917 research outputs found

    The alloy with a memory, 55-Nitinol: Its physical metallurgy, properties, and applications

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    A series of nickel titanium alloys (55-Nitinol), which are unique in that they possess a shape memory, are described. Components made of these materials that are altered in their shapes by deformation under proper conditions return to predetermined shapes when they are heated to the proper temperature range. The shape memory, together with the force exerted and the ability of the material to do mechanical work as it returns to its predetermined shape, suggest a wide variety of industrial applications for the alloy. Also included are discussions of the physical metallurgy and the mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of 55-Nitinol; procedures for melting and processing the material into useful shapes; and a summary of applications

    Satellite and surface geophysical expression of anomalous crustal structure in Kentucky and Tennessee

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    An equivalent layer magnetization model is discussed. Inversion of long wavelength satellite magnetic anomaly data indicates a very magnetic source region centered in south central Kentucky. Refraction profiles suggest that the source of the gravity anomaly is a large mass of rock occupying much of the crustal thickness. The outline of the source delineated by gravity contours is also discernible in aeromagnetic anomaly patterns. The mafic plutonic complex, and several lines of evidence are consistent with a rift association. The body is, however, clearly related to the inferred position of the Grenville Front. It is bounded on the north by the fault zones of the 38th Parallel Lineament. It is suggested that such magnetization levels are achieved with magnetic mineralogies produced by normal oxidation and metamorphic processes and enhanced by viscous build-up, especially in mafic rocks of alkaline character

    The Moho as a magnetic boundary

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    Magnetic data are presented for mantle derived rocks: peridtites from St. Pauls rocks, dunite xenoliths from the kaupulehu flow in Hawaii, as well as peridolite, dunite and eclogite xenoliths from Roberts Victor, Dutoitspan, Kilbourne Hole, and San Carlos diatremes. The rocks are paramagnetic or very weakly ferromagnetic at room temperature. Saturation magnetization values range from 0.013 emu/gm to less than 0.001 emu/gm. A review of pertinent literature dealing with analysis of the minerals in mantle xenoliths provides evidence that metals and primary Fe3O4 are absent, and that complex CR, Mg, Al, and Fe spinels dominate the oxide mineralogy. All of the available evidence supports the magnetic results, indicating that the seismic MOHO is a magnetic boundary

    Quantum noise limited and entanglement-assisted magnetometry

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    We study experimentally the fundamental limits of sensitivity of an atomic radio-frequency magnetometer. First we apply an optimal sequence of state preparation, evolution, and the back-action evading measurement to achieve a nearly projection noise limited sensitivity. We furthermore experimentally demonstrate that Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entanglement of atoms generated by a measurement enhances the sensitivity to pulsed magnetic fields. We demonstrate this quantum limited sensing in a magnetometer utilizing a truly macroscopic ensemble of 1.5*10^12 atoms which allows us to achieve sub-femtoTesla/sqrt(Hz) sensitivity.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letters, April 9 issue (provisionally

    Quantum phase estimation with lossy interferometers

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    We give a detailed discussion of optimal quantum states for optical two-mode interferometry in the presence of photon losses. We derive analytical formulae for the precision of phase estimation obtainable using quantum states of light with a definite photon number and prove that maximization of the precision is a convex optimization problem. The corresponding optimal precision, i.e. the lowest possible uncertainty, is shown to beat the standard quantum limit thus outperforming classical interferometry. Furthermore, we discuss more general inputs: states with indefinite photon number and states with photons distributed between distinguishable time bins. We prove that neither of these is helpful in improving phase estimation precision.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Theory of quantum frequency translation of light in optical fiber: application to interference of two photons of different color

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    We study quantum frequency translation and two-color photon interference enabled by the Bragg scattering four-wave mixing process in optical fiber. Using realistic model parameters, we computationally and analytically determine the Green function and Schmidt modes for cases with various pump-pulse lengths. These cases can be categorized as either "non-discriminatory" or "discriminatory" in regards to their propensity to exhibit high-efficiency translation or high-visibility two-photon interference for many different shapes of input wave packets or for only a few input wave packets, respectively. Also, for a particular case, the Schmidt mode set was found to be nearly equal to a Hermite-Gaussian function set. The methods and results also apply with little modification to frequency conversion by sum-frequency conversion in optical crystals

    Experimental demonstration of entanglement-enhanced classical communication over a quantum channel with correlated noise

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    We present an experiment demonstrating entanglement-enhanced classical communication capacity of a quantum channel with correlated noise. The channel is modelled by a fiber optic link exhibiting random birefringence that fluctuates on a time scale much longer than the temporal separation between consecutive uses of the channel. In this setting, introducing entanglement between two photons travelling down the fiber allows one to encode reliably up to one bit of information into their joint polarization degree of freedom. When no quantum correlations between two separate uses of the channel are allowed, this capacity is reduced by a factor of more than three. We demonstrated this effect using a fiber-coupled source of entagled photon pairs based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion, and a linear-optics Bell state measurement.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, REVTe

    Entanglement generated by dissipation and steady state entanglement of two macroscopic objects

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    Entanglement is a striking feature of quantum mechanics and an essential ingredient in most applications in quantum information. Typically, coupling of a system to an environment inhibits entanglement, particularly in macroscopic systems. Here we report on an experiment, where dissipation continuously generates entanglement between two macroscopic objects. This is achieved by engineering the dissipation using laser- and magnetic fields, and leads to robust event-ready entanglement maintained for 0.04s at room temperature. Our system consists of two ensembles containing about 10^{12} atoms and separated by 0.5m coupled to the environment composed of the vacuum modes of the electromagnetic field. By combining the dissipative mechanism with a continuous measurement, steady state entanglement is continuously generated and observed for up to an hour.Comment: This is an update of the preprint from June 2010. It includes new results on the creation of steady state entanglement, which has been maintained up to one hou