39 research outputs found

    El Catálogo Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud CNCS en Koha: avances de un catálogo colectivo

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    In the previous Kohaference meeting, the National Library of Health Sciences presented in a workshop the National Health Sciences Catalog (CNCS) when it was in Beta phase. The Catalog, of a public nature and open access, is composed of a data management layer developed in Koha and a new generation OPAC developed in Vufind. A data management interface has been developed in order to allow holdings to be updated automatically from the centers themselves, a document delivery system compatible with interlibrary loan applications and a module for requests management. CNCS was officially launched in November 2018 with the holdings of 266 libraries from every Autonomous Community. The presentation will show the evolution and progress of the catalog since its creation, Beta version and definitive launch, as well as future developments

    El Catálogo Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud CNCS en Koha: avances de un catálogo colectivo

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    In the previous Kohaference meeting, the National Library of Health Sciences presented in a workshop the National Health Sciences Catalog (CNCS) when it was in Beta phase. The Catalog, of a public nature and open access, is composed of a data management layer developed in Koha and a new generation OPAC developed in Vufind. A data management interface has been developed in order to allow holdings to be updated automatically from the centers themselves, a document delivery system compatible with interlibrary loan applications and a module for requests management. CNCS was officially launched in November 2018 with the holdings of 266 libraries from every Autonomous Community. The presentation will show the evolution and progress of the catalog since its creation, Beta version and definitive launch, as well as future developments

    Avances de un catálogo colectivo

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    Catálogo colectivo temático. Reúne fondos impresos y electrónicos de publicaciones periódicas de más de 260 bibliotecas de los principales Hospitales, Universidades, Consejerías de Sanidad, Laboratorios y Centros de Investigación españoles. Carácter público y acceso libre y gratuito Su funcionamiento y coordinación se regula en la Resolución, de 14 de junio de 2018, del Director del Instituto de Salud Carlos III sobre el funcionamiento y coordinación del Catálogo Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud. Responsable: ISCIII - BNCSN

    El Catálogo Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud: Experiencias y desafíos de una herramienta colaborativa

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    In 2012, Carlos III Health Institute, by means of the National Library of Health Sciences and in partnership with the Virtual Health Libraries of the Autonomous Communities, promoted with a public and open nature the National Union Catalogue for Publications on Health Sciences. It can be accessed freely and universally through its webpage and connects with the main ILL systems. This communication addresses the evolution and improvement of the Catalogue from its creation until the present time, its performance in Beta version and final implementation, as well as upcoming developments. In 2014, the first developments of the Catalogue were reported in the 15th National Conference on Information and Documentation in Health Sciences (http://jornadasbibliosalud.isciii.es/posteres/). From that moment on, the bibliographical information from journals and collections of the participating libraries have been steadily incorporated. In 2017, once a new improved version of the application was developed, a beta version of the Catalogue was launched and most of the collections initially uploaded were updated. In 2018, a resolution on the operation and coordination of the Catalogue was published in order to make official ISCIII’s support to this tool, it was officially launched in November of that year, the first meeting of its Technical Committee took place and it began its intensive use. Since the last report was issued in 2014, 9.287 journals and 193.093 collections corresponding to 266 libraries from every Autonomous Community have been added. The number of participating centers has also increased by 54. Moreover, a webpage and a blog have been implemented, the participating libraries receive technical and documental support suited to their needs, a connection with the GTBIB and ILL17 applications has been established, 142 new membership applications have been signed and access statistics have been elaborated. The possibility of a new version of the application, featuring technical improvements, is been evaluated as a future development. CNCS emerges as a collaborative tool of a public nature. Today, we are facing challenges that, when successfully addressed, will lead to improvements that will allow the Catalogue to consolidate and become a constantly evolving living resource, just like the 17 realities that compose it

    El Catálogo Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud: Experiencias y desafíos de una herramienta colaborativa

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    In 2012, Carlos III Health Institute, by means of the National Library of Health Sciences and in partnership with the Virtual Health Libraries of the Autonomous Communities, promoted with a public and open nature the National Union Catalogue for Publications on Health Sciences. It can be accessed freely and universally through its webpage and connects with the main ILL systems. This communication addresses the evolution and improvement of the Catalogue from its creation until the present time, its performance in Beta version and final implementation, as well as upcoming developments. In 2014, the first developments of the Catalogue were reported in the 15th National Conference on Information and Documentation in Health Sciences (http://jornadasbibliosalud.isciii.es/posteres/). From that moment on, the bibliographical information from journals and collections of the participating libraries have been steadily incorporated. In 2017, once a new improved version of the application was developed, a beta version of the Catalogue was launched and most of the collections initially uploaded were updated. In 2018, a resolution on the operation and coordination of the Catalogue was published in order to make official ISCIII’s support to this tool, it was officially launched in November of that year, the first meeting of its Technical Committee took place and it began its intensive use. Since the last report was issued in 2014, 9.287 journals and 193.093 collections corresponding to 266 libraries from every Autonomous Community have been added. The number of participating centers has also increased by 54. Moreover, a webpage and a blog have been implemented, the participating libraries receive technical and documental support suited to their needs, a connection with the GTBIB and ILL17 applications has been established, 142 new membership applications have been signed and access statistics have been elaborated. The possibility of a new version of the application, featuring technical improvements, is been evaluated as a future development. CNCS emerges as a collaborative tool of a public nature. Today, we are facing challenges that, when successfully addressed, will lead to improvements that will allow the Catalogue to consolidate and become a constantly evolving living resource, just like the 17 realities that compose it

    The National Health Sciences Catalogue: Experiences and challenges of a colaborative tool

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    In XVI Jornadas Nacionales de Información y Documentación en Ciencias de la Salud, Oviedo (Spain), 4-5 April 2019. [Conference paper][EN] In 2012, Carlos III Health Institute, by means of the National Library of Health Sciences and in partnership with the Virtual Health Libraries of the Autonomous Communities, promoted with a public and open nature the National Union Catalogue for Publications on Health Sciences. It can be accessed freely and universally through its webpage and connects with the main ILL systems. This communication addresses the evolution and improvement of the Catalogue from its creation until the present time, its performance in Beta version and final implementation, as well as upcoming developments. In 2014, the first developments of the Catalogue were reported in the 15th National Conference on Information and Documentation in Health Sciences (http://jornadasbibliosalud.isciii.es/posteres/). From that moment on, the bibliographical information from journals and collections of the participating libraries have been steadily incorporated. In 2017, once a new improved version of the application was developed, a beta version of the Catalogue was launched and most of the collections initially uploaded were updated. In 2018, a resolution on the operation and coordination of the Catalogue was published in order to make official ISCIII’s support to this tool, it was officially launched in November of that year, the first meeting of its Technical Committee took place and it began its intensive use. Since the last report was issued in 2014, 9.287 journals and 193.093 collections corresponding to 266 libraries from every Autonomous Community have been added. The number of participating centers has also increased by 54. Moreover, a webpage and a blog have been implemented, the participating libraries receive technical and documental support suited to their needs, a connection with the GTBIB and ILL17 applications has been established, 142 new membership applications have been signed and access statistics have been elaborated. The possibility of a new version of the application, featuring technical improvements, is been evaluated as a future development. CNCS emerges as a collaborative tool of a public nature. Today, we are facing challenges that, when successfully addressed, will lead to improvements that will allow the Catalogue to consolidate and become a constantly evolving living resource, just like the 17 realities that compose it.N

    Curso “Gestión de datos de investigación y planes de gestión de datos”

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    Curso del Plan de Formación Interna del ISCIII 2021 de 16 horas de duración en modalidad online impartido por Remedios Melero (IATA CSIC). Dirigido a bibliotecarios, documentalistas, gestores de proyectos o cualquier profesional interesado en proporcionar apoyo en gestión de datos de investigación además de investigadores o estudiantes que quieran llevar a cabo actividades de gestión y organización de datos para sus propios proyectos.N

    Encuesta Biblioteca Virtual de Salud España

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    En 2020 BIREME ha llevado a cabo un Plan Estratégico de Fortalecimiento de la Red BVS, con actividades trimestrales planificadas, ejecutadas y evaluadas por los coordinadores de las Bibliotecas Virtuales de Salud y BIREMEN

    Curso “Formando para formar en acceso abierto en las instituciones de investigación en salud”

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    La BNCS en colaboración con la Escuela Nacional de Sanidad, ha organizado un curso de acceso abierto para formadores, titulado “Formando para formar en acceso abierto en las instituciones de investigación en salud”. Tiene como objetivo dotar a las unidades de conocimiento y a las bibliotecas de ciencias de la salud, de los conocimientos necesarios para asesorar a los investigadores y clínicos, en el Acceso Abierto a las publicaciones científicas y mostrar herramientas, para poder elaborar materiales de difusión y formación sobre los conocimientos adquiridos.N