5,668 research outputs found

    Randomized Dynamical Decoupling Techniques for Coherent Quantum Control

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    The need for strategies able to accurately manipulate quantum dynamics is ubiquitous in quantum control and quantum information processing. We investigate two scenarios where randomized dynamical decoupling techniques become more advantageous with respect to standard deterministic methods in switching off unwanted dynamical evolution in a closed quantum system: when dealing with decoupling cycles which involve a large number of control actions and/or when seeking long-time quantum information storage. Highly effective hybrid decoupling schemes, which combine deterministic and stochastic features are discussed, as well as the benefits of sequentially implementing a concatenated method, applied at short times, followed by a hybrid protocol, employed at longer times. A quantum register consisting of a chain of spin-1/2 particles interacting via the Heisenberg interaction is used as a model for the analysis throughout.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Replaced with final version. Invited talk delivered at the XXXVI Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Jan 2006. To be published in J. Mod. Optic

    Enhanced Convergence and Robust Performance of Randomized Dynamical Decoupling

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    We demonstrate the advantages of randomization in coherent quantum dynamical control. For systems which are either time-varying or require decoupling cycles involving a large number of operations, we find that simple randomized protocols offer superior convergence and stability as compared to deterministic counterparts. In addition, we show how randomization always allows to outperform purely deterministic schemes at long times, including combinatorial and concatenated methods. General criteria for optimally interpolating between deterministic and stochastic design are proposed and illustrated in explicit decoupling scenarios relevant to quantum information storage.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, replaced with final versio

    Generalized Entanglement as a Natural Framework for Exploring Quantum Chaos

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    We demonstrate that generalized entanglement [Barnum {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 68}, 032308 (2003)] provides a natural and reliable indicator of quantum chaotic behavior. Since generalized entanglement depends directly on a choice of preferred observables, exploring how generalized entanglement increases under dynamical evolution is possible without invoking an auxiliary coupled system or decomposing the system into arbitrary subsystems. We find that, in the chaotic regime, the long-time saturation value of generalized entanglement agrees with random matrix theory predictions. For our system, we provide physical intuition into generalized entanglement within a single system by invoking the notion of extent of a state. The latter, in turn, is related to other signatures of quantum chaos.Comment: clarified and expanded version accepted by Europhys. Let

    A nonparametric procedure to assess the accuracy of the normality assumption for annual rainfall totals, based on the marginal statistics of daily rainfall: an application to the NOAA/NCDC rainfall database

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    We develop a nonparametric procedure to assess the accuracy of the normality assumption for annual rainfall totals (ART), based on the marginal statistics of daily rainfall. The procedure is addressed to practitioners and hydrologists that operate in data-poor regions. To do so we use 1) goodness-of-fit metrics to conclude on the approximate convergence of the empirical distribution of annual rainfall totals to a normal shape and classify 3007 daily rainfall time series from the NOAA/NCDC Global Historical Climatology Network database, with at least 30 years of recordings, into Gaussian (G) and non-Gaussian (NG) groups; 2) logistic regression analysis to identify the statistics of daily rainfall that are most descriptive of the G/NG classification; and 3) a random-search algorithm to conclude on a set of constraints that allows classification of ART samples on the basis of the marginal statistics of daily rain rates. The analysis shows that the Anderson–Darling (AD) test statistic is the most conservative one in determining approximate Gaussianity of ART samples (followed by Cramer–Von Mises and Lilliefors’s version of Kolmogorov–Smirnov) and that daily rainfall time series with fraction of wet days fwd < 0.1 and daily skewness coefficient of positive rain rates skwd > 5.92 deviate significantly from the normal shape. In addition, we find that continental climate (type D) exhibits the highest fraction of Gaussian distributed ART samples (i.e., 74.45%; AD test at α = 5% significance level), followed by warm temperate (type C; 72.80%), equatorial (type A; 68.83%), polar (type E; 62.96%), and arid (type B; 60.29%) climates

    Group-level Emotion Recognition using Transfer Learning from Face Identification

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    In this paper, we describe our algorithmic approach, which was used for submissions in the fifth Emotion Recognition in the Wild (EmotiW 2017) group-level emotion recognition sub-challenge. We extracted feature vectors of detected faces using the Convolutional Neural Network trained for face identification task, rather than traditional pre-training on emotion recognition problems. In the final pipeline an ensemble of Random Forest classifiers was learned to predict emotion score using available training set. In case when the faces have not been detected, one member of our ensemble extracts features from the whole image. During our experimental study, the proposed approach showed the lowest error rate when compared to other explored techniques. In particular, we achieved 75.4% accuracy on the validation data, which is 20% higher than the handcrafted feature-based baseline. The source code using Keras framework is publicly available.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication at ICMI17 (EmotiW Grand Challenge

    Electronic compressibility of a graphene bilayer

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    We calculate the electronic compressibility arising from electron-electron interactions for a graphene bilayer within the Hartree-Fock approximation. We show that, due to the chiral nature of the particles in this system, the compressibility is rather different from those of either the two-dimensional electron gas or ordinary semiconductors. We find that an inherent competition between the contributions coming from intra-band exchange interactions (dominant at low densities) and inter-band interactions (dominant at moderate densities) leads to a non-monotonic behavior of the compressibility as a function of carrier density.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Final versio

    Long-time electron spin storage via dynamical suppression of hyperfine-induced decoherence in a quantum dot

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    The coherence time of an electron spin decohered by the nuclear spin environment in a quantum dot can be substantially increased by subjecting the electron to suitable dynamical decoupling sequences. We analyze the performance of high-level decoupling protocols by using a combination of analytical and exact numerical methods, and by paying special attention to the regimes of large inter-pulse delays and long-time dynamics, which are outside the reach of standard average Hamiltonian theory descriptions. We demonstrate that dynamical decoupling can remain efficient far beyond its formal domain of applicability, and find that a protocol exploiting concatenated design provides best performance for this system in the relevant parameter range. In situations where the initial electron state is known, protocols able to completely freeze decoherence at long times are constructed and characterized. The impact of system and control non-idealities is also assessed, including the effect of intra-bath dipolar interaction, magnetic field bias and bath polarization, as well as systematic pulse imperfections. While small bias field and small bath polarization degrade the decoupling fidelity, enhanced performance and temporal modulation result from strong applied fields and high polarizations. Overall, we find that if the relative errors of the control parameters do not exceed 5%, decoupling protocols can still prolong the coherence time by up to two orders of magnitude.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Protection of entanglement from sudden death using continuous dynamical decoupling

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    We show that continuous dynamical decoupling can protect a two-qubit entangled state from sudden death at finite temperature due to uncorrelated dephasing, bit flipping, and dissipation. We consider a situation where an entangled state shared between two non-interacting qubits is initially prepared and left evolve under the environmental perturbations and the protection of external fields. To illustrate the protection of the entanglement, we solve numerically a master equation in the Born approximation, considering independent boson fields at the same temperature coupled to the different error agents of each qubit
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