120 research outputs found

    From the ashes of the mysterious core helium flash: Whole Earth Telescope observations of the pulsating subdwarf B star PG0014+067

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    One of the remaining mysteries of the stars like our Sun is what happens to them after their degenerate helium core ignites. Stars that represent this phase include the so-called subdwarf B (sdB) stars. The recent discovery that some of them pulsate (Kilkenny et al.1997) opens a window to probe their interiors via astreroseismology. One of the most promising pulsating sdB (sdBV) stars for seismic analysis is PG0014+067. Brassard et al. (2001) reported 16 frequencies in the temporal spectrum of this star. As the authors show in their discovery paper this star indeed has very rich spectrum, too rich to be explained only with low order, low degree radial and nonradial p-modes. Therefore, they propose high I modes to explain all the frequencies observed. A more recent suggestion by Kawaler and Hostler (2005) invokes evolutionary models of sdB stars which have rapid internal rotation. With these models, the rich mode density results from the presence of a few triplet (l=1), quintuplet (l-2) and radial (l=0) modes. As a tool to explore the question of possible rotationally split modes by a rapidly rotating cores in sdB stars, PG 0014+067 stands out as an excellent candidate because of the richness of its observed spectrum. To do so we need to determine, unambiguously, the oscillation frequencies present in the star. That is possible only with better frequency resolution and denser longitude coverage. Therefore, we observed this star with the Whole Earth Telescope for two weeks in October 2004. In this thesis I report the results of this multisite campaign. I find that PG0014+067 does not fit any theoretical model currently available

    Looking at the bright side - The story of AA Dor as revealed by its cool companion

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    Irradiation effects in close binaries are crucial for a reliable determination of system parameters and understanding the close binary evolution. We study irradiated light originating from the low mass component of an eclipsing system comprising a hot subdwarf primary and a low mass companion, to precisely interpret their high precision photometric and spectroscopic data, and accurately determine their system and surface parameters. We re-analyse the archival VLT/UVES spectra of AA Dor system where irradiation features have already been detected. After removing the predominant contribution of the hot subdwarf primary, the residual spectra reveal more than 100 emission lines from the heated side of the secondary with maximum intensity close to the phases around secondary eclipse. We analyse 22 narrow emission lines of the irradiated secondary, mainly of OII, with a few CII lines. Their phase profiles constrain the emission region of the heated side to a radius ā‰„\geq 95% of the radius of the secondary. The shape of their velocity profiles reveals two distinct asymmetry features one at the quadrature and the other at the secondary eclipse. We identify more than 70 weaker emission lines originating from HeI, NII, SiIII, CaII and MgII. We correct the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the center-of-light to the centre-of-mass of the secondary and calculate accurate masses of both components. The resulting masses M1M_{1}=0.46 Ā±\pm 0.01MāŠ™M_{\odot} and M2M_{2}=0.079 Ā±\pm 0.002MāŠ™M_{\odot} are in perfect accordance with those of a canonical hot subdwarf primary and a low mass star just at the substellar limit for the companion. We compute a first generation atmosphere model of the irradiated low mass secondary, which matches the observed spectrum well. We find an indication of an extended atmosphere of the irradiated secondary star.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Comparison between capacitive and resistive electronic transfer therapy and high-intensity laser therapy in pain conditions related to musculoskeletal disorders

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    Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) imply damage to muscular or skeletal systems, which usually develop due to strenuous, repetitive activity, or an inflammation process. The therapy with capacitive and resistive electronic transfer (CRet) and high-intensity laser therapy (HILT) have mainly been applied for pain relief in these conditions. This paper aims to provide an overview of the efficient results of CRet therapy and HILT in managing pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders found in the available literature. Methods: Articles related to musculoskeletal disorders were searched through electronic databases, such as PubMed, Web of Knowledge, Lilacs, Cochrane, Research Gate, and available website search tools. After excluding records that are not clinical trials and studies (such as review articles, patient information, and Ph.D. papers) and articles which did not deal with pain in musculoskeletal disorders, 61 articles met our criteria and were included in the overview. Results: By reviewing the selected articles related to CRet therapy and HILT effects on pain in musculoskeletal disorders, it was found that both therapies have a favorable effect on pain reduction. Conclusion: The selected papers showed that both therapies are powerful tools for pain reduction. Although there are no specific protocols, including the number and frequency of therapies applied and other parameters, in both therapy modalities, pain alleviation occurs during or immediately after a therapy cycle application

    The listeriosis triangle: Pathogen, host and the environment

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen well known for its adaptability to diverse environment and host niches and its high fatality rate among infected immunocompromised populations. Infection in the immunocompetent host occurs but risk factors for the disease primarily points to abnormalities in cell-mediated and innate immunity as major predispositions to listeriosis. After ingestion of contaminated food, this pathogen is able to cross the intestinal, blood-brain and placental barrier and leads to gastroenteritis, meningitis and maternofetal infections which may result in abortion and spontaneous stillbirth. Despite the extensive use of this bacterium in the study of cell-mediated immunity and intracellular growth, our understanding of the host, pathogen and environmental factors that impact the pathogenesis of listeriosis is still incomplete. This review will summarize current knowledge, including our own efforts, about pathogen, host and environmental factors that influence, and contribute to the pathogenesis of Listeria monocytogenes infection

    HE 0430-2457: a post merger extremely low-mass pre-white dwarf in a wide binary posing as an extreme horizontal branch star

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    We report the discovery of HE 0430-2457, the first extremely low-mass pre-white dwarf (ELM pre-WD) in a long period binary (P = 771 +- 3 d). The spectroscopic parameters of the primary are determined to be Teff = 26200 +- 1500 K and logg = 5.40 +- 0.35, placing it in the region occupied by core He-burning hot subdwarf B stars. By comparing the spectroscopic parameters of the K-type companion to stellar models, and using the mass ratio, the mass of the hot primary is determined to be 0.23 Msun. Given that this is too low for core He-burning, the primary in HE 0430-2457 is not an EHB star but a pre WD of the ELM type. As the lifetime of ELM pre-WDs in this region of the HR diagram populated by EHBs is thought to be very short, they are not considered to be part of the observed EHBs. However, the discovery of this system indicates that the percentage of ELM pre-WDs in the observed EHB population might be higher than previously thought. Binary evolution models indicate that HE 0430-2457 is likely formed by a merger of the inner binary in a hierarchical triple system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Epidemiologic Characteristics of Human Campylobacteriosis in the County Primorsko-goranska (Croatia), 2003ā€“2007

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    The aim of the study was to investigate campylobacteriosis incidence in the County Primorsko-goranska (Croatia) between 2003 and 2007 and to find out possible connection with environmental factors (the average monthly temperature and total monthly precipitation). The data (number of stool samples examined, age and sex distribution of patients, monthly distribution of isolates and distribution of isolates according to the species) from the Laboratory for Diagnostics of Enteric Infections of the Teaching Institute of Public Health of the County Primorsko-goranska (Croatia) were analyzed retrospectively. During the observed period 30,164 stool samples were examined for Campylobacter spp. Campylobacters were identified in 1,242 (4.12%) samples. The overall annual campylobacter incidence rate was 81.3Ā±21.9/100,000 population. Campylobacter jejuni was found in 1,093 (88%) and C. coli in 149 (12%) patients. Our findings showed age distribution of patients typical for developed countries. The patients were mostly children under 5 years (484.4Ā±129.1/ 100,000, p<0.001) and between 5 and 9 years of age (226.5Ā±60.5/100,000, p<0.05). Male consistently experienced higher rates, but the difference between genders was significant in the age groups from birth till late twentieth (p<0.001). Campylobacter rates were significantly associated with monthly average temperatures (p<0.05), but not with precipitation. Further investigations into the incidence of campylobacteriosis on the national level are necessary. The causes of the noticed monthly distribution, sources of infection and connection with the routes of transmission in humans need to be elucidated as well


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    In the last decades we have witnessed increasingly pronounced climate change worldwide resulting in environment transformation in various regions by making it not convenient for agricultural and livestock production. The global livestock sector contributes to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission, but on the other hand, it can also deliver a significant share of the necessary mitigation effort. One of the most significant greenhouse gas is methane. Mitigation methods for the methane emissions in cattle can be classified as short and long term. Short-term methods imply increase of production per animal, reduction of number of animals and feeding optimization, while long-term methods imply genetic evaluation and selection based on methane emission variation. Prerequisite for genetic evaluation is selection of optimal indicators and models with high accuracy and easy applicability in routine Animal Recording. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate different models for methane emission estimation in dairy cows based on Animal Recording data. The results obtained indicate that data from regular Animal Recording could be used in estimation of methane emission of dairy Simmental cows enabling the population analysis and genetic evaluation of dairy cattle for methane emission. Given the very high variability determined in estimated methane emission values regarding the used statistical models and aiming high accuracy of genetic evaluation it is recommended to define estimation models for body weight, dry matter intake and methane emission based on parameters (type traits and test-day records) of particular dairy cattle population. The stated will enable genetic evaluation of dairy cattle for methane emission as well as selection of cows with lower methane emission intensity. Finally, this will lead to environmentally sustainable milk production.Posljednjih desetljeća svjedočimo sve izraženijim klimatskim promjenama diljem svijeta, koje su rezultirale preobrazbom okoliÅ”a u različitim regijama čineći ga nepogodnim za poljoprivrednu, a osobito za stočarsku proizvodnju. Globalni stočarski sektor značajno doprinosi antropogenoj emisiji stakleničkih plinova, no, s druge strane, također može značajno doprinijeti mjerama ublažavanja. Jedan od najznačajnijih stakleničkih plinova je metan. Metode ublažavanja emisija metana u goveda mogu se klasificirati kao kratkoročne i dugoročne. Kratkoročne metode podrazumijevaju povećanje proizvodnje po životinji, smanjenje broja životinja i optimizaciju hranidbe, dok dugoročne metode podrazumijevaju genetsku evaluaciju i selekciju na temelju varijacija u emisiji metana. Preduvjet za genetsku evaluaciju je izbor optimalnih indikatora i modela koji su vrlo točni i lako primjenjivi u rutinskoj kontroli proizvodnosti. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti različite modele za procjenu emisije metana u mliječnih krava na temelju podataka kontrole proizvodnosti. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to da bi se podatci kontrole proizvodnosti mogli koristiti za procjenu emisije metana kod mliječnih simentalskih krava, Å”to omogućuje analizu populacije i genetsku evaluaciju mliječnih goveda za emisiju metana. S obzirom na utvrđenu vrlo visoku varijabilnost u procijenjenim vrijednostima emisije metana u odnosu na koriÅ”teni statistički model te s ciljem visoke točnosti genetske evaluacije, preporučuje se definiranje modela procjene tjelesne mase, unosa suhe tvari i emisije metana na temelju parametara (ocjene eksterijera te zapisi na kontrolni dan) populacije pojedinih mliječnih goveda. Model će omogućiti genetsku evaluaciju mliječnih goveda za emisiju metana, kao i selekciju krava s manjom emisijom metana. Primjena navedenoga u konačnici će dovesti do ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljivije proizvodnje mlijeka

    Bacteriemia caused by Actinomyces sp. (Microbacterium hydrocarbonoxydans) in a ten-year-old boy with carious dental - a case report

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    Cilj: Prikaz slučaja bakterijemije, uzrokovane bakterijom Actinomyces sp., kod desetogodiÅ”njeg dječaka s karioznim zubalom. Prikaz bolesnika: Prikazali smo dječaka koji je viÅ”ekratno hospitaliziran zbog ponavljajućih febriliteta i poviÅ”enih upalnih parametara. Tijekom pregleda uočeni su povećani limfni čvorovi smjeÅ”teni uz stražnji rub sternokleidomastoideusa, palpatorno bezbolni i pomični. Unatrag mjesec dana, viÅ”ekratno je dobivao peroralne antibiotike radi tonzilofaringitisa praćenog poviÅ”enom temperaturom. U uzorcima krvi za hemokulturu porasli su gram pozitivni Å”tapići koji su, Api-Coryne sustavom za identifikaciju, identificirani kao Arcanobacterium haemolyticum. Zbog rijetkosti takvog izolata, soj smo poslali na dodatnu identifikaciju 16S rDNA metodom sekvencioniranja genoma kojom se izolira Actinomyces sp., a Microbacterium hydrocarbonoxydans naknadnom identifikacijom pomoću MALDI-TOF metode. Daljnjom hematoloÅ”kom obradom pacijenta dokazan je Hodgkinov limfom. Zaključak: Obzirom da API sustavi identifikacije mogu biti nepouzdani, rijetke i neuobičajene izolate kod sistemskih infekcija i(li) bakterijemija potrebno je identificirati pouzdanijim i modernijim sustavima ili molekularnim metodama. Dostupnost molekularnih metoda i masene spektrometrije u rutinskoj laboratorijskoj dijagnostici omogućit će točniju i čeŔću identifikaciju ovakvih izolata. Ako, kod sistemske aktinomikoze i(li) bakterijemije uzrokovane vrstama roda Actinomyces, nema dobrog odgovora na ciljanu terapiju, trebalo bi posumnjati na malignu bolest u pozadini.Objective: To present a case of bacteremia caused by Actinomyces sp. in a ten-year-old boy with carious teeth. Case report: We presented the case of a boy who was hospitalized several times due to recurrent fevers and elevated inflammatory parameters. During the examination, enlarged lymph nodes located along the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid, palpably painless and mobile, were observed. Over the past month, he had been receiving oral antibiotics for tonsilopharyngitis accompanied by fever. Gram-positive rods identified by the Api-Coryne identification system as Arcanobacterium haemolyticum were grown in blood samples for blood culture. Due to the rarity of such isolates, the strain was sent for additional identification with 16S rDNA by genome sequencing method to isolate Actinomyces sp., and subsequent identification of Microbacterium hydrocarbonoxydans by applying the MALDI-TOF method. Further haematological treatment of the patient proved Hodgkin\u27s lymphoma. Conclusion: Since API identification systems can be unreliable, rare and uncommon isolates in systemic infections and/or bacteremia should be identified by more reliable and modern systems or molecular methods. The availability of molecular methods and mass spectrometry in routine laboratory diagnostics shall allow more accurate and more frequent identification of such isolates. If there is no good response to targeted therapy in systemic actinomycosis and/or bacteremia caused by species of the Actinomyces genus, underlying malignancy should be suspected

    Volume-limited sample of low-mass red giant stars, the progenitors of hot subdwarf stars I. Sample selection and binary classification method

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    The current theory predicts that hot subdwarf binaries are produced from evolved low-mass binaries that have undergone mass transfer and drastic mass loss during either a common envelope phase or a stable Roche lobe overflow while on the red giant branch (RGB). We perform a spectroscopic survey to find binary systems that include low-mass red giants near the tip of the RGB, which are predicted to be the direct progenitors of subdwarf B (sdB) stars. We aim to obtain a homogeneous sample to search for the observational evidence of correlations between the key parameters governing the formation of sdB stars and constrain the physics of stable mass transfer. In this work, we concentrated on the southern hemisphere targets and conducted a spectroscopic survey of 88 red giant stars to search for the long-period RGB + MS binary systems within 200\,pc. Combining radial velocity (RV) measurements from ground-based observations with CORALIE and RV measurements from GaiaGaia DR2 and early data release 3 (eDR3) as well as the astrometric excess noise and RUWE measurements from GaiaGaia DR3, we defined a robust binary classification method. In addition, we searched for known binary systems in the literature and in the GaiaGaia DR3. We select a total of 211 RGB candidates in the southern hemisphere within 200\,pc based on the GaiaGaia DR2 color-magnitude diagram. Among them, a total of 33 red giants were reported as binary systems with orbital periods between 100 and 900 days, some of which are expected to be the direct progenitors of wide binary sdB stars. In addition, we classified 37 new MS\,+\,RGB binary candidates, whose orbital parameters will be measured with future spectroscopic follow-up.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    K2-113b: A dense hot-Jupiter transiting a solar analogue

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    We present the discovery of K2-113b, a dense hot-Jupiter discovered using photometry from Campaign 8 of the Kepler-2 (K2) mission and high-resolution spectroscopic follow up obtained with the FEROS spectrograph. The planet orbits a V=13.68V=13.68 solar analogue in a P=5.81760āˆ’0.00003+0.00003P=5.81760^{+0.00003}_{-0.00003} day orbit, has a radius of 0.93āˆ’0.07+0.10RJ0.93^{+0.10}_{-0.07}R_J and a mass of 1.29āˆ’0.14+0.13MJ1.29^{+0.13}_{-0.14}M_J. With a density of 1.97āˆ’0.53+0.601.97^{+0.60}_{-0.53} gr/cm3^3, the planet is among the densest systems known having masses below 2 MJM_J and Teq>1000T_{eq} > 1000, and is just above the temperature limit at which inflation mechanisms are believed to start being important. Based on its mass and radius, we estimate that K2-113b should have a heavy element content on the order of āˆ¼\sim 110 MāŠ•M_{\oplus} or greater.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Accepted to MNRAS; added new photometry from newest version of EVEREST, which allows for a constrain on the secondary eclipse dept
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