25 research outputs found

    Class T "Economics" in Bliss Bibliografic Classification

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    Starting from some general thoughts on the relationship discipline-phenomenon within the Bliss bibliographic classification (2. ed.), the article offers an overview of the architecture of a specific field: economics. The difficulties in systematizing the discipline, and the quick diffusion of acronyms and new definitions - created by abbreviation or combination of existing words - lead to a full structural revision of the T entry, Economics & Management of economic enterprise, that at the moment is organized into categories, facets, and subfacets, offering a strict citation order. The system has a linear order, a notation to maintain the listing order, and an alphabetic list of the terms. BC2 is the only example of a classifying analytic-concise architecture fully faceted, updated and coherently developed, even though it is few used outside the United Kingdom, and it still lacks a web interface representing the semantic relations of the system. The influence of BC2 structure on computer science is shown by the FATKS project of the University College London, a project that studies the use of analytic-concise classification systems as the basis for digital resources indexing. Moreover, some ongoing experimentations are demonstrating the potential of this classification to be converted into a thesaurus; in addition, a software for supporting the semi-automatic generation of a thesaurus starting from the input files used for producing the classification and the alphabetic list, is under consideration. The author would thank Alberto Cheti, Claudio Gnoli and Anna Lucarelli for the precise reading and valued suggestions

    A new study of an old sink of sulfur in hot molecular cores: the sulfur residue

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    Sulfur appears to be depleted by an order of magnitude or more from its elemental abundance in star-forming regions. In the last few years, numerous observations and experiments have been performed in order to to understand the reasons behind this depletion without providing a satisfactory explanation of the sulfur chemistry towards high-mass star-forming cores. Several sulfur-bearing molecules have been observed in these regions, and yet none are abundant enough to make up the gas-phase deficit. Where, then, does this hidden sulfur reside? This paper represents a step forward in our understanding of the interactions among the various S-bearing species. We have incorporated recent experimental and theoretical data into a chemical model of a hot molecular core in order to see whether they give any indication of the identity of the sulfur sink in these dense regions. Despite our model producing reasonable agreement with both solid-phase and gas-phase abundances of many sulfur-bearing species, we find that the sulfur residue detected in recent experiments takes up only ~6 per cent of the available sulfur in our simulations, rather than dominating the sulfur budget.Comment: 13 pages, 6 colourful figures, accepted by MNRA

    Nuovo soggettario e WebDewey italiana: strategie di mapping e integrazione

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    The National Central Library of Florence takes care of and develops semantic indexing tools which are usable in libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions. In the last few years, the interoperability between Nuovo Soggettario and other knowledge organization systems, accessible for free on the Web, has increased significantly in order to give users the opportunity to search and identify relevant information from among vast collections and other resources. In this context, one of the most interesting experiences has been the mapping between Nuovo Soggettario Thesaurus’s concepts/terms and DDC’s concepts/notations (in WebDewey Italian version) established and maintained by the BNCF. The criteria adopted for the creation of concordances between equivalent concepts are being clarified continually and are in compliance with the latest international standards and suggestions of the EDUG group (European DDC Users Group). Thanks to the collaboration with AIB, the interaction between the two tools is visible not only in the record of Nuovo Soggettario terms but also in the WebDewey (IT) notations in which the Nuovo Soggettario verbal equivalents are next to those of the LCSH

    Thirty years of Dewey in Italy: the role of the National central library of Florence and the latest developments in terms of interoperability with other indexing tools

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    The aim of this article is to provide a historical overview of the Dewey Decimal Classification with particular regard to the BNCF role, starting from the first Italian translation in 1897 and continuing with the design and development of the Dewey notation's archive in the National library service's (SBN) OPAC, and with the adoption of the DDC for the Italian national bibliography (BNI). Since 2014 the BNCF has been involved in the Italian translation of the WebDewey, and is now working on its interoperability with the Nuovo soggettario Thesaurus, with particular regard to the semantic and technical criteria for the creation of concordances between equivalents concepts. These criteria are in compliance with ISO 25964 and with the recommendations of the European DDC users group (EDUG).La diffusione in Italia della Classificazione decimale Dewey ha beneficiato sin dalle origini del ruolo svolto dalla Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze, che nel 1897 ne ha curato la prima traduzione italiana e che dal 1958 ha impiegato notazioni ridotte per i fascicoli della Bibliografia nazionale italiana. Con la nascita di SBN e del Polo BNCF le attività legate all'impiego della DDC si sono ulteriormente sviluppate. Dal 2014 infine, con l'inaugurazione dell'interfaccia della WebDewey italiana, il ruolo della Biblioteca nazionale di Firenze continua seppur con caratteristiche diverse. La BNCF infatti è il curatore scientifico della WebDewey italiana, e parallelamente si occupa delle problematiche legate alla sua potenziale interoperabilità con il Thesaurus del Nuovo soggettario. L'esperienza in atto e i criteri di mappatura adottati per la creazione di concordanze fra concetti equivalenti sono conformi alle indicazioni dettate dallo standard ISO 25964, e ai suggerimenti del gruppo EDUG (European DDC users group)

    Wikipedia (e i suoi fratelli) per fare rete e migliorare i servizi

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    Solamente cinque anni fa, i bibliotecari, archivisti e operatori museali italiani erano sia interessati sia scettici di collaborare, come professionisti dell’organizzazione della conoscenza, con Wikipedia. Tuttavia, oggi ci sono numerose iniziative e progetti in quest’area, dunque è possibile trovare un terreno comune. I professionisti sono stati coinvolti direttamente come editori, rendendo maggiormente visibili le proprie collezioni tramite la digitalizzazione in Commons e Wikisource, e come mediatori, aiutando i propri utenti a diventare Wikipediani. Recentemente sono nate alcune esperienze con l’obiettivo di integrare i servizi tradizionali (cataloghi, servizi di reference, etc.) e i progetti Wikimedia. La tecnologia dei linked open data incrementa questa possibilità. L’organizzazione dell’enciclopedia libera è piuttosto differente dal funzionamento e dal contesto istituzionale. Sarebbe necessario il monitoraggio delle reciproche influenze. Il coordinamento MAB è stato creato per integrare i servizi e le capacità professionali di musei, archivi e biblioteche. Il MAB è il luogo giusto per professionisti di differente tipologia che vogliano condividere le proprie esperienze. L’articolo presenta i progetti sviluppati in Toscana negli ultimi due anni, principalmente nelle biblioteche e nei musei

    Magnetic hyperthermia and oxidative damage to dna of human hepatocarcinoma cells

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    Nanotechnology is addressing major urgent needs for cancer treatment. We conducted a study to compare the frequency of 3-(2-deoxy-β-d-erythro-pentafuranosyl)pyrimido[1,2-α]purin-10(3H)-one deoxyguanosine (M1dG) and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) adducts, biomarkers of oxidative stress and/or lipid peroxidation, on human hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells exposed to increasing levels of Fe3O4-nanoparticles (NPs) versus untreated cells at different lengths of incubations, and in the presence of increasing exposures to an alternating magnetic field (AMF) of 186 kHz using 32P-postlabeling. The levels of oxidative damage tended to increase significantly after ≥24 h of incubations compared to controls. The oxidative DNA damage tended to reach a steady-state after treatment with 60 μg/mL of Fe3O4-NPs. Significant dose–response relationships were observed. A greater adduct production was observed after magnetic hyperthermia, with the highest amounts of oxidative lesions after 40 min exposure to AMF. The effects of magnetic hyperthermia were significantly increased with exposure and incubation times. Most important, the levels of oxidative lesions in AMF exposed NP treated cells were up to 20-fold greater relative to those observed in nonexposed NP treated cells. Generation of oxidative lesions may be a mechanism by which magnetic hyperthermia induces cancer cell death

    La classe T "Economia" nella classificazione bibliografica Bliss

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    Trascendenza e immanenza

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    AndrĂŠ Neher’s philosophy of history is one of the most original elaborations of Holocaust thought. It is built on the philosophical axes of transcendence and immanence, Jewishly connected in the “middle” (‘emza’) of the irreducible contradiction separating them. The Author identifies this contradiction, borrowing it from the Maharal of Prague, with the law of Everything: a dialectic that does not untie the knots of the past event but implies them. In it the synthetic moment (et et) is based on the datum of an ineliminable “contrariety” (aut aut). The philosophical justification of a system of thought that subverts classical logic, admitting the coexistence of opposites, is realized through the dialectic of space and time, reread in the light of the Jewish notions of “radical risk” and “return”. The arrival point is intrinsically two-faced: on the one hand, history suspended to a “maybe” and its inescapable fatal and golemic risks, from Auschwitz to Hiroshima; on the other hand, history redeemable through the “return” to the Earth (Eretz). The first is linked to the linear and dramatic conception of biblical time; the other to the spatial theology of the Sabbath. La filosofia della storia di AndrĂŠ Neher è una delle piĂš originali elaborate dal pensiero dell’olocausto. Essa è costruita sugli assi (filosofici) della trascendenza e dell’immanenza, collegati (ebraicamente) nel “mezzo” stesso ('emza') della irriducibile contraddizione che struttura il Tutto. E che l’autore eleva, mutuandola dal Maharal di Praga, a legge binaria del reale.  La giustificazione filosofica di un sistema di pensiero che scardina la logica classica, ammettendo la coesistenza dei contrari, avviene attraverso la dialettica dello spazio e del tempo riletta alla luce delle nozioni ebraiche di “rischio radicale” e di “ritorno”. L’approdo è costitutivamente bifronte: da un lato, la storia sospesa ad un “forse” e ai suoi inespungibili rischi fatali e golemici; dall’altro, la storia redimibile attraverso il “ritorno” alla terra (Eretz). L’una è legata alla concezione lineare e drammatica del tempo biblico. L’altra alla teologia spaziale del sabato

    InteroperabilitĂ  fra thesauri generali e thesauri specialistici in ambito economico-finanziario

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    La digitalizzazione dell’informazione, l’invenzione e la diffusione di Internet stanno determinando una vera e propria rivoluzione della cultura dell’informazione, della comunicazione, della scienza, della ricerca e della società. Ad oggi, diventa necessario condividere le risorse e cooperare su scala mondiale e in modo transettoriale. Le biblioteche diventano organi di mediazione che organizzano e presentano in modo razionale e amichevole il “diluvio” di immagini e di informazioni prodotte d..