12 research outputs found


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    The aim of the research is to establish the state of honey production based on the current production and economic characteristics in order to predict their tendency for the period 2023-2026. The analyzed data refer to the number of beehives, total production, and yields of honey for the period 2006-2021, which were provided by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. In order to analyze the characteristics of honey production and prices the method of descriptive statistical analysis was applied: arithmetic mean (įŗ‹), extreme values ā€‹ā€‹(min and max), coefficient of variation (CV), and the annual rate of change (r). The analyzed data indicate that total honey production and the number of beehives increased at an average annual rate of 6.09% and 6.27%, respectively, while the yield has declined slightly at an average annual rate of 0.17%. The trend of increasing the number of beehives and total production, and decreasing yields will continue in the prediction period. The purchasing price of honey has a tendency to increase (r=4.97). In 2026, the price is projected to be 5533 euro/ton, which means that the expected price of honey will be higher than the average by 3184 euro/ton

    State and tendencies of production characteristics of wheat and maize in Serbia

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    The aim of the research is to determine the state and tendencies in the movement of production parameters of wheat and corn in Serbia for the period from 2005-2020. Analyzed parameters are harvested area, yield and total production. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the state and tendencies of the observed features. In order to predict the value of production parameters from 2021 to 2023, two methods were used: ARIMA model and extrapolation of the average rate of change of the analyzed parameters. Since the ARIMA model did not give satisfactory results due to a short time series (16 years), annual rates of change were used to extrapolate the production characteristics for the period 2021-2023. Using extrapolation of the average rate of change, the authors concluded that the yield of corn and wheat in the analyzed period showed a tendency to grow, with the areas of both crops showing a tendency to fall. Total wheat and corn production have a tendency to grow when compared with the averages of the analyzed period in previous years. The results of the forecast indicate that the volume of wheat production is expected to be 15.54% higher, and the volume of corn 28.41%, during the prediction period in relation to the multi-year averages of the analyzed period

    Testiranje novih supstrata u proizvodnji rasada bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum L.)

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    The aim was to test new substrates in pot basil nursery plant production. Substrates were prepared using domestic peat from the village of Gaj adding mature manure and fertilizers in various proportions. Eleven substrates were tested. Peat (100%) was the control variant. Manure amounts of 10-15 vol % were added to the remaining variants. Fertilizer formulations 20:20:20 + Me at the following rates 1.25; 1. 85; 2.50; 3. 12 and 3.75 g/l were added to peat. The nursery plants obtained were of excellent quality. The best basil nursery plant quality was obtained using substrates with the manure share of 30 vol% but also with the 1.3 g fertilizer variant.Cilj rada je testiranje novih supstrata u proizvodnji rasada bosiljka u saksijama. Supstrati su pripremljeni od domaćeg treseta iz Gaja uz dodatak stajnjaka i mineralnog đubriva u različitim odnosima. Ispitano je ukupno 11 supstrata. Kontrolna varijanta bila je sam treset (100%). U ostalim varijantama je dodavan stajnjak u količini 10-50 vol%. Tresetu je dodavano i mineralno đubrivo formulacije 20:20:20 + mikroelementi u dozama 1,25; 1,85; 2,50; 3,12 i 3,75 g/l. Dobijen je rasad odličnog kvaliteta. Ispitivanja su pokazala da se najbolji kvalitet rasada bosiljka dobija na supstratima u kojima udeo stajnjaka iznosio 30 vol% i kod varijanti sa upotrebom mineralnog đubriva u dozi od 1,25g

    Primena oplemenjenog domaćeg treseta u kontejnerskoj proizvodnji rasada bosiljka

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    The effect of various substrates in the production of basil seedlings was studied. Peat, originating from Gaj in South Banat, was the predominant component of the studied substrates. Peat was improved by adding different ratios of manure and water soluble mineral fertiliser. The gained result show that the best quality basil seedlings in the container production were obtained with the application of substrates in which the share of manure was 30 vol%. Among different dosages of used water soluble fertilizers, the 1.3 g L-1 dose had the best effect on the quality of basil seedlings. The obtained results are significant for the application and improvement of local peat as the main component in the production of seedlings of medicinal, aromatic and seasoning herbs in Serbia. .Ispitivan je uticaj različitih supstrata u proizvodnji rasada bosiljka. Dominantna komponenta ispitivanih supstrata je domaći treset, koji je oplemenjen dodavanjem stajnjaka i vodorastvorljivog mineralnog đubriva u različitim odnosima. Rasad bosiljka je proizveden u kontejnerima po speedling sistemu. Istraživanja su pokazala da se najbolji kvalitet rasada bosiljka u kontejnerskoj proizvodnji dobija na supstratima u kojima je udeo stajnjaka iznosio 30 vol%. Od upotrebljenih različitih doza vodorastvorljivog đubriva, doza od 1,3 g/l je ostvarila nabolji efekat na kvalitet rasada bosiljka. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja imaju značaj u primeni i promociji domaćeg treseta kao glavne komponente supstrata namenjenih proizvodnji rasada lekovitog, aromatičnog i začinskog bilja u Srbiji.


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    Milk production in developed countries is based mostly on large farms due to the fact that during the development of cattle husbandry on the private farms in the last decades number of producers declined while the number of cows increased. Since the milk production in Vojvodina Province is likely to be based mostly on private farms in the future as well, one of the possible ways to reach the similar level of competitiveness as developed European countries is to gain and increase the concentration of cows on the farms. In the paper organizational and economic aspects of milk production have been analyzed on three private farms with more than 50 cows in Vojvodina Province


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    Measurement of the efficiency of agricultural production is very important issue especially in developing countries. The major problem of the broiler production in Vojvodina region is low level of productivity and inefficiency in resource allocation and utilization. The objective of this study was to measure the economic efficiency of broiler farms using a nonparametric approach, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) which is used to quantify economic efficiencies of broiler farms in Vojvodina region by determining which farms are located on the production frontier and which are not. Data Envelopment Analysis method, one of new methods of operations research, is used very successfully in the last several years for assessing relative efficiency of organizational units having multiple inputs to produce multiple outputs. It was originated by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes in 1978. It is an efficiency estimation technique but it can be used for solving many problems of management such as ranking Decision Making Units (DMU). DEA develops a function whose form is determined by most efficient producers and indentifies a ā€œfrontierā€ on which the relative performance of all utilities in the sample can be compared: DEA benchmarks firms only against the best producers. Furthermore, in order to fulfill the objective of the study, the authors were analyzing the performance of the broiler farms in Vojvodina region, their economic efficiencies. Data were collected from 30 broiler farms from which the input-output data were collected by using a structured questionnaire. The multiple-input, single-output production units (the broiler farms) were evaluated with the individual farms being referred to as individual Decision Making Unit (DMU). For the purpose of efficiency analysis, output (y) were aggregated into one category namely, gross margin of the broiler farms, and inputs were aggregated into five categories, namely, feed, day-old chickens, productivity, used energy and capital. Analyzed broiler farms were classified into three categories according to their production capacities. The first category included farms with production capacity between 5000 birds and 10000 birds per production cycle. The second category included farms with capacity of more than 10000 and less that 30000 birds per production cycle and the third category included farms with capacity of more than 30000 birds per production cycle


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    The share of agricultural population in the total population of Vojvodina is below 11%. The agricultural population of Vojvodina accounts for 26% of agricultural population, i.e. 24% of the active agricultural population of Serbia. Per 1 inhabitant there is 0.88 ha of agricultural land or 0.78 ha plough land. Having in mind that the average farm size is about 3.59 ha of used arable land and that each farm has about 3 separate parcels, it could be concluded that Vojvodina has a very unfavourable property structure. Corn is the most dominant plant species in Vojvodina. It is grown on about 630,000 ha with average yield of 5.3 t/ha, and annual production of about 3.3 million tons. Vojvodina accounts for around 58% of corn production in Serbia. Wheat is produced averagely on 330,000 ha with average yield of about 3.7t/ha and annual production of around 1.2 million tons. Vojvodina accounts for over 56% of the total wheat production in Serbia. The gross domestic product in agriculture is larger than the gross domestic product in food industry, which means that a significant part of agricultural production is spent or exported in raw state, and not processed within own capacities. The share of Vojvodina in gross domestic product of food industry in Serbia (47.3%) is larger than its share in gross domestic product of agriculture of Serbia (39.6%), although the structure of agricultural production in other parts of Serbia is more intensive (vegetable growing, fruit growing and animal husbandry are more dominant). This is due to the fact that in Vojvodina there are more capacities for grain and industrial crop processing. The real capabilities of faster development of Vojvodinaā€™s agriculture lie in the multi-functional development. This means that one part of the agricultural resources will be used in conventional manner by intensifying agricultural production to the limits of sustainable development, a part of the resources will be used for non-agricultural purposes (agro-eco tourism, hunting, fishing and sports tourism and catering, and other services and the production of renewable energy), while a part of resources will by used for organic and safe food

    An analysis of the Serbian poultry meat sector

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    Worldwide production of poultry meat has a steady growth. In Serbia, however, there has been a significant decrease in poultry population, production and consumption of poultry meat since the early 1990s. Numerous factors contributed to the current situation. Firstly, dramatic shrinking of the market due to the disintegration of former Yugoslavia and then of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, followed by the UN sanctions, collapse of big poultry businesses and their unsuccessful privatisation, lack of the state support etc. The paper gives an overview of poultry meat sector in Serbia, including population, production and consumption of poultry meat, and foreign trade. The aim is to examine the current situation in Serbias poultry meat production and put forward suggestions on improving the sector

    Sadržaj nitrata u listu salate u zavisnosti od vrste i doze azotnog đubriva

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    Mineral fertilisers, nitrogen ones in particular, have been increasingly used to help achieving high and stable yields of cultivated plants. In terms of the soil nitrogen supply, nitrogen fertilizers have positive effects on yields, but they are often applied inappropriately and at an excessive rate, adversely affecting the nitrate accumulation in the soil and, hence, inducing an increased uptake by the plant. Lettuce is a nitrophilous vegetable that has a pronounced tendency to uptake nitrates. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of different types and application rates of nitrogen fertilizers on the lettuce yield and the nitrate accumulation in lettuce leaves. The trials were established at TrbuÅ”ani, Čačak, in high greenhouses without additional heating on vertisol during the growing seasons of 2007 and 2008. The trial involved the Dutch lettuce cultivar Sportivo and two types of nitrogen fertilisers, KAN and Urea, at rates of 50, 100 and 200 kg N ha-1. The highest yield was produced by the KAN treatment at a nitrogen rate of 200 kg ha-1, and the lowest in the control treatment. The nitrate content in lettuce leaves showed a tendency to increase with the increasing nitrogen application rate. The content was lower under the Urea treatment than under KAN. The lowest nitrate content was found in the control (196 mg kg-1), whereas the highest was obtained at the highest rate of the KAN application (12,684 mg kg-1), followed by the highest rate of Urea (9,464 mg kg-1). .U cilju postizanja visokih i stabilnih prinosa gajenih biljaka sve se viÅ”e primenjuju mineralna đubriva, posebno azotna. Sa aspekta obezbeđenja zemljiÅ”ta ovim hranivom upotreba azotnih đubriva ima pozitivan efekat, ali se veoma često nestručno primenjuju visoke doze ovih đubriva Å”to se negativno odražava na akumulaciju nitrata u zemljiÅ”tima, a time i povećano usvajanje od strane biljaka. Salata je jedna od povrtarskih vrsta koja pripada grupi nitrofilnog povrća i koja ima izraženu sklonost ka usvajanju nitrata, tako da je cilj ovih istraživanja bio da se utvrdi u kojoj meri različite vrste i doze azotnih đubriva utiču na postizanje visokih prinosa, ali i akumulaciju nitrata u listu salate. Ogledi su postavljeni u mestu TrbuÅ”ani kod Čačka, u visokim plastenicima bez dopunskog zagrevanja, na zemljiÅ”tu tipa smonica, tokom vegetacionih sezona 2007. i 2008. godine. U ogledu je koriŔćena holandska sorta salate sportivo, a primenjene su dve vrste azotnog đubriva KAN i urea, u dozama od 50, 100 i 200 kg N/ha. Najveći prinos ostvaren je primenom KAN sa dozom azota od 200 kg/ha, a najniži na kontrolnoj varijanti. Sadržaj nitrata u listu salate je pokazivao tendenciju porasta sa rastućim dozama azota, pri čemu je niži sadržaj nitrata utvrđen pri đubrenju sa ureom u odnosu na KAN. Najniži sadržaj nitrata utvrđen je na kontrolnoj varijanti (196 mg/kg), dok je najviÅ”i sadržaj utvrđen pri đubrenju sa najvećom dozom KAN (12.684 mg/kg), a zatim primenom najveće doze uree (9.464 mg/kg).

    Price Parities for Vegetables in Serbia - Analysis and Forecasting

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    The paper analyzes price parities of important vegetable crops in Serbia in relation to wheat, which has always been a point of reference in price formation of other agricultural products. The analysis was carried out by means of descriptive statistics for the period 1994-2017 for the following vegetable crops: potato, bean, tomato, pepper, onion and cabbage. The method used for forecasting of the price parities for the period 2018-2022 is time series analysis, i.e. ARIMA models. The research results showed that the price parities of bean, tomato and pepper will increase: from 9.1 to 12.3 for bean, from 1.9 to 3.5 for tomato and from 2.3 to 3 for pepper. The price parities for potato (1.4) and cabbage (1.4) will remain practically unchanged, while the price parity of onion will decrease to 1.5