11 research outputs found

    Financial innovations and new tools in finance

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    A benefit in and of itself is not what makes innovation so valuable. In order to make the company ‘more innovative,’ you might hear someone advise a certain course of action. Additionally, a company’s ability to innovate successfully can serve as a magnet for the best and brightest in the industry. They become steadfast employees who appreciate the opportunity to be part of the company’s innovation efforts. Managing innovation is a systematic strategy to implement changes that aim to improve a company’s products, processes, or overall position. There must be an increase in sales or customer satisfaction, a stronger working relationship between the company’s many divisions, or a better working environment for employees as a result of the changes. Financing innovation refers to the development of new financial products, services, or procedures. Throughout the years, innovations in financial instruments and payment methods have fuelled financial innovation. Bank performance depends on financial innovation because it has the potential to boost the industry’s efficiency and profitability. Banks utilise financial and organisational innovation to save money and improve the sector. Using a cash dispensing machine provides users with an ability to withdraw money whenever and wherever they want. With a single click, you can receive or pay cash via mobile banking. This is a great choice for people who do not feel comfortable going to typical bank offices. With negligible transaction costs, it is one of the most cost-effective ways to evaluate financial services

    Coexistence, cooperation, and competition between banks and non-banking entities

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    Financial stability is essential for the functioning of the economy, and competition between banks is seen as an essential factor for their stability. Reframing the conflict and each party’s goals in such a way that they are mutually dependent increases a party’s chances of reaching an agreement. This study investigates the relationship between bank size and the institution’s stability. Government regulators and anyone else’s ability to keep an eye on the entire financial system is jeopardized when large portions of it are left largely unregulated. Price competition (marginal-cost pricing) reduces the market power of a single firm as the number of firms in an industry grows. Since the 1990s, the banking industry, according to previous studies, has been experiencing concentration and competition. Some argue that the lack of technology in small banks may put them at an advantage in terms of customer satisfaction, but this is not necessarily the case

    Sustainable Development in The Academic Community as an Opportunity to Develop The Awareness of Urban and Rural Residents

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    The purpose of the article is to present the activities carried out by the Warsaw School of Economics, including the Department of Economics and Finance of the Local Government, aimed at both activities aimed at the diversified development of the broader sense - the activities of the Universities in this respect and in the strict sense, i.e. the activities of one of the departments, i.e. the Department of Economics and Finance of the Local Government within research and development at the local government level. The activities in the area of sustainable development include the membership to the Sustainable Development Goals Accord, the seat of the Polish branch of OIKOS International . On the other hand, activities in the field of sustainable development strictly mean activities in the field of research and development as well as conducting lectures and postgraduate studies in the field of sustainable development in the broad sense of the word. These activities are carried out by the mentioned department. The activities are therefore implemented on a large scale in order to increase the promotion of the idea of sustainable development in order to support the idea of sustainable development at every possible level, from national to local

    Enhancing waste resource efficiency: circular economy for sustainability and energy conversion

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    This study explores optimizing waste resource efficiency through the Circular Economy (CE) framework. Motivated by the imperative to enhance resource efficiency and mitigate waste’s environmental impact, we examine the CE concept’s extension of product life cycles, while minimizing waste. We conduct a comprehensive review to explore the core CE principles across all stages of the product lifecycle and provide an in-depth analysis of waste treatment practices in Poland, emphasizing potential energy conversion methods like biogas production and incineration. Our findings underscore the importance of prioritizing waste incineration plant design for quicker payback, aligning with circular rational economic practices. Strategies such as improving biogas production, establishing solid bio-waste fermentation facilities, promoting sortable packaging, and incentivizing sustainable sorting emerge to optimize waste management. These findings highlight the pivotal role of economic, environmental, and energy considerations in shaping sustainable waste management strategies

    The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in agriculture and its impact on economy

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    In terms of the economy, agriculture plays a significant role. In agriculture, automation has become a major concern and a hot topic around the world. Food and employment demand are rising as a result of a rapidly expanding population. Using the new methods, billions of people were able to meet their dietary needs while also gaining employment opportunities. Farming has undergone an enormous change thanks to artificial intelligence. Crop yields have been protected by this technology from a variety of threats, including climate change, population growth, labour shortages, and concerns about global food security. Weeding, spraying, and irrigation are just a few of the many uses for artificial intelligence in agriculture that this paper examines in detail, with the help of sensors and other tools built into machine and drones. Water, pesticide, herbicide, and soil fertility use, as well as labour use, are all reduced thanks to these new technologies, which boost output while also improving product quality. Robots and drones are being used for weeding in agriculture, and this paper compiles the findings of numerous researchers to give readers an overview of the current state of automation in agriculture. Soil water sensing techniques and two automated weeding methods are discussed. It is discussed in this paper how drones can be used for spraying and crop monitoring, as well as the various methods they can employ

    e. The use of blockchain technology to improve the food supply chain

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    The purpose of the article is to show how to use relatively new and very innovative Blockchain technology to improve the food supply chain. In countries such as the United States or Thailand is starting to be an indispensable element in the agri-food sector. At the outset, it should be said what the Blockchain technology is, the use of which is becoming very broad in many sectors of the economy, including in the area of monetary policy of the state. It is used when creating virtual money, i.e. cryptocurrencies, which, despite the controversy they arouse, as well as the world of virtual finance in the COVID-19 era, begin to play a significant role. Blockchain (BCT) in the case of the food supply chain, despite the fact that it is a relatively new digital technology, may revolutionize its functioning. This technology is designed to provide the possibility of storing information in a database of transactions and products, which is decentralized and distributed and not susceptible to changes and manipulations. BCT believes it can play a positive role in ensuring food safety and quality. The main benefit of using this technology is the increased transparency of food supply chains. BCT makes it possible to increase the efficiency of tracking systems and identification of agri-food products in the supply chain. This means that thanks to BTC, it is possible to reduce the number of cases of food adulteration and the unauthorized use of food quality certificates. Nevertheless, BCT, due to the fact that it is a new technology, is not fully developed, i.e. the possibility of scaling BCT may turn out to be ineffective in more extensive and complex supply chains including multi-component products. In addition, it should be remembered that this technology is associated with barriers of a social, economic, legal and financial nature, which may adversely affect the further use of BCT in food supply chains. Despite the growing interest of agri-food sector enterprises in using BCT, its implementation in food supply chains may progress slowly


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    A financial system is a network of institutions, regulations, and financial products and services available on a given market. We have local law as a basis. We have institutions that create and enforce them. Important entities are centres that provide financial services, such as banks, stock exchanges and brokers. After all, we have different products and services. From simple ones as bank accounts and deposits, through various forms of loans, to derivatives. Finally, we have clients who use this financial booth. On the one hand, all this is done to provide capital where it is needed and can be used best. On the other hand, provide a profit to the capital providers. The third important function of the financial system is to eliminate the risk of various economic activities. A developed, healthy financial system is the basis for the development of a strong economy. DeFi, on the other hand, is a decentralized financial system, which means that it does not have one central organization or institution that would be responsible for the entire system or its individual elements. Decentralization is possible because DeFi is based on a public blockchain using smart contracts. This article will present both the DeFi mechanism and the overall issue of finance-technology and its impact on the world of traditional finance, in particular that at the moment in the COVID-19 era, cashless services, e-commerce and the search for capital investment opportunities in new funded sources has become the number one topic among researchers / scientists and investors. This article will present both the DeFi mechanism and the overall issue of finance-technology and its impact on the world of traditional finance, in particular that at the moment in the COVID-19 era, cashless services, e-commerce and the search for capital investment opportunities in new funded sources has become the number one topic among researchers / scientists and investors. It should be emphasized that virtual finance, including the virtual circulation of money, minimize the need for interpersonal contacts to zero. This is important because the use of funds and shopping in the comfort of your own home reduces the need for interpersonal contacts, which at the same time contributes to the spread of the virus among people. On the other hand, the DeFi market is still in its infancy and is largely undervalued given its potential to disrupt the traditional financial sector - hence its enormous growth potential


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    The purpose of this article is to present the cryptocurrency market from the perspective of its acceptability as a means of payment in e-commerce. It should be emphasized here that considered in this perspective are only legally operating economic entities that accept payments in, among others, bitcoins for their activities. It should be emphasized that a positive attitude to this form of settlements automatically increases confidence in cryptocurrencies, as well as greater recognition of them, which at the same time conditions their further development. It is not without significance that the largest number of companies carrying out such settlements in the US is dictated by the fact that it is the most advanced market in this respect, the so-called high-tech trade turnover in e-commerce. In the case of Europe, the best developed economies like Germany or Great Britain lead the way. It is worth emphasizing that not so long ago, i.e. before COVID-19, payments in cryptocurrencies were not significant in countries such as Middle East or Asia. It resulted from unfavourable legal regulations in the countries of the region, such as China. However, the pandemic and the ubiquitous form of contactless payment, the purpose of which is to minimize contact for the benefit and protection of health, has caused the world of virtual finance, including cryptocurrencies, to have more and more supporters, for example because of the aforementioned minimal or even zero money-money contact. This is especially new in the case of cryptocurrencies, as the very idea of their formation and the circulation mechanism break the assumptions of traditionally adopted paradigms in economic sciences, where the Central Bank is the issuer of money and money operates in centralized circulation, which in the case of cryptocurrencies is not completely reflected. It should be emphasized, however, that in today\u27s dynamically and unpredictably changing times, the search for new payment solutions or capital investment opportunities, which are provided by cryptocurrencies, arouses more interest

    Integrated approach to education management: Innovative strategies and methods in combining pedagogy and management in a modern school

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    Objectives A scientific article entitled 'Integrated Approach to Education Management: Innovative Strategies and Methods in Combining Pedagogy and Management' discusses the complexity of educational management in the context of contemporary challenges. The authors examine how innovation can affect the effectiveness and efficiency of education systems. They pay attention to key aspects such as system adaptability, cultural diversity and technological support in teaching. Material and methods A variety of research methods were used in the article, including literature analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and case studies. The data set comes from a variety of sources, including official databases, a survey of teachers and students, and direct observation. The research methodology has been designed in such a way as to take into account both quantitative and qualitative aspects, which enables a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of education management. Results The results of the study indicate several key aspects of education management that have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the system. It has been identified that innovation in management is strongly associated with positive educational outcomes. It has also been noted that education systems that are more open to innovation have higher student performance and outcomes. Conclusions The article ends with a synthesis of the results and recommendations for practice and further research. It was emphasized that education management is a complex process that requires an integrated approach and taking into account many variables. It was also emphasized that innovation and effective management are key elements in achieving success in education

    Risk Management in the Area of Bitcoin Market Development: Example from the USA

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    This paper explores the relationship between Bitcoin returns, the consumer price index, and economic policy uncertainty. Employing the QARDL method, this study examines both short- and long-term dynamics between macroeconomic factors and Bitcoin returns. Our analysis of monthly time series data from January 2011 to November 2023 reveals that volatile US economic policy indicators, such as high economic policy uncertainty, volatile inflation, and rising interest rates, have recently exerted a negative impact on Bitcoin returns. This study shows that these results are true not only for traditional money but also for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, despite their cardinal features. Its decentralized nature, indicating that it has no physical representation, is not tied to any authority or national economy and relies on a complex algorithm to track transactions. Further, it yields volatile returns that depend on macroeconomic indicators