256 research outputs found

    Penerapan Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Di Kelas V SDN 04 Lakea

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar belajar pada mata pelajaran IPA di kelas V SDN 04 Lakea Kabupaten Buol melalui penggunaan pendekatan keterampilan proses. Jenis penelitian ini adalah tindakan kelas yang bersiklus melalui empat tahap yaitu, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas V yang berjumlah 23 yang terdiri dari 14 orang perempuan dan 9 orang laki-laki. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah aktivitas guru dan siswa dan hasil belajar siswa dalam memahami organ-organ tubuh manusia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada peningkatan yang berarti baik pada aktivitas guru dan siswa pada saat proses belajar maupun hasil belajar. Peningkatan itu dapat dilihat pada setiap siklus yaitu pada tes awal daya serap klasikal 58%, lalu mengalami peningkatan pada siklus I menjadi 74,34% dan pada siklus II meningkat lagi menjadi 82,39%, sehingga tingkat keberhasilan daya serap klasikal berada pada kategori baik. Ketuntasan belajar klasikal dari tes awal 21,73% lalu pada siklus I 69,56% lalu meningkat lagi menjadi pada siklus II 95,65%, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa taraf keberhasilan pada siklus II berada pada kategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan data tersebut maka disimpulkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan keterampilan proses dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA di kelas V SDN 04 Lakea Kabupaten Buol

    The Elusiveness of Governing Migrant Integration: Why putting complexity in boxes does not work

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    This dissertation revolves around the question of how local governments are making sense and are responding to the challenges of increasingly diverse societies. I thereby focus on the empirical reality of government workers and migrants. My research question is as follows: __How do local governing actors make sense of and respond to migration-related diversity and how can these responses be explained?_

    Analisis Kebangkrutan pada PT. Sumalindo Jaya Lestari Tbk

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi kebangkrutan dengan menggunakan Altman Z-Score pada “PT.Sumalindo Jaya Lestari Tbk ( PT SLJ Global Tbk)”. Dengan hipotesis PT.Sumalindo Jaya Lestari Tbk ( PT SLJ Global Tbk) berpotensi mengalami kebangkrutan pada tahun 2011, 2012, 2013, dan 2014. Alat analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui potensi kebangkrutan dalam penelitian ini adalah model Altman Z-Score.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Altman Z-Scor, Hal ini dibuktikan dari menurunnya penjualan serta rugi Perusahaan setiap tahunnya. Sehingga nilai Zi selalu dibawah 1,23 dan setiap tahun mengalami penurunan dan Perusahaan sangat besar berpotensi bangkrut.Dari hasil analisis dan pemahasan, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa dilihat dari tahun 2011 hingga 2014 PT.Sumalindo Jaya Lestari Tbk ( PT SLJ Global Tbk) kondisi keuangannya tidak sehat dan berpotensi keuangannya yang sangat besar beresiko tinggi sehingga kemungkinan bangkrutnya sangat besar, hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil nilai Zi pada tahun 2011 sebesar -0.5479, tahun 2012 sebesar -0.2787, tahun 2013 sebesar -0.2493, tahun 2014 sebesar 0.0996 yang berarti bahwa nilai Zi lebih kecil dari 1,23. Dimana apabila Zi kurang dari 1,23 maka Perusahaan tersebut dikategorikan sebagai Perusahaan yang kondisi keuangannya yang sangat besar beresiko tinggi sehingga kemungkinan bangkrut sangat besar dan berpotensi besar mengalami kebangkruta

    Uji Adaptasi Teknologi Budidaya Bawang Merah di Kabupaten Enrekang Sulawesi Selatan

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    Application of Shallot Cultivation Technology in Enrekang, South Sulawesi. Shallot is one of the important vegetable crops in South Sulawesi, but the level of productivity is still low at 6 t / ha. This is caused partly by the lack of specific location technology. The purpose of the assessment is to to get a package of shallot cultivation technology appropriate and in accordance with local conditions. Assessments conducted at Tominawa Village, Baraka Sub-district, Enrekang District from March to December 2008, using a paired plot design, with two treatments: (1) The application of cultivation technology and (2) Cultivation of farmer ways. The assessment indicated that the application of cultivation technology as recommended giving shallot growth better than the way farmers plant growth. In this treatment of tuber fresh weight per 10 groves of shallots, tubers and higher tuber diameter of each 937 g, 3.86 cm and 4.20 cm. Furthermore, the number of tubers per hill and tuber dry weight per 10 clusters each tuber and 810 g. 7.28 While the yield obtained on the recommendation technology is 2772 kg/ha, equivalent 0.35 7.92 t/ha. Acceptance of farmers on the application of technology recommended treatment is USD. 30,492,000 as of 0.35 ha with RC ratio of 2.45

    Rancangan Terapi Keluarga Model Sirkumpleks Untuk

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    Relaps level for the ex-user is high. This is the reason why si difficult to reduce the relapseffect. Beside medical and individual reason, family plays an important role to prevent therelaps. This research uses case study as research approach. Assessment is done by usinginterview and observation, and the use of Circumplex Assessment Package consist of FACESIII (Adaptability Cohesive Evaluatuion Scale and CRS or Circumplex Rating Scale). Theresult shows the enmaeshed-chaotic as family type A that shows some of the communicationskill problems in the family. After the result of the assessment, circumplex model familytherapy is arranged with some modification considering subject's family problems. Thetherapy arrangement is divided into 10 session with time schedule family confirmation

    Origin of the neutron skin thickness of 208Pb in nuclear mean-field models

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    We study whether the neutron skin thickness (NST) of 208Pb originates from the bulk or from the surface of the nucleon density distributions, according to the mean-field models of nuclear structure, and find that it depends on the stiffness of the nuclear symmetry energy. The bulk contribution to NST arises from an extended sharp radius of neutrons, whereas the surface contribution arises from different widths of the neutron and proton surfaces. Nuclear models where the symmetry energy is stiff, as typical relativistic models, predict a bulk contribution in NST of 208Pb about twice as large as the surface contribution. In contrast, models with a soft symmetry energy like common nonrelativistic models predict that NST of 208Pb is divided similarly into bulk and surface parts. Indeed, if the symmetry energy is supersoft, the surface contribution becomes dominant. We note that the linear correlation of NST of 208Pb with the density derivative of the nuclear symmetry energy arises from the bulk part of NST. We also note that most models predict a mixed-type (between halo and skin) neutron distribution for 208Pb. Although the halo-type limit is actually found in the models with a supersoft symmetry energy, the skin-type limit is not supported by any mean-field model. Finally, we compute parity-violating electron scattering in the conditions of the 208Pb parity radius experiment (PREX) and obtain a pocket formula for the parity-violating asymmetry in terms of the parameters that characterize the shape of the 208Pb nucleon densities.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; minor stylistic changes in text, new Ref. [56] added (new measurement of the neutron skin thickness of 208Pb

    Penambahan Auksin Dan Sitokinin Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tunas Dan Akar Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk) Secara in Vitro in Vitro Addition of Auxin and Cytokinin to Growth of Sshoot and Root of Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk)

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    Gaharu (Aquilaria malaccensis L) is one of the non timber forest products (HHBK) has high-value commercial. The high value caused the demand for commodities is increasing every year. But it is inversely proportional to its availability in nature. This research aims to determine the best concentration of the addition of NAA, BAP and the combination between the NAA and BAP on growth of root and shoot of gaharu. The benefits of this research are expected to be a reference in the provision of seedlings with vegetative reproduction in agarwood technique of tissue culture, to support the procurement activities of the seeds in a sufficient amount of a good quality in a relatively short time, and the resulting seedlings were uniform. The methods used factorial experimental design of Randomized complete (RAL) consisting of two factors and three times in Deuteronomy. NAA factor consists of five degrees of treatment i.e. N0 = 0 mg/l, N1 = 1 mg/l, N2 = 2 mg/l, N3 = 3 mg/l and N4 = 4 mg/l, whereas the factor of BAP is also composed of five degrees of concentration i.e. B0 = 0 mg/l, B1 = 0.5 mg/l, B2 = 1 mg/l, B3 = 1.5 mg/l and B4 = 2 mg/l with three times the replay so that required 75 eksplan gaharu. The results showed the best NAA concentration in the added of shoots with a concentration of 0 mg/l NAA, while concentration of 3 mg/l NAA was the best concentration of length the shoots and growth added root gaharu. The best concentration of BAP on shoot length and added long shoots are concentration of 0,5 mg/l BAP, while concentration of 0 mg/l BAP is the best concentration of the growth roots gaharu. Key words : Naphthalene acetic acid, benzyl amino purine, growth hormone, subcultures and aquilaria malaccensis

    Fission modes of mercury isotopes

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    Background: Recent experiments on beta-delayed fission in the mercury-lead region and the discovery of asym- metric fission in 180 Hg [1] have stimulated theoretical interest in the mechanism of fission in heavy nuclei. Purpose: We study fission modes and fusion valleys in 180 Hg and 198 Hg to reveal the role of shell effects in pre-scission region and explain the experimentally observed fragment mass asymmetry and its variation with A. Methods: We use the self-consistent nuclear density functional theory employing Skyrme and Gogny energy density functionals. Results: The potential energy surfaces in multi-dimensional space of collective coordinates, including elongation, triaxiality, reflection-asymmetry, and necking, are calculated for 180 Hg and 198 Hg. The asymmetric fission valleys - well separated from fusion valleys associated with nearly spherical fragments - are found in in both cases. The density distributions at scission configurations are studied and related to the experimentally observed mass splits. Conclusions: The energy density functionals SkM\ast and D1S give a very consistent description of the fission process in 180 Hg and 198 Hg. We predict a transition from asymmetric fission in 180 Hg towards more symmetric distribution of fission fragments in 198 Hg. For 180 Hg, both models yield 100 Ru/80 Kr as the most probable split. For 198 Hg, the most likely split is 108 Ru/90 Kr in HFB-D1S and 110 Ru/88 Kr in HFB-SkM\ast.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Physical Review