121 research outputs found

    Triangle-free geometric intersection graphs with no large independent sets

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    It is proved that there are triangle-free intersection graphs of line segments in the plane with arbitrarily small ratio between the maximum size of an independent set and the total number of vertices.Comment: Change of the title, minor revisio

    Minors and dimension

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    It has been known for 30 years that posets with bounded height and with cover graphs of bounded maximum degree have bounded dimension. Recently, Streib and Trotter proved that dimension is bounded for posets with bounded height and planar cover graphs, and Joret et al. proved that dimension is bounded for posets with bounded height and with cover graphs of bounded tree-width. In this paper, it is proved that posets of bounded height whose cover graphs exclude a fixed topological minor have bounded dimension. This generalizes all the aforementioned results and verifies a conjecture of Joret et al. The proof relies on the Robertson-Seymour and Grohe-Marx graph structure theorems.Comment: Updated reference

    Coloring curves that cross a fixed curve

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    We prove that for every integer t1t\geq 1, the class of intersection graphs of curves in the plane each of which crosses a fixed curve in at least one and at most tt points is χ\chi-bounded. This is essentially the strongest χ\chi-boundedness result one can get for this kind of graph classes. As a corollary, we prove that for any fixed integers k2k\geq 2 and t1t\geq 1, every kk-quasi-planar topological graph on nn vertices with any two edges crossing at most tt times has O(nlogn)O(n\log n) edges.Comment: Small corrections, improved presentatio

    Decomposition of multiple packings with subquadratic union complexity

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    Suppose kk is a positive integer and X\mathcal{X} is a kk-fold packing of the plane by infinitely many arc-connected compact sets, which means that every point of the plane belongs to at most kk sets. Suppose there is a function f(n)=o(n2)f(n)=o(n^2) with the property that any nn members of X\mathcal{X} determine at most f(n)f(n) holes, which means that the complement of their union has at most f(n)f(n) bounded connected components. We use tools from extremal graph theory and the topological Helly theorem to prove that X\mathcal{X} can be decomposed into at most pp (11-fold) packings, where pp is a constant depending only on kk and ff.Comment: Small generalization of the main result, improvements in the proofs, minor correction

    Asymmetric coloring games on incomparability graphs

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    Consider the following game on a graph GG: Alice and Bob take turns coloring the vertices of GG properly from a fixed set of colors; Alice wins when the entire graph has been colored, while Bob wins when some uncolored vertices have been left. The game chromatic number of GG is the minimum number of colors that allows Alice to win the game. The game Grundy number of GG is defined similarly except that the players color the vertices according to the first-fit rule and they only decide on the order in which it is applied. The (a,b)(a,b)-game chromatic and Grundy numbers are defined likewise except that Alice colors aa vertices and Bob colors bb vertices in each round. We study the behavior of these parameters for incomparability graphs of posets with bounded width. We conjecture a complete characterization of the pairs (a,b)(a,b) for which the (a,b)(a,b)-game chromatic and Grundy numbers are bounded in terms of the width of the poset; we prove that it gives a necessary condition and provide some evidence for its sufficiency. We also show that the game chromatic number is not bounded in terms of the Grundy number, which answers a question of Havet and Zhu

    Coloring triangle-free rectangle overlap graphs with O(loglogn)O(\log\log n) colors

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    Recently, it was proved that triangle-free intersection graphs of nn line segments in the plane can have chromatic number as large as Θ(loglogn)\Theta(\log\log n). Essentially the same construction produces Θ(loglogn)\Theta(\log\log n)-chromatic triangle-free intersection graphs of a variety of other geometric shapes---those belonging to any class of compact arc-connected sets in R2\mathbb{R}^2 closed under horizontal scaling, vertical scaling, and translation, except for axis-parallel rectangles. We show that this construction is asymptotically optimal for intersection graphs of boundaries of axis-parallel rectangles, which can be alternatively described as overlap graphs of axis-parallel rectangles. That is, we prove that triangle-free rectangle overlap graphs have chromatic number O(loglogn)O(\log\log n), improving on the previous bound of O(logn)O(\log n). To this end, we exploit a relationship between off-line coloring of rectangle overlap graphs and on-line coloring of interval overlap graphs. Our coloring method decomposes the graph into a bounded number of subgraphs with a tree-like structure that "encodes" strategies of the adversary in the on-line coloring problem. Then, these subgraphs are colored with O(loglogn)O(\log\log n) colors using a combination of techniques from on-line algorithms (first-fit) and data structure design (heavy-light decomposition).Comment: Minor revisio

    Sparse Kneser graphs are Hamiltonian

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    For integers k1k\geq 1 and n2k+1n\geq 2k+1, the Kneser graph K(n,k)K(n,k) is the graph whose vertices are the kk-element subsets of {1,,n}\{1,\ldots,n\} and whose edges connect pairs of subsets that are disjoint. The Kneser graphs of the form K(2k+1,k)K(2k+1,k) are also known as the odd graphs. We settle an old problem due to Meredith, Lloyd, and Biggs from the 1970s, proving that for every k3k\geq 3, the odd graph K(2k+1,k)K(2k+1,k) has a Hamilton cycle. This and a known conditional result due to Johnson imply that all Kneser graphs of the form K(2k+2a,k)K(2k+2^a,k) with k3k\geq 3 and a0a\geq 0 have a Hamilton cycle. We also prove that K(2k+1,k)K(2k+1,k) has at least 22k62^{2^{k-6}} distinct Hamilton cycles for k6k\geq 6. Our proofs are based on a reduction of the Hamiltonicity problem in the odd graph to the problem of finding a spanning tree in a suitably defined hypergraph on Dyck words

    Dimension and cut vertices: an application of Ramsey theory

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    Motivated by quite recent research involving the relationship between the dimension of a poset and graph-theoretic properties of its cover graph, we show that for every d1d\geq 1, if PP is a poset and the dimension of a subposet BB of PP is at most dd whenever the cover graph of BB is a block of the cover graph of PP, then the dimension of PP is at most d+2d+2. We also construct examples which show that this inequality is best possible. We consider the proof of the upper bound to be fairly elegant and relatively compact. However, we know of no simple proof for the lower bound, and our argument requires a powerful tool known as the Product Ramsey Theorem. As a consequence, our constructions involve posets of enormous size.Comment: Final published version with updated reference

    Coloring intersection graphs of arc-connected sets in the plane

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    A family of sets in the plane is simple if the intersection of its any subfamily is arc-connected, and it is pierced by a line LL if the intersection of its any member with LL is a nonempty segment. It is proved that the intersection graphs of simple families of compact arc-connected sets in the plane pierced by a common line have chromatic number bounded by a function of their clique number.Comment: Minor changes + some additional references not included in the journal versio