537 research outputs found

    Visibility in space - Target description subroutine

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    Computer subroutine for use in calculating visibility of Lunar Excursion Module /LEM/ ASCENT stage during moon orbit rendezvous with Command Service Module /CSM

    OGO-6 gas-surface energy transfer experiment

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    The kinetic energy flux of the upper atmosphere was analyzed using OGO-6 data. Energy transfer between 10 microwatts/sq cm and 0.1 W/sq cm was measured by short-term frequency changes of temperature-sensitive quartz crystals used in the energy transfer probe. The condition of the surfaces was continuously monitored by a quartz crystal microbalance to determine the effect surface contamination had on energy accommodation. Results are given on the computer analysis and laboratory tests performed to optimize the operation of the energy transfer probe. Data are also given on the bombardment of OGO-6 surfaces by high energy particles. The thermoelectrically-cooled quartz crystal microbalance is described in terms of its development and applications

    T-cell modulation for the treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis with efalizumab (Raptiva (TM)): Mechanisms of action

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    Psoriasis is a chronic, incurable, auto-immune disorder with cutaneous manifestations. New evidence on the central role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of psoriasis increasingly provides insight into pathogenic steps that can be modulated to provide disease control. Numerous biological therapies are in various stages of clinical development, with expectation of providing enhanced safety and efficacy over currently available psoriasis therapies. Efalizumab, a recombinant humanized monoclonal IgG1 antibody, is a novel targeted T-cell modulator that inhibits multiple steps in the immune cascade that result in the production and maintenance of psoriatic plaques, including initial T-cell activation and T-cell trafficking into sites of inflammation, including psoriatic skin, with subsequent reactivation in these sites. This article reviews the pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic and clinical effects observed during phase I, II and III efalizumab trials in patients with moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Epstein-Barr virus infections and DNA hybridization studies in posttransplantation lymphoma and lymphoproliferative lesions: The role of primary infection

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    Fourteen patients who developed B cell lymphomas or lymphoproliferative lesions after kidney, liver, heart, or heart-lung transplantation in Pittsburgh during 1981-1983 had active infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)of the primary (six patients), reactivated (seven patients), or chronic (one patient) type. In transplant patients without tumors, the incidence of EBV infection was 30% (39 of 128). Only three of these patients had primary infections. Thus the frequency of active infection was significantly higher in patients with tumors, and patients with primary infections were at greater risk of developing tumors. Five of 13 tumors tested contained EBV nuclear antigen (EBNA) and nine of 11 contained EBV genomes detected by DNA-DNA hybridization with BamHI K, BamHI W, or EcoRI B cloned probes. All EBNA-positive tumors, except one, were also positive by hybridization. Only one tumor was negative for both EBNA and EBV DNA. These data suggest that EBV plays an etiologic role in the development of these lesions. © 1985 by The University of Chicago

    Multi-omics responses in tree swallow (\u3ci\u3eTachycineta bicolor\u3c/i\u3e) nestlings from the Maumee Area of Concern, Maumee River, Ohio

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    A multi-omics approach was utilized to identify altered biological responses and functions, and to prioritize contaminants to assess the risks of chemical mixtures in the Maumee Area of Concern (AOC), Maumee River, OH, USA. The Maumee AOC is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as having significant beneficial use impairments, including degradation of fish and wildlife populations, bird or animal deformities or reproduction problems, and loss of fish and wildlife habitat. Tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings were collected at five sites along the Maumee River, which included wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and industrial land-use sites. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated dibenzo p dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), and chlorinated pesticide concentrations were elevated in Maumee tree swallows, relative to a remote reference site, Star Lake, WI, USA. Liver tissue was utilized for non-targeted transcriptome and targeted metabolome evaluation. A significantly differentially expressed gene cluster related to a downregulation in cell growth and cell cycle regulation was identified when comparing all Maumee River sites with the reference site. There was an upregulation of lipogenesis genes, such as PPAR signaling (HMGCS2, SLC22A5), biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids (FASN, SCD, ELOVL2, and FADS2), and higher lipogenesis related metabolites, such as docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and arachidonic acid (AA) at two industrial land-use sites, Ironhead and Maumee, relative to WWTP sites (Perrysburg and SideCut), and the reference site. Toledo Water, in the vicinity of the other two industrial sites and also adjacent to a WWTP, showed a mix of signals between industrial land-use and WWTP land-use. PAHs, oxychlordane, and PBDEs were determined to be the most likely causes of the differentiation in biological responses, including de novo lipogenesis and biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids

    Enhancement of electroporation facilitated immunogene therapy via T-reg depletion

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    Regulatory T cells (T-regs) can negatively impact tumor antigen-specific immune responses after infiltration into tumor tissue. However, depletion of T-regs can facilitate enhanced anti-tumor responses, thus augmenting the potential for immunotherapies. Here we focus on treating a highly aggressive form of cancer using a murine melanoma model with a poor prognosis. We utilize a combination of T-reg depletion and immunotherapy plasmid DNA delivered into the B16F10 melanoma tumor model via electroporation. Plasmids encoding murine granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor and human B71 were transfected with electroporation into the tumor and transient elimination of T-regs was achieved with CD25-depleting antibodies (PC61). The combinational treatment effectively depleted T-regs compared to the untreated tumor and significantly reduced lung metastases. The combination treatment was not effective in increasing the survival, but only effective in suppression of metastases. These results indicate the potential for combining T-reg depletion with immunotherapy-based gene electrotransfer to decrease systemic metastasis and potentially enhance survival

    Dacarbazine and interferon α with or without interleukin 2 in metastatic melanoma: a randomized phase III multicentre trial of the Dermatologic Cooperative Oncology Group (DeCOG)

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    In several phase II-trials encouraging tumour responses rates in advanced metastatic melanoma (stage IV; AJCC-classification) have been reported for the application of biochemotherapy containing interleukin 2. This study was designed to compare the efficacy of therapy with dacarbazine (DTIC) and interferon α (IFN-α) only to that of therapy with DTIC and IFN-α with the addition of interleukin 2 (IL-2) in terms of the overall survival time and rate of objective remissions and to provide an elaborated toxicity profile for both types of therapy. 290 patients were randomized to receive either DTIC (850 mg/m2every 28 days) plus IFN-α2a/b (3 MIU/m2, twice on day 1, once daily from days 2 to 5; 5 MIU/m23 times a week from week 2 to 4) with or without IL-2 (4.5 MIU/m2for 3 hours i.v. on day 3; 9.0 MIU/m2i.v. day 3/4; 4.5 MIU/m2s.c. days 4 to 7). The treatment plan required at least 2 treatment cycles (8 weeks of therapy) for every patient. Of 290 randomized patients 281 were eligible for an intention-to-treat analysis. There was no difference in terms of survival time from treatment onset between the two arms (median 11.0 months each). In 273 patients treated according to protocol tumour response was assessable. The response rates did not differ between both arms (P = 0.87) with 18.0% objective responses (9.7% PR; 8.3% CR) for DTIC plus IFN-α as compared to 16.1% (8.8% PR; 7.3% CR) for DTIC, IFN-α and IL-2. Treatment cessation due to adverse reactions was significantly more common in patients receiving IL-2 (13.9%) than in patients receiving DTIC/IFN-α only (5.6%). In conclusion, there was neither a difference in survival time nor in tumour response rates when IL-2, applied according to the combined intravenous and subcutaneous schedule used for this study, was added to DTIC and IFN-α. However, toxicity was increased in melanoma patients treated with IL-2. Further phase III trials with continuous infusion and higher dosages must be performed before any final conclusions can be drawn on the potential usefulness of IL-2 in biochemotherapy of advanced melanoma. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    A Syngeneic Orthotopic Murine Model of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in the C57/BL6 Mouse Using the Panc02 and 6606PDA Cell Lines

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    Background/Aims: To develop a clinically relevant immunocompetent murine model to study pancreatic cancer using two different syngeneic pancreatic cancer cell lines and to assess MRI for its applicability in this model. Methods: Two cell lines, 6606PDA and Panc02, were employed for the experiments. Cell proliferation and migration were monitored in vitro. Matrigelâ„¢ was tested for its role in tumor induction. Tumor cell growth was assessed after orthotopic injection of tumor cells into the pancreatic head of C57/BL6 mice by MRI and histology. Results: Proliferation and migration of Panc02 were significantly faster than those of 6606PDA. Matrigel did not affect tumor growth/migration but prevented tumor cell spread after injection thus avoiding undesired peritoneal tumor growth. MRI could reliably monitor longitudinal tumor growth in both cell lines: Panc02 had a more irregular finger-like growth, and 6606PDA grew more spherically. Both tumors showed local invasiveness. Histologically, Panc02 showed a sarcoma-like undifferentiated growth pattern, whereas 6606PDA displayed a moderately differentiated glandular tumor growth. Panc02 mice had a significantly shorter (28 days) survival than 6606PDA mice (50 days). Conclusion: This model closely mimics human pancreatic cancer. MRI was invaluable for longitudinal monitoring of tumor growth thus reducing the number of mice required. Employing two different cell lines, this model can be used for various treatment and imaging studies
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