figura, 2 tablas.Biomass spectra in the different benthic fish assemblages at depths between 100 and 800 m off the coast of Namibia were studied over a period of 3 yr These assemblages were located in areas spanning active upwelling centres on the shelf and zones of lower productivity on the lower slope. The slopes of the curves for the normallzed size distributions were related to zonal productivity and abundance of the smallest slze classes. In the main upwelling centre, in which abundance of small specimens was high earn d comrnunlty diversity lower, biomass clearly dropped off with increasing size; teleost fishes and mid-level predators (which prey on euphausiids and other pelagic crustaceans) predominated In the less productive zone, where the biomass of small specimens was very low and communlty diversity very high, biomass increased or at least tended to remaln constant with size and elasrnobranchs and apex predators (which prey on fish and cephalopods) were most abundant.Peer reviewe

    High-temperature mechanical tests of Ti3Al(Si)C2-based composites obtained by spark plasma sintering of preceramic papers

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    In this work the flexural strength of Ti3Al(Si)C2 - based composites was measured at room temperature, 800 and 1000 °С. Preceramic paper - derived composite sintered at 1150°С and 50 MPa demonstrates the flexural strength over 900 MPa at room temperature. The flexural strength of composites decreased from 700 and 620 MPa with increasing testing temperature from 800 and 1000 °С, respectively. Moreover, the composites demonstrate plastic deformation at 1000 °С, which results in anomalous displacement of sample under mechanical load

    A proprietary alpha-amylase inhibitor from white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): A review of clinical studies on weight loss and glycemic control

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    Obesity, and resultant health hazards which include diabetes, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, are worldwide medical problems. Control of diet and exercise are cornerstones of the management of excess weight. Foods with a low glycemic index may reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease as well as their complications. As an alternative to a low glycemic index diet, there is a growing body of research into products that slow the absorption of carbohydrates through the inhibition of enzymes responsible for their digestion. These products include alpha-amylase and glucosidase inhibitors. The common white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) produces an alpha-amylase inhibitor, which has been characterized and tested in numerous clinical studies. A specific and proprietary product named Phase 2® Carb Controller (Pharmachem Laboratories, Kearny, NJ) has demonstrated the ability to cause weight loss with doses of 500 to 3000 mg per day, in either a single dose or in divided doses. Clinical studies also show that Phase 2 has the ability to reduce the post-prandial spike in blood glucose levels. Experiments conducted incorporating Phase 2 into food and beverage products have found that it can be integrated into various products without losing activity or altering the appearance, texture or taste of the food. There have been no serious side effects reported following consumption of Phase 2. Gastro-intestinal side effects are rare and diminish upon extended use of the product. In summary, Phase 2 has the potential to induce weight loss and reduce spikes in blood sugar caused by carbohydrates through its alpha-amylase inhibiting activity

    t-LiDAR applications of active normal bedrock faults

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    Over the last decades the static terrestrial laser scanning (t-LiDAR) has been established as amethod to record objects spatially to generating 3D models in research areas such asgeosciences. T-LiDAR has a wide range of applications in geosciences by creating data fromareas of interest (AOI) with high spatial and temporal resolutions. The main task of this thesis is the analysis of natural bedrock fault scarps formed by postglacialnormal faulting earthquakes in Greece by using t-LiDAR at different dimensions (long and closerange t-LiDAR investigations). The studied cumulative bedrock scarps are naturally exhumed(no anthropogenic influence) and are evidence for repeated coeseimic slip over time. The focusis therefore to develop new approaches to characterise these active bedrock scarps, whichincludes the morphological variation along strike the fault segment (meso-scale dimension overseveral hundred metres along a ruptured fault segment), the sense of motion of repeatedearthquakes in a defined area (local stress field reconstruction), as well as the structuralchanges over the fault plane height to define individual events (macro-scale variations over tensof m2). Terrestrial laser scanning is a great tool, which should be used to support theconventional methods of palaeoseismology; the methods described in this thesis therefore linkterrestrial remote sensing and neotectonics analyses. The main aims of the investigations are to analyse the tectonic geomorphology along surfaceruptured escarpments, to reconstruct the faulting history and activity of known active faults thatdisplay postglacial fault scarps, and to test the potential of selected locations to calibrate theruggedness-index method for active faults. LiDAR techniques are used for the surfaceevaluation and characterisation of limestone bedrock scarps and ruggedness analysis of thescarps surface. As the footwall of a normal fault undergoes continued uplift, the development offault scarps by repeated earthquakes forms a steep polished fault plane (free face) that issubject to differential weathering over time (degradation, karstification, bio-erosion). Therefore,the upper parts of scarps are usually characterised by more intense weathering in comparisonto the base. t-LiDAR investigations reveal the slip history of known and dated active faults andestablish a relative age estimation for the coseismic slip events over the scarp height. Furthermore, the LiDAR approach and the point cloud analyses have the potential to beestablished as a supplementary method for the absolute dating with cosmogenic nuclides; whenthe relative age assessment is successfully carried out with t-LiDAR, controlled sampling for theabsolute dating can be undertaken, and hence time can be saved and expenses can be greatlyreduced