629 research outputs found

    NIME Identity from the Performer’s Perspective

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    The term ‘NIME’ - New Interfaces for Musical Expression - has come to signify both technical and cultural characteristics. Not all new musical instruments are NIMEs, and not all NIMEs are defined as such for the sole ephemeral condition of being new. So, what are the typical characteristics of NIMEs and what are their roles in performers’ practice? Is there a typical NIME repertoire? This paper aims to address these questions with a bottom up approach. We reflect on the answers of 78 NIME performers to an online questionnaire discussing their performance experience with NIMEs. The results of our investigation explore the role of NIMEs in the performers’ practice and identify the values that are common among performers. We find that most NIMEs are viewed as exploratory tools created by and for performers, and that they are constantly in development and almost in no occasions in a finite state. The findings of our survey also reflect upon virtuosity with NIMEs, whose peculiar performance practice results in learning trajectories that often do not lead to the development of virtuosity as it is commonly understood in traditional performanc

    Contaminação de algodão em caroço, e em especial de sementes de algodão por fungos produtores de aflatoxina e como evitá-la.

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    Origem dos contaminantes (aflatoxinas e outros) na sementes e no caroço do algodão no campo e no armazenamento; Recomendações para se evitar ou controlar a contaminação e a detectação da aflatoxina; Conclusões;Referencias bibliográficas.bitstream/CNPA-2009-09/14608/1/CIRTEC38.pd

    Padronização e classificação do algodão cearense da safra de 1999.

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    Portuguese FAQ for Financial Services

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    Scarcity of domain-specific data in the Portuguese financial domain has disfavored the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. To address this limitation, the present study advocates for the utilization of synthetic data generated through data augmentation techniques. The investigation focuses on the augmentation of a dataset sourced from the Central Bank of Brazil FAQ, employing techniques that vary in semantic similarity. Supervised and unsupervised tasks are conducted to evaluate the impact of augmented data on both low and high semantic similarity scenarios. Additionally, the resultant dataset will be publicly disseminated on the Hugging Face Datasets platform, thereby enhancing accessibility and fostering broader engagement within the NLP research community

    Water erosion in a Yellow-Red Ultisol under different patterns of simulated rain

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    Visou-se, neste trabalho, determinar as perdas de solo, água e nutrientes em um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo submetido a quatro diferentes padrões de chuva simulada. O estudo foi conduzido no Campo Experimental da Embrapa-Agrobiologia, localizado no município de Seropédica, RJ, e consistiu na aplicação de chuvas simuladas com diferentes padrões caracterizados como avançado (AV), intermediário (IN), atrasado (AT) e constante (CT), em uma área amostral de 0,80 m de largura por 1,0 m de comprimento. As chuvas tiveram duração de 60 min com uma lâmina total aplicada de 30 mm e um pico de 110 mm h-1, para os padrões de intensidade variável. Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram concluir que após 60 min de chuva simulada as perdas de solo e água observadas para o padrão atrasado foram, em média, superiores em 61,6, 46,4 e 13,6%, respectivamente, para o CT, AV e IN (solo), e de 42,0, 19,0 e 19,0%, respectivamente, para o AV, IN e CT (água) e as perdas de nutrientes não diferiram entre os padrões de precipitação, sendo mais influenciadas pelas perdas de água escoada superficialmente que pelo material sólido em suspensão.This study was carried out in order to determine the soil, water and nutrient losses in a Yellow-Red Ultisol, under four different patterns of simulated rainfall. The experiment was conducted at the Embrapa Agrobiologia experimental field, located in the municipality of Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study consisted in the application of simulated rains using variable rainfall intensity classified in different patterns as: advanced (AD), intermediate (IN), delayed (DE), and constant (CT), in plots 0.8 m wide and 1.0 m long. The rain had a duration of 60 min, with a total applied depth of 30 mm, and a peak of 110 mm h-1, for the variable intensity patterns. With the results obtained it was possible to verify that after 60 min of simulated DE pattern provided losses higher than CT, AD and IN, in 61.6, 46.4 and 13.6%, respectively (soil), and 42.0, 19.0 and 19.0% (run-off), respectively, for the AD, IN and CT patterns; and the nutrients losses did not differ among the rainfall patterns, being more affected by water run-off than solid material in suspension

    Desempenho industrial da fibra, do fio e da malha do algodão BRS 200 Marrom, em filatório open-end.

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    Linhagens de feijoeiro-comum carioca avaliadas para características relacionadas à qualidade comercial dos grãos.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar linhagens de feijoeiro-comum de grãos tipo carioca com alta produtividade de grãos, porcentagem de grãos com tamanho comercial e massa de 100 grãos, no o Estado de Goiás e Distrito Federal.Conpeex 2012

    Padrões universais para classificação do algodão.

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