3,124 research outputs found

    As Flautas Grandes

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    No início dos meus estudos no New England Conservatory em Boston, em 1993, pouco sabia sobre as flautas grandes. Rapidamente me apercebi de que a competição entre os alunos de flauta para tocar em público era enorme, e que a única maneira de ser convidada para participar em concertos, uma distinção reservada aos alunos mais avançados, seria tocando uma das flautas “fora do vulgar”. Felizmente consegui emprestar uma Flauta em Sol da escola e comecei a trabalhá-la intensivamente, com sons longos, escalas e exercícios. Gostei do trabalho, e extendi-o à Flauta Baixo. Foram muitas horas dedicadas a estes instrumentos que me ajudaram a poder ganhar experiência muito cedo, participando em concertos, gravações e digressões, de outra maneira inacessíveis para uma jovem flautista do 1º ano do curso. Só mais tarde, já como elemento do Remix Ensemble da Casa da Música, surgiu a oportunidade de tocar a peça Registre, rubato et résonances de Emmanuel Nunes, para violino, flauta octobasse e clarinete baixo, baseada num tema de J.S. Bach. Após uma conversa com o compositor, e como as flautas octobasse são muito raras, decidimos emprestar uma Flauta Contrabaixo da constructora holandesa Eva Kingma, especializada nas Flautas Grandes. Tocar essa flauta foi uma experiência única, e em 2012 resolvi investir num instrumento meu. Muitas vezes sou confrontada com a crítica: “Para quê tantas flautas grandes? Não se consegue ouvir, e não há repertório!”. Comentários como estes convencem-me ainda mais de que ainda há muito trabalho a fazer na divulgação e apresentação destas flautas ao público, não só pela qualidade sonora que cada uma delas oferece mas também pelas possibilidades que ainda estão por descobrir. Alguns flautistas, como Matthias Ziegler na Suiça, Peter Sheridan na Austrália e PierreYves Artaud em França dedicam-se à pesquisa de sonoridades e timbres novos e efeitos percussivos, trabalhando com amplificação, gravações instantâneas e loops. O resultado é um mundo sonoro absolutamente fascinante, que tento partilhar com os meus alunos e o público em geral para lhes dar uma percepção nova do que a flauta, tal como a conhecemos, ainda tem a dar.

    The Effects of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy on Symptoms and Impairment in Young Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is an externalizing disorder beginning in childhood with symptoms and impairment persisting into adulthood for many individuals. Although ADHD is identifiable and diagnostically valid during the preschool years, the majority of the research has focused on treating school-aged children. Some research suggests that behavioral parent training (BPT) programs are efficacious in treating young children. Yet, results are inconsistent and previous research has methodological limitations that restrict interpretations of the data. Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), a widely-disseminated evidence-based BPT program for young children with disruptive behavior problems, incorporates components (e.g., in vivo coaching) that may be particularly effective for this population. Therefore, the current study investigated the effects of PCIT on ADHD symptoms and impairment utilizing a non-concurrent multiple baseline design across 4 children (ages 5 and 6). Results demonstrated a visible increase in child on-task behavior in 50% of the children, a decrease in maternal report of child ADHD symptoms, impairment, and ODD symptoms, and maternal report of treatment satisfaction. These findings suggest that PCIT may reduce attention and hyperactivity/impulsivity problems in addition to oppositional behaviors. Despite these promising results, the inconsistent findings pertaining to on-task behavior, persistence of school difficulties and parenting stress demonstrate the need for further intervention. Additionally, limitations pertaining to the design, sample, and measurement are discussed

    Pressure Injury and Restraint Prevalence Surveys: Saving Time and Dollars for Patient Care by Automating Manual Chart Abstraction

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    Bronson Healthcare Group performs quarterly pressure injury and restraint audits as part of the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI). The chart abstraction portion of the audit previously required nurses to manually abstract 31 data points. To save time and cost, we used Lean and PDSA process improvement tools to automate the chart abstraction portion of the audit, reducing the number of data points requiring manual abstraction to 2. We validated the automated abstraction by comparing it to abstractions done manually by the audit nurses. We found that an automated process has the potential to reduce the impact of human error inherent in manual abstraction

    INDOT Hydraulics Process Modernization and Policy Updates

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    This session presents the history of bridge preservation projects and how we arrived at our current policy. Together we will discuss the development of the Hydraulics Request Application, demonstrate its use for INDOT’s hydraulic design, and review application submissions

    Advancing Discharge Medication Education at Stamford Hospital for Special Surgery

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    Education is a key component to achieving quality patient outcomes for patients and avoidance of preventable complications and preventable adverse events including medications. The presentation titled “Advancing Discharge Medication Education at Stamford Hospital for Special Surgery” supports registered nurse’s patient education efforts with the goal of increasing medication adherence while decreasing and/or eliminating any potential adverse events as well as unnecessary hospital readmission status post orthopedic surgery. This project was developed following participation in an undergraduate nursing preceptorship at the Hospital of Special Surgery at Stamford Hospital. All patients go home on seven medication in the following classes, Analgesics, Anticoagulants, Anti-emetics, Laxatives/Stool softeners, Narcotics/Opioids, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI). Providing education on these seven medications classes thus decreasing the chance of preventable adverse events or unnecessary hospital readmission. One of the most important responsibilities of the nurse is to prepare the patient for transition from hospital to home. The nurse must do this while providing compassionate care and acting as the advocate for the patient. Nurses are the primary healthcare providers with patients 24/7 and assume leading roles in patient education. The nurse must make sure the patient has full understanding of their discharge medications as well as their discharge plan before leaving the hospital. Efforts to enhance and support the education provided to patients in the short time they are hospitalized as well as the transition to home will help to increase medication adherence, patient to nurse communication and optimal patient outcomes

    Teaching in Tandem: Media Specialist/Librarian & the Classroom Teacher

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    The NCTE/ AASL joint Committee on Learning Resources has been charged by both organizations with the responsibility of finding areas of cooperation and communication between media specialists/librarians and English teachers. Professionals in both fields have strong opinions about the nature and depth of experiences the student should have in a school media center. The questions upon which they are focusing their attention are: What skills are to be initially introduced, developed and reinforced? At what grade level are these skills to be taught? Where will the teaching process occur: in the classroom, media center/library, or both? Will the teacher or the media specialist/librarian introduce, develop, and reinforce the skills to be taught

    Frankfurt's Forum for Teaching and Medical Education : implementation of a comittee to coordinate medical education improvement projects

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    Hintergrund: Am Fachbereich Medizin der Universität Frankfurt werden jedes Jahr zwischen 15 und 20 neue Projekte zur Verbesserung der Lehre durch den Studienausschuss gefördert. Portfolios zur Skizzierung der Projekte werden von den Zentren und Instituten eingereicht. Diese Projekte haben u.a. die Neustrukturierung von Kursen und Praktika, die Implementierung und Evaluation von Prüfungen (z. B. objective structured clinical evaluation), die Förderung der didaktischen Aus- und Weiterbildung von Dozenten und Tutoren oder die curriculare Einbindung von elektronischen Medien in die Lehre zum Inhalt. Um diese Projekte untereinander zu koordinieren, wurde im Juni 2006 das Frankfurter Ideenforum für Lehre und Unterricht – kurz FILU – geschaffen. Ziele des Frankfurter Ideenforums für Lehre und Unterricht 1. Das Forum FILU bietet eine Informationsplattform für die Projektleiter der Lehrverbesserungsprojekte. 2. Das Forum übernimmt die Funktion eines Kondensators für thematisches und informationelles Vernetzungspotential der Projekte untereinander. 3. Übersteigt der Arbeits- und Koordinationsbedarf die Möglichkeiten des Forums, initiiert das FILU neue interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppen. 4. Der "Journal Club" innerhalb der Treffen des FILU läßt alle Teilnehmer an der aktuellen Studienlage in Ausbildungsforschung teilhaben. 5. Das Forum FILU engagiert sich dafür, die Aktivitäten zur Lehre innerhalb des Fachbereiches Medizin und darüber hinaus bekannt zu machen. Methode: Koordination und Organisation des Forums übernimmt eine ärztliche wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin. Die Treffen finden in 4-Wochenrhythmen à 2 Stunden statt. Pflichtmitglieder sind die Initiatoren und Leiter der Lehrverbesserungsprojekte; weitere interessierte Akteure des Fachbereiches nehmen ebenfalls teil. Pro Termin werden maximal zwei Lehrverbesserungsprojekte vorgestellt und diskutiert. In einem Journal Club wird eine aktuelle und für den Fachbereich relevante Studie aus den einschlägigen Journalen der Ausbildungsforschung und Medizindidaktik vorgestellt. Nach jedem Treffen erfolgt eine freiwillige Befragung der Mitglieder hinsichtlich Zielvorstellungen, Veranstaltungsankündigungen und Vortragswünschen. Halbjährig erfolgt ein Bericht an den Studienausschuss. [Ein Organigramm stellt bildhaft die Strukturen dar.] Ergebnisse: Insgesamt haben bisher bei 9 Terminen 202 Personen teilgenommen. Aus der Befragung der Mitglieder initiierten sich ein interdisziplinäres Promotions- und Studienkolleg für Ausbildungsforschung und ein Lehrverbesserungsprojekt zur zentrumsübergreifenden Koordination von Simulationspatienten in OSCE. Innerhalb des Forums entstand die Planung zur Präsentation der Lehre-Aktivitäten auf einer Veranstaltung der Frankfurter Medizinischen Gesellschaft. Der Fachbereich verfügt durch Anregung aus dem Gremium inzwischen über ein eigenes Online-Portal, einen virtuellen "Treffpunkt Lehre". [Teilnehmerzahlen, Herkunftszentren der Teilnehmer, Themen der LV-Projekte über die letzten zwei Jahre] Schlussfolgerung: Das "Frankfurter Ideenforum für Lehre und Unterricht", FILU, bietet seit seiner Implementierung eine lebendige Austausch- und Kommunikationsplattform für die Leiter der Lehrverbesserungsprojekte am Fachbereich. Über das Forum wird eine gemeinsame Nutzung der vorhandenen Ressourcen in der Lehre möglich. Die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit der Akteure wird maßgeblich gefördert und bietet die Möglichkeit, sinnvolle thematische und personelle Synergien zu finden

    Wie viel Schweiz steckt im Schweizer Fernsehen? Eine Analyse struktureller und inhaltlicher BezĂĽge im Fernsehprogrammangebot der SRG SSR

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    No Billag – in der Schweiz ist die Debatte um die Notwendigkeit und Finanzierbarkeit des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks neu entbrannt. Eng damit verbunden sind die Fragen nach dem Public Value der SRG SSR und dem Aspekt, wie viel Schweiz tatsächlich im Schweizer Fernsehen steckt. Basierend auf einer inhaltsanalytischen Sekundäranalyse der Stichprobe aus dem Jahr 2017 der kontinuierlichen Fernsehprogrammforschung in der Schweiz, wird in diesem Beitrag die Darstellung der Schweiz und des Schweizer Volkes in Bezug auf einerseits die Repräsentation in den Fernsehprogrammen der SRG SSR und andererseits hinsichtlich der Verantwortung der Medienproduktion diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Schweiz in informierenden Genres (z. B. Nachrichten) eine wichtige Rolle spielt, während in fiktionalen Inhalten (z. B. Serien, Filmen) nur selten auf die Schweiz Bezug genommen wird. Hinzu kommt, dass fiktionale Inhalte der SRG SSR häufig von internationalen Produktionsfirmen, insbesondere aus den grossen Nachbarländern der Schweiz, verantwortet werden. No Billag – in Switzerland, the debate about the necessity and financial viability of public broadcasting has been sparked anew. Closely linked are questions about the public value of the SRG SSR and how much of Switzerland is actually portrayed on Swiss television. Based on a secondary analysis of the 2017 data set of the continuous Swiss content analysis study, this paper discusses the representation of Switzerland and the Swiss people in terms of representation in television programmes of the SRG SSR and in terms of media production. Results show that Switzerland plays an important role in informational genres (e. g., News), while in fictional content (e. g., series, movies) references to Switzerland are scarce. Additionally, fictional content broadcast by the SRG SSR is often produced by international production firms, with preferences for content from Switzerland’s next-door-giant neighbours
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