5 research outputs found

    The possibilities of study of Moravian middle age nobility and its seats with the use of written sources – case study Jemnice region

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    The Moravian written sources from medieval age suitable for study of medieval nobility and its seats are better preserved than the same sources from former Czech kingdom, mainly thanks to preserved Land Tables. It was already used in encyclopaedias dedicated to castles and manor houses. To study existence and number of seats of lesser quality – manorial farms attested only by written sources it’s necessary to focus on this problem in smaller regions. In this case we choose region of former judicial district Jemnice from 19th century. In middle ages there was large share of allodium property of lesser nobility there, which make possible to clearly demonstrate the possibilities of study of medieval Moravian written sources

    K historii a archeologii na hradÄ› Levnov (okr. Brno-venkov)

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    Článek představuje keramický soubor převážně z 2. poloviny 14. a 1. poloviny 15. století objevený autory na místě nelegálního výkopu v jádře hradu. Představuje také nový souhrnný pohled na dějiny hradu, o nichž se v literatuře objevují vzájemně se odporující názory, a přináší lingvistický rozbor původu jména hradu.Paper presents set of pottery, fragment of brick and fragment of plastering, which were found on 3rd April 2012 in an illegal excavation at Levnov castle. All artifacts can be in general dated to the 14 century. In paper are also presented new historical and linguistic data, that proove existence of Levnov-castle in 2nd half of 13th century and also allow us to postulate hypothesis, that Levnov castle could be foundation of the last Premyslids

    The possibilities of study of Moravian middle age nobility and its seats with the use of written sources – case study Jemnice region

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    The Moravian written sources from medieval age suitable for study of medieval nobility and its seats are better preserved than the same sources from former Czech kingdom, mainly thanks to preserved Land Tables. It was already used in encyclopaedias dedicated to castles and manor houses. To study existence and number of seats of lesser quality – manorial farms attested only by written sources it’s necessary to focus on this problem in smaller regions. In this case we choose region of former judicial district Jemnice from 19th century. In middle ages there was large share of allodium property of lesser nobility there, which make possible to clearly demonstrate the possibilities of study of medieval Moravian written sources