5,487 research outputs found

    Automorphic forms: a physicist's survey

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    Motivated by issues in string theory and M-theory, we provide a pedestrian introduction to automorphic forms and theta series, emphasizing examples rather than generality.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of Les Houches Winter School ``Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry'', March 9-21, 2003; v2: minor changes and clarifications, section 3.5 on pure spinors has been rewritte

    Conformal Orthosymplectic Quantum Mechanics

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    We present the most general curvature obstruction to the deformed parabolic orthosymplectic symmetry subalgebra of the supersymmetric quantum mechanical models recently developed to describe Lichnerowicz wave operators acting on arbitrary tensors and spinors. For geometries possessing a hypersurface-orthogonal homothetic conformal Killing vector we show that the parabolic subalgebra is enhanced to a (curvature-obstructed) orthosymplectic algebra. The new symmetries correspond to time-dependent conformal symmetries of the underlying particle model. We also comment on generalizations germane to three dimensions and new Chern--Simons-like particle models.Comment: 27 pages LaTe

    Conformal Invariance of Partially Massless Higher Spins

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    We show that there exist conformally invariant theories for all spins in d=4 de Sitter space, namely the partially massless models with higher derivative gauge invariance under a scalar gauge parameter. This extends the catalog from the two known gauge models -- Maxwell and partially massless spin 2 -- to all spins.Comment: 10 pages Late

    Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Super-Lichnerowicz Algebras

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    We present supersymmetric, curved space, quantum mechanical models based on deformations of a parabolic subalgebra of osp(2p+2|Q). The dynamics are governed by a spinning particle action whose internal coordinates are Lorentz vectors labeled by the fundamental representation of osp(2p|Q). The states of the theory are tensors or spinor-tensors on the curved background while conserved charges correspond to the various differential geometry operators acting on these. The Hamiltonian generalizes Lichnerowicz's wave/Laplace operator. It is central, and the models are supersymmetric whenever the background is a symmetric space, although there is an osp(2p|Q) superalgebra for any curved background. The lowest purely bosonic example (2p,Q)=(2,0) corresponds to a deformed Jacobi group and describes Lichnerowicz's original algebra of constant curvature, differential geometric operators acting on symmetric tensors. The case (2p,Q)=(0,1) is simply the {\cal N}=1 superparticle whose supercharge amounts to the Dirac operator acting on spinors. The (2p,Q)=(0,2) model is the {\cal N}=2 supersymmetric quantum mechanics corresponding to differential forms. (This latter pair of models are supersymmetric on any Riemannian background.) When Q is odd, the models apply to spinor-tensors. The (2p,Q)=(2,1) model is distinguished by admitting a central Lichnerowicz-Dirac operator when the background is constant curvature. The new supersymmetric models are novel in that the Hamiltonian is not just a square of super charges, but rather a sum of commutators of supercharges and commutators of bosonic charges. These models and superalgebras are a very useful tool for any study involving high rank tensors and spinors on manifolds.Comment: 39 pages, LaTeX, fixed typos, added refs, final version to appear in CM

    Renormalized Volume

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    We develop a universal distributional calculus for regulated volumes of metrics that are singular along hypersurfaces. When the hypersurface is a conformal infinity we give simple integrated distribution expressions for the divergences and anomaly of the regulated volume functional valid for any choice of regulator. For closed hypersurfaces or conformally compact geometries, methods from a previously developed boundary calculus for conformally compact manifolds can be applied to give explicit holographic formulae for the divergences and anomaly expressed as hypersurface integrals over local quantities (the method also extends to non-closed hypersurfaces). The resulting anomaly does not depend on any particular choice of regulator, while the regulator dependence of the divergences is precisely captured by these formulae. Conformal hypersurface invariants can be studied by demanding that the singular metric obey, smoothly and formally to a suitable order, a Yamabe type problem with boundary data along the conformal infinity. We prove that the volume anomaly for these singular Yamabe solutions is a conformally invariant integral of a local Q-curvature that generalizes the Branson Q-curvature by including data of the embedding. In each dimension this canonically defines a higher dimensional generalization of the Willmore energy/rigid string action. Recently Graham proved that the first variation of the volume anomaly recovers the density obstructing smooth solutions to this singular Yamabe problem; we give a new proof of this result employing our boundary calculus. Physical applications of our results include studies of quantum corrections to entanglement entropies.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures, anomaly formula generalized to any bulk geometry, improved discussion of hypersurfaces with boundar

    Conformal hypersurface geometry via a boundary Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe problem

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    We develop a new approach to the conformal geometry of embedded hypersurfaces by treating them as conformal infinities of conformally compact manifolds. This involves the Loewner--Nirenberg-type problem of finding on the interior a metric that is both conformally compact and of constant scalar curvature. Our first result is an asymptotic solution to all orders. This involves log terms. We show that the coefficient of the first of these is a new hypersurface conformal invariant which generalises to higher dimensions the important Willmore invariant of embedded surfaces. We call this the obstruction density. For even dimensional hypersurfaces it is a fundamental curvature invariant. We make the latter notion precise and show that the obstruction density and the trace-free second fundamental form are, in a suitable sense, the only such invariants. We also show that this obstruction to smoothness is a scalar density analog of the Fefferman-Graham obstruction tensor for Poincare-Einstein metrics; in part this is achieved by exploiting Bernstein-Gel'fand-Gel'fand machinery. The solution to the constant scalar curvature problem provides a smooth hypersurface defining density determined canonically by the embedding up to the order of the obstruction. We give two key applications: the construction of conformal hypersurface invariants and the construction of conformal differential operators. In particular we present an infinite family of conformal powers of the Laplacian determined canonically by the conformal embedding. In general these depend non-trivially on the embedding and, in contrast to Graham-Jennes-Mason-Sparling operators intrinsic to even dimensional hypersurfaces, exist to all orders. These extrinsic conformal Laplacian powers determine an explicit holographic formula for the obstruction density.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX, abridged version, functionals and explicit invariants from previous version treated in greater detail in another postin

    Metric projective geometry, BGG detour complexes and partially massless gauge theories

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    A projective geometry is an equivalence class of torsion free connections sharing the same unparametrised geodesics; this is a basic structure for understanding physical systems. Metric projective geometry is concerned with the interaction of projective and pseudo-Riemannian geometry. We show that the BGG machinery of projective geometry combines with structures known as Yang-Mills detour complexes to produce a general tool for generating invariant pseudo-Riemannian gauge theories. This produces (detour) complexes of differential operators corresponding to gauge invariances and dynamics. We show, as an application, that curved versions of these sequences give geometric characterizations of the obstructions to propagation of higher spins in Einstein spaces. Further, we show that projective BGG detour complexes generate both gauge invariances and gauge invariant constraint systems for partially massless models: the input for this machinery is a projectively invariant gauge operator corresponding to the first operator of a certain BGG sequence. We also connect this technology to the log-radial reduction method and extend the latter to Einstein backgrounds.Comment: 30 pages, LaTe