6,394 research outputs found

    Man's capability for self-locomotion on the moon. Phase 2 - Bungee simulator evaluation

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    Design and performance of suspension system for lunar gravity simulatio

    Study of man pulling a cart on the moon

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    Metabolic cost evaluation of self-locomotion in simulated lunar gravity using space suits and carts including weight load and surface effect

    Die Fischereiwirtschaft der EU-Beitrittskandidaten (Teil 1)

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    Im Laufe von zwei Jahrzehnten hat sich das Profil Europas erheblich verändert. Im Zuge der bisherigen drei Erweiterungen der uropäischen emeinschaften, später Europäische Union, 1973, 1986 und 1995 ist die Zahl der Mitgliedstaaten von 6 auf 15 gestiegen. Mit dem Ende des Kalten Krieges und dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion eröffneten sich der internationalen Zusammenarbeit neue Perspektiven, und die Europäische Union gewann eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Förderung des friedlichen Wandels und der Stabilität in ganz Europa. Deutlich wurde diese Rolle insbesondere in ihrer Unterstützung der deutschen Wiedervereinigung und in ihrer umfangreichen Hilfe für die Länder in Mittel- und Osteuropa (MOEL). 1993 eröffnete der Europäische Rat in Kopenhagen diesen Ländern Perspektiven für einen Beitritt zur EU

    Fangquoten für die EU-Mitgliedsländer 1998

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    The fishery ministers of the EU agreed in their yearly pre-Christmas marathon session on 18th and 19th Dec. 1997 on next year’s TACs and country quota. Main decision was the increase of the TAC for North sea cod and a smaller than feared cut of cod TACs in the West of Scotland zone, the Irish Sea and the English Channel. For the first time ministers set country quota for horse mackerel; until 1997 there had been - with the exception for Portugal and Spain - only a common quota. Also for the much disputed sandeel fishery a TAC of 1 mio. t was finally established, as well as for bluefin tuna and swordfish in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. For 1998 the EU member countries dispose of a total catch quota of 4.46 mio. t in EU waters, and together with quota in third country waters of 5.2 mio. t. Of this total quota, 3.16 mio. t are fish for human consumption and 2.1 mio. t fish for industrial purposes

    Welt-Fischereierträge 1995: 112,9 Mio. Tonnen

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    Total world fishery production 1995, including aquaculture, of fish, shellfish, frogs and turtles – reached a new record of 112.9 million tones live weight. Marine fishery had a share of 91,9 million tonnes (+ 0.4) and freshwater fishery 21.0 million tonnes (+ 2.0). Not included in these figures are seals, whales, crocodiles and algae. Marine mammals and crocodiles are listed by number of killed individuals, and not given by weight. Algae alone represent a biomass of 7.1 million tonnes, but are not included by the FAO in the nominal „total production of the world“ either. About two thirds of the marine fishery harvest was used for human consumption, one third for industrial purposes – mainly production of fish meal and fish oil

    Dänemarks Fischereierträge 1996 konstant - aber deutlicher Anstieg 1997

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    Although landings in 1996 were 319 000 t down (–16 %) from 1995 the returns from fishery in 1996 were almost as high as 1995 ( 3014 mio. dkr; – 0.2 %). Industrial fishery alone decreased by 268 000 t. The average price for all landed species was 1.81 dkr/kg, an increase of 19 % compared to 1995, with a range of 0.61 dkr/kg for industrial fish (sandeel etc.) to 62 dkr/kg for sole. 1997 the fishery scene improved again. Already in November landings reached 1.74 mio. t, more than all 1996. Price increase was not as strong as 1996; on average 5 % until November. Total return until November was, however, alreday 3250 mio. dkr; 405 mio dkr above total return of 1996

    Fischerei Deutschlands 2000

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    Genetic diversity and differentiation of velvet belly lanternshark (Etmopterus spinax) in the Northeast Atlantic

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    Deep-sea sharks are little resilient to targeted harvesting and bycatch fisheries due to their life history strategy characterized by slow growth, late sexual maturity, low fecundity, and few offspring. The Northeast Atlantic component of Etmopterus spinax is an example of a species where substantial population changes in terms of abundances have occurred due to intensive fisheries induced mortality. This has led to the IUCN categorization of E. spinax as Vulnerable with a negative population trend. To reverse the trend, management and conservation criteria are needed. To give management advice, knowledge about the connectivity between potential populations need to be improved, together with an understanding of their habitat and life history. In this study, the potential populations and differences between the locations sampled in the NE Atlantic, and particularly Norway, are studied by analyzing the mitochondrial NADH2 gene. Overall, at all locations the haplotype diversity is moderate to high, and the nucleotide diversity low. This can indicate relatively recent population expansion. The results also show significant population structure between the Norwegian locations and the rest of NE Atlantic. On a smaller scale, there was weak population structure within Norway and none for the rest. Against expectations, no genetic difference was found between a fjord and coastal population off Trondheim, NO. The lack of identifying genetic differences and population structure can be due to migration, or that NADH2 is not a suitable marker to identify this on a relatively small scale

    The False Arguments for the Modern Theory of Open Questions

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    Johann Gerhard, whose authority is adduced against us, is of the same well-founded opinion [that, while in this life not a higher unity than a fundamental one is possible, errors that arise in a church-body should not be treated with indifference, even if they are of a non-fundamental character]. He writes against the papists, who place unity among the marks of the Church: \u27\u27It must be added that unity of faith and doctrine in the Church is not a perfect and absolute one in this life; for at times controversies occur between members of the true Church through which this holy unity is torn
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