1,358 research outputs found

    3D coordinate systems for processing measurements performed by total stations

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    This contribution to topic of 3D netpoints determination using geodetic total stations deals with the 3D coordinate systems needed for measuring and its processing. The following systems are treated: astronomical station system (SAS), geodetical station system (SGS), local geodetic system (LGS) and the reference (ellipsoidcentric) system (RES), from that SAS is for realization of measurements and LGS, RES are for processing and computation of 3D coordinates of the points determined

    Geodetic networks of processing by singular decomposition of the configuration matrix

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    The paper present a solution of the Gauss-Markov Model for processing geodetic networks with constraints using singular decomposition of the networks design matrix A. The homogenisation and dehomogenisation of the model needed for this purpose is introduced too. Outputs of the solution are presented by the necessary matrices and upon advantages of this way are discoursed

    Tagging new physics with charm

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    We propose a new variable, the charm fraction, for collider searches for new physics. We analyze this variable in the context of searches for simplified supersymmetry models with squarks, the gluino, and the bino, assuming that only the lightest mass-degenerate squarks can be produced at the high-luminosity LHC. The charm fraction complements event counting and kinematic information, increasing the sensitivity of the searches for models with heavy gluinos, for which squark production is flavor-blind. If squarks are discovered at the LHC, this variable can help discriminate between different underlying models. In particular, with improved charm tagging, the charm fraction can provide information on the gluino mass, and in some scenarios, on whether this mass is within the reach of a future 100 TeV hadron collider.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures; double-tagging analysis added; discussion of results expanded; version to appear in JHE

    Cutting the Puppet Strings: Confronting The Singularity

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    Modern technology has excelled at an unprecedented rate. The rise of artificial intelligence raises many ethical questions and concerns for humanity, as it has incited many pressing debates between philosophers, computer scientists, and social critics who share concerns for the future of humanity but conflict with one another regarding whether or not we should rely on technology to govern human affairs and control society\u27s infrastructures. Drawing from Martin Heidegger, Jacques Ellul, Hubert Dreyfus, and others, this project weighs out the probabilities and problems of the technological singularity posited by Ray Kurzweil, confronting our habits of addressing technology and the way we model ourselves off of computational AI. And then, finally, what it means to regain human agency and remain spiritually and ethically accountable for the roles we play

    Conflict or Compromise: China’s Perceptions and Intentions Regarding Us Defense Policy Towards Taiwan

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    Gabriel Weiss: Conflict or Compromise: China’s Perceptions and Intentions Regarding US Defense Policy Towards Taiwan (Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Howard) China’s perception ofTaiwan as a “renegade” province continues to be a source of contention in Sino-US relations. Domestic pressures have reinforced Beijing’s commitment to enforcing the One-China policy and regaining Taiwan. In recent years, the US has failed to reduce weapons sales to Taiwan. Additionally, America has displayed a willingness to employ military force in defense of its global interests. These factors have led China to perceive the US as a potential foe—particularly in regards to the Taiwan issue. Committed to regaining Taiwan, China currently pursues a dual approach in regards to facilitating reunification—civilian and military. The civilian approach entails working towards reunification via political and economic influence. The military approach involves preparing the PLA for a potential cross-Strait contingency. With an increasingly powerful military, China plans to deter the US from intervening in defense ofTaiwan. If peaceful means fail, China hopes to develop the PLA to the point that it would overcome any joint Taiwanese and American resistance in a conflict over the island. Beijing currently employs a reactive policy of active defense. The policy is active in that China seeks to deter and preempt potential violations ofthe One-China policy. On the other hand, the PRC’s strategy is reactive in that Beijing’s relationship to the US remains based on the degree to which America adheres to the One-China policy. In the event of a perceived violation ofits One-China policy, China responds with sharp rhetoric and threatening displays of force. This allows the PRC to satisfy the needs of domestic consumption while at the same time deterring further perceived encroachments on China’s territorial sovereignty. Still, China currently prefers a peaceful solution to the Taiwan issue and avoids letting its relationship with the US deteriorate completely. The balance of power in the Taiwan-Strait is currently shifting in China’s favor. Whether by peaceful means, or with military force, the PRC is gradually moving to ensure reunification with Taiwan. Ifthe US hopes to resolve the Taiwan issue in its favor, Washington must act quickly—possibly by facilitating the creation of a “One-Nation, Three-System” arrangement. This solution has the potential to defuse the Taiwan issue as a lingering source of contention in Sino-US relations

    3D geodetic monitoring slope deformations

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    For plenty of slope failures that can be found in Slovakia is necessary and very important their geodetic monitoring (because of their activity, reactivisations, checks). The paper gives new methodologies for these works, using 3D terrestrial survey technologies for measurements in convenient deformation networks. The design of an optimal type of deformation model for various kinds of landslides and their exact processing with an efficient testing procedure to determine the kinematics of the slope deformations are presented too

    Detection of erroneous values in the measurement of local geodetic networks

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    For processing the results of local geodetic network (LGN) measurement with possible erroneous values and coordinates:d (slope distances between the points), ω (horizontal angles), z (zenith distances). CDB = [X ,Y]DB (coordinates of the datumpoints), CU0B = [X 0 ,Y 0 ]UB (coordinates of approximately determined points) and detecting the errors it is appropriate to usea technique that will be further demonstrated in a real situation of the trilateration LGN (fig. 1) with a massive contaminationof the simulated errors in the measured elements and numerically determined values

    Identity analysis for plane network points

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    In 1987 and 1997 a deformation network was measured with different datum points of the reference frame S-JTSK. The difference vectors obtained were unable for identity analysis because of the effect of the S-JTSK datum deformations in this region. Various statistical tools were applied in the analysis: three testing procedures for filtering the systematic influences in the vectors and two identity tests for the network points to detect their significant displacements

    Robust adjustment of a geodetic network measured by satellite technology in the Dargovských Hrdinov suburb

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    This article addresses the adjustment of a 3D geodetic network in the Dargovských Hrdinov suburbs using Global Navigation SatelliteSystems (GNSS) for the purposes of deformation analysis. The advantage of using the GNSS compared to other terrestrial technology is thatit is not influenced by unpredictability in the ground level atmosphere and individual visibilities between points in the observed network arenot necessary. This article also includes the planning of GNSS observations using Planning Open Source software from Trimble as well assubsequent observations at individual network points. The geodetic network is processing on the basis of the Gauss-Markov model usingthe least square method and robust adjustment. From robust methods, Huber’s Robust M-estimation and Hampel’s Robust M-estimationwere used. Individual adjustments were tested and subsequently the results of analysis were graphically visualised using absolute confidenceellipsoids

    Fusion of IMU and Vision for Absolute Scale Estimation in Monocular SLAM

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    The fusion of inertial and visual data is widely used to improve an object's pose estimation. However, this type of fusion is rarely used to estimate further unknowns in the visual framework. In this paper we present and compare two different approaches to estimate the unknown scale parameter in a monocular SLAM framework. Directly linked to the scale is the estimation of the object's absolute velocity and position in 3D. The first approach is a spline fitting task adapted from Jung and Taylor and the second is an extended Kalman filter. Both methods have been simulated offline on arbitrary camera paths to analyze their behavior and the quality of the resulting scale estimation. We then embedded an online multi rate extended Kalman filter in the Parallel Tracking and Mapping (PTAM) algorithm of Klein and Murray together with an inertial sensor. In this inertial/monocular SLAM framework, we show a real time, robust and fast converging scale estimation. Our approach does not depend on known patterns in the vision part nor a complex temporal synchronization between the visual and inertial senso
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