39 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Influence of the Structure And Rate of Taxes And Social Insurance Contributions on Labour Market Using the Stochastically Informative Expert System

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    The aim of this article is to make use of the possibilities of stochastically informative expertise system, adapting it for the analysis of interactions between the tax scale and structure with changes in the labour market. In this article, stochastically informative expertise is understood as a case of expert evaluation, when the expert estimate of the possibilities of the analysed characteristic are presented as probability distributions. The authors aim to constructively merge the idea of stochastically informative expertise with possibilities of correlation and regression analysis methods. On one hand, possibilities of the correlation regression analysis to determine the characteristics and forms of dependencies are achieved taking into account the influence of the indeterminate. On the other hand, the method of stochastically informative expertise used together with possibilities of imitative modelling allows the information obtained through correlation regression analysis to be used for the description by their value probability distributions of the indicators of analysed interactions, this way naturally merging the possibilities of effectiveness and reliability while assessing the interactive processes between the labour market and taxes or social insurance contributions

    Methodological criteria of competitiveness and the practice of application

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    Mokslinėje literatūroje konkurencingumo samprata interpretuojama labai įvairiai. Straipsnyje apžvelgta ne tik šios sąvokos interpretacijų įvairovė, bet ir atskleisti jos turinio aspektai. Nagrinėjamas konkurencingumo pasireiškimas firmos, šalies ir verslo lygiu, atskleidžiami jo esminiai parametrai tarptautiniame palyginimų kontekste. Praktinis konkurencingumo plėtros problemų tyrimas atliktas remiantis Lietuvos socialiniais-ekonominiais rodikliais. Atskleista Europos Sąjungos finansinės paramos įtaka konkurencingumo plėtraiThe concept of competitiveness has many interpretations in the scientific literature. The article revealed not only their diversity, but also the aspects of that concept. The present manifestation of the competitiveness at both the country and the corporate level are analyzed and the essential parameters of it in the context of international comparisons are disclosed. The practical examination of the problems in the development of competitiveness is conducted under the lithuanian social and ecenomic indicators. It shows the EU's financial support impact on the development of competitivenessVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Valstybės pinigai vėluoja

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Ekonomikos konkurencingumo valdymas = Management of economic competitiveness : apžvalga : socialiniai mokslai, vadyba ir administravimas (03 S)

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    Į anglų kalbą išvertė Jovita BagdonavičiūtėVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Entrepreneurship education curriculum changes in the framework programmes of general education schools

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    On the basis of analyzed sources, in the context of strategic education documents of the European Union and of the Republic of Lithuania and of other documents the article discusses the importance of entrepreneurship education and the strategic directions and forms of its public dissemination. Key aspects of entrepreneurship education (and with it very closely related economic literacy) curriculum changes in the constantly updated general education school programs are analyzed