167 research outputs found

    Westöstlicher Seiltanz

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    On se demande comment et pourquoi la littérature arabe vient en Allemagne dans le cadre d'échanges culturels, la communication de la littérature est une priorité particulière. Elle peut toucher un grand nombre de personnes et ouvre un accès privilégié à l'autre culture. Ce que pensent et ressentent les autres et comment les autres personnes, à quelles traditions ils se réfèrent et comment ils s'expriment - la littérature peut répondre à presque toutes ces questions. De plus, l'autre culture a son mot à dire directement, de sa propre source sans avoir à passer par des experts. Mais même la littérature n'erre pas d'elle-même entre les cultures, surtout quand les fossés entre les deux sont aussi profonds que la mer Méditerranée. Elle a besoin de passeurs, de pilotes, de médiateurs. Un travail qui, dans le cas de l'échange littéraire arabo-allemand, est au moins aussi délicat que celui du messager, parfois tenu pour responsable des nouvelles qu'il apporte. Normalement, la médiation de la littérature utilise les structures de libre marché d'un marché du livre qui fonctionne. Cela a non seulement des avantages financiers considérables ; les lois sur l'économie de marché jouent également le rôle de régulateur de la médiation. Si cela est déplorable dans certains cas, cela a le grand avantage d'être exempt d'idéologie, indépendant des préférences personnelles et mesurable par un critère objectif, à savoir la réussite économique.Toutes ces réglementations sont omises dans la communication de la littérature arabe aux pays germanophones et vice versa. Le flux financier des organes de médiation, notamment les éditeurs et les traducteurs, est actuellement sécurisé par le secteur public. Le marché ne peut pas se le permettre dans un avenir prévisible. Cet article tente d'apporter des solutions à ces problèmes. Une médiation qui survalorise son sujet (comme beaucoup d'Arabes non seulement critiquent sévèrement mais surestiment souvent grossièrement leur culture contemporaine) court un grand risque de finir par médiatiser les lacunes - et ainsi de faire plus de mal que de bien à son sujet. Dès lors, la prétendue solution au dilemme de la médiation, à savoir la multiplication des activités de médiation, recèle des écueils considérables. Chaque intermédiaire doit non seulement bien connaître son sujet, mais aussi évaluer de manière réaliste les limites de sa capacité à communiquer. La médiation culturelle dans le conflit Est-Ouest ne requiert pas des danseurs de rêve, mais des funambules.  

    Highlighting the Gaps in Enterprise Systems Models by Interoperating CGs and FCA

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    Enterprises arise from creative human endeavours, articulated through business concepts encoded in enterprise information systems through a modular Enterprise information Model (EIM). The EIM thus brings the productivity of computers to bear. Essentially, the EIM represents conceptual structures, which align the computer's structured way of working with the human's conceptual way of thinking. Using an industrial-strength SAP exemplar known as 'Global Bike Inc.', and expressing its EIM's meta-objects as meta-object ! relation ! metaobject, Conceptual Graphs (CGs) simplified the EIM's modules, which consist of four business layers and two information systems layers. The logical simplification of these modules is extended into four levels of detail that culminate in performance indicators being assigned to each of the six layers. From the CGs, Formal Concept Analysis (FCA)'s CGtoFCA algorithm was used to generate the meta-objectarelation ! meta-object binaries that identified the pathways layer-wise and level-wise between the meta-objects. Through the interoperability of CGs and FCA, gaps in the conceptual structure of the EIM as highlighted by its performance indicator or measure, implying that the layer is not as modular as intended

    One-dimensional arrangements of metal atoms in transition metal carbonyl complexes of mixed main group metal alkoxides

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    Mixed metal alkoxides containing main group elements with ns2 electron configurations of the general formula M(OtBu)3M\u27 (M = In, Tl; M\u27 = Ge, Sn, Pb), M\u27(OtBu)3M(OtBu)3M\u27 (M = divalent metal atom, M\u27 = Ge, Sn) and (OtBu)M\u27(OtBu)2M(OtBu)2M\u27(OtBu) (M = Co, Ni; M\u27 = Ge, Sn) can be reacted with simple metal carbonyls. The products obtained are composed of a one-dimensional array of metal atoms held together by direct metal-metal bonds or by bridging alkoxide groups. The following compounds have been isolated and characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (M\u27 = Ge, Sn, Pb; M = In, Tl; MT = transition metal): M\u27(OtBu)3M-MT(CO)n, (CO)nMT-M(OtBu)3M\u27-MT(CO)n, M\u27(OtBu)3M-MT(CO)nM(OtBu)3M\u27, (CO)nMT-M\u27(OtBu)3M(OtBu)3M\u27-MT(CO)n, (CO)nMT-M\u27[OtBu](OtBu)2M(OtBu)2M(OtBu)2[OtBu]M\u27-MT(CO)n and (CO)nMT-M\u27(OtBu)3M-MT(CO)nM(OtBu)3M\u27-MT(CO)n. In addition, an oligomeric species of the general formula [Sn(OtBu)3In-Mo(CO)4]n-Sn(OtBu)3In-Mo(CO)5 with n ~ 9, 10 has been isolated

    Discovering the gaps in enterprise systems via conceptual graphs and formal concept analysis

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    Enterprise systems such as SAP are software applications that are intended to bring the productivity of computers to bear on the human endeavour of enterprise. An industrial-strength SAP enterprise information model was rendered as meta-object!relation!meta-object in Conceptual Graphs (CGs). Then Formal Concept Analysis (FCA)'s CGtoFCA algorithm was used to generate the meta-objectarelation!metaobject binaries, revealing gaps in some of model's key performance indicators that human decision-makers need to realise the enterprise's vision

    Электрохимические свойства наночастиц серебра на графитовом электроде

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    В настоящей работе было показано, что наночастицы серебра, полученные при молярном соотношении реагентов [AgNO3]: [Na3C6H5O7] = 1:1 в условии отсутствии стабилизатора с высоким молекулярным весом, обладают максимальной электрохимической активностью, что связано с неполным восстановлением ионов серебра. Этот факт соотносится с данными УФ-спектроскопии. Наночастицы серебра, полученные в избытке восстановителя при молярном соотношении реагентов [AgNO3]: [Na3C6H5O7] = 1:5 электрохимически неактивны, что также соответствует данным УФ- спектроскопии. Увеличение активности наночастиц серебра происходит в условии увеличения диапазона изменения потенциала, что может быть вызвано образованием перекиси водорода, обладающей активационной способностью. В данной работе установлены оптимальные условия, в которых наночастицы серебра являются наиболее электрохимически активны

    Detection of local recurrence with 3-tesla MRI after radical prostatectomy: A useful method for radiation treatment planning?

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    Background/Aim: Salvage radiotherapy improves biochemical control in patients with recurrence of prostate cancer after prostatectomy. Radiotherapy target volumes of the prostatic fossa are based on empirical data and differ between different guidelines. Localization of recurrence with multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) might be a feasible approach to localize recurrent lesions. Patients and Methods: Twenty-one patients with biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy were included (median prostate-specific antigen (PSA) =0.17 ng/ml). Multi-parametric MRI was performed using a 3-T MR system. Results: Lesions were detected in seven patients with a median PSA of 0.86 ng/ml (minimum= 0.31 ng/ml). Patients without detectable recurrence had a median PSA of 0.12 ng/ml. All patients with detectable lesions responded to radiotherapy. Eleven out of 14 patients without detectable recurrence also responded. Plasma flow in suspicious lesions was correlated with PSA level. Conclusion: Detection of recurrence at the prostatic fossa with our approach was possible in a minority of patients with a low PSA level. Clinical relevance of plasma flow in suspicious lesions should be further investigated

    Synthesis of niobium-alumina composite aggregates and their application in coarse-grained refractory ceramic-metal castables

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    Niobium-alumina aggregate fractions with particle sizes up to 3150 µm were produced by crushing pre-synthesised fine-grained composites. Phase separation with niobium enrichment in the aggregate class 45–500 µm was revealed by XRD/Rietveld analysis. To reduce the amount of carbon-based impurities, no organic additives were used for the castable mixtures, which resulted in water demands of approximately 27 vol.% for the fine- and coarse-grained castables. As a consequence, open porosities of 18% and 30% were determined for the fine- and coarse-grained composites, respectively. Due to increased porosity, the modulus of rupture at room temperature decreased from 52 MPa for the fine-grained composite to 11 MPa for the coarse-grained one. However, even the compressive yield strength decreased from 49 MPa to 18 MPa at 1300 °C for the fine-grained to the coarse-grained composite, the latter showed still plasticity with a strain up to 5%. The electrical conductivity of fine-grained composite samples was in the range between 40 and 60 S/cm, which is fifteen magnitudes above the values of pure corundum