40 research outputs found

    Retrospective Study of Canine Cutaneous Neoplasia

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    O estudo teve por objetivo estabelecer a prevalência de câncer de pele em cães em casos analisados no Laboratório de Patologia Animal da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Palotina, entre 2010 a 2013. De 1.395 arquivos de biópsia do laboratório, 347 (24,87%) foram categorizadas como neoplasias. As raças mais afetadas foram: poodle (46/13,26%), boxer (27/7,78%), pitbull (19/5,48%), rottweiller (18/5,19%) e cocker spaniel (17/4,9%). A média de idade foi de 7,5 anos. Houve um predomínio de machos (197/ 56.77%) comparado ao de fêmeas (150/43,23%). As neoplasias mais prevalentes foram: Mastocitoma (62/17,87%), Carcinoma de Células Escamosas (35/10,09%), Melanoma (29/8,36%), Adenoma de Glândula Adanal (25/7,20%), Tumor Venéreo Transmissível Cutâneo (24/6,92%), Lipoma (22/6,34%), Histiocitoma (22/6,34%), Hemangioma (18/5,19%), Carcinoma Basocelular (17/4,90%) e Hemagiossarcoma (16/4,61). Outras neoplasias somaram 77 casos (22,19%). Apesar de ser concordante com os resultados de estudos nacionais e internacionais similares, os autores destacam a importância do estudo epidemiológico dos tumores cutâneos caninos e da sua relevância no contexto da oncologia veterinária

    Nonepitheliotropic lymphoma in a dog: case report

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    Cutaneous lymphoma is an uncommon neoplasm in dogs and Boxer, Shih Tzu, Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound and Golden Retriever are predisposed breeds. This report describes the case of a 5-year-old mixed-breed female dog presenting ulcerated and fast-growing skin nodules. Initial cytology revealed a poorly differentiated round cell neoplasm. Excision of nodules was performed due to the emergence of new lesions. Histopathological examination was suggestive of histiocytoma. The lesions recurred after one year, and a surgical excision of nodules was performed. An immunohistochemical examination was carried out to refine the diagnosis, revealing positivity for CD3 markers in neoplastic cells and for HLA-DR in neoplastic lymphoid and reactive histiocytic cells; these findings, coupled with the morphological findings, were compatible with nonepitheliotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Its etiology has not yet been fully elucidated; however, recurrent skin inflammation may be a predisposing factor, which leads to chronic lymphocytic proliferation. Cutaneous lymphoma (CL) causes nonspecific lesions and its classification as epitheliotropic and nonepitheliotropic (NEL) throughout cutaneous signs is difficult, with NEL being the least described form. Animals affected by this form of lymphoma have lymphadenomegaly, firm and multiple nodules that can extend from the dermis to the subcutaneous layer, alopecic and/or ulcerated, often in chest, head and extremities, with rapid progression, which was compatible with the present case. Definitive diagnosis of CL is obtained through histopathology and immunohistochemistry. The aim is to report a case of nonepitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma in a dog, with emphasis on its clinical, histopathological, and immunohistochemical aspects

    Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma in a Bovine

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    Background: Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is a benign tumor derived from odontogenic epithelium and mesenchymal tissue, which forms enamel and dentin. It is a rare neoplasm in all species. One of the most common sites for their occurrence is the anterior mandibules. The prevalence of this odontogenic tumor is higher in young animals and only few cases are described in cattle. The purpose of this article is describe the clinical, surgical and the histopathological characteristic of a fibro-odontoma case in a Jersey Cow. Case: A 3-year-old Jersey cow was presented with a progressively growing mass in the anterior mandible displacing the incisor teeth. The mass measured approximately 12 cm diameter and there was a focal area of myiasis. The owner reported weight loss and eating difficulties. The animal was treated with antibiotics for a few weeks but the conservative treatment failed, and the heifer underwent surgical removal of the lesion. The tumor was sent for histopathological evaluation at UFPR-Palotina Pathology laboratory. Microscopically, the excised mass was poorly delimited, and was composed of tumor cells of mesenchymal and epithelial origin which infiltrated and compressed surrounding tissues. Neoplastic cells were arranged in bundles which multifocally formed dental sacs (dental follicles) of various sizes. These dental sacs were formed by neoplastic ameloblasts, and were surrounded by abundant fibrous connective tissue. The central zone of the tumor consisted of a loose, vacuolated neoplastic stellate reticulum. Mitotic figures were rare, and there was moderate anisokaryosis. In some areas, neoplastic ameloblasts surrounded the stellate reticulum. The presence of a sparse, well-organized basophilic extracellular matrix produced presumably by the tumor cells and interpreted as dentin. These microscopic characteristics led to the diagnosis of an ameloblastic fibro-odontoma. The heifer made a full recovery after surgical removal of the mandibular mass.Discussion: Although rare in all mammalian species, ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is the most common odontogenic tumor in cattle. There are also reports of this neoplasm in humans, cats, horses, sheep, nonhuman primates and rats. Despite being benign these neoplasms may be infiltrative or expansile which make them difficult to be surgically removed. Similar to observed in this case the most majority of these tumors occurs in the anterior mandibules of young cattle of either sex. The ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is a variant of ameloblastic fibroma in which mineralized tissue is absent.  Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is a tumor formed by odontogenic epithelial and mesenchymal tissues which form enamel or dentin (or both). The presence of enamel helps the pathologist to diagnose an ameloblastic fibro-odontoma by histopathology in the slides. Surgical excision of the neoplasm with wide margins should be performed in order to reduce the risk of local recurrence of this tumor, and when well executed they are curative. In this animal there was no recurrence of the neoplasm after a 16-month follow-up. Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, other odontogenic neoplasms, inflammatory lesions due to infectious agents such as bacteria and fungi, and congenital lesions should be considered in the differential diagnosis of young cattle presented with localized swelling of the maxillae or oral cavity


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    A pododermatite plasmocitária fekina é uma doença rara de pele, cuja etiologia é desconhecida. este artigo relata o caso de um felino, fêmea de três anos de idade com sinais clínicos específicos de pododermatite plasmocitária. A biópsia foi analisada no laboratório de patologia veterinária da UFPR - campus Palotina. Ao exame histopatológico observou-se a presença de uma ulcera com intenso infiltrado inflamatório composto principalmente por plasmócitos, neutrófilos, células de Mott e a presença de corpúsculos de Russell. Após o diagnostico o tratamento foi estabelecido com prednisona sem resultados. O veterinário optou então pelo tratamento cirúrgico com crioterapia. Até agora, um ano após o diagnóstico, o animal não mostrou recorrência dos sinais clínicos


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    Uma novilha da raça holandesa foi atendida em Palotina/PR por estar em decúbito lateral e com inapetência, excitabilidade, nistagmo, trismo, opistótono, exoftalmia bilateral, opacidade da córnea direita, prolapso de terceira pálpebra, congestão dos vasos da esclera, espasticidade dos quatro membros e aumento de volume da articulação carpiana e metacarpofalangeana bilateral. Foi realizada eutanásia e o exame macroscópico revelou lesões principalmente na base do tronco encefálico, pequenos nódulos nos ventrículos e espessamento de meninges. À microscopia notou-se infiltrado inflamatório granulomatoso com células gigantes tipo Langhans e vários focos de mineralização. O exame de coloração para bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes Ziehl-Nielsen teve resultado positivo e confirmou a tuberculose cerebral, sendo este o primeiro relato desta forma da doença no oeste do Paraná


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    Um surto de fotossensibilização hepatógena por ingestão de Brachiaria decumbens é relatado em bovinos da raça Nelore. Após um lote de vacas e novilhas (n=320) ser transferido para um pasto de Brachiaria decumbens, vários animais começaram a apresentar diarréia, 15 apresentaram lesões de pele, que estava ressequida, enrugada com fissuras e grande quantidade de crostas, e 80 animais morreram. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue, urina e fezes de alguns animais. O hemograma apresentou alterações inespecíficas e o exame de urina e fezes estava dentro dos parâmetros aceitáveis para a espécie. Foi realizada a necropsia de um animal. O fígado apresentava coloração amarelo esverdeada. Microscopicamente havia pericolangite linfocitária multifocal leve, com tumefação difusa de hepatócitos e hepatócitos com vacuolização acentuada, bilestase difusa, presença de cristais birrefringentes e macrófagos espumosos. No rim observou-se nefrose tubular multifocal leve a moderada com presença de gotículas hialinas na luz dos túbulos, e no lúmen havia células inflamatórias, principalmente macrófagos. Após o sombreamento de algumas áreas do pasto e o inicio do tratamento com hepatoprotetor, antibióticos e limpeza das feridas os animais apresentaram melhora e não ocorreram outros casos de fotossensibilização.O diagnóstico de fotossensibilização hepatógena foi baseado nos sinais clínicos, nas lesões histológicas hepáticas e renais e no relato da transferência para um pasto de Brachiaria decumbens

    Identification of Brachyspira pilosicoli, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Brachyspira intermedia in commercial laying hens and commercial broiler breeders using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in paraffin-embedded tissues

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    ABSTRACT: Bacteria of the genus Brachyspira can cause enteric diseases in birds; thus, this study evaluated the efficacy of the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique for the identification of B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae and B. intermedia using cecum samples fixed in formaldehyde from laying hens and commercial broiler breeders. Samples were collected from 112 birds aged between 35 and 82 weeks that originated from commercial laying and broilers farms. For the initial evaluation, spirochaetes were isolated from the cloacal swabs. Positive samples were analysed using qPCR to identify pathogenic species. Formalized cecum segments of these same birds were then analyzed using the FISH technique with labelled probes specific to B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae and B. intermedia. Forty isolates characteristic of Brachyspira were obtained, of which 14 were identified as B. hyodysenteriae and seven were identified as B. intermedia by qPCR; two samples were positive for both species, and 21 were not characterized. Using the FISH technique, 52 samples were positive for Brachyspira spp., 22 were positive for B. hyodysenteriae, 28 were positive for B. intermedia, seven were positive for B. pilosicoli, and eight were positive for two species. The FISH technique was able to identify significantly more positive birds compared with bacterial isolation followed by qPCR. Thus, it is concluded that the FISH technique was effective for identifying the three Brachyspira species evaluated and can thus be used as a rapid and effective diagnostic tool

    Cardiac Tamponade Secondary to Hemangiosarcoma in a Dog

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    Background: Nonspecific clinical manifestations such as apathy, anorexia and diarrhea are common in the clinical routine, and therefore may mask the severity of its triggering factor. When patients presenting this symptomatology are referred to the care center, it is essential that a thorough investigation is performed to clarify the primary causes of these manifestations, and for this, complementary imaging exams may be necessary. The objective of this study is to describe the clinical and imaging aspects of a canine with cardiac hemangiosarcoma and to correlate with the pathophysiology of the alterations observed, in order to optimize the clinical care of patients with nonspecific clinical signs and affected by this alteration.Case: A 10-year-old Pitbull dog was treated with a history of vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea. Upon clinical examination, the animal presented dehydration level and distended abdomen. On ultrasound examination, hepatomegaly was observed, associated with signs of double layer in the gallbladder wall and the presence of moderate peritoneal effusion. On chest radiography, the cardiac silhouette showed an important increase in size with loss of shape and contours. Dorsal displacement of the trachea, greater contact of the heart with the sternum and displacement of the caudal vena cava were observed. In addition, an amorphous and poorly defined structure with radiopacity of soft tissues was observed in the region of the atrium and right ventricle, causing the obliteration of pulmonary fields. On echocardiographic examination, a significant amount of free anechogenic fluid was observed in the pericardial sac, confirming the suspicion of pericardial effusion, with consequent collapse of the wall of the right heart chambers during systole. Furthermore, an amorphous, poorly defined and heterogeneous structure was observed in the right atrium wall. Due to the location of the neoformation, the patient's general clinical condition, euthanasia was chosen. During the necropsy, the ocular, oral and preputial mucosae were moderately pale. In the abdomen, the presence of hydroperitoneum and hepatomegaly was observed. In the thoracic cavity, hemothorax, enlarged heart were identified and, in the right atrium, a reddish mass was identified. In addition, the lungs were whitish and hypercrepitating at the edges of the cranial lobes; the rest of the organ was moderately hyperemic, hypocrepitating. In histopathological examination of the liver, the centrilobular region showed chronic passive congestion associated with necrosis and multifocal degeneration of hepatocytes. Neoplastic proliferation of mesenchymal cells, moderately cellular, non-encapsulated, of infiltrative growth was observed in the heart. Neoplastic cells formed bundles, with a tendency to organize themselves into small blood vessels filled with red blood cells. The cytoplasm was moderate, elongated, indistinct, eosinophilic and homogeneous. The nucleus was large, unique, elongated, with finely dotted chromatin and sometimes with one or two nucleoli evident. Anisocytosis, anisocariosis and cell pleomorphism were moderate. Interwoven with neoplastic cells, a moderate presence of multifocal lymphohistioplasmocytic inflammatory infiltrate was observed. The definitive diagnosis of cardiac changes was hemangiosarcoma.Discussion: Hemangiosarcoma is a vascular endothelial cell neoplasm with high metastatic power and unfavorable prognosis. When located in the heart, it is commonly found in the auricle and right atrium and the cardiovascular changes caused by this neoplasm as well as the severity of these changes vary according to size and location. Clinical manifestations can be quite nonspecific and are usually associated with hemodynamic impairment, causing signs of right or left congestive heart failure.Keywords: heart, neoplasm, pathophysiology.Descritores: coração, neoplasia, patofisiologia.Título: Tamponamento cardíaco secundário ao hemangiossarcoma em cães

    Aspectos anatomopatológicos do quimiodectoma maligno em um cão

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    O objetivo do presente caso é relatar os aspectos anatomopatológicos de um quimiodectoma em um canino diagnosticado pelo Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Setor Palotina. Os quimiodectomas são tumores localizados na base do coração oriundos de corpos aórticos, quimiorreceptores respiratórios situados próximos ou no interior do arco aórtico, e/ou receptores situados nas artérias carótidas. Foi enviado para o exame necroscópico no LPV da UFPR, Setor Palotina, um canino, macho, boxer, com 12 anos de idade, apresentando histórico de morte súbita e sem nenhuma manifestação clínica anteriormente. Macroscopicamente, observou-se, no átrio direito, uma massa firme, de superfície irregular, enegrecida com áreas multifocais a coalescente esbranquiçadas, envolvendo a artéria pulmonar e a aorta. Ao corte, era macia, enegrecida com múltiplas áreas esbranquiçadas. Não havia invasão intraluminal, porém estava estenosando as artérias pulmonar e aórtica. Microscopicamente, observou-se proliferação de células neoplásicas neuroendócrinas bem demarcadas, altamente celular, de crescimento expansivo e encapsulada, não invadindo a parede do átrio, aorta e artéria pulmonar. Assim, conclui-se o diagnóstico de quimiodectoma maligno devido à presença de êmbolos neoplásicos. Acredita-se que as raças braquicefálicas apresentam maior predisposição a desenvolver esse tipo de neoplasia. Desta forma, os quimiodectomas, os quais podem apresentar-se como assintomáticos, são raros na sua forma maligna e o diagnóstico muitas vezes apenas é confirmado por meio de necropsia, seguido de análise histopatológica