8 research outputs found


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    Tren permintaan pasar terhadap udang vaname saat ini terus meningkat, namun permasalahan serangan patogen dan lingkungan yang buruk menyebabkan terjadinya kegagalan produksi udang vaname. Permasalahan ini perlu diimbangi dengan teknologi yang mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang ada. Salah satu yang dapat dilakukan adalah penggunaan bak terpal sebagai sarana budidaya yang dapat dilakukan secara intensif, efisien, dan dapat meminimalisasi penggunaan lahan dan sumberdaya, serta penerapan biosekuriti yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produktivitas budidaya udang vaname super intensif di bak terpal bundar berkapasitas 28 m3 dengan padat tebar 300 ekor/m3 dan 400 ekor/m3 yang dipadukan dengan panen parsial. Masing-masing padat tebar diulang sebanyak 6 kali. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 110 hari dimana panen parsial dilakukan pada hari ke-66 dan hari ke-80. Parameter yang diuji meliputi sintasan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik harian, produktivitas budidaya udang dan FCR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa padat tebar yang diuji tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata pada sintasan (p > 0,05), namun berbeda nyata pada laju pertumbuhan spesifik harian, produktivitas budidaya udang dan FCR (p < 0,05). Penerapan budidaya udang vaname super intensif dengan padat tebar 400 ekor/m3 mampu meningkatkan produksi sebesar 18,47% dibandingkan dengan padat tebar 300 ekor/m3, dengan nilai rata-rata sintasan sebesar 89,72%, produktivitas sebesar 5,58 kg/m3, dan FCR sebesar 1,48. Padat tebar 400 ekor/m3 dapat direkomendasikan untuk diterapkan pada budidaya udang vaname dan kajian produksi budidaya udang vaname dengan padat tebar di atas 400 ekor/m3 perlu dilakukan.Tren permintaan pasar terhadap udang vaname saat ini terus meningkat, namun permasalahan serangan patogen dan lingkungan yang buruk menyebabkan terjadinya kegagalan produksi udang vaname. Permasalahan ini perlu diimbangi dengan teknologi yang mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang ada. Salah satu yang dapat dilakukan adalah penggunaan bak terpal sebagai sarana budidaya yang dapat dilakukan secara intensif, efisien, dan dapat meminimalisasi penggunaan lahan dan sumberdaya, serta penerapan biosekuriti yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produktivitas budidaya udang vaname super intensif di bak terpal bundar berkapasitas 28 m3 dengan padat tebar 300 ekor/m3 dan 400 ekor/m3 yang dipadukan dengan panen parsial. Masing-masing padat tebar diulang sebanyak 6 kali. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 110 hari dimana panen parsial dilakukan pada hari ke-66 dan hari ke-80. Parameter yang diuji meliputi sintasan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik harian, produktivitas budidaya udang dan FCR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa padat tebar yang diuji tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata pada sintasan (p > 0,05), namun berbeda nyata pada laju pertumbuhan spesifik harian, produktivitas budidaya udang dan FCR (p < 0,05). Penerapan budidaya udang vaname super intensif dengan padat tebar 400 ekor/m3 mampu meningkatkan produksi sebesar 18,47% dibandingkan dengan padat tebar 300 ekor/m3, dengan nilai rata-rata sintasan sebesar 89,72%, produktivitas sebesar 5,58 kg/m3, dan FCR sebesar 1,48. Padat tebar 400 ekor/m3 dapat direkomendasikan untuk diterapkan pada budidaya udang vaname dan kajian produksi budidaya udang vaname dengan padat tebar di atas 400 ekor/m3 perlu dilakukan


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    Fish is a nutrition source, mainly protein, which is easily decomposed as a result of bacterial and enzyme activity. Therefor its fish after harvest if it is not done properly will cause the fish to become damaged quickly and experience a decrease in quality because fish is a type of food that is easily subject to biological damage and is susceptible to microbial contamination (Christanti and Azhar, 2019). Incorrect handling will lead to decreased product quality. Cross contamination is one result of poor handling processes, so that the product is contaminated by pathogenic bacteria. One of the pathogenic bacteria, namely Salmonella sp. which needs to be considered for its presence in fishery products, both fresh and frozen (Ijong, Berhimpon and Sumampow, 2015). The purpose of this research is to determine the contamination of Salmonella sp. and the prevalence of contamination in Tuna, Cob and Skipjack (TTC) commodities. Final Practical Work (KPA) will be held from 14 March to 10 June 2022 at the Fish Quarantine Station, Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products in Yogyakarta, located in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The samples tested were 19 fresh fish products in the Tuna, Cob and Cakalang (TTC) commodities. Microbiological quality testing of fishery products, both fresh and frozen, needs to be carried out in order to guarantee food safety for the community. Test procedure for Salmonella sp. using conventional methods in accordance with SNI 01-2332.2-2006, which includes pre-enrichment, enrichment, isolation of bacteria or selective, observation of typical Salmonella colony morphology, isolation of pure culture of Salmonella and biochemical tests. The test results showed that all fresh fish samples taken from the InPres market in the Yogyakarta area were negative for Salmonella sp. and the prevalence is 0%. The application of good sanitation and hygiene will prevent contamination of pathogenic bacteria and still maintain the cold chain to inhibit enzyme reactions found in the fish's body. Bacterial contamination Salmonella sp. usually found in fishery products, agriculture and food product

    Application Of Pes Fertilizer To The Growth Of Kappaphycus alvarezii Plantlets

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    This study aims to determine the growth of Kappaphycus alvarezii plantlets applied with different PES fertilizers. This research was conducted at Blitok Installation, brackish water aquaculture center, Situbondo. This study began with the preparation of water as a maintenance medium, acclimatization of plantlets in the greenhouse, maintenance of plantlets in the greenhouse (plantlet cleaning, fertilization), and checking water quality. The application dose of PES fertilizer given as treatment was 15 ml, 20 ml, and 25 ml which was repeated 3 times. The rearing design used a completely randomized design (CRD) model. The results obtained showed that the average absolute weight gain of planlets from the 15 ml treatment was 0.249 g - 0.271 g, the 20 ml treatment was 0.35 g - 0.432 g, and the 25 ml treatment ranged from 0.306 g - 0.372 g. For the specific growth rate from the first to the fifth week of rearing, the 15 ml treatment ranged from 3.162-1.693, the 20 ml treatment ranged from 3.922-4.21 and the 25 ml treatment ranged from 2.899-3.904. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of a PES fertilizer dosage of 20 ml gave better growth than the 15 ml and 25 ml doses. Keywords: growth, Kappaphycus alvarezii, plantlets, PES fertilizer, dosag

    Study Feeding Different Food Types to The Growth and Survival Rate of Nile Fingerlings, Oreochromis niloticus

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    All operations of aquaculture production rely upon the 60% of feed role as an energy source and nutrition for the growth and survival rate of aquatic organisms, especially tilapia fish. This research aims to study feeding different food types to the growth and survival rate of tilapia fingerlings. A sample of fingerlings was derived from the Centre for Aquaculture Production Business Service (BLUPPB) Karawang and reared in Aquaculture Teaching Factory. The fingerlings were stocked with as many as 5 ind/L with three treatments i.e Azolla (P1), artificial feed (P2), and a combination of Azolla and artificial feed (P3). The growth-based length of fingerlings fed by Azolla (P1) is 6 – 7.76 cm, commercial pellet feed (P2) 6 – 11.81 cm, and combination Azolla and commercial pellet feed 6-9.36 cm. The growth-based weight of fingerlings fed by Azolla (P1) is 4 – 5.87 g, commercial pellet feed 4 – 25.11 g, and a combination of Azolla and commercial pellet feed 4 – 11.27 g. The survival rate of fingerlings fed by Azolla is 23%, commercial pellet feed 88%, and combination Azolla and commercial pellet feed 91%.Keywords: Azolla, commercial pellet feed, fingerlings, growth, survival rateAbstrakSeluruh operasional produksi akuakultur sangat bergantung dari 60% peran pakan sebagai sumber nutrisi dan energi bagi pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup organisme akuatik dalam hal ini ikan nila. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan studi terkait pemberian jenis pakan berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup benih ikan nila. Sampel benih ikan nila berasal dari Balai Layanan Usaha Produksi Perikanan Budidaya (BLUPPB) Karawang dan dipelihara di Teachign Factory Budidaya Ikan. Ikan yang dipelihara adalah sebanyak 5 ind/L dengan tiga perlakuan meliputi pakan azolla (P1), pakan pellet komersil (P2) dan kombinasi palat azolla dan pellet komersil (P3). Pertumbuhan panjang ikan yang diberikan perlakuan pakan azolla (P1) adalah 6 - 7.76 cm, pakan pellet komersial (P2) 6 - 11.81 cm dan perlakuan kombinasi pakan pellet komersil dan azolla (P3) 6 - 9.36 cm. Pertumbuhan berat ikan dari perlakuan pakan azolla (P1) 4 – 5.87 g, perlakuan pellet komersial (P2) 4 – 25.11 g dan perlakuan kombinasi pakan pellet komersil dan azolla (P3) 4 – 11.27 g. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup benih ikan nila yang diberikan perlakuan pakan azolla adalah sebesar 23%, pakan pellet komersil 88% dan kombinasi pakan azolla dan pellet komersil adalah 91%.Kata Kunci: azolla, benih, pakan pellet komersil, pertumbuhan, tingkat kelangsungan hidup

    The Impact Of Oil Spill To The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (Tph) Concentration In Fishes At North Coastal Of Karawang Regency, West Java Province

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    The coastal area is one of the areas that is quite vulnerable to the threat of pollution caused by human activities, including pollution caused by oil spills (hydrocarbons) in the sea. The incident can be caused by several factors including the explosion, leakage of petroleum pipelines on the seabed, leakage of tanks or petroleum tankers at sea and disposal of waste petroleum products into the environment. Oil spills continuously can cause environmental contamination and pollution both aquatic and terrestrial. If the petroleum hydrocarbons enter sea waters, some of them will be absorbed by aquatic organisms because the nature of the petroleum hydrocarbons is difficult to decompose in waters. The intentional and unintentional entry of hazardous and toxic substances into marine ecosystems such as petroleum hydrocarbons and chemical solvents resulting from industrial wastes has become a serious problem for human health and the environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) contained in fish in coastal waters of Karawang Regency, West Java Province. This research was conducted in September-November 2019 by taking several fish samples at Ciparage Jaya Fish Auction Place, Betok Mati and Sungai Buntu Rive with a total sample of 24 fish, and taking seawater samples in the three study sites. TPH analysis was carried out at the Integrated Chemistry Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University. TPH values in fish at Ciparage-1, Ciparage-2, Betok Mati and Sungai Buntu stations, in general, have different mean values but are almost uniform, each at 6.82; 6.82; 7.45 and 5.12 mg/kg. Based on the average TPH concentration in fish, it can be said that the average TPH in fish at Betok Mati station is relatively higher compared to other stations. TPH values in all fish samples exceed the safe threshold, which is a maximum of 0.002 mg/kg. Based on the results of the Bioaccumulation factor (BAF) analysis showed that the average TPH in fish was 6.55 mg/kg and the average TPH in the waters was 11.23 mg/l, so the BAF value was 58.35 which means that the absorption rate of TPH by fish organisms against the concentration of TPH in the waters of 58.35%. The analysis shows that the value of Ecological Hazard Assessment (EHA) is 3743.33 which means that the level of influence of the hazard on ecosystems and organisms is 3743.33. This value exceeds the recommended threshold according to the European Union, which is a maximum of 0.002 mg/l


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    In 2021, the Karawang Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic Fish Cultivation Study Program has carried out community service activities by spreading seeds and Monitoring and Evaluation of the Application of Salin Tilapia Enlargement Guidelines for the Fish Cultivator Community of Sedari Village, Cibuaya District, Karawang Regency. Sedari Village is one of the marine tourism villages in Karawang Regency and has a fairly large pond area. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the community's ability to cultivate saline tilapia seeds so that they can produce consumption fish with added value. Community Service Activities in 2021 independently by Lecturers of Fish Cultivation Study Program (BDI) were carried out in the Sedari Village community, Cibuaya District, Karawang Regency in October - December 2021. The implementation method was carried out through a lecture-based approach and practice, where this activity was carried out using demonstrations as learning media and practical activities accompanied by assistance, planning and monitoring and evaluation of all community service activities. There were 25 participants in this activity as a fulfillment of health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Each participant was given tools and materials to practice the acclimation method of saline tilapia seeds, monitoring water quality and growth of saline tilapia fry which was demonstrated by the BDI Lecturer team. Evaluation is carried out periodically after stocking of seeds to determine the SR of stocked saline tilapia seeds

    Hierarchical Neural Network Implementation: Emotion Recognition for Food Security Comments on Twitter

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    Modern Hierarchical Neural Network (HNN) implementation combines several deep learning algorithms working together, connected in a hierarchy layer. For this HNN architecture to work well, the problem and the data must be in a hierarchical format. Emotion recognition is the best example of a layered problem where each emotion is attached to a sentiment. This research proposes an HNN model to solve the emotion recognition problem with three deep learning, one for the sentiment in the first layer and two models for the emotion prediction in the second layer. There are two combinations to be compared, full-LSTM and full-CNN. Surprisingly, the overall HNN performance for both combinations is similar, and both are below a control model without HNN architecture. However, solving the emotion recognition problems in the food security domain was still possible despite poor performance. The application result creates a rough estimation of what people feel about the current food security trend