209 research outputs found

    Wolność nie tylko dla ludzi. Polskie środowiska anarchistyczne i lewicowe w walce o prawa zwierząt

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    Anarchism is a set of brood doctrines, thoughts and philosophies that,despite some differences in worldview and the social, cultural and economic changes resulting from successive historical periods, still today focuses on the struggle against the social insjustices that stem from capitalism and hierarchical social structures. However contemporary schools of anarchism in their theory and practice began to operate in other fields, going beyond social problems, focusing, among others, on the fight against environmental degradation, criticism of consumerism, artistic activities to promote specific ideas.The recognition of other problems by contemporary anarchists in the reality around them has led to the emergence of new anarchist school such as GreenAnarchism and Querker Anarchism. At he turn of the XX and XXI centuries, anarchisms associated with pro environtmental and anti-technological attitudes beganto be interested in problems realated to the place of animals in capitalism, their exploitation and the lack of legal protection for represcutatives of the world of fauna.Also the polish anarchist circles formin in the 80s and 90s of the 20 twentieth century were aware that their duty is also to fight for the improvement of conditions of animals functioning in human homes, farm and wild areas. However, in a more radical form, the struggle for animal rights was to take the form of full animal liberation (destruction of animal farms, promotion of veganism, opposition to keeping animals in zoological parks).The aim of this article is to present the attitude towards animals and their rights, autonomy, together with the methods undertaken to improve their conditions by Polish anarchists and representatives of various left-wing circles (similar to anarchism in their outlook on the world, e. g. addressing anarchist thought in their press) achive in the years 1980–2020.Anarchizm, stanowiąc zespół doktryn, myśli i filozofii, mimo pewnych różnic światopoglądowych oraz zmian społecznych, kulturalnych i ekonomicznych wynikających z następujących po sobie okresów historycznych, do dzisiaj skupia się na walce z niesprawiedliwościami społecznymi mającymi rodzić się z kapitalizmu oraz hierarchicznych struktur społecznych. Jednakże współczesne szkoły anarchizmu w swojej teorii oraz praktyce zaczęły działania na innych polach, wychodząc poza problemy społeczne, skupiając się m.in. na walce z degradacją środowiska naturalnego, krytyce konsumpcjonizmu, działalności artystycznej, mającej propagować określone idee. Dostrzeżenie innych problemów przez współczesnych anarchistów w otaczającej ich rzeczywistości, doprowadziło do powstania nowych nurtów anarchizmu, takich jak zielony anarchizm czy anarchizm querrowy. Anarchizmy związane z postawami proekologicznymi i antytechnologicznymi zaczęły zyskiwać coraz większą popularność na przełomie XX i XXI w. Znaczna część zwolenników zielonego anarchizmu zaczęła interesować się problemami związanymi z miejscem zwierząt w kapitalizmie, ich wykorzystywaniem, a także brakiem ochrony prawnej przedstawicieli świata fauny. Także polskie środowiska anarchistyczne, które kształtowały się w latach 80. i 90. XX w., były świadome tego, iż ich obowiązkiem jest walka na rzecz poprawy warunków życia zwierząt. Natomiast w bardziej radykalnej formie walka o prawa zwierząt miała oznaczać ich pełne wyzwolenie (niszczenie ferm, propagowanie weganizmu, sprzeciw wobec przetrzymywania zwierząt w parkach zoologicznych). Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie stosunku do zwierząt i ich praw, autonomii wraz z metodami podejmowanymi na rzecz poprawy ich warunków przez polskich anarchistów oraz reprezentantów różnych środowisk lewicowych (zbliżonych światopoglądem do anarchizmu, ustosunkowujących się np. w swoich organach prasowych do myśli anarchistycznej) działających w latach 1980–202

    Giant superconducting proximity effect on spintronic anisotropy

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    We investigate theoretically the interplay of proximity effects due to the presence of a superconductor and normal ferromagnetic leads on the formation of the spintronic quadrupolar exchange field in a large-spin molecule. We show that the spintronic anisotropy can be enhanced by a few orders of magnitude, and tuned by changing the strength of coupling to the superconductor. Especially large anisotropy is generated in the vicinity of the charge parity changing transition of the molecule. We also provide predictions of measurable spectral properties being the hallmarks of these phenomena.Comment: Published version, 16 pages, 13 figures (including appendices

    Finding the Optimal Network Depth in Classification Tasks

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    We develop a fast end-to-end method for training lightweight neural networks using multiple classifier heads. By allowing the model to determine the importance of each head and rewarding the choice of a single shallow classifier, we are able to detect and remove unneeded components of the network. This operation, which can be seen as finding the optimal depth of the model, significantly reduces the number of parameters and accelerates inference across different hardware processing units, which is not the case for many standard pruning methods. We show the performance of our method on multiple network architectures and datasets, analyze its optimization properties, and conduct ablation studies

    The onerous consequences of pregnancy and childbirth

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    Pregnancy is a physiological condition characterized by changes in the functioning of the female body. These changes, referred to as pregnancy adaptation, are necessary both for the development of the foetus and are an expression of the mother's defense against an invasion of the tissues of the foetus egg, which is harmful to her body. Large adaptive changes in anatomy, physiology and metabolism determine the proper course of pregnancy and childbirth. Unfortunately, there are also negative effects of these changes - weakened tissues, increased intraabdominal pressure, irreversible changes in the whole body. [16] Childbirth (especially vaginal) leads to damage to the fascial-muscular-nerve structures. These structures ensure proper statics and function of the pelvic floor, and their damage may cause functional abnormalities. [8

    The importance of various aspects of communication with patient in palliative care

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    Communication is an important element of medical care at all its stages. It is particularly important in the care of terminally ill patients. Then the psychological support of the patients and their families seems to be a prime matter while taking care of them. The purpose of this study is to discuss important aspects in communication with a palliative patient such as start time of conversations, culturally sensitive communication, positive emotion communication (PEC), communication with a pediatric patient and talking about spirituality and beliefs. This analysis of scientific publications presents the current state of communication between doctors and patients and also provides guidance on what actions should be taken to improve it. The number of evidence showing the advantages of early and honest dialogue with terminally ill patients (especially pediatric patients) and their families is increasing. As a result of research on communication-based on positive emotions, it has been shown that it is equally important to relieve the negative emotions of the patient and to build a sense of strength and connection. Research shows that insufficient knowledge of clinicians prevents effective communication with culturally diverse patients. Almost all of the parents do not regret talking to their children about their deadly diseases. Supporting them makes it easier to accept the loss of their child and increases their satisfaction. Clearly defining the concept of spirituality can help physicians properly talk about religion and beliefs with patients.

    Mikołaj Spycymir z Krakowa (zm. między 16 a 23 VI 1468 r.)

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