14,930 research outputs found

    What brand is my building? Mapping out the mental model of a building

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    The ability of the built environment to powerfully communicate values and influence behaviour has led to the recognition of its potential use for branding. There is a threat that assumptions from marketing research in regard to branding the environment will begin to have a greater impact on the designed environment, but without having any architecturally oriented studies to orientate the processes or outcomes. This paper outlines the process for mapping the consensus mental model of a building, and a way of reading the mental model to understand the brand feel of the building. Understanding the ability of architecture to communicate messages in terms of ‘brand feel’ need not need be a fearful element of future building developments. In fact, by placing market value on architecture as a form of communication can lead to real consideration of its effect on the end users. This method for mapping mental models may also be informative for other fields of design. Keywords: Mental models; Architectural design; Workplaces; Qualitative research; Branding. For full details of this paper, presented at the DRS2008 conference, please contact the author direct.</p

    High dynamic range imaging for archaeological recording

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    This paper notes the adoption of digital photography as a primary recording means within archaeology, and reviews some issues and problems that this presents. Particular attention is given to the problems of recording high-contrast scenes in archaeology and High Dynamic Range imaging using multiple exposures is suggested as a means of providing an archive of high-contrast scenes that can later be tone-mapped to provide a variety of visualisations. Exposure fusion is also considered, although it is noted that this has some disadvantages. Three case studies are then presented (1) a very high contrast photograph taken from within a rock-cut tomb at Cala Morell, Menorca (2) an archaeological test pitting exercise requiring rapid acquisition of photographic records in challenging circumstances and (3) legacy material consisting of three differently exposed colour positive (slide) photographs of the same scene. In each case, HDR methods are shown to significantly aid the generation of a high quality illustrative record photograph, and it is concluded that HDR imaging could serve an effective role in archaeological photographic recording, although there remain problems of archiving and distributing HDR radiance map data

    State district library development west of the Mississippi.

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    Bibliography: p. 22-24

    Making Nations into Legal Persons between Imperial and International Law: Scenes from a Central European History of Group Rights

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    EfterfrÄgan pÄ förnyelsebara och miljövÀnliga produkter har ökat under de senaste Ären. Biobaserade plaster anses vara en av de mest lovande innovationer.    Det övergripande mÄlet med examensarbetet var att undersöka möjligheterna att utvinna xylan och glukomannan ur rapshalm. Metoden som utnyttjades var en hydrotermisk extraktion. Inverkan av temperatur, pH och tid studerades genom att tillÀmpa ett faktorförsök pÄ tvÄ nivÄer. En askhalt- och torrhalt-analys utfördes pÄ produkterna för att dels bestÀmma andelen oorganiskt material, dels berÀkna det totala utbytet. Hemicellulosans molekylvikt bestÀmdes med hjÀlp av en SEC-analys. KolhydratsammansÀttningen och andelen lignin i varje prov avslöjdes genom att utföra en kolhydratanalys. TvÄ vÀletablerade tekniker (NMR (Nuclear magnetic resonance) och FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy)) anvÀndes i detta arbete för bestÀmning av strukturen. NMR utnyttjades för att studera förhÄllandet mellan sockret och sidogrupperna medan IR anvÀndes för identifiering av de funktionella grupperna som förekommer i varje prov. Hemicellulosan som togs fram i projektet anvÀndes till gjutning av plastfilmer vars mekaniska egenskaper studerades genom att utföra dragprovningar.   Resultaten pÄvisade ett högt utbyte av produkt i samband med höga koncentrationer av NaOH. Andelen oorganiskt material var högre för de prover som behandlades med enbart vatten jÀmfört med de prover som behandlades med alkali. IC-analysen pÄvisade att glukomannan utsöndras med vatten medan utbytet av xylan blir högre vid behandling med alkali. IC-analysen visade Àven att den specifika typen av xylan i den undersökta rapshalmen utgörs av arabinoglukuronoxylan. SEC-analysen faststÀllde att vattenbehandlade prover har en högre molekylvikt. Ett ovÀntat resultat var att mÀngden lignin som erhölls i de vattenbehandlade proverna var högre Àn de som erhölls vid alkalibehandling. Resultaten frÄn NMR- och IR- analyserna pÄvisade förekomsten av polysackarider i de olika proven. Dragprovningen visade att jÀmnt fördelade andelar xylan och glukomannan tillsammans med en hög molekylvikt bidrog till en större förmÄga hos materialet att kunna bemöta den ökade belastningen

    Hermetic sealed vibration damper Patent

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    Hermetically sealed vibration damper design for use in gimbal assembly of spacecraft inertial guidance syste

    Preface--Venture capital and technology: What's next?

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    During the 1990s venture capitalists transformed entrepreneurs into corporate entities, and these companies in turn have funded increased productivity that has helped to accelerate U.S. economic growth. This success has spawned an interest in tracking information about the industry. These new resources provide an important perspective for understanding how venture capital works.Venture capital ; Productivity ; Technology ; Economic development
