421 research outputs found

    Exploring the impact of covid-19 on social life by deep learning

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    Due to the globalisation of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the expansion of social media as the main source of information for many people, there have been a great variety of different reactions surrounding the topic. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced in December 2020 that they were currently fighting an “infodemic” in the same way as they were fighting the pandemic. An “infodemic” relates to the spread of information that is not controlled or filtered, and can have a negative impact on society. If not managed properly, an aggressive or negative tweet can be very harmful and misleading among its recipients. Therefore, authorities at WHO have called for action and asked the academic and scientific community to develop tools for managing the infodemic by the use of digital technologies and data science. The goal of this study is to develop and apply natural language processing models using deep learning to classify a collection of tweets that refer to the COVID-19 pandemic. Several simpler and widely used models are applied first and serve as a benchmark for deep learning methods, such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT). The results of the experiments show that the deep learning models outperform the traditional machine learning algorithms. The best approach is the BERT-based model.This work has been supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the context of “Fostering Young Doctors Research” (NLP4RARE-CM-UC3M), as well as in the context of “Excellence of University Professors” (EPUC3M17) and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation)

    Spiegelneurone – ein Konzept aus der Neurowissenschaft

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    "Spieglein Spieglein an der Wand... ...wer ist der Empathischste im ganzen Land?" So oder so ähnlich könnte der Werbeslogan zu einer Entdeckung innerhalb der kognitiven Neurowissenschaft Mitte der 90er Jahre lauten, die erhebliche Wellen geschlagen hat. Bei der Entdeckung handelt es sich um die so genannten Spiegelneuronen (SN). In dieser Arbeit geht es jedoch in erster Linie nicht um die Entdeckung an sich. Sondern viel mehr um die um sie herum entstandene Euphorie sowie ihre Auswirkungen und ihren Einfluss auf verwandte Wis-senschaftsbereiche, genauer auf die Psychiatrie und die Sozialpsychologie und deren Konzepte Empathie und Autismus. Nahezu jeder Aspekt der Spiegelneuronen ist umstritten. Gibt es diese Neuronen wirklich? Gibt es das Homolog dazu beim Menschen? Wie sieht dieses Homolog aus? Gehören Spiegelneuronen zur Ausstattung des Gehirns oder werden sie antrainiert? Der heutige Forschungsstand lässt noch keine konkrete Klärung dieser Fragen zu. Aus diesem Grund wird in dieser Arbeit keine konkrete inhaltliche Frage beantwortet. Vielmehr interessiere ich mich für die Frage, in wieweit bzw. ob Spiegelneurone als wissenschaftliches Beispiel für eine gewisse „asymmetrische Rezeptionsträgheit“ dienen können. Damit unterstelle ich, dass eine Entdeckung, ein Konzept aus einem Wissenschaftsbereich Konzepte verwandter Wissenschaftsbereiche beeinflusst. Jedoch findet kein bzw. nur ein deutlich verzögerter Abgleich der in den anderen Wissenschaftsbereichen betroffenen Konzepte bei Neuerungen am ursprünglichen, auslösenden Konzept statt

    La perspective européenne

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    Dans de nombreux pays européens, des recherches en éducation ont eu pour but de comparer les différents systèmes d’évaluation et d’en examiner la validité. Le Conseil de l’Europe a pris l’initiative de tirer un bilan de ces travaux. Cet article présente les principales indications et recommandations fournies aux décideurs en éducation à l’issue de ce bilan

    Efficient uncertainty quantification for mechanical properties of randomly perturbed elastic rods

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    Motivated by an application involving additively manufactured bioresorbable polymer scaffolds supporting bone tissue regeneration, we investigate the impact of uncertain geometry perturbations on the effective mechanical properties of elastic rods. To be more precise, we consider elastic rods modeled as three-dimensional linearly elastic bodies occupying randomly perturbed domains. Our focus is on a model where the cross-section of the rod is shifted along the longitudinal axis with stationary increments. To efficiently obtain accurate estimates on the resulting uncertainty of the effective elastic moduli, we use a combination of analytical and numerical methods. Specifically, we rigorously derive a one-dimensional surrogate model by analyzing the slender-rod Γ\Gamma-limit. Additionally, we establish qualitative and quantitative stochastic homogenization results for the one-dimensional surrogate model. To compare the fluctuations of the surrogate with the original three-dimensional model, we perform numerical simulations by means of finite element analysis and Monte Carlo methods.Comment: 51 pages, 6 figure

    Directing Molière: Presenting the French Master to American Audiences

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on June 6, 2016Thesis advisor: Felicia Hardison LondréVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 93-100)Thesis (M.A.)--Department of Theatre. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2016This thesis examines the presentation of the plays of Molière by American directors for American audiences. How have his works been produced and reimagined by directors from his own country? What are the qualities of successful American productions of a French masterpiece? What is the best way to present these works to American audiences? How have specific American directors put their stamp on Molière? What can Molière teach American audiences 350 years after his death? Chapter one presents a control group in an overview of the works of Molière conceived by French directors for French audiences. Using specific productions directed by Jacques Copeau, Louis Jouvet, Robert Planchon, Antoine Vitez and Ariane Mnouchkine, the importance each director places on Molière and the necessity to bring his plays to life on stage will be traced throughout the twentieth century. Chapter two shifts the focus to three American productions of The Misanthrope. Examining the 1989 production directed by Robert Falls and two 1992 productions in Baltimore and Philadelphia, the techniques of each director are explored to illustrate a path to their creations using three different translations. Chapter three discusses director Kenneth Albers and how early productions of Molière influenced his professional career, through an examination of his work directing The Imaginary Invalid in 1995 and The Misanthrope in 1996 for The Missouri Repertory Theatre in Kansas City. Chapter four presents a case study of a production of The Learned Ladies in 2015, directed by Theodore Swetz at the University of Missouri–Kansas City. As the author of this thesis played a role in the production, he possesses first-hand knowledge of the process. Through interviews with the director, and through the dissemination of the author’s own observations throughout the process, the methodology the director employed is discussed as he shaped the production for a twenty-first-century American audience.Introduction -- Chapter 1. A french foundation -- Chapter 2. The Misanthrope across the United States -- Chapter 3. Kenneth Albers: an American director's perspective of Molière -- Chapter 4. Case study: The Learned Ladies, directed by Theodore Swetz -- Conclusio

    ArqueozoologĂ­a del caballo en la antigua Iberia

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    The horse is one of the species that greater controversies stir up since its process of domestication to the beginning of the different known uses. Although in this synthesis our aim is not to emphasize all the debates, we try to discuss some of the direct and indirect evidences as proof of horse domestication and husbandry and the difficulties and limitations that the archaeozoological studies affront with a generally scarce available faunal record, especially in the recent prehistoric times. Although the functionality of this species results in many cases problematic it is confirmed that in some sites there is a relevant consumption pattern, beside other uses as traction and riding. In some cases horse deposits are included in ritual or burial practises but these few evidences still contrast with the rich archaeological and overrepresented literary record in the Iberian Peninsula at the preroman times.Una de las especies que mayores controversias ha suscitado desde su proceso de domesticación hasta el comienzo de los variados usos a los que ha sido sometida es el caballo. Sin ánimos de exponer más allá de una breve síntesis alguno de los debates en curso, tratamos las principales evidencias directas e indirectas que han servido para abordar su proceso de domesticación y las dificultades a las que se enfrenta la Arqueozoología en el estudio de las limitadas muestras óseas del registro arqueológico, especialmente en las etapas de la Prehistoria más reciente. Aunque la funcionalidad de esta especie resulta en muchos contextos problemática se confirma en algunos casos como un recurso alimentario de primer orden, además de su empleo como animal de tiro, monta y carga. En menor medida, el caballo también está vinculado a depósitos relacionados con el mundo funerario y simbólico, cuyas exiguas evidencias directas contrastan con el rico patrimonio arqueológico y su sobrerrepresentación literaria de las etapas prerromanas

    Contribución al estudio arqueofaunístico durante la Edad del Hierro en la submeseta norte de la Península Ibérica

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología, 199
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