Testiranje novih supstrata u proizvodnji rasada bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum L.)


The aim was to test new substrates in pot basil nursery plant production. Substrates were prepared using domestic peat from the village of Gaj adding mature manure and fertilizers in various proportions. Eleven substrates were tested. Peat (100%) was the control variant. Manure amounts of 10-15 vol % were added to the remaining variants. Fertilizer formulations 20:20:20 + Me at the following rates 1.25; 1. 85; 2.50; 3. 12 and 3.75 g/l were added to peat. The nursery plants obtained were of excellent quality. The best basil nursery plant quality was obtained using substrates with the manure share of 30 vol% but also with the 1.3 g fertilizer variant.Cilj rada je testiranje novih supstrata u proizvodnji rasada bosiljka u saksijama. Supstrati su pripremljeni od domaćeg treseta iz Gaja uz dodatak stajnjaka i mineralnog đubriva u različitim odnosima. Ispitano je ukupno 11 supstrata. Kontrolna varijanta bila je sam treset (100%). U ostalim varijantama je dodavan stajnjak u količini 10-50 vol%. Tresetu je dodavano i mineralno đubrivo formulacije 20:20:20 + mikroelementi u dozama 1,25; 1,85; 2,50; 3,12 i 3,75 g/l. Dobijen je rasad odličnog kvaliteta. Ispitivanja su pokazala da se najbolji kvalitet rasada bosiljka dobija na supstratima u kojima udeo stajnjaka iznosio 30 vol% i kod varijanti sa upotrebom mineralnog đubriva u dozi od 1,25g

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