5 research outputs found

    Microprocessor control unit design

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací univerzální řídící mikroprocesorové jednotky, pomocí kterého lze řídit například hydraulické rameno. Tato univerzální řídící jednotka obsahuje běžně dostupné periférie pro komunikaci s počítačem, jako je sériová linka, USB nebo Bluetooth. Tuto jednotku, po doplnění daných senzorů, lze použít jak pro měření, tak pro regulaci. Také lze pomocí této jednotky, zaznamenávat naměřená data na SD/MMC kartu.This thesis deals with a design and implementation of a microprocessing control unit which can be used e.g. for controlling a hydraulic loading crane. This multi-purpose control device contains commonly available computer peripheral components such as a serial line, a USB connection or Bluetooth. When specific sensors are added to this device it can be used for measurements as well as for adjustments. This device also enables to store measured data on an SD/MMC card.

    Findings of joint mobility and muscles flexibility in the 1st year students of teaching program study of Physical Education at Pedagogical Faculty at University of South Bohemia

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    The purpose of this thesis is to determine and compare the condition of joint mobility and muscle flexibility of the students first year Physical Education Specialist Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia. All selected tests are standardized and are selected to comprehensively evaluate the level of the musculoskeletal system. Measurements were performed during the winter semester of the academic year 2011/2012 and all was made personally by author of the work. After processing all the measure values followed statistical evaluation of the condition flexibility in test respondents and comparing the results achieved in men and women

    Microprocessor control unit design

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    This thesis deals with a design and implementation of a microprocessing control unit which can be used e.g. for controlling a hydraulic loading crane. This multi-purpose control device contains commonly available computer peripheral components such as a serial line, a USB connection or Bluetooth. When specific sensors are added to this device it can be used for measurements as well as for adjustments. This device also enables to store measured data on an SD/MMC card

    The influence of physical activity on postural function disorders in school children

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    Title: The influence of physical activity on postural function disorders in school children Objectives: The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the state of postural function of pupils of 4th, 7th and 9th grades, and to measure their physical activity and subsequent evaluation of the impact of physical activity on the incidence of functional postural disorders in these children. Methods: The thesis used methods of observation and questionnaires. Evaluation of the state of postural function was held by observation using test evaluation of posture according to Jaroš and Lomíček. The rate of children's physical activity was detected using a questionnaire. Results: It was found that pupils who are not engaged in any organized physical activity is a greater incidence of functional postural disorders and overall condition of postural function is worse than that of students who play sports. Keywords: physical activity, postural functions, school children, evaluatio

    Faktory ovlivňující výběr střední školy a následného povolání u dětí 9. ročníku ZŠ

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    Závěrečná práce se zabývá problematikou faktorů ovlivňujících výběr střední školy s návazností na následné povolání u žáků 9. ročníku základní školy. Cílem je zjistit kdo a také co hraje hlavní roli při jejich rozhodování. V teoretické části je popsána struktura českého školství a oblasti, které souvisejí s kariérním poradenstvím. V praktické části autor pomocí dotazníku zjišťuje hlavní faktory, které ovlivnily respondenty při výběru střední školy a také jakou roli sehrála základní škola při zjišťování informací o následném vzdělávání